From: vrnparker Mailing-List: list Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 14:55:51 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [world-vedic] Witch hunt of Hindus by English Media of Bharat --- From: "Mohan Gupta" To: "a4India\"" Subject: Witch hunt of Hindus by English Media of Bharat Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 23:36:42 -0400 Witch hunt of Hindus by English Media of Bharat There has been a relentless witch-hunt, the likes of which we have never seen before; a witch hunt orchestrated by the major English newspapers of Bharat in cahoots with the opposing political parties and so called secular groups; a witch hunt that knows no logic and sees no reason; a witch hunt so consumed by a blind hatred for the Hindus and BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) that fraud and deceit are considered appropriate weapons in this mad orgy; a witch hunt in which even national interest is of no concern. Bharatiya media people err by misrepresenting, fabricating or otherwise falsifying information, By their such act the foundations of readers, viewers, listeners trust and confidence is immediately imperiled. There have been examples of journalistic malfeasance over the last many years that have raised questions about the paucity of courses on ethics and journalism, the maniacal culture of anti-Hinduism, anti-Bharat and pro-Semitic religions. Beginning in the late 90s, Bharatiya newspapers reported on a rash of so called anti-Christian incidents perpetrated supposedly by Hindu extremists. Close scrutiny, however, revealed that these incidents were deliberate falsehoods spread by vested interests to further their political agenda. Take for example the incident in Jhabua, MP, in which four nuns were brutally raped. Even before any details of this crime were available, the major English, communist and secular newspapers of Bharat had conducted trial, established the criminal guilt of the Hindu extremists and communicated this message to the country and whole world at large by splashing this news across their front pages. It was finally left to Francois Gautier, the correspondent in South Asia for Le Figaro, France's largest circulation newspaper, who personally went to Jhabua, to unearth the truth. This is what he wrote in the Hindustan Times (Feb 1, 1999). "This massive outcry on the atrocities against the minorities raises doubts about the quality and integrity of Bharatiya journalism. Take for instance, the rape of four nuns in Jhabua. Today the Indian press (and the foreign correspondents) are still reporting that it was a religious rape. Yet I went to Jhabua and met the four adorable nuns, who themselves admitted, along with their Bishop George Anatil, that it had nothing to do with the religion. It was the doing of a gang of Bhil tribals, known to perpetrate these kind of hateful acts on their own women. Yet today, the Indian press, the Christian hierarchy and the politicians continue to include the Jhabua rape in the list of the atrocities against the Christians by Hindu fundamentalist groups. About another incident that occurred in Kerala province, Francois Gautier wrote, "In Wyanad in northern Kerala, it was reported that a priest and four women were beaten up and a Bible was stolen by fanatical Hindus. A FIR was lodged, the communists took out processions all over Kerala to protest against the atrocities and the Press went gaga. Yet as an intrepid reporter from the Calicut office of The Indian Express found out, nobody was beaten up and the Bible was safe. Too late, the damage was done and this lie still is being made use of by the enemies of India." The reporting of events about Gujarat is another example of hyperbole, which is all malicious dissemination of falsehoods. Writing about the Gujarat riots, Arundhati Roy had this to say (Outlook, May 2002). "A man surrounded the house of ex-Congress MP Iqbal Ehsan Jaffri. His phone calls to the director general of police, the police commissioner, the chief secretary, the additional chief secretary (Home) were ignored. The mobile police vans around his house did not intervene. The mob broke into his house. They stripped his daughters and burnt them alive. Then they beheaded Jaffri and dismembered him." The description is graphic, the veracity of incident taken almost for granted coming from a writer of Arundhati Roy's reputation. But alas, that's where we make mistake. Fame and honesty are not inter linked as the following paragraph clearly indicates. Jaffri was killed in the riots but his daughters were neither stripped nor 'burnt alive'. T.A. Jaffri, son of Iqbal Ehsan Jaffri in a front page interview titled 'Nobody knew my father's house was the Target' (Asian Age, May 2,2002, Delhi edition) says, "among my brothers and sisters, I am the only one living in India. And I am the eldest in the family. My sister and brother live in the US. I am 40 years old and I have been and brought up in Ahmedabad." So if Ehsan Jaffri had only one daughter (singular) who was safe and sound in US, from where did Roy get her facts about not one, but daughters (plural) being stripped and burnt? Was it the fancy of a writer's mind? Or was it willful deceit aimed at maligning her ideological adversaries? Even in States a reporter Jayson Blair 27, has been exposed who, "misled readers and Times colleagues with dispatches that purported to be from Maryland, Texas and other