From: Vrndavan Parker Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 02:40:16 +0200 (CEST) Subject: In Response Dear Mayeshvar prabhu, Jaya Vaishnavas. Jaya Hanuman. Thank you for sharing yr concerns. When I was in Bhaktivedanta Swami gurukul in Vrndavan the school principal was named Dr Sharma. He was an elderly Indian gentleman and a friend of Prabhupad's from the 1940s and 50s. When Srila Prabhupad appointed him as the principal of 'his most important gurukul' in Iskcon, his choice was questioned. Dr Sharma was not a 'Vaishnava' didn't have strong 'sadhana' and was a known advocate of the Shankara philosophical view. So how could he be a good candidate for a Vaishnava school principal? Prabhupad's response was that Dr Sharma will 'teach these boys some culture.' Dr Sharma then proceeded to teach us about Rani of Jhansi, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, The real horrific record of the British Empire, the poisoning of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Gandhi-Nehru-Indira controversies etc. Basically he taught us all about Indian 'politics,' Hindi, Sanskrt and various aspects of Hindu society and customs. He was also our last resort for health & trauma recovery. What a noble soul to have given up his comfort at his hotel in Agra to spent many of his elderly years running an experimental school surrounded by fanatic, brutal western converts. All just to help his old friend Prabhupada. Now that is a 'Personal' commitment. It is to both Srila Prabhupad and Dr Sharma that I owe my commitment and connection to this ancient Vedic/Hindu culture. As a student of Sanskrt, I was quite happy to find that when I began my Hindi language studies, my prior knowledge of Sanskrt enabled me to read Hindi. It was later that I found out that modern Hindi is a direct descendent of an old Indic dialect called Brajbhasha, So of course the language of Krsna would basically be Sanskrt i.e. Modern Hindi. There are some minor differences, some changes have developed, some persian mixed in etc. Yet it is still Sanskrt. In the same way, the culture that Srila Prabhupad was referring to when he said he wanted us to learn some culture, is that culture that is legally and academically referred to as Hinduism. Hindu culture represents the world's largest surviving reservoir of Vedic Culture. Vedic Culture or civilization is a holistic reality that includes all aspects of existence. So when you refer to politics as an unworthy topic, I can not agree. Having learnt about Kautilya/Chanakya from Dr Sharma, among other Indian political leaders in Prabhupad's Gurukul, I recognize that rather than an unworthy topic, politics is a realm of utmost importance that the Dharmic minded ignore at their own peril. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Prabhupad specifically highlighted the value of an Indian birth for those on the path to spiritual advancement, yet today millions and millions of these Indian children are being spiritually slaughtered thru asuric educational systems. They are taught outright lies regarding Lord Krsna, Lord Rama, Guru Nanak, Shivaji etc. The former BJP govt of India removed these offensive tracts and published textboooks that clearly highlight the role and historicity of Lord Krsna, Rama, Mahabharata, Ramayana etc They were savagely criticized for glorifying Krishna in this way and labelled their Hindu effort as the 'Talibization of India's Education system.' The current govt immediately re-introduced the anti-vedic textbooks. They were recently forced to remove passages that claimed that ancient Vedic civilization killed and ate cows thru the political activism of the Hindus. This is Vedic and Dharmic work and directly related to Prabhupada's efforts to re-awaken India. It is also directly political work. India's children are taught that their ancestors, rather than being the people of Lord Krsna, the protector of Cows, were instead cow killers and part of a beef eating civilization. Known asuric antagonists like Aurangzeb are praised and the massive genocide and destruction of nearly 90% of India's Vedic architecture, social, economic and societal structures is denied. The horrific British record of genocide is whitewashed and India's societal problems are blamed on its own dharmic culture rather than on the violence and conspiracies of its adharmic enemies. In India, Many Ancient Vedic Temples are managed by atheists and the pilgrim's donations taken by the Govt. Devotees are being attacked, bombed and massacred as they go to Mandirs and sacred sites. In India the political struggle is directly linked to Vedic culture and this becomes obvious when one looks at Pakistan. Before 1947, the region of modern Pakistan was just as much a part of the vibrant Vedic/Hindu India as any other part. Many ancient holy sites and temples covered the whole of NW India. Yet today one is challenged to find even one remaining ongoing Vedic holy site in Pakistan. One of the greatest Vedic universities in the history of Kali Yuga was located in Takshasila. Yet today it is nothing but ruins in Pakistan.Were one to attempt to trace the famous pilgrimage of Lord Balarama during the Kuruksetra war, I doubt any temple or marker has survived on the Pakistan side. In fact, not only did all Vedic holy sites virtually disappear from Pakistan, the people who hold these sites sacred, i.e. the Hindus, their population dropped from approx. 