Předmět: [world-vedic] Will India be a Christian Nation? Od: Srinandan@aol.com Datum: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 04:57:21 +0200 (CEST) Komu: vediculture@yahoogroups.com Namaste all Vedic Friends, These are a couple of letters that I've recently received that are not only reminders of a very basic and increasing threat to India and Hinduism in general, but something for which we should be giving more of our attention. If we are going to protect, preserve and promote the Vedic culture, then we need to become more active, as others from their religion are doing to convert people to whatever religion to which they belong, such as Christianity. Christians believe it is God's work to "save" people by making them Christians. Hindus seem to disdain the idea of proselytizing, even if it is just sharing their culture with others who are curious, or who really want to be a part of the Vedic community. It is time to give this idea up and become serious about benefiting the global population about the advantages of learning the spiritual knowledge supplied in the Vedic culture. The following letters put this into focus very nicely. Please read this and pass it along. Also, please see my ebook, " Why Be a Hindu: The Advantages of the Vedic Path, a free and simple "e-book" for easy reading on the web or distribution through email for providing and promoting a better understanding of the Vedic process. This points out 28 simple yet thought-provoking distinctions that are worth considering, and from which anyone can benefit. Click on the title for immediate access. (23 pages). This can be found on my website at: www.stephen-knapp.com Hari Om and Hari bol, Stephen Knapp Namaste Dear Hindu Brothers and Sisters. I am sending the following information for your perusal and so that we all can ponder and see what we can do? 1) 'We are all worried about Hindu India becoming a Christian India. What are we really doing about it? This article is written by Genevieve Bhat, a Chrstian, who grew up in a strict christian family. Read her article and find out why she thinks Hinduism is infinitely better than Christians. But as Hindus what are we doing to protect our religion from the onslight of Christian missionary activities and Islamic terrorism being used to dominate the world. 2) A Scandinavian lady goes to India to find to horror how Christians are converting the gullible villagers and desecrating the Hindu gods. Links to three videos are listed for you to watch. 3) Thirdly, included is the video on the onslight of strife by Muslims to dominate the world through brutal force, bombings, killings etc. Hindus have to wake up and defend their religion. If we are not woken up soon, Hindu demise may not be too far. All of will be held responsible for the extinction of Hinduism from the face of this earth. All Hindus should RISE up to the occasion to defend our sanatana dharama. Your full paricipation is required. If you want to partcipate in bringing awareness among Hindus and protect our Hindus, please contact Global Hindu Heritage Foundation through our email: dharamasanata@gmail.com Dhanyavad V. V. Prakasa Rao PhD Global Hindu Heritage Foundation 601-918-7111 ============================================================================ India A Christian Nation? We are all worried about Hindu India becoming a Christian India. What are we really doing about it? From: Genevieve Bhat Date: Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 8:37 PM Subject: We are all worried about Hindu India becoming a Christian India. What are we really doing about it? To: gbhatus@yahoo.com, xparamakaruna@yahoo.com, jagannathavallabha@rediffmail.com Dear Friends, I have been getting numerous emails day in and day out on various issues concerning Hindus. They include articles by important journalists to name a few François Gautier or Sandhya Jain. I read most of the email messages and think hard. I have made the choice of returning to Hinduism in spite of the strict Christian upbringing I received from my parents. It is very difficult to overcome the prejudice of one's childhood, but the proper information and intelligence have brought me to see that Hinduism is infinitely better than Christianity under so many aspects. Unfortunately, India seems to be heading the other way around. Under the pretext of freedom of religion and protection of the interests of minorities, Islam and especially Christianity are taking advantage of the complacency and inaction of Hindus and gaining more and more political power, with the declared purpose of ultimately taking over full control and impose their religion and way of life. It happened before in the regions now known as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangla Desh, and it is happening today in Kashmir and in the north-eastern States. The world media and public opinion are quick to blame Hindus for social frictions and "religious intolerance" but they keep a total silence on the ethnic cleansing of Hindus not only in Pakistan or Bangla Desh but even in Kashmir, Assam and Manipur. The same "holy war" for separatism and creation of "religious nations" is also going on in various parts of the world, such as in Kosovo and in East Timor.Particularly, India is being subjected to an aggressive Christian conversion campaign. During his visit in India, the Catholic pope declared that, just like the first millennium saw the Cross planted over the entire Europe