states, when often he was far away, in New-York. He fabricated comments. He concocted scenes. He stole material from other newspapers and wire services. He selected details from photographs to create the impression he had been somewhere or seen someone, when he had not. A news item from New-York A dog went wild and attacked a young boy in Central Park, New York. A man was able to grab the dog by the neck, pulling it off the boy and choking it to death. A reporter from the NY Times calls the man to interview him, congratulating him on his act of heroism. He suggests the head line: "New Yorker saves the life of a young boy!" But the man tells him: I am not from NY." Ok, then how about: "American hero saves the day". "But", the man told him, "I am not American." "Then, from where are you from?" asked the reporter. "I am from India," the man replied. The next day the head lines which appeared in NY, read: "Hindu fundamentalist strangles dog in Central Park. FBI investigating possible links to fascist Hindu organisations." Mr. Tunku Varaddarajan is deputy editor of features section of 'The Wall Street journal'. He has had got several publications in the New York Times which are all against Hindus and Hindu organisations. Those kinds of writing create hatred and poison among the minds of American peoples against Hindus and Bharat. Christopher Jaffrelot, the man is most responsible for the bad image of India in France (he is the world specialist on "Hindu fundamentalism", something which does not even exist. Why many western media people are against Bharat and Hindus?) The Congress party of India had divided India along caste and religious lines to survive in power; India's minorities had taken advantage of a secular Government by getting more privileges than the majority community; Hindus are probably the most tolerant people in the world, not only accepting that God manifests Himself as Krishna, but also as Christ, Buddha, or even Mohammed; Hindus have ironically been the target of one of the most horrible genocides ever perpetrated upon mankind in the name of religion. Even today Hindus are falling prey to jihadis: Witness the ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri Pandits, far more horrible than the one of the Bosnians; Hindus have given shelter to all persecuted minorities in the world: Syrian Christians, Armenians, Parses, Jews, in history, and the Tibetans today. Hindus, who have such a long tradition of tolerance, gentleness, spirituality and hospitality, needed a Government which reflected these qualities; not the successive governments which have come in since Independence, and have divided India along caste and religious lines, instituted corruption, provincialism, stateism and bureaucracy. Blind adherence to any ideology whether it is Hindutva or anti-Hindutva will lead Bharat and Hindus nowhere. Truth, honesty and justice must surmount all ideologies. Double standards and hypocrisy especially the type practised by Bharat's so called eminent personalities will only destroy Bharat's democracy and society. Truth must be the basis of any ideology. Truth and honesty must be the foundations of Bharat's society. It is due to English press of Bharat that India /Bharat has a bad image in the whole world. It is only when the Indian English language press will become a little less negative, a little more proud of its roots, then the Western correspondents will be positively influenced. Because the first input they get when they open an Indian English language newspaper or switch on television, news is negative about India: Everything is hopeless about this country, when India is a much better bet for the Western world than totalitarian China, or Islamic Pakistan. What do these incidents suggest? The so-called secular groups (or more appropriately labelled pseudo-secular) are willing to go any lengths to put across their point of view, even it involves duplicity, spreading lies or half-truths or indulging in hyperbole. How one can believe people or the philosophy they espouse when trickery is an indispensable item in their mode of communication? Or in other words can an ideology that requires the crutches of deceit and distortion sustain itself. The lies created by English press of India appear to be calculated machinations aimed at achieving a specific goal of tarnishing and destroying Hindu society. Christian and Muslims know how they can spoil Hindu religion and therefore they invest a lot of money in media and they hire Hindu writers to write against Hindus. If a Hindu writes against a Muslim openly then we know what happens in India. All Christian missionaries are the products of Kerala and they control most of the Newspapers and Magazines in Kerala, Malayala Manorama, The Week, Mangaglam, Deepika etc. Revenue in the Mosques and Churches are being utilized for conversion and spreading hatred against Hindus. Hindus are not aware of what is happening around them. If the current trend goes on then Hindus will be minority within a short period. Some media people like Dilip D'Souza are slave forever and ever to the Christian nation and a disgrace to our Motherland Bharat! It is shame on Bharatiya media people who give worldwide coverage to false and anti-Hindu, and anti-Bharat news. Even Los Angel Times has got better idea what is happening in Bharat and what is true news. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Los Angeles Times Website"