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Absolute - Never Ending Sunshine--Dec 10rh, 1966 NY A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Just like I have several times explained before you that in the spiritual absolute identity, one minus one equal to one and one plus one equal to one. So although innumerable energies are coming out of the supreme body of the Supreme Lord, still He is full. There is no loss of energy. Just like we can have some material example: the sun. We do not know for how many millions of years the sunshine and temperature is coming out of the sun planet, but still the sun is the same. There is no loss of temperature. So if in a material object this is possible, that in spite of distributing heat and light from the sun disc for millions and millions of years, the sun disc is still of the same temperature, there is no loss of temperature—this is a material thing—so why in the spiritual body of the Supreme there will be any loss? But this is the material idea, that "Because God has become all-pervading, therefore He has lost Himself." Why He should lose His identity? This is confirmed in the Vedic literature: pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya pūrṇam evavaśiṣyate. If you take from the... He is so full that if you take the whole thing from Him, still, He is whole. Pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate.So as described here, kṛṣṇa svarūpa ananta vaibhava apāra, although He is transmitting innumerable energies, and although He is expanding Himself in innumerable forms, still, He is one. Still, He is the same and one. That is the spiritual conception, or absolute conception. Absolute is not relative. "Because something has being taken away, therefore it is something less"—it is relative. It is not absolute. This idea is relative. I have got in my pocket ten dollars. So I have taken two dollars. Now it is eight dollars. This is relative truth. This is not absolute idea. Absolute idea is that pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate. Avaśiṣyate means the balance is still full. Whatever you may take, the balance is still.More: ... See MoreSee Less
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Is God Human, or Human-like?-Nice discussion July 6th, 1976 Washington D.C.Mr. Deyani: How then can the God come in a human form, because human, when you talk of human body, it is a limited...Prabhupāda: He does not come in human form. He is like human being, dvi-bhuja. That is also explained in the Bhagavad-gītā. He's... In the Bible it is said that man is made after God. The human being—two hands, two legs, this body they have got—that is the original form of God. But because He comes in that form, avajānanti māṁ mūḍhā mānuṣīṁ tanum āśritam [Bg 9.11], [Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be.]they think that He is a man. His original form is like that. But because we are habituated to see two hands, two legs of human being, we take Him as human being. But that is His original form. Avajānanti māṁ mūḍhā. [aside:] Find out. So if we accept Him as a human being like us, then we are mūḍhā, rascals. He says, avajānanti māṁ mūḍhā mānuṣīṁ tanum āśritam paraṁ bhāvam ajānanto [Bg 9.11]. They do not know what is behind this human form of life. God is omnipotent, almighty. He can take any form He likes. You cannot check Him. You cannot say, "How Brahman can come in a human form?" Why He cannot come? If He is all-powerful, where is the difficulty? Taking your argument, if Brahman is all-powerful, then where is the difficulty for Him to come as a human being?Guest (2): No, there cannot be no difficulty. That is reasonable.Prabhupāda: Yes. But if we take Him... Just like here there are so many gentlemen, now here is a lawyer or here is a high-court judge, and if I take him, that he's also an ordinary man, that is my mistake. Even if he comes as ordinary visitor, still he's high-court judge. His position is not declined. ... See MoreSee Less
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God - Krishna Love - Prema It's understood by some theologians, and understandable I think, that some religious texts mostly keep God way off High, almost Unreachable, Unknowable, with intense awe, reverence, and even fear.Because many of us would take Him cheaply, or disrespect Him. That makes sense to me. The beginning of God consciousness is, often, Awe at God's majesties, wonders, power, etc.But just as we tiny tiny humans are much more than Fathers and Mothers to have shock awe, regard and respect for, so of Course our Source Father has much more going for Him than sheer power.For us, who often feel powerless, and DO struggle simply to "stay alive", to one degree or the other, Power and Strength, Conrol is HIGHLY VALUED. Of course.But, for our Holy Spirit with Infinite Power and Strength, He obviously has no hankering, no need of it. He has it.And, as we children of His have love, musical ability, artistic ability, fashion ability, so many personality traits, of course so does He. Otherwise we could not have them.Accordiing to theologians and God devotees who have understood this, who have gained some realization of this, Love of God beyond Awe and "Unkownable", "God forbid we think God is a Person", religiousity, which is CERTAINLY WAY ABOVE atheism, and SO VERY needed in this world, at leastfor those God devotees who have progressed a bit past the beginnng of God awareness. there is an OCEAN of Divine Love and joy in relishing, appreciating, loving so many OTHER aspects of God/Krishna, which He certainly has, just as we do....... Even the most influential, "powerful", famous men and women on this planet, in history, are, have been, artistic, musical, funny, good cooks, dancers, with love, affection, feelings.. beyond just "POWER and CONTROL." Yes?So the higher level Vaisnav theologians, and to some degree we find in other authorized systems of God realization, encourage us while always having deference and profound respect for our Holy Spirit Father, Krishna, to just love Him... as we love others. ... See MoreSee Less
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Common Sense - Scriptural Evidence-------The saintly devotees of the past, and certainly His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada advise strict guidance of the Vedic scriptures. The greatest Vaisnava theologians and philosophers, incarnations of God, also make the point we have common sense and rationality. If this were not the case, of what use would scriptures be, which require rationality to study, understand, and apply?We hear repeatedly in Vaisnava scriptures, what usually happens to someone who severely wounds an elevated Vaisnava, a devout greatly self realized devotee of God. Whether wounding emotionally or physically, scriptural evidence gives strong evidence such a person quickly suffers severe reaction.And, even a moderate offence causes the offender to lose their devotion to Krishna, Gd, and usually become involved in sinful activities. Quickly. Not years or months later. Soon!---So here is common sense and scriptural evidence about something. Both.Suppoe we hear accused of horrendously, fiendishly, maliciouslly causing pain, suffering, death to a fabulously elevated saintly devotee of Gd? A person with a long history of strong devotion.Based on what Krishna Himself has said will happen to such a person, and based upon what many narratives from scripture illustrate will assuredly occured?One thing we can know, such an accused person, if they are actually guilty of such heinous crimes, they will in no way flourish in devotion to God, or even remain a the same level of devotion.At the least! More likely, they will become inimical to Gd and His devotees, addicted to sinful activities, and deeply, deeply disturbed at heart, if not suffering some horrible disease. Quickly. Within weeks or months. ---If the accused person has show nil, nor no evidence of the above, we should be very doubtful they actually did what they are accused of.This is called "common sense", being guided by Gd, Saints, and Scripture.Also, if there is an opportunity to hear plentiful audio conviersations between the accused people, and the supposed victim of gross hurt, and those conversations, over years, clearly indicate, by mannerisms, tone of voice, and similar indications that there was an obvious warmth of feeling towards their supposed victim, that is another common sense way of judging the probability of their perpetuating a devlish crime upon the saintly person."--I could copy/paste a dozen narratives from scripture, from elevated pure souls to support the above. They are available.Below is one. We can understand from all this, that it would take a deliberate, extraordinary decision by Lord Krishna to allow such a thing to happen. For some reason(s). of His own.At the very least devotees who seriously offend/hurt elevated devotees assuredly lose interest in God activities, and more likely suffer much worse.Why would someone ignore the above, and despite common sense and scriptural evidence, without 110% evidence insist someone, accuse someone of tremendously hurting a pure devotee of Gd?Why indeed? At least that's what I think. In a court they carefully examine the quality of relationships over time to figure out to what extent there could of been inner hate enough to motivate a murder. ... See MoreSee Less
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