From: Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 17:44:36 EDT Subject: The Plight of Indian Americans To: CC: Mr. Chandrkal Prabhakar I whole heartedly support your views that we, Indians living in USA must unite if we want to have any political voice in the American political/social affairs. However, it is important to realize that the seeds of the present disunity were sawn in the past in India and not in America. Therefore, the unity amongst the diverse religious and provincial minded Indian Americans is possible only if the following criterions are in place: 1. Distortion of India history, its culture and traditions It is absolutely necessary that all Indian religious groups residing in America must be made aware of their original roots, traditions, and culture without any distortion or fancy. We have all inherited rich ancient Indian culture and traditions which we should be proud of irrespective of our religious identity. Unfortunately, the Indian history has been written by the Europeans/English historians with Euro-centric views and which after independence has been further distorted by the Indian leftist historians to suite their political ideology. Further distortions come from several American and European academics from some of the well-known universities like Harvard, Chicago etc. financed by powerful and rich non-Indian NGOs, who have been working hard to keep their Euro-centric theories alive like the notorious but defunct 'Aryan Invasion Theory.' The driving force for creating and building such distorted history is to keep the Indians from uniting. This is a classical theory of 'divide and rule’ which the British used successfully in India to rule her for nearly 250 years and which is now being used by the India’s self-centered, opportunist, and anti-national politicians to keep the Indian society divided to stay in power. The seeds of this disunity get transplanted into America with arrival of new immigrants from India. It gets further strengthened amongst their children when they read the negative and stereotype image of India and its people in their classroom textbooks. In India the falsification of Indian history has been carried out by the Indian government to suite its political communal vote bank agenda which in turn gets presented as facts in the American class room textbooks. One of the guidelines prepared by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in 1982 was that "History and Language textbooks for schools all over India will soon be revised radically. In collaboration with various state governments the Ministry of Education has begun a phased programme to weed out undesirable textbooks and remove matter which is prejudicial to national integration and unity and which does not promote social cohesion." So here was the government sanction to change history books so that social cohesion can be maintained - truth be damned. Another "NCERT guideline which proclaims that the conflict between Hindus and Muslims in medieval India shall be regarded as political rather than religious." So the Government of India appears only too willing to endorse lies and half-truths in the name of social cohesion and national integration. How can suppressing the inconvenient and unpleasant facts will make a healthy and united society? Today in Germany it is a crime to deny the Jewish holocaust but in India it is called 'communal' to openly say in the words of Will Durant, the great American historian that "The Mohammedan Conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history." Though the Jews in America are a very small minority, they are a very powerful force in the America. One the reasons is that every Jewish child learns without distortion about the Jewish holocaust and its ancient history of persecution through out the world excepting India. This brings unity amongst the diverse Jewish factions without creating any prejudice against the current generation of their German persecuting ancestors. So long such lies and distortions are officially used by a democratic government to suppress truth and facts, unity of the Indians within India or America will remain a day dream. Every Indian religious and ethnic group must accept their truthful past, however bitter and unpleasant it may be. White washing and distorting the India history has created more animosity and hatred between Hindus and Indian Muslims than unity and cohesion as propagated by the Indian Government and its leftist allies. 2. Divisive Leftist and anti-India groups responsible for creating disunity: The Indian leftists in America have formed an unholy alliance with evangelical Christians and fundamentalist Muslim groups to denigrate Hinduism, its culture and history. In case of the recent California textbooks issue, these Indian leftists including two Christian evangelical groups along with a professor from Harvard went out of their way to stop certain legitimate changes to the school classroom textbooks in the section related to Hinduism suggested by Dr. Shiva Bajpai, a well-known professor of University of California. In their malicious campaign, they insulted the professor, Hindu parents and their supporters by branding them as â€~Hindu fundamentalists’. The propaganda machines of these Indian American leftists and their allies, many masquerading as Human Rights organizations, work over time to spread malicious and outrageous lies and half truth against Hindus and their leaders whenever any opportunity arises. Take the example of the Gujarat riots. While down playing the ghastly and horrific event of burning alive of innocent Hindu women and children in the train at Godhra station by Muslims, these leftists in America went on a campaign of spreading Gobebbelsian lies by fabricating news that more than 2,000 Muslims were killed by Hindus in Gujarat supported by the Gujarat government. The Chief Minister, Narendra Modi was demonized and branded as â€~Hitler’ etc. What was the truth? No court has indicated Modi and the Central Government (headed by the Congress Party) informed the Rajya Sabha (upper House of Parliament) on May 11, 2005 that 254 Hindus and 790 Muslims were killed in the Post Godhra riots in Gujarat. (_ ( ). Whereas these bleeding hearts still continue spreading lies and hatred against Gujarat and Modi, they have maintained a complete silence about the plight of 400,000 Kashmiri Hindus who have been ethnically cleansed from their ancestral homes by the Islamic terrorism and have been forced to live in the filthy refugee camps in pitiable conditions in there own motherland. The same apostles of Human rights have never expressed their sympathy for nearly 4,000 Sikh men, women and children slaughtered by Congress hoodlums in 1984. Rajiv Gandhi justified the terror unleashed by his party by saying that 'When a big tree falls, the earth will shake.' While the ghost of the Gujarat Riots and demonizing of Narendra Modi is kept alive in the Indian and American media with the sole objective of portraying Hindus and Hinduism in the most negative and insulting manner, Rajiv Gandhi and his party men responsible for the Sikh riots have been treated with velvet gloves. Why has there not been any open outrage and condemnation against the calculated Islamic Jihadi terrorism in recent years in Delhi, Varanasi, Mumbai, Malegaon, Bangalore, Samjota Express, Hyderabad and Kashmir which have killed hundreds of innocent Hindu men, women and children? Why have these Indian American leftists and their cohorts not raised their voice against the present UPA Government in India for failing miserably to protect the lives of the Indian citizens? Mr. Prabhakar, are you willing to call a spade a spade and advise these destructive and evil forces in the community to desist from dividing the Indian Americans for their political and religious agenda? Truth is bitter but you cannot cure a disease without swallowing a bitter pill. Dhiru Shah