Subject: [world-vedic] Hari bol!!! Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 20:25:16 -0600 From: "Radha-Govinda Mandir" Reply-To: To: My dear Vrindavan das: Pranam!! Prabhupada ki jay!!! I am send to you some letters; but I don't received your answers from the vedic forum. If there is a problem by the topic, specific the controversy withFrank, please said me. YS. Hare Krishna das Prabhus, a friend sent me this posting asked for a response. Please send to me and I shall forward. The criticism of Krishna is old and not very scholarly. ys bt Abuse Hare Krishna over-estimate Krishna. by: siddons_hodge_1 12/25/01 12:03 pm In the more ancient Veda (RigVeda) the name Krishna occurs, but without any relation to a great Deity. The earliest mention of Krishna the son of Devaki, is in the Chandogya Upanishad, where he appears to be just a scholar. There was a great Asura named Krishna, who with 10,000 followers committed fearful devastation, until he was defeated by Indra. In another Vedic hymn, 50,000 Krishnas are said to have been slain and it is added in another that his pregnant wives were slain with him that he might leave no posterity. This is supposed to have reference to the Rakshasas or to the dark-coloured aborigines of India (non-aryans and perhaps related to the Australian aborigines). Later a Krishna was changed into a myth and even in the Supreme Deity! At the most, Krishna could be the eighth Avatar of Lord Vishnu. The cult of Krishna is a sign of degeneration and decline of the Aryan culture of India. Subject: [world-vedic] Mind of a terrorist and a godly person Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 16:26:57 From: "ganapa vijai" Reply-To: To:, Dear Hare Krishna Dasa, I want to tell you a something very important, we are in the age of Kali and it does not suprise me that our beloved Lord Krishna is attacked by people of terrorist mentality in various ways. This is not just happeing now but happened before and will happen later too. Why do they attack Lord Krishna? Because, 1. We all rebelled from God's Kingdom, some have realised it and want to go back to God's Kingdom, but there are others who have not, and their hate for Krishna is carrying from millions of life cycles. As Lord Krishna himself says "only a few want to know him and even in them only a few will know him". Their hate needs to be converted to love and it is the duty of all the people who love and care for Krishna to help these people love Krishna. 2. The terrorists' aim in attacking our beloved Lord Krishna is of course to confuse us and convince us to believe that perhaps Lord Krishna is not a god. This is the greatest danger befalling us, so we should concentrate on what our guru and shastra says than what some tom, dick and harry says. We should also consider this situation as a lithmus test of our own love and faith for Krishna. If we pass this test, then we are in true love with Krishna. What incidents happened during the time of Lord Krishna? 1. There was one person by the name Paundarika, he was so jealous of Krishna that he declared himself the real Vishnu for that he put up fake arms and disc. He even dared Krishna for a fight, then at the appropriate time, our beloved Lord Krishna liberated him from his acute jealously by beheading him with his Sudharshan Chakra. It is our duty to protect Lord Krishna's name and fame, so we need to confront people like Paundarika and expose them, in their own game. 2. There was one mayavi person, I do not remember his name. During a battle with Lord Krishna, he brought out a artificial Vasudeva (father of Krishna) and beheaded this artificial Vasudeva with his sword right before Krishna, so as to demoralise Krishna. He said why do you fight Krishna, I have already beheaded your father, there is nothing for you to fight now. But Krishna soon realised the mayavi tactics, and in turn beheaded the mayavi. Moral is that there will be so many people in our own lifes who would say that your culture is dead, your God is dead and your life will be wasted in spiritual pursuit, so why waste time, come join the sensory enjoyment. Be aware and save your soul and then destroy the mayavi forces. rest later, vijai