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Index: D-G

Dadhicha (dad-hee´cha, ch as in chat), the Rishi, thunderbolt made from bones of, 7, 8.

Dadyak (dăd´yak), the Indian Loke, 12.

Daeva, the Persian, cognate with Sanskrit "deva", 62.

Daityas (dait´yăs), in Varuna's heaven, 59; giants of ocean, 64; enemies of gods, 65; Arjuna's expedition against, 256-258.

Daksha (dăk-sha), the Deva-rishi, in Sati myth, 150; story of quarrel with Shiva, his goat head, 153.

Damayanti (dăm-a-yänt´ee), xlvii; loves Nala, 329; message of the swan, 330; gods desire, 332; Nala visits in secret, 333-335; the swayamvara and marriage, 335-337; demon possesses Nala, 340; the gambling match, 341, 342; exile of Nala, 342, 343; deserted by Nala, 344, 345; serpent seizes, 346; appeal to tiger and mountain, 347; appeal to asoka tree, 348; disaster to caravan, 349-351; in Chedi, 351, 352; discovered by Brahman, 356, 357; search for Nala, 358, 359; the second swayamvara, 360; Nala drives king to Rituparna, 360, 361; Kali ejected, 362; Damayantí vigil, 363; maid of interviews Nala, 365-368; Nala's interview with, 368-370; kingdom restored, 371-373.

Danann (dän´an) Age, in Irish mythology, 110 et seq.

Danavas (dän´ăva), allies of drought demon, 7, 8; ocean home of, 9; in Varuna's heaven, 59; Asuras of ocean, 64; enemies of gods, 65; wives of have bird voices, 75; Bali one of the, Vishnu slays, 123; story of Prahlada and Vishnu, 135; Arjuna's expedition against, 256-258.

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Dance of Destruction, Kali performs the, 150.

Dance of Shiva, 147, 148.

Dancing girls in Indra's heaven, 69.

Dandad´hara (dăn-däd´hara), "wielder of the rod", Yama is, 42.

Danu (dä´noo), mother of the Asuras, 64.

Dăr´bas, "the tearers", like Pisachas, 68.

"Dark folk", the mythological and racial, 70.

Darwin, Charles, his theory of man's origin in Africa, xxiv.

Dasa (dä´să), colour reference probable, 70.

Dasaratha(dăs-ăr-ăt´hă), father of Rama, 375; horse sacrifice for offspring, 376; sons of incarnations of Vishnu, 377; Vishwamitra takes away Rama and Lakshmana, 379; at Rama's wedding, 383; Rama chosen as heir apparent, 384; plot of Kausalya and hunchback, 384 et seq.; scene in the mourning chamber, 386, 387; Rama exiled, 388 et seq.; tale of the hermit's son, 394, 395; death of, 396; Rama faithful to memory of, 398, 399.

Dasyus (däsh´yoos), as demons, 67; as dark aborigines, 69, 70; Macdonell and Keith on, 70 n.; racial theory, 71.

Daughter, "it is sorrowful to have a", 60.

Dawn, goddess of, 34.

Day fairies, 70.

Day of Brahma, universal destruction at end of, 113.

Dead, disposal of, cremation, inhumation, casting out, and exposure, xxxii et seq.; services to by children, 59, 60; the demon Pisachas devourers of, 67; horses sacrificed to, 93; return of, Ganges' vision, 320, 321. See Burial customs.

Dead, judge of. See Yama.

Death, messengers of, 41 (see Yama); as "the man in the eye" 42; as creator, 94; god of, as divine ancestor of Irish Milesians, 111; the gods fear, 121; Buddha's conception of, 130 et seq.

Deiwo, "heavenly", 62.

Delbrück, view on Aryan parent language, xxii.

Deluge, the, in Irish mythology, 112; at end of "Day" of Brahma, 113; Manu and the divine fish in story of, 140 et seq.

