Subject: [world-vedic] V.Prashad is Brother to a Christian Communist Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2002 00:49:28 +0000 From: MR N S RAJARAM Reply-To: To: Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2002 17:06:42 -0400 From: "MR N S RAJARAM" Here is something that you might want to share with your friends. I have just been informed that Vijay Pershad, the prominent anti-Hindu propagandist active in the West is the brother of Brinda Karat, a Communist (and also a Christian Evangelist!) who is of course the wife of the CPM leader Prakash Karat. And the notorious Hindu-baiter John Dayal is a former Communist. This indicates evangelical links of Vijay Pershad. This missionary-Marxist connection is pervasive. During my visit to the northeast I found that most of the missionaries were from Kerala and a good number of them former communists. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the flow of funds stopped, many of them became Christian missionaries and activists. Note that one of the main concerns of these propagandists, even in Cecilia Duggar's NY Times article, is the growth of schools run by the VHP and other Hindu organizations in tribal areas. This shows that Marxists have essentially become a 'contracting business,' to serve anyone who will pay them - Christian missionaries or Islamists or whoever. Please bring this to the attention of all who may be interested. NSR