33% to 3% Obviously, Hindu civilization is what is preserving India's Vaishnava pilgrimage sites regardless of the various Siddhantas and 'mayavadis.' Mayapur and Navadvip are vital and important centers of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. Yet when the British partitioned India, the whole Krsnanagar region was to be given to Pakistan. It was the resolute determination of RSS activists, "Hindu nationalists" that prevented this from happening. It was many such other RSS actions which preserved many areas for vedic culture in India. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is one of the great heroes of India that is glorified daily by the millions of RSS members during their Shakas or daily get togethers. The great significance and recognition of Sri Caitanya, Vaishnava culture, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita to India is at the core of the RSS 'ethos.' Our right and freedom to spread the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the maintenance and enhancement of a fertile culture that will welcome that message is our common goal. Regardless of the various philosophical views of the Vedic community we all have a common goal to enhance India's role as the guiding light of the world. The fact is Vedic civilization represents the only viable alternative to the modern paradigm. All Hindu Vedic activists share the common goal of inspiring any and all sincere seekers in their paths towards the Supreme Reality. Some use a Brahmavadi approach some do not.However, we are common allies with common goals. I have personally received much support in my efforts to share Prabhupad's vision, Vedic Culture and Harinam from the RSS and Swami Dayananda Saraswati. The track record, vision and dedicated activism of Swami Dayananda Saraswati is one of dedication and success. His personal efforts to maintain the ancient Vedic cultures of India's Tribals and their ancient connectivity to Krsna's ancient Indian culture are well-known. I have been very fortunate to have participated in his efforts and to have been to many conferences with him. First hand I have seen and heard him speak of his dedication to Vedic cultures' growth and preservation. It has been thru the direct support of the RSS and Swami Dayananda that I was privileged to engage in Hari Katha and Harinam Sankirtan in the remote regions of NE India such as Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and his followers are also doing tremendous work in directly applying the Vedic sciences to solving everyday problems. In many realms of life, Maharishi's vision and vedic wisdom is at the forefront of the Vedic renaissance. As a political candidate of the Maharishi Natural Law Party, I ran for US State Senate and in a well-received campaign, I focused on the vedic ideals of governance. I was elected to the Waikiki neighborhood board as result of my activism. The Maharishi groups excellent work in Vedic architecture and Vastu is broadening public awareness of the Vedic sciences. Its natural application and obvious benefits has the potential to open people's minds to the essence of Vedic Culture. Recently a new multi-million dollar building was completed in DC. Based on Vedic Vastu shastra, it is guaranteed to benefit the community as a whole. This is just part of the vedic cultural activism that Maharishi has inspired. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is inspiring millions around the world to uplift their lives. The son of a dedicated Vaishnava lady, she considered her son to be a direct gift of Tulsi Devi. The AOL people avoid using any names like Hindu Vaishnava etc but the addition of yoga and Harinam mantras to the lives of millions is a great benefit to the world. Sri Sri Ravi shankar is also doing tremendous work in the Islamic world introducing thousands to vedic culture in a non threatening way. This is obviously part of Krsna's plan to open the hearts and minds of the people towards the benefits of Vedic civilization. Perhaps, we are all part of one vast Vedic conspiracy being managed by the Supreme Lord Himself in order to usher in the Golden Age of the Vedic renaissance. Though we may differ philosophically, the followers of the Shankara and Buddhists are most definitely members of the