Demons, in Varuna's heaven, 59; when called Asuras, 61; the Persian as Aryan gods, 62; Asuras completely identified with, 63 et seq.; mother of, 64; Norse and Indian, 65; Rakshasas are, 66; Vritra, Ahi, and Kushna, 66; as beautiful women, 67; man-eating, slain by heroes, 67; Pisachas, Kali, Dwapara, Panis, Dasyus, the, 67; Vala, Darbas, Vartikas, the, 68; rational explanation of criticized, 70, 71; the red, blue, and green, 71; priests enable gods to overcome, 84; wrath and "battle fury" caused by, 85; overcome by sacrifice at creation, 94; none in the Krita Age, 107; Bali slain by Vishnu, 123; Ravana, king of, 125; salvation for through Vishnu, 135; story of Prahlada, 135; story of Hiranyaksha and Vishnu, 135, 136; epic warriors as allies of, 138; in "Churning of the Ocean" myth, 143 et seq.; Durga's wars against, 149; slain by the avenging goddess Kali, 150; Arjuna's expedition against, 256-258; the allies of Duryodhana, 260; Kali and Dwapara in Nala story, 338 (see Nala); in weapons, 381; the headless, 410; Surasa and Sinhika, sea dragons, 414. Desert, the fiery, in Hades, 326.

Destiny, belief in, 42 et seq.

Destroyer, the, Indra as, 16; Rudra as and Shiva as, 26, 119; Nirriti the goddess as, 67; Narayana as, 114, 115; Durga as and Kali as, 149 et seq.

Deussen's Philosophy of the Upanishads, 100.

Deva (de-vă), god in India, demon in Persia, 62; references in Brahmanas to, 63 et seq.

Deva-bratta (de´vă-brăttă), name of Bhishma, 166n.

Devaki (de´văk-ee), father of Krishna, 128.

Deva-rishis (de´vă-ree´shees) (see Rishis, the celestial), Daksha and the Sati myth, 150; the most prominent, 153, 154, 155; Narada and Parvata in story of Nala, 331; at ordeal of Sita, 425.

"Devils", the "foreign", 70.

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Devon, Dravidian-like customs in, xlii et seq.

Dharma (dhăr´mă) or Dharma-rajah, god of death and lord of justice, Yama is, 42; in story of Ruru, 43, 44; Vidura an incarnation of, 172; Yudhishthira a son of, 176; visits Yudhishthira, 250; causes temporary death of Pandavas, 263 et seq.; as Yudhishthira's dog, 324, 325; Drona with in Paradise, 327. See Yama.

Dhrista-dyumna (dhrïs-tă-dyum´nă), son of Drupada, miraculous birth of, 210; at the potter's house, 220; as leader of Pandava army, 286 et seq.; slays Drona, 302; slain by Aswatthaman, son of Drona, 308; in vision of dead Warriors, 321.

Dhritarashtra (dreet´a-räsh″tra), son of Vyasa, 172; becomes king: his wife Gandhari, 177; children of called Kamavas, 177; at the tournament, 186 et seq.; invites Pandavas to visit Hastinapur, 223; divides raj with Pandavas, 224; at Yudhishthira's imperial sacrifice, 232 et seq.; the gambling match between Pandavas and Kamavas, 239 et seq.; terrified by omens, 246; releases Pandavas, 247; second match and Pandavas exiled, 248; attitude of before the great war, 274 et seq.; Sanjaya relates incidents of great war to, 287; seeks to slay Bhima, 311; reconciled to Bhima, 311, 312; at horse sacrifice after great war, 316; retires to forest, 319; return of the dead, 320, 321; perishes in jungle fire, 322; as celestial king of Gandharvas, 327.

Dhyaum´ya (dhyowm´yă), Pandava-Brahman, 250, 312.

Diana, horse sacrifice to, 93.

Diarmid (yeer´mit), lover of burned, xxxvii.

Dice, in early Ayro-Indian period, 77; the loaded used by Shakuni, 240; in Nala story possessed by demon, 341; Rituparna gives Nala secret of, 362.

Dietrich (deet´reech: ch guttural), the Indian, 66, 67; Arjuna like, 257 n.

Dionysus, Shiva as, 122.

Dioscuri (dï-os-kö´rï), Castor and Pollux, 32, 40, 64.

