No `moral policing'; `Amoral policing' instead? Monday October 10 2005 08:53 IST S Gurumurthy A cine actress publicly justified pre-marital sex. No educated man would expect to marry a virgin, she asserted. Many, mainly women, protested, spontaneously. Lured by the huge media space politicians too joined the protest. The actress apologised. The show should have ended there, but did not. After the actress closed her theatre, the liberals opened theirs. It's `moral policing' against the actress, they protested. Who can set standards for other's morals, they asked. One has freedom to say or do what one wants, they asserted. Sex just rests on consent between two free individuals after all, they counselled. Intellectuals liberated from morals wrote edits and articles and castigated `moral policing'. No one dissented, as they would invite abuse as being un-modern, even anti-modern. Even as the liberals were defending the actress' right to call for pre-marital sex, they must have been mighty pleased to know that a condom vending machine has been installed in a quiet corner of Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University to help young students to live a modern life! The shout against `moral policing' rests on this logic. ``If the society were to police, it would be lawless. If the community were to do it, it would be oppressive. If the family were to police, it would be stifling. So allow the law, only the law, to police. That is, allow only the state to police. In other words, allow only the police to police.'' But the police, the liberals know, enforce only the law, not morals. So the liberals want people unburdened of morals, that is, to be free of morals. They seem keen to raise an amoral people and call them free. But, how free would such free people be? They would be the least free, in fact. They will be the most State- dependent, in substance. Take the Swedish people, adored as the freest and most advanced in human development index, as an example. There, the liberals have succeeded in raising most of the Swedes free of the morals that families here cherish. Two-thirds of Swedish men and women live without marriage, any Swede with any other for any length of time. With the result the family is no more legitimate, actually looked down as antiquated, un-modern. It is fashionable for the liberals to cite Sweden as an example for gender rights, human rights, and liberty! Yet Sweden stands high on the list in women- beating, that is, men, who are not husbands, beat women, who are not wives. So statistically wife-beating has stopped in Sweden as there are no wives to be beaten! But look at the other side of this `advancement'. As the family as an institution is dead, the state has to step in to fill the void, care for the aged, the infirm, and the unemployed. In the end the Swedish are most state-dependent in fact and consequently the least free in substance. Result, a couple of years ago, the Swedish government had to enact that the uncared for aged Swedish could appoint a helper to look after them at State's cost. Sweden survives this because its population is just two-thirds of Mumbai's. Can we, a nation some 120 times bigger, think of such a moral – actually amoral, as most of us see it – model! This kind of liberalism knocks down marriages and families; erodes respect for society. This is amoral policing which shames those who care for basic morals and drives them underground, so that the public space is occupied by the shameless. The last phase of modernity, the non-procreative man- women union, is now at the horizon. Result, population regresses threatening the existence of many nations, their cultures, economic prospects. Families unprotected by normative moral standards respected by communities and the society cannot survive. Families cannot be established or nurtured by law, nor can communities be organised or saved by law. But, beware, the law can undo, even destroy, both. The family, community and the society constitute the social capital of a people. While financial or intellectual capital belongs to individuals, social capital is a common public asset. It is nourished only by morals and norms. It does not need a seer to unveil these basic truths. Socially recognised norms alone persuade husband and wife to live together for life. Law can only help them to separate. The law and adversarial justice set the wife against the husband, and husband against the wife; father against the son, and son against the father; neighbour against the neighbour. In contrast the family and society which function on normative moral standards, unburdens the state, and frees the people from state dominance. That is why we have just 12,400 police stations for seven lakh villages! That is why we have a family provided social security, and the West has a state-dependent social security! It is easy to destroy the institution of morality, but impossible to replace or rebuild it. Neither the state, nor the law, or the courts, or the liberals can do it. Because it calls for surrender of one's rights, a great sacrifice, to build private and public morals to sustain families and respect for communities. Assert your right only; there is no family, much less a society. To amoralise to destroy (other's) families cannot make one a liberal. Yet, the liberals are keen to usher in a society free of all morals and living in amorality as the norm. Is this not amoral policing? In their view, `Moral policing' is un- modern, but `amoral policing' is modern. Author's e-mail: 2EGurumurthy&ID=IE620051009223152&nDate=&Sub=&Cat=&