* Kalki : A rebuttal of the lies being propagated by Islamic websites * *·* Sword of Truth Forum *·* Followups <#reply> *·* Reply to this Message <#post> *·* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posted by * Hulo * on Monday, August 25, 2003 at 14:20:30 *IP:* *Browser:* Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; BCD2000; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Message Body* An article is being circulated around the internet by email and through many Islamic websites referring to a book by one Prof. Pundit Vaid Parkash, which purportedly says that Kalki, the last Avtar of Vishnu and for Hindus who is the Awaited One, is none but the Prophet Mohammed. I ignored them earlier as the matter proclaimed in the article is completely based on imaginary facts, similar to the fake quatrains of Nostradamus which were being circulated after 9/11. A lie repeated thousand times is gradually accepted as truth. It is time that someone tackle this issue head-on. It has come to such a situation that a person searching the Net for Kalki will come up only with the (mis) information that Prophet Mohammed was mentioned in the Hindu scriptures as the Awaitred One. The article can be read in a number of Islamic websites. One such URL is the following : http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Park/6443/Hindu/islam_essays_prophet_hindu.htm . I am not repeating the texts. Other sites basically copy the same article along with their own commentaries. The problem with the prophecies relating to Kalki is that very few people know the details of these prophecies. Due to this, it is quite easy to mislead people by presenting certain imaginary facts and interpretations. Judging from some of the Islamic websites, it seems that some of them really believe Prophet Mohammed was mentioned in the Hindu scriptures as Kalki, simply relying on that article, without bothering to verify the facts. Here is a line by line rebuttal on why it is not so. I may not be the authority on Kalki but at least I¡¦ve read the original book. The English translation of parts of the ¡§Kalki Puran¡¨ in this site is quite good and I have referred to those below while presenting my points. Para-1 : It has been wrongly said that Kalki has been mentioned in the Vedas. Nowhere in the four Vedas has Kalki been ever mentioned. Kalki has been mentioned in the ¡§Puranas¡¨ ¡V namely, the ¡§Vishnu Puran¡¨ (one of the 18 major Puran) and the ¡§Kalki Puran¡¨ (a minor Puran). Para-2: I have not heard any hue and cry about this purported book in India in Hindi and I¡¦m a Hindi speaking guy. About putting the author in jail had he been a Muslim, well many Muslims in India regularly write such things about Hindu religion and still go scot-free. And when Muslims write such things about Islam, their books get banned. Example ¡V Salman Rushdie for writing ¡§Satanic Verses¡¨. You see, in a democracy, politicians are overtly conscious about minority rights but forget about majority sentiments. Para-3: No one has ever heard of a ¡§Pundit Vaid Parkash¡¨ in India. It¡¦s a concocted name and there is surely no renowned Sanskrit scholar of that name in India. He is said to be holding an important portfolio in ¡§Ilahabad University¡¨, which I take to be Allahabad University. The website of that University is http://www.allduniv.edu . Check out the faculty list of that university (I hope he was not a student ?º ). No such person in the faculty. The guy writing the article thought he was clever. But everything¡¦s online these days. The said ¡§Pundit Vaid Parkash¡¨ is said to be coming from the ¡§Bengali race¡¨. The fact is that Bengalis don¡¦t have names like ¡§Pundit Vaid Parkash¡¨. Ask any Bengali. And why would a Bengali write a book in Hindi? He could have used English (which would have a greater readership all over India) or even Bengali. Para-4: Here comes ¡§Eight great Pundits¡¨. Who are they and what are their names? Maybe the author of the article could not devise more Hindu names other than ¡§Pundit Vaid Parkash¡¨. Para-5: ¡§All Hindus should embrace Islam ¡K should not wait for any other Kalki