Disease, racial types and, xli; demons of, 85; destroyed by Shiva, 148; and by Rudra, 26.

Diti (deet´e), mother of demons, 64; in Garuda story, 145.

Divine song, the, 125. See Bhagavad-gita.

Divine years, 104, 105. See World's Ages.

Dog, Dharma as, 324, 325.

Dog of Indra, 17.

Dogs, God of dead has two, 41.

Dragon of drought, Vritra as, 6. See Demons.

Draupadi (drow´pă-dee″), daughter of Drupada; miraculous birth of, 210; her destiny, 211; Pandavas journey to swayamvara of, 212, 213; won by Arjuna at swayamvara contest, 217, 218; in house of potter with Pandavas, 219; how she became joint wife of Pandavas, 219 et seq.; agreement regarding, 225; receives Subhadra, wife of Arjuna, 228; the gambling match, 238 et seq.; staked and lost by Yudhishthira, 240; put to shame, 241 et seq.; exile of with Pandavas, 248; reproaches Yudhishthira during second exile, 251 et seq.; Jayadratha attempts to carry off, 262, 263; perils in city of Virata, 266 et seq.; grief for slain children, 310 et seq.; horse sacrifice rites performed, 312 et seq.; vision of dead warriors, 321; journey of to Paradise, 324 et seq.; in Paradise, 326.

Dravid´ians, type of in India, xxv; lower types are pre-Dravidians, xxvi; beliefs of, xli; sacrificial customs like those of Devon, &c., xlii; the Dasa and Dasyus theory, 70 n, 71; human sacrifice among, 88; earth goddess of, 89.

"Drinking cup" burials, xxxv.

Drona (drō´nă), miraculous birth of, 179; put to shame by Drupada, 180, 181; becomes preceptor of the Pandavas and Kauravas, 181-184; story of the Bhil prince, 183; at the tournament, 185 et seq.; Pandavas overthrow Drupada for, 195, 196; obtains half of Panchala, 197; Drupada plots to destroy, 209; trains prince who will slay him, 210; at Pandava imperial sacrifice, 232 et seq.; at the gambling match, 240 et seq.; in great war, 287 et seq.; slays Drupada, 301; slain by Drupada's son, 302; return of from paradise, 320, 321; with Dharma in paradise, 327.

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"Drought demon" of Hindustan, 4; dragon Vritra as, 5, 6; slain by Indra, 6; priests enable Indra to overcome, 84.

Drupada (droo´pă-dă), miraculous birth of, 179; as rajah puts Drona to shame, 180, 181; defeat of, 195, 196; Drona obtains half of kingdom, 197; plots to overthrow Drona, 209, 210; miraculous birth of son and daughter of, 210; the swayamvara of daughter of, 213 et seq.; welcomes Pandavas at palace, 221; daughter of becomes joint wife of Pandavas, 222, 223; at meeting of Pandava allies, 270 et seq.; daughter of who became a man, 295 n.; in great war, 290 et seq.; slain by Drona, 301.

Duhsasana (doo´sas´ă-nă) at gambling match, 240; puts Draupadi to shame, 242 et seq.; Bhima vows to slay, 245; supports Duryodhana against the Pandavas, 280 et seq.; is slain by Bhima, 303, 304.

Durga (door´gä), the goddess, xl; the beautiful war goddess, 149; Yudhishthira involves for help, 265, 266.

Durvasa or Durvasas (door-väs´äs), the rishi, a master curser, 154; Indra cursed by, 142, 143; gives powerful charm to Pritha, 174.