Vedic community. The Vedic civilization is all inclusive. Thus not only diverse philosophies are represented, but every aspect of existence is represented. From sexual manuals, art, dance, dentistry, astrology, medicine, warfare, politics, dance, tantra,yantra, mantra are all part of Vedic culture. If this egroup were named vaishnavaculture it would be different. There is no dearth of experts and preachers who can and are promoting their perspective on Vaishnava culture. This group has and is serving a purpose that is appreciated. This group is a direct basis for the immense support I receive from the Hindu activist community. Rather than trying to divorce Krsna's people from Him because of a difference of philosophy, I am trying to honor that connection. I am also an Initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada and have no doubt that I am fulfilling an ambition of his to work with the leaders of the Hindu community in order to revive India's glorious Vedic civilization. As an initiated disciple of Prabhupada and having been in his daily personal association in India, I saw 1st hand how he interacted with the Hindus. His attitude spoke of an intimacy that one usually sees between family members. These were his people that spoke his language and understood his customs and culture. This was the culture and language he wanted us gurukul students to learn from his friend Dr Sharma. To Srila Prabhupad it was important that we learn Hindu culture from the 'Shankarite' or "Mayavadi' Dr Sharma. Iskcons's inability to ever become a functioning society is directly related to the artificial 'otherness' and 'sectarianism' that was created. Thus rather than the women and children being protected they were abused. This was a result of a lack of that very culture that Srila Prabhupad wanted Dr Sharma to instill in our hearts. Obviously the Hindu culture recognizes that each personal journey is naturally unique and very personal, thus compassion for another's personal journey is a given. Others try to apply the cookie cutter approach without understanding that in itself is the essence of 'Impersonalism. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur said to accept anything beneficial for Sadhana and seva and to reject anything inimical towards sadhana and seva. The ancient cohesiveness of Vedic culture allowed for diversity and differing perspectives to thrive within the geographic bounds of India. This diversity is beneficial to Sadhana and Seva. The relationships that the various Vedic activists of diverse backgrounds have with one another are integral to the promotion of Bhagavan Sadhana and Seva. More can be achieved thru unity of purpose than by disrupting one another's commitment by public discord. Without losing our personal foundations we can work with others and reach the common goal of awakening humanity to its Vedic roots. This is my ambition and goal. Ironically there have been three sources of criticism of my efforts. Muslim fanatics, Nepal Maoists and Hare Krsnas. There has been one source of undying support...the Hindu activist community and for that I offer my eternal gratitude. Sincerely Vrndavan Parker RE: [world-vedic] 'Develop satsang for spiritualism' Hari Bolo Vrindaban Prabhu! Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Sri Guru & Sri Gauranga. I have written to you before about the content of some of the material that you post via VedicCulture newsletter. Personally I feel the good stuff you send gets lost in all the political stuff that I have little interest in reading. But more importantly I am very disturbed by what appears to be you lack of concern regarding the occasional posts you send out promoting gatherings of well know Mayavadis, such as the one below which is promoting the works of Swami Dayananda. (Also in the past Ravi Shankar, and Guru Mahesh Yogi of TM fame. etc.) Did you ever read what was in the opening paragraphs of this post? "Speaking at a function yesterday to release the two-volume collection of public lectures delivered by Swami Dayananda Saraswati, he said for spiritually advanced people, a guru like Lord Dakshinamoorthy would be most appropriate as extolled by Adi Sankara in his works on that deity. 