Autar¡¨ ¡V Ha ! that¡¦s the whole idea behind this (mis)information, isn¡¦t it? Caught ya ! In Kalki Puran the birth place of Kalki is in a village called ¡§Sambhal¡¨. Do you think it is a codename for Mecca in some way? Beats me. Para-6 (Sl.1) : It is the Purans, namely the Vishnu Puran and Kalki Puran and not the Vedas which said that Kalki will be the last Avtar of Vishnu. How does it make him Mohammed? Islamic texts themselves prophesize the second coming of the Christ (Isa, son of Mariam) in the future! This ¡§well known scholar¡¨ cannot distinguish between the Vedas and the Puranas which every ordinary Hindu can ! Para-7 (Sl.2): Which Hindu prophecy says that Kalki will be born in an Island? Kalki Purana mentions that Kalki will be born in ¡§Sambhal¡¨ village which is in the mainland; only during his marriage with ¡§Padma¡¨ he will travel to the island ¡§Sinhala¡¨. Para-8 (Sl.3): Absolute bullshit! The father of Kalki, according to both Vishnu Puran and Kalki Puram is ¡§Vishnujasha¡¨ (not Vishnu Bhagat, as the Islamic rumormongers claim) and the name of his mother is ¡§Sumati¡¨, not Somanib. To quote Kalki Puran - Afterwards, Sumati, the wife of Vishnujasha became pregnant.... Kalki descended to earth (as a human) in the month of Baisakha on the 12th day after the full moon ~ Kalki Purana, I[2], Verses 11 and 15 Obviously, the twisting of the names had been done to make their names look like the translation of the names of the parents of Prophet Mohammad. Even that translation is faulty. Para-9 (Sl.4): Every avtar of God is true and honest. That¡¦s not the sole prerogative of Prophet Mohammed. As for Kalki living on olive and dates, this is completely fictitious. In fact in Kalki Purana Chapter III[17], Verse 43, Kalki and his wife is shown to have been feasting on rice, curd and other milk products. Para-10 (Sl.5): All avtars are born in a noble and respected family (not dynasty ¡V the term is applied to royal families. Kalki was not born in a royal family). How does that make Kalki the same person as Prophet Mohammed? Was Mohammed the only person to be born in a noble and respected family? Para-11 (Sl.6): Kalki was taught by his ¡§Guru¡¨ named Ram in the ¡§mahendra¡¨ mountain. Nowhere is it said in Kalki Puran that his Guru was a messenger of God. Ram lived on a mountain ¡V but nowhere is it mentioned that either he or Kalki lived in a cave. Para-12 (Sl.7): Did Prophet Mohammed have two horses? Well Kalki will be provided only one. And I do not think Mohammed managed to ride to heaven and skies with his horses. Para-13 (Sl.8): It¡¦s a foregone conclusion that an incarnation of God on earth will have the powers of God. How does that make Kalki the same as Prophet Mohammed? By the way, Kalki is an incarnation of God Himself. As per Islamic tradition, Mohammed was God¡¦s messenger. Para-14 (Sl.9): A very foolish conclusion. Even today, military personnel in many parts of the world are taught horse riding and swordsmanship during their training as part of military tradition and valour. Does that mean that they fight with these weapons? In a prophecy, weapons of the future are described in the nearest term understandable at that time. Similar terms had been used by Nostradamus too in his prophecies. And if you think that Kalki Puran mentions Kalki fighting with ancient weapons, how about this? Soon they entered the city of Bishasan, the capital of Koli, and burnt down the city using fiery missile. Alongwith the city, Koli too was burnt and his sons and relatives were destroyed. ~ Kalki Purana, III[7], Verses 9 & 10 I hope that the para-wise rebuttal above is sufficient to prove that the concocted article, purportedly written by a Hindu Pundit yet prominently being displayed in various Islamic websites is nothing but a trash of lies and was devised with an obvious ulterior motive in mind. Before concluding I will provide some more quotes from Kalki Purana to show its modern context and that it could not have spoken about Prophet Mohammed ¡V 1. Soon, Garga (an associate of Kalki) and his army killed 6000 Buddhist soldiers. Bharga and his soldiers killed and injured 