Duryodhana (door-yo´dhăn-ă), eldest of Kauravas, 177; attempts to kill youthful Bhima, 178 et seq.; at the tournament, conflict with Bhima, 187; Karna's coming, 189 et seq.; Karna becomes his ally, 193 et seq.; fails to defeat Drupada, 195, 196; jealous of Yudhishthira, 197, 198; plots to destroy Pandavas, 199; the "house of lac", 200; believes his rivals are dead, 201; discovers Pandavas are alive, 223; Arjuna captures bride-elect of, 227; at Pandava imperial sacrifice, 232 et seq.; arranges gambling match with Pandavas, 237 et seq.; Shakuni plays for with loaded dice, 240 et seq.; Draupadi won for, 240 et seq.; Pandavas exiled, 248; Bhima vows to slay, 246; Draupadi's anger against, 251 et seq.; captured by Gandharvas, 259; rescued by Pandavas, 259, 260; demons promise to help, 260; the royal sacrifice of, 261; plots against Pandavas with Karna and Shakuni, 269; condemned at meeting of Pandava allies, 270 et seq.; interviews with Krishna and Balarama, 273; elders plead with at Hastinapur, 274 et seq.; defiant speech of, 280; plot to seize Krishna, 281; Karna supports, 282, 283, 284; the declaration of war with Pandavas, 285, 286; combats of in battles, 289 et seq.; hides from Pandavas, 305; conflict with Bhima, 306; fall of, 306, 307; night slaughter plot, 307; death of, 309; in vision of dead warriors, 321.

Dushyanta (doosh´yän-ta), king, in the Shakuntala story, 157 et seq.

Dutt, Romesh C., tribute to Max Müller, xx.

Dwápara (dwä-pără), the demon in Nala story, 67, 338, 339, 341.

Dwãpara Yuga, length of, 104; the Red Age, 108, 109; in Greek and Celtic mythologies, 109 et seq.

Dwáraká (dwä´răk-ä), capital of Yádhavas, Krishna welcomes Arjuna to, 226; a doomed city, 322; revolt in, 322; destruction of, 323.

Dwarf form of Vishnu, 123.

Dwarfs, the black, Dasyus and, 70.

Dyaus (rhymes with mouse), the Aryan sky god, xxxi, 12; slain by son like Uranus, 13; as red bull and black steed, 13; harvest offering to, 14; flees from Agni, 20; Varuna and Mitra twin forms of, 28; Ushas(dawn), daughter of, 34.


Eä, Babylonian artisan god, 12.

Earth, sustained by soma, "water of life", 36.

Earth goddess, in India and Egypt, xxxi; Prithivi as, 6; the European and Egyptian, 13; the Dravidian, recent human sacrifices to, 89; Sri, Vishnu's wife, as, 148, 149; Kali as, 149, 150; Sita departs with, 427.

"Easterners", Indian tribes called, xxxix; traditions of in the Rámáyana, xlvi.

Echo, Aranyani as, 74, 75.

Eclipse, Rahu the Indian demon of, 144.

Egg, myth of soul in, 102.

Egg, the golden, Brahma emerges from, 101.

Egg, the sun, Brahma emerges from like the Egyptian Ra, 101.

Eggeling, Professor, 15, 42 n., 84 n.

Egypt, Mitanni Aryans and, xxx; sky and earth deities of, xxxi; early burial

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[paragraph continues] customs in, xxxiii; folk tale reference to wife burning, xxxvii; goddesses of compared with Indian, xli; reversion to type in, xlii; traces of ages doctrine in, xliv; belief in transmigration in, xliv, 116, 118; "Hammer god" of, 3; Khnûmû of, like Indian Ribhus and European elves, 11; earth mother of, 13; "husband of his mother" belief in, 14; Indian rajah like Pharaoh of, 74 n.; chaos giant of, 90 n.; Prajapati has origin like Horus, 101; monasticism in, 133; treatment of boar in contrasted with Indian, 136; priestly theorists of and the Indian, 139, 140; myth of slaughtering goddess, Indian parallel, 150; belief regarding "two mothers" in, 229 n.; serpent king of like Indian, 353 n.

Eka-chakra (ekă-chak´ră, ch as in charge), Pandavas in city of, 206; story of Vaka, the Rakshasa, 207 et seq.

Elam, 3; "Maltese cross" on neolithic pottery of, 155, 156.

Elephant, the, in Vedic myth, 32; the sun and, 32; of Indra, 4, 17, 18, 144; Shiva wears skin of, 147; Ganesa has head of, 151.

Elephants, Rakshasas ride in battle on, 419.

Elf King of India, 69.

