
When compiling the history of Bharat, one faces 3 problems:
1. Sequence of events is known from Puranas. But exact time cannot be associated with these events. Why?
2. Many invaluable records were destroyed during Islamic rule.
3. British historians twisted the records to dwarf the history of Bharat.

From this chaos one has to set the exact timeline. One then referes to the accounts of Megasthenis (Greek Ambassador to Chandragupta courts). He mentions Sandracottus (Chandragupta) as Alexander's contemporary.

Halt! There are two Chandragupta: Chandragupta Maurya and Chandragupta Gupta. It was Chandragupta Gupta who was the contemporary of Alexander. Why?

Alas! Sir Jones mapped Sandracottus to Maurya Chandragupta. Thus:
Maurya dynasty was placed in 300 BC.
Nanda dynasty placed in the range: 400 BC - 300 BC.
Gautam Buddha, Mahavir Jain, & Ajatshatru placed in 500 BC.
Adi Shankara placed 1000 years after Buddha in 800AD.
Shalivahan dynasty placed in 40 BC.
Gupta dynasty placed in 400 AD.
*This history fabricated by British, is taught to the children of Bharat, todate.

This needs to be corrected by replacing Sandracottus with Chandragupta Gupta. Here is a more correct timeline:
1887-1807 BC Gautam Buddha Why?
1864-1792 BC Mahaveer Jain Why?
509- 477 BC Aadi Shankaracharya Why?
3138-1634 BC Shishunga and earlier dynasties
1634-1534 BC Nanda
1534-1319 BC Maurya
1294 BC Kanishka of Kushan Dynasty
327 BC Chandragupta Gupta
57 BC Vikramaditya Gupta

1. Some Blunders of Indian Historical Research by P. N. Oak
2. The Age of Buddha, Milinda and King Amtiyoka and Yuga Purana by K. Venkatachalam
3. Reestablishing the Date of Lord Buddha by Stephen Knapp
4. Chronology of Ancient Bharat by Professor K. Srinivasaraghavan
5. Antiquity and Continuity of Indian History by Dr. Prasad Gokhale
6. A Peep into the Past History by K. Rajaram
7. Indian Architecture by Thyagaraja Aiyer
8. Dates in Ancient History of India by Somayajulu
9. Shankaracharya aani tyancha sampradaaya by M.R.Bodas
10. Chronology of Nepal History by K.Venkatachalam
11. Orion by B.G.Tilak
12. The Arctic Home in the Vedas by B.G.Tilak
13. The Vedic Buddha Date by Vrin Parker

Gautam Buddha
1. Kshemajit (reign 1892-1852 BC) was the fourth in the Shishunag dynasty, and was a contemporary of Lord Buddha's father, Shuddhodana. It was during the reign of Bimbisara (reign 1852-1814 BC), when Prince Siddhartha became the enlightened Buddha. Then it was during the reign of King Ajatashatru (1814-1787 BC) when Buddha left this world.
2. According to the positions of the planets, during Buddha's time, Budhha existed in the Kruttika period, i.e. between 2621-1661 B.C.
3. The current date for Gautam Buddha was derived by European historians from Cylonese records. (Because those mentioned the most latest dates.) Nepalese and Bhaaratiya records for the person born on the Bharat - Nepal border are ofcourse more reliable.

Mahavir Jain
1. The Jaina tradition holds that Mahaveer left this world 15 years after the death of Bhagawan Buddha (1807 BC), ie, in 1792 BC, and since Mahaveer lived for a span of 72 years, he must have been born in 1864 B.C.
2. Mahavir taught his philosophy during the reign of Ajatshatru ie. 1814-1787 BC.

1. The date of Shankara, as per the current chronology, is 788-820 A.D. (derived from Shankara Digvijaya Sara) However, since the "sheet-anchor" is displaced backwards, it is apparent that the date of Shankara would be recalculated to be around 600 B.C.
2. Brihat Shankara Vijaya, gives a date of 509 BC. Nepal Rajavamshavali states the date of 487 BC.

Reasons for Sandracottus to be Chandragupta Gupta:
1. The Greek records mention the kings before and after Sandracottus to be Xandramas and Sandrocyptus. The kings before and after Chandragupta Maurya were: Mahapadma Nanda and Bindusar. The kings before and after Chandragupta Gupta were: Chandramas and Samudragupta. The phonetic similarity is quite apparent for Chandragupta Gupta and not Maurya.
2. Greek records are silent about important figures like: Chanakya, Ashoka (kingdom much bigger than his Gradfather Chandragupta's.)
3. Greek records do not mention the presence Buddhist monks who were very common in Maurya time.
4. Inscription on a Greek Tomb: "Here lies Indian Sramanacharya, Shakya monk from Bodh Gaya". Sramanacharya went to Greece with his Greek pupils. The tomb marks his death about 1000 B.C. Which means Buddha existed before 1000 BC.
5. The names of contemporary kings found on Ashokan inscriptions are Amtiyoka, Tulamaya, etc. Amtiyoka ruled Afghanistan around 1475 BC, which then appears to be the approximate date of Ashoka. (the grandson of Maurya Chandragupta.)

Note on the destruction of records during Islamic rule

About 9 million scriptures were burnt in the Nalanda University alone. One can only imagine how many records must have been destroyed all over Bharat in 700 years.

Hindu temples record information on the pillars of the temple. This includes who built the temple, when, contemporary kings etc. From this information one can conclude when the particular king (and his dynasty) existed. About 60,000 Hindu temples were razed to the grounds.

Note on the time defined in Puranas

Puranas record time of an event as: "1532 years had passed since the Mahabharat war", or "12 kings of Gupta dynasty had ruled for 68 years", or "33 years after the coronation of king Vikramaditya".

Thus we have the sequence of events, but unless the time of Mahabharat is fixed, or time of some main dynasty is fixed, exact time cannot be associated with these events.

Note on British view
1. It served to make Vedic culture later than and possibly derived from Middle Eastern cultures.
2. It discredited not only the 'Vedas' but the genealogies of the 'Puranas'. The kings before Buddha like Rama and Krishna were left without any historical basis.
3. It served a social, political and economical purpose of domination, proving the superiority of Western culture and religion.