'But for spiritually immature people, books of Dayananda Saraswati were of great help,' he said." I don't think you are fully aware of just how horrendous impersonal philosophy is because if you did you would realize that Mayavadi philosophy is the scourge of the earth and the spearhead of atheism. As a disciple of Srila Prabhupada who has studied this point in depth, I feel quit confident in saying he would never appreciate you distributing this type of propaganda! In the past you have defended doing that by claiming that the Advaita tradition is also part of Vedic culture, but actually that perpetuates the very myth the impersonalists wish to establish! The fact is that mayavadi philosophy is NOT part of Vedic culture! This is very well researched and established in the publication called "Beyond Nirvana" translated by Narayan Maharaja and now available in English. If you need more supporting Vaishnava evidence to fully grasp this important point then let me know and I will be glad to inundate you with it. So on behalf of Srila Prabhupad I humbly request that you please refrain from promoting events that are in direct contradiction to Lord Caitanya's purpose for appearing and Srila Prabhupada's personal mission statement. I am also bewildered regarding why you would send out a cheap Ponzi Scam such as the post with the following subject line: Subject: [world-vedic] SIMPLY SUPERB !!! SPEND ONLY Rs 250 & BECOME A RICH MAN VERY Why in the world did you send this out? Posting this type of material really degrades the quality of your otherwise great work and informative posts. I don't wish to sound overly authoritative, but I really think it would be in your best interest to be more selective about what you post. Otherwise you will get the reputation of being the "National Enquirer" of of Vaishnava discussion groups. Hoping this meets you in good spirits and enthusiastically engaged in the service of Lord Krishna. Your Servant, mayesvara dasa American Vedic Association Home Of Jagannatha 687 Villanova Road Clock, Umbrella, & Jewelry Ojai California, 93023 (805) 640-0405 md @ "If a devotee accepts Lord Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu as the universal guru and Lord Jagannätha as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, he is benefited by the combined mercy of Krsna and guru." - Madhya 13.18 purport -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Vrndavan Parker Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 18:41 To:;; Subject: [world-vedic] 'Develop satsang for spiritualism' Repeat reading a must to grasp Vedic treatises 'Develop satsang for spiritualism' NT Bureau Chennai, June 20: THOUSANDS ATTEND Sri Nachiyappa Gnana Desika Swamigal, the 12th pontiff of Koviloor Adheenam, releasing the books, a compilation of public discourses of Swami Dayananda Saraswati at a function in Chennai yesterday. Photos: K Vijay Anand CLICK FOR IMAGES To understand the essence of Vedanta, certain percepts have to be repeated quite often just like the way a teacher keeps repeating to din into the ears of the students, said R Seshasayee, managing director, Ashok Leyland. Speaking at a function yesterday to release the two-volume collection of public lectures delivered by Swami Dayananda Saraswati, he said for spiritually advanced people, a guru like Lord Dakshinamoorthy would be most appropriate as extolled by Adi Sankara in his works on that deity. 'But for spiritually immature people, books of Dayananda Saraswati were of great help,' he said. The two-volumes on Mundakopanishad, the discourses by Dayananda, were also released on the occasion. The books were released by Sri Nachiyappa Gnana Desika Swamigal, the 12th pontiff of Koviloor Adheenam. 'According to Vaishnava Siddhantha, a person finds a guru through untiring search and the deeds of the past lives. But here without much searching, our guru is here to guide us,' he said, pointing to Dayananda Saraswati. M S Ananth, director, IIT Madras, through an in-absentia message said the works of a Nobel Prize winning scientist and Dayananda were strikingly similar. For, if one read the books authored by both, a feeling of having understood everything crept in. But on closing the books, the feeling of not having understood the contents prevailed. 'In such cases, repetitive reading would help in grasping the essence of the books,' said Ananth. In a world of conflict, satsangs (associations with noble people) was a valuable asset for those inclined to spiritualism. Kapila Vatsayan, chairperson, Indira Gandhi Centre for the Arts, New Delhi, said, 'transcribing words heard has been a part of our country's tradition.' Messages from Dayananda's books and his discourses were most valuable as they came out of enlightened consciousness of a spiritual personality, she observed. Sri Nachiyappa Gnana Desika Swamigal said books have an important role to play in communicating philosophy, Vedic thoughts and truisms in simple words for generations to assimilate, understand and benefit from such literature. Dayananda Saraswati said a dedicated team was behind the release of the books. 'I used only simple words as the ideas should be communicable for everyone to understand my works,' he said. He had taken care in the usage of words in the volumes for conveying the intended meaning without repetition of words and phrases. Sheela Balaji, managing trustee, Swami Dayananda Educational Trust, said they were planning to bring out four titles every three months.