Elginbrodde, Martin, and Agni worshipper like, 24.

Elves, Gandharvas like, 68, 69; rational explanation of criticized, 70 et seq.

England, ancient. See Britain.

Epics, the great Indian, xlvi; development of from hero songs, 138. See Mahábhárata and Rámáyana.

Eternal Being, 98. See World Soul.

Europe, as racial cradle of Aryans, xx et seq.; "Broad heads", xxii; neolithic burial customs in, xxxiii; cremation customs in, xxxv et seq.; widow burning in, xxxvii; fairies and elves of, 70 et seq.

Evil, Divine One the source of, 115.

Evil Age. See Kali Yuga.

Exogamy in modern India, 60.

Exorcism. See Charms.

Exposure of female children, 60.

Eye, the "man" in the, soul as, 42.

"Eye of Ra", 150.


Fairies, rational explanation of criticized, 70 et seq.; the "black" and "white", 70; the Yakshas as "the good people", 68; the Apsaras, 68, 69.

Fairy queen of India, 69.

Family life, in Vedic period, 77; of the Brahmans, 81, 82.

Father, the (Pitris), adored by ancestor worshippers, 102.

"Father", the "Great", Vedic Aryans worshippers of, 13; Brahma as "father of all", 101. See Narayana, Prajápati, Purusha, Shiva, and Vishnu.

"Father Right", among Vedic Aryans, xxx, xli, 77.

Fathers, rescued from hell by sons, 59, 60.

Feline goddess, Sasti the, 152, 153.

Female children, exposure of, 60.

Fertility, Mongolian horse sacrifice to ensure, 91; Indian ceremonies, 92.

Finn Mac Coul (fin´mak″kool), wife of burned, xxxvii; the Indian heroic, 66, 67, 249 n.

Fire, worship of in Persia, xxxiii; as vital principle (bodily heat) in India, 37; vows taken before, 37; spirits transferred to Hades by, 38; Narayana as, 114; the everlasting, 326. See Agni and Cremation.

Firstfruits, gods' dispute regarding, 14. First man. See Manu, Purusha, and Varna.

Fish, Manu and the, Deluge story, 140 et seq.

Fits, caused by demons, 85.

Fitzgerald, Jamshid of his "Omar", 40.

Flowers of Paradise, 59; celestial lotuses, 105 et seq., 250, 251.

Folk religion. In Atharvaveda, 85 et seq.

Fomorians (fo-more´eans), the Indian, 64, 65.

Food, in Vedic hymns, 76, 77.

Food of the gods, supplied by the priests, 84.

"Food Vessel" burials, xxxv.

Foreordination, belief in, 42 et seq.

Forest Books, the, hermits composed, 82, 83, 88, 102.

Forest of Hades, 326.

Frazer, Professor, 29 n.; on Mithra, 30.

Frogs, in Vedic rain charm, 36, 37.


"Gad whip" in Lincolnshire and India, xlii.

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Gajasahvaya (gaj-as-ah-vä´ya), city of, in Shakuntala story, 161.

Gambling, dice in Vedic period, 77; the match between Kauravas and Pandavas, 238 et seq.; Nala and his brother, 341 et seq.

Gandär´ians, allies of Xerxes against the Greeks, 168.

Gándhárï, Queen, wife of Dhritarashtra, 177; at the tournament, 187 et seq.; lament of for sons, 311; retires to forest, 319, 320, 321; death of, 322.

Gänd´häri, the tribe, 168.

Gandharva (gänd´hăr-vă), the atmospheric deity, 69.

Gandharva marriage, 160.

Gandharvas, the, king of, in folk tale, 43; in Indra's heaven, 58; like elves, 68; celestial musicians, 69; tribal significance of, 70; story of told to Arjuna, 71; as invisible sentinels, 106; capture of Duryodhana by, 259; at horse sacrifice, 316; Dhritarashtra as celestial king of, 327; at ordeal of Sita, 425.

Gane´sa (găne´sha), elephant-headed god of wisdom, 151.

Gangá (găng´ä), goddess of Ganges, 152; as wife of King Shantanu, 164 et seq.

