Subject: [world-vedic] Whats Really Happening in Nepal?! From: Vrndavan Parker Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 23:40:13 +0200 (CEST) To:,,,, Whats Really Happening in Nepal?! Nepal's culture is unique in many ways. One of its important unique qualities is that it has one of the world's last remaining indigenous governments and a civil society ingrained with an ancient, indigenous native ethos. In other words all cultures and societies have their sacred rituals, symbols that have value both material, spirital, physical and metaphysical. The Indigenous cultures represent the survivors of ancient societies whose inherent genius allowed them to prosper, expand and survive over millenia. Survival means adaptability, connectivity and balance with nature. Thus Indigenous cultures have the formula for overcoming our modern calamities. More important than just preserving them as one does animal species, indigenous ways need to be researched, developed and applied. The Nepal situation is at the forefront in the struggle for the rights of Native Societies to control their own destinies. The complicit involvement of International Intelligence operatives from Saudi-Pakistan's ISI and North Korea, the UN, EU, UK and Indian Governments moral support and favorable rhetoric towards the Maoist, US double talk, Israel and Japan's quiet role and China's sudden military support for the King all expose a Global showdown of major proportions. Nepal's extremely valuable strategic location between the two emerging giants of India and China has always been an important center for trade and an ancient cultural nexus. The destabilization of Nepal will set back the development of China, India and the whole region by decades. The media's blatant misrepresentation and support for the stage managed protest rallies is the smoking gun. After spending the last year gathering and holding thousands of hostages on the threat of death or the lesser threat of having their house burnt down, it was easy for the Maoist to gather protesters. Combined with bribes for thousands of poor kids and out of work/ off duty citizens, its easy for the global media to angle the cameras and slant the story into an earnest frustrated hunger for democracy. What we see happening in Nepal is an example of mass social engineering through the methods of brutality and psychological warfare. The usual method is to sorround a village with a highly armed, fully equiped platoon.(Strangely the question is never raised as to how desperately poor farmers and hunters are able to locate, purchase and master the use of the world's best armaments and communication and tracking equipment. That same investment in time, planning and money would go far in community development or personal upliftment.) After sorrounding the village, all the residents are gathered and accounted for. People are rated and treated accordingly. Anyone that has a relative in the army or goverment is immediatley singled out for brutality. Known Hindu activists or anyone that supports Nepal's Indigenous traditons such as Shamans, Buddhist monks, Hindu priests and Pandits are forced into slave labor or outright murdered. At times, all the homes in the village are padlocked and the villagers are gathered into cadres according to their status. The young, as always with dictatorial groups, are singled out for easy indoctrination into becoming killers. It is also at this time that important hostages are gathered in order to force compliance amongst the community. (Note: The Film 'Killing Fields' is an example of what the Marxists did in Cambodia. The same is being repated in Nepal.) Small infractions are punished by having one's house padlocked for different durations according to the severity of the disobediance. New 'Recruits' are indocrinated, others do manual labor, some pratice military drills while others are taught the use of new weapons, satellite communication and tracking devices etc. Through a use of terror, murder, kidnapping, blackmail, extortion and brain-washing, the Maoist are able to create the perfect tool for the external forces that fund and mastermind the whole operation. The smoking gun of the Global media's balatant cover story on behalf of the Maoist points to external support if not actual control of the Maoist terror group. The idea that the world media, Kofi Annan and the UN, The EU, the run-amock political interest groups guised as NGOs and Human Right's groups, the UK, India and US all missed out on the Maoist track record just does not add up. Every one of the above Nations and Organizations have a standard application for the rejection of any form of terror or human rights violation and enforces a code of justice towards those guilty of criminal activities. Why Nepal's government is being asked to adopt a standard that has been rejected by all the above mentioned groups is inexplicable. When political parties join a militarily active anti-government group, the role of the head of State, whether it be the President, King or Queen is to ensure the legal and operational functionality of the government. The politcal parties left the legal arena a long time ago and joined the side of active illegality against the Government of Nepal. That government must respond accordingly. By allying with known perpetrators of terror, kidnapping, murder and extortion, Nepal's political parties have not only betrayed the people of Nepal. By joining the Moaist, Nepal's political parties are joined with those that have broken every law, ethical and moral code, disregarded every form of human right to freedom. They have joined a culture of brutality that has established a network of control through tyranny and oppression. Though having brutally locked down 70% of Nepal's rural communities without any public mandate, enforced mandatory enrollment and participation in Maoist activities, carried out massive campaigns of violent warfare and mass murder, the Maoist are being presented as champions of democracy. Its as if a group of bank robbers took a bunch of hostages, forced some hostages and their relatives to support their cause, killed the bank guards, shot at the police then demanded full ownership of the bank and control of all its assets or else they will continue to kill. Then some of the bank stock holders show up and join in on the side of the bank robbers. Then the media begins running non-stop stories on the brutality of the bank guards and police during their shoot-outs with the bank robbers. To make things even stranger, demands from other bank owners, stock-holders and financial analysts start pouring in demanding that the owner of the bank being robbed stop being so obstinate, arrogant and dictatorial in his approach towards the bank robbers. Strangely these other bankers seem to hold the brutal actions of the bank robbers to be 'regretable' compared to the alleged brutality of the victim. In fact the Maoist in Nepal are a current face of that very tyranny humanity has struggeled against throughout history. Whether it be Stalinism, Nazism, Maoism, Khmer Rouge, the Native Holocaust, Khalifism, Ultra-Wahabism, the Taliban etc. etc. the enemies of freedom all had one thing in common. They all enforce their views on others, have a low estimate on the value of human life. Humanity, spiritual traditions, family structures, dignity and freedom of belief are obstacles to thier goals. The world is fortunate that in the King of Nepal and in the RNA, the Royal Army of Nepal, we have dedicated activists and champions who are making a stand for freedom, humanity and the survival of one of the world's most ancient civilizations. All those who support the rigths of individual freedom, Indigenous traditions, and in particular, the ancient Vedic-Hindu civilization need to offer their support in the defense of Dharma in Nepal.