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Common Sense - Scriptural Evidence-------The saintly devotees of the past, and certainly His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada advise strict guidance of the Vedic scriptures. The greatest Vaisnava theologians and philosophers, incarnations of God, also make the point we have common sense and rationality. If this were not the case, of what use would scriptures be, which require rationality to study, understand, and apply?We hear repeatedly in Vaisnava scriptures, what usually happens to someone who severely wounds an elevated Vaisnava, a devout greatly self realized devotee of God. Whether wounding emotionally or physically, scriptural evidence gives strong evidence such a person quickly suffers severe reaction.And, even a moderate offence causes the offender to lose their devotion to Krishna, Gd, and usually become involved in sinful activities. Quickly. Not years or months later. Soon!---So here is common sense and scriptural evidence about something. Both.Suppoe we hear accused of horrendously, fiendishly, maliciouslly causing pain, suffering, death to a fabulously elevated saintly devotee of Gd? A person with a long history of strong devotion.Based on what Krishna Himself has said will happen to such a person, and based upon what many narratives from scripture illustrate will assuredly occured?One thing we can know, such an accused person, if they are actually guilty of such heinous crimes, they will in no way flourish in devotion to God, or even remain a the same level of devotion.At the least! More likely, they will become inimical to Gd and His devotees, addicted to sinful activities, and deeply, deeply disturbed at heart, if not suffering some horrible disease. Quickly. Within weeks or months. ---If the accused person has show nil, nor no evidence of the above, we should be very doubtful they actually did what they are accused of.This is called "common sense", being guided by Gd, Saints, and Scripture.Also, if there is an opportunity to hear plentiful audio conviersations between the accused people, and the supposed victim of gross hurt, and those conversations, over years, clearly indicate, by mannerisms, tone of voice, and similar indications that there was an obvious warmth of feeling towards their supposed victim, that is another common sense way of judging the probability of their perpetuating a devlish crime upon the saintly person."--I could copy/paste a dozen narratives from scripture, from elevated pure souls to support the above. They are available.Below is one. We can understand from all this, that it would take a deliberate, extraordinary decision by Lord Krishna to allow such a thing to happen. For some reason(s). of His own.At the very least devotees who seriously offend/hurt elevated devotees assuredly lose interest in God activities, and more likely suffer much worse.Why would someone ignore the above, and despite common sense and scriptural evidence, without 110% evidence insist someone, accuse someone of tremendously hurting a pure devotee of Gd?Why indeed? At least that's what I think. In a court they carefully examine the quality of relationships over time to figure out to what extent there could of been inner hate enough to motivate a murder. ... See MoreSee Less
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Life and Joy Beyond Death---Bhagavad gita"Beyond the material sky, further than we can see with our eyes and beyond the sevenfold coverings of the universe, there is the Causal Ocean, in which all the universes are floating like footballs, and beyond the Causal Ocean there is an unlimited span of spiritual sky generally known as the effulgence of Brahman. Within this effulgence there are innumerable spiritual planets, and they are known as the Vaikuṇṭha planets. Each and every Vaikuṇṭha planet is many, many times bigger than the biggest universe within the material world, and in each of them there are innumerable inhabitants who look exactly like Lord Viṣṇu. These inhabitants are known as the Mahā-pauruṣikas, or persons directly engaged in the service of the Lord. They are happy in those planets and are without any kind of misery, and they live perpetually in full youthfulness, enjoying life in full bliss and knowledge without fear of birth, death, old age or disease, and without the influence of kāla, eternal time. Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira has compared the inhabitants of Dvārakā to the Mahā-pauruṣikas of Vaikuṇṭhaloka because they are so happy with the Lord. In the Bhagavad-gītā there are many references to the Vaikuṇṭhalokas, and they are mentioned there as mad-dhāma, or the kingdom of the Lord."-by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadamore > ... See MoreSee Less
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Spiritual Love Krishna Love--"..Even the transcendental wives of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa did not know completely the unfathomable glories of the Lord. This ignorance is not mundane because there is some action of the internal potency of the Lord in the exchange of feelings between Him and His eternal associates. The Lord exchanges transcendental relations in five ways, as proprietor, master, friend, son and lover, and in each of these pastimes He plays fully by the potency of yogamāyā, the internal potency. He plays exactly like an equal friend with the cowherd boys, or even with friends like Arjuna; He plays exactly like a son in the presence of Yaśodāmātā; He plays exactly like a lover in the presence of the cowherd damsels; and He plays exactly like a husband in the presence of the queens of Dvārakā. Such devotees of the Lord never think of the Lord as the Supreme, but think of Him exactly as a common friend, a pet son, or a lover or husband very much dear to heart and soul."more > ... See MoreSee Less
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