From: "vrnparker" Mailing-List: list Delivered-To: mailing list Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 00:22:38 -0000 Subject: [world-vedic] Hindus Dear Friends, Currently, the Hindus, the world's largest and continuous indigenous civilization, are struggling to revive and maintain their traditional ways. However they are being brutalized by Islamic Jihad, Christian Missionaries and Western Consumerism. Any traditionalists that make a stand are being painted in the worst colors as fascists and hate-mongers. Most American Indians do not know that as we speak, genocide against the Native Hindu culture of India is being waged. It is hoped that those struggling to protect the world's root cultures can unite and speak up for one another despite differences in custom, language or culture. Any one interested is welcome to join the Vedic Friends Association. We recently visited the Tribes of NE India and encouraged them in their cultural renaissance efforts. It was a great success. One of our associates named Youngwolf, is a member of the Cherokee nation.His drumming and chants were loved by one and all. The Indian tribals remarked on the similarities between their own ways and the American Indian cultures. We are looking for more American Indian activists to help in this important work by either writing, lecturing or touring India in the near future. We are also planning a tour of North America for our friends from the various tribes of India. We hope to do this within the next two years. Any one interested in helping, please contact us. Vedic is the ancient name of India's civilization. Hindu was applied by Islamic invaders because the Vedics lived on the other side of the Sindhu (Indus) river. Ironically, India is named after the Indus river, yet the British made sure to give the Indus to Pakistan.They also made sure that not one ancient Harrapan site would be in the hands of Indian researchers, but fortunately hundreds of new sites have been discovered in India thus allowing Hindus to research their own history. About the ongoing Islamic Jihad, India is the front line in this war against Islamic Jihad. Over 70,000 Indians have been massacred by these fanatics. Ironically most of the victims are muslims. What worries me is the way the media ignores the big picture. It seems that because the victims are not westerners and are non- judeo christians, its as if India's struggle is unimportant. It is the USA, more than any other country, that has supported Pakistan to the point of actually warring against India (1971). The USA has frustrated India's attempts at justice. It is the USA that has repeatedly threatened India any time it tries to neutralize the enemy.Yet now when that same enemy has dared attack America, suddenly Islamic Jihad is taken seriously. Even then it is only taken seriously when it is against western interests. Thus the media refers to anti-Indian terrorism as militancy. Why? The people in India are quite fed up with this double standard. Rather than cultivating a strong alliance with India, The US has sown distrust and disbelief. That is one reason why the USA has such a lack of credibility, when it speaks of democracy, justice and freedom. I mention this not to discredit the US but to point out its mistakes which can easily be rectified. Vrin Parker