Ganga-bratta, name of Bhishma, 166 n.

Ganges river, mentioned in late Rigvedic period, 76; Ganges, 83; story of Manu and the fish and, 140 et seq.; myth of the descent of, 152; goddess of as wife of king, 164 et seq.; dead warriors rise from, 320, 321; the heavenly, 326.

Gardens of Hela, in Indian myth, 59.

Garúda (găr-ood´ă), half giant, half eagle, Amrita story of, 145; the vehicle of Vishnu, 146; in Ganesa myth, 151; helps Rama in Ceylon war, 419; carries Rama to Paradise, 428.

Gauls, the, widow burning among, xxxvii; transmigration of souls belief among, xliv, 118; cattle lifters like Vedic Aryans, 15; Ayro-Indians had clan feuds like, 77; as pork eaters, 136.

Gauri (gow´ree), wife of Shiva, 405.

Gayatri (găy´ătree), the milkmaid goddess, second wife of Brahma, 44, 149.

Germans as Aryans, xxiv.

Ghatotkacha (găt-ot-kătch´ä), the Rakshasa son of Bhima, 206; in great war, 286 et seq.; avenges death of Iravat, 293, 294; fall of, 301; in vision of dead warriors, 320, 321.

Ghosts, belief in, 38; birds as, 75.

Ghosts and fire. See Cremation.

Giant, the chaos, Purusha like Ymer, 89, 90; concealed soul of, 102; Vishnu as a, 123.

Giants, in Varuna's heaven, 59; when called Asuras, 61, 63 et seq.; Yakshas, "the good people", as, 68; rational explanation of criticized, 70, 71; mother of, 64; Norse and Indian, 65; the struggle with gods for ambrosia, 142 et seq.; slain by the avenging goddess Kali, 150. See Asuras, Danavas, Daityas, and Rakshasas.

Girisha (ge-reesh´ă), mountain god, Shiva as, 146.

Goat, early Aryans had, 76; slain at horse sacrifices and at burials, 91; creator assumes form of, 95, 102; the Rishi Daksha has head of, 153.

Goblins, Shiva as lord of, 146.

Goddesses, shadowy in Vedic Age, xxxi; rise of the, 148; sun goddess makes Shiva's trident and Vishnu's discus, 149.

Gods, Vedic Aryans exalted, xxxi; dispute among and race run by, 14; the Indian as Persian demons, 62; enemies of Asuras in epic literature, 63; magical control of, 80; priests as, 84; none in Krita Age, 107; fear of death among, 121.

"Gold Toothed", the, Agni and Heimdal called, 21.

Golden Age (Yellow Age), in Indian, Greek, and Celtic mythologies, 107 et seq.

Goloka (go´lok-ă), paradise of Krishna, 323.

Gomme, G. L., xlii.

Gon´esh, 151 n.

Good, Divine One the source of, 115.

"Good people", the, Yakshas called, 68.

Goose, the chaos, 101.

Gopis (go´pees) (milkmaids), Krishna and the, 129; Gayatri of the as Brahma's wife, 149.

Government, system of in Vedic Age, 77, 78.

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Grandsire, the, Brahma as, 7; myth regarding Indra's hammer, 7, 8.

Grave, the. See Burial customs and "House of clay".

Great Bear constellation, Deva-rishis form, 153.

Great fathers. See Father, the great.

"Great mother" in Egypt and Europe, xxxi. See Mother, the great.

Greece, cremation in ancient, xxxvi, 38, 39; May feast of Devon in, xlii; doctrine of ages of the universe, xliv, 109, 110; the "Islands of the Blest", 59; demons of compared with Indian, 64; horse sacrifice in, 92, 93; doctrine of transmigration of souls in, xliv, 103, 116, 118.

Greeks, the, Aryan racial theory, xxiv; Brahman type resembles, xxvii; Megasthenes, ambassador of, on Vishnu, Shiva, and Krishna, 122; Gandarians fought with Xerxes against, 168 n; in the great war of Bharatas, 287 n; language of and Persian, 61, 62.

Green demons, 71; green fairies and ape demi-gods, 418.

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