11 million enemy soldiers and his mighty allies killed 2500 of them. Kobi along with his sons killed 2 million enemy soldiers, Pragya killed 1 million and Sumantu killed 5 million soldiers ~ Kalki Purana, II[7], Verses 5, 6, 8, 9 It seems that Kalki and his allies kill or injure an army which is almost 20 million strong. How many million men did Mohammed kill in his battles? In fact this type of huge army can be conceived in the modern times only. Also, did Mohammed ever fight this many Buddhists or anyone at all? 2. This island (Sinhala) is situated on the other side of the shore. The island has pure water and is full of people. Full of various types of Aircrafts and decorated with jewellery. The beauty of the island is enhanced by huge buildings and flags and gates decorated in front of them ~ Kalki Purana, II[1], Verses 39, 40, 41 The interesting part of the description of the island where Kalki's wife-to-be stays is that apart from the huge buildings that the island city has, its sky is also full of Aircrafts! Was there aircrafts in Prophet Mohammad¡¦s time? In the later chapters of Kalki Puran, Kalki himself was said to be traveling on such an Aircraft. Did Mohammed do that? 3. Lord Kalki, along with his soldiers armed with various types of weapons engaged in war with Kok and Bikok. These two brothers are supreme demons, great fanatics and adept in the art of war. These brothers are intimately connected, powerful, hard to defeat and are even feared by the Gods. ~ Kalki Purana, III[6], Verses 43 & 44 The surprise elements here are the description of the war with brothers called "Kok and Bikok", who are allied with Koli. These are surely Gog and Magog described in the Biblical book of Revelations and "Yajooj and Majooj" described in the Islamic prophecies. This is the final nail in the coffin for the mischievous article. The Yajooj/Majooj war (Gog/Magog in the Bible) is the war, in which Christ during His second coming will fight during the end of the world. Prophet Mohammed did not fight this war. This war is predicted for the future in the Islamic and Biblical prophecies. We can thus definitely conclude that Kalki will appear in the future and is not Prophet Mohammed by any means. Claiming so can only be the work of a deceiver. However, it is the Muslims who are only deceived by all these crap, not the Hindus. --------------------------------------------- source : Kalki Purana :: http://ww-iii.tripod.com/hindu.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Followups* * Great Work - *TanTriX*, Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 03:52:13 * Who is Mohammad ? - *Krishnakumar*, Tuesday, January 25, 2005 at 06:36:07 * Who Said - *aperson*, Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 22:47:14 * look around and think - *zaihas*, Wednesday, October 20, 2004 at 04:25:18 o Kalki is coming - *Sanjay*, Wednesday, December 22, 2004 at 00:27:22 * Just one word for this article: "AMAZING" - *Umesh Sugandh*, Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 02:44:45 * Good job done - *dharmendra mishra*, Friday, October 1, 2004 at 14:00:06 * some more information - *Baldev S. Rana*, Tuesday, June 1, 2004 at 15:47:07 * aslam alaykom - *aftab alam*, Saturday, December 27, 2003 at 14:03:27 * Your Article - *Mobeen Zar*, Friday, December 19, 2003 at 13:00:17 * Bantahan terhadap Pandit Vaid Parkash - *gandhi*, Thursday, December 4, 2003 at 04:41:14 * namaste - *Kristopher Kyle Kennemer*, Tuesday, November 4, 2003 at 02:58:37 * Kalki will teach & follow ideas of Gita, a Blasphemy per Islam- this also contradicts this Islamic propaganda: - *Sevak*, Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at 06:57:09 o belief is most important - *Ahsan uddin*, Sunday, April 25, 2004 at 10:12:38 o belief is most important - *Ahsan uddin*, Sunday, April 25, 2004 at 10:12:31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Reply to this Message* *Note: *Please be sure to fill out each and every field correctly. If you do not do so, your post will not be submitted and you will have to start all over again! Name: E-Mail: Subject: Message: Sword of Truth Forum