Debating Atheism - quotes But sometimes a preacher will avoid a fight if he sees that the challenger simply wants to argue for the sake of argument. Rupa Gosvami once declined to debate a rascal who came to defeat him, but then Rupa's nephew, Jiva Gosvami, took up the challenge. So a devotee may or may not choose to meet the challenges of the atheists and voidists, depending on the circumstances, but in any case he knows that debate and challenge do not lead to a true understanding of God. Narada Bhakti Sutra 5.74 p. Some evenings Prabhupada would speak or arrange debates, although Kirtanananda was constantly cautioning. When Prabhupada wanted to speak, it was impossible for any of his disciples to stop him. Sometimes he would ask Kirtanananda to debate with one of the visiting devotees. One devotee would argue for the impersonalist's or atheist's position, and the other would argue for the Krsna conscious position. Prabhupada would judge. But no sooner would the argument begin than Prabhupada would interrupt, take the position of the devotee, and defeat the atheistic or impersonalistic argument. The devotees loved it. Prabhupada was unable to confine himself either to the role of a silent judge or to that of a recuperating patient. "Why do we concentrate on the impersonalists?" Kirtanananda asked. "Why do we attack them so much? Why don't we concentrate our attack on the atheists?" "You say that because you are an impersonalist," Prabhupada answered angrily. SDG: SPL 3.26 Commentary: Sahajiyas reject the study of all Vaisnava literatures in the claim that they are mundane and speculative. It is sentimental for a devotee to think that he should not argue philosophically. No devotee should renounce philosophical debate out of laziness or sentimentality. Rather, every preacher must equip himself to defeat opposing philosophies by reading Prabhupada's books. He should then enter the atheistic atmosphere created by materialistic scientists and others and deliver the Vaisnava conclusion, or siddhanta, on every issue of controversy. Such issues include the origin of life, the existence of God, whether God is personal or impersonal, God's identity, and the question of the divine origin of the scriptures. SDG: Reading Reform, Quotes 8 Vishnujana Swami: Yes, you can always challenge them, but you are not to discuss with them. In other words, you don't debate with them, you just challenge them that, "We say 'Thou shalt not kill' means 'Thou shalt not kill any living beings.' And whatever one has to kill for maintaining this body, that should be offered, according to the rules of scripture, to God." That's all. Then when they want to debate, you say, "No, we are not debating with atheists." Vishnujana Swami Nectar - 27 Talks and Lectures, NOD 7 - Los Angeles, May 8, 1973 Seminars: Meditation (7 hrs.) (Continuation) Public Lecturing (10 hrs.) (Continuation) Debating (5 hrs.) Debating with atheists and followers of impersonal philosophies. For purposes of debate, student will assume role of antagonist. After 2.5 years of public lecturing, students become very familiar with atheistic and impersonal arguments.) Hare Krishna Handbook 7b