Subject: [world-vedic] US Christian bodies want RSS funds issue probed Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 18:00:17 -0000 From: "maruti1920" Reply-To: To: US Christian bodies want RSS funds issue probed Indian Christian organisations in the US are up in arms against an Indian-American charity's reported diversion of funds to `Sangh Parivar' affiliates for carrying out their "hate campaign" against minorities. The Federation of Indian American Christian Organisations of Northern America (FIACONA) has demanded a probe by the US Congress into the matter. It has also asked the Internal Revenue Service to blacklist the charity in question, India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF), and withdraw its tax exemption status. RSS sources here, however, sought to refute the charges of misuse of funds and asserted that the allegations were being made on behalf of people who were losing out in the race for conversion of Hindus in India. Following the release of a report in India by a group of Indian Americans from San Francisco, FIACONA leader PD John on Friday drew the White House's attention to the controversy. According to him, more research is underway "to unearth other RSS affiliated organizations that raise money through business corporations and other foundations in the US". Countering the allegations, Shekhar Tiwari, a leading light of the `Sangh Parivar' here, commented: "These charges are totally false and motivated. They are coming from Christian conversion outfits like World Vision, Southern Baptist and Seventh Day Adventist, who are very active in India." The IDRF has been founded by acolytes of the Sangh Parivar here--a fact that Tiwari admits. No functionary of IDRF was immediately available for comment, but Tiwari contended that the fund made disbursements "regardless of religion or region". While the report has spoken of huge funds mobilised from top US business corporations like Cisco, Sun Computers, Oracle and Hewlett Packard, Tiwari claimed that IDRF does not collect money from any corporation. "The collection are made only from individuals, primarily NRIs, who may be working anywhere." The report, however, said that corporations like Cisco have made matching contributions to the IDRF kitty, whose collections have mostly gone to a host of Sangh Parivar affiliates in India.,00050001.htm Subject: [world-vedic] Re: US Christian bodies want RSS funds issue probed Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 03:19:17 -0000 From: "vrinparker" Reply-To: To: It's interesting that the RSS can be considered a hate group based solely on the accusations of non-Hindu organizations. Accusations are just that, accusations. Its high time these New immigrants to our country learn about the constitution of the USA and its support of the very basic human right of innocent till proven guilty. Till then the RSS has a right to collect donations and disperse them as they see fit. The more time goes by, the greater my appreciation for this great country of America becomes. Now if we can just protect it from the machinations and scheming of our recent immigrants. The sooner they leave their baggage and hangups back home, the better. American Body, Hindu Heart, Vrin