and in the second millennium the Americas were conquered and Christianized, the next great "harvest of faith" is India. Even the "secular" Indian government helps, propagating and defending the theory that civilization was brought to India from outside, the idea that Hinduism is backward and full of superstitions while Abrahamic religions are progressive, historical and scientific, and that "minority religions" should be given all privileges over Hinduism - even in areas where such "minorities" have already become numerical and political majorities. Genuine historical research and awareness campaigns are forbidden and persecuted in the name of "communal peace", and while violent protests and rioting are considered "legitimate" even against a slight comment over Islam and Christianity, grossly offensive and vulgar attacks on Hinduism are benignly considered asforms of arts and freedom of expression. In India not only education, but media and entertainment too are in the hands of anti-Hindus - the result is a constant brainwashing and persecution of Hindus, and all in the name of progress and ethics. Hindus are particularly vulnerable to the present Abrahamic aggression because of their lack of organization and especially because of the lack of good Hindu education. Wealthy Hindus prefer to send their children to convent schools, and often make good donations. My sister is a nun, a mother superior in Carmel Convent in India for a very long time; once she collected 1 crore rupees in donations from the students' families. The huge sums of money collected by Christian missionaries from their congregations at world level are used to create opportunities to pull financially disadvantaged Hindus into conversion - by offering education, jobs, medical treatment and other favors in exchange. The simple-minded are duped with "miracle boxes" in churches, where the villagers' requests for small "divine favors" are mailed and a few weeks later "miraculously fulfilled". Or even worse, with public demonstrations of the "superiority" of Jesus over the Hindu "false gods": where stone vigrahas are worshiped, the Christian missionary comes with a wooden image of Jesus and challenges the villagers to see which one of the two "gods" will be able to float in water. Where wood vigrahas are worshiped, they come carrying a stone image of Jesus and challenge the villagers to see which one of the two "gods" will survive fire. Where these systems do not work, Christians even resort to open intimidation and violence, as it is almost invariably the case in tribal areas, where the separationist terrorists are substantially funded and controlled by Christian churches, sometimes even openly. For example, the Tripura Tigers and other groups have officially put a ban on the celebration of all religious festivals except the Christian ones, and on the traditional decorations of Hindu women - bangles and bindis. The houses of those who refuse to convert are torched, and people are routinely kidnapped, raped, maimed and killed until the rest flee away, leaving the "Indian Promised Land" in the hands of the Christian converts. And after all, these methods are not much different than those described in the Bible of the historical conquest of the "Promised Land" of Israel. According to a 2001 census, there are about 2.34 million Christians in India, not even 2.5% of the total population, yet there are five Christian chief ministers in Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. Karnataka is virtually controlled by AK Anthony, whose secretaries are all from the southern Christian association, and a great number of Christians and Hindu haters have obtained important administrative posts in Indian government. In 1947 there were no Christians in Tripura, and now there are 120,000 Christians, with a 90% increase since 1991. In 1961Arunachal Pradesh had only 1710 Christians, while today they are 1,2 million with 780 churches. However, Christians are not content with building churches only: they also want to take over wealthy Hindu temples through government control of the Temple Administration - and of course where elections have established Christian or Christian-friendly chief ministers, magistrates, police superintendents and administrators, it is extremely easy to hijack or sabotage the functions and properties of Hindu temples. Today, Hindus are starting to become more conscious of the great danger and to get organized against it. There is still a lot of work to be done, especially in the heart of Hindu traditional orthodoxy, where the lack of a solid Hindu education and cooperation eats away at the very roots of Hinduism, bringing success to the old schemes of the ancient invaders to destroy the Hindu tradition and replace it with their cruel religion and way of life. A particularly urgent work consists of training Hindu missionaries who can stand in debate against Christian missionaries and expose their fraud and hypocrisy. We have a center for such training in India, in a very strategic place culturally and religiously, where trainees are encouraged and guided to pursue a deeper study of the philosophical and practical aspects of genuine Sanatana Dharma, and supported in their application through a number of social programs including primary education for children, vocational training, job opportunities, agricultural self-sufficiency, health programs, and so on. We need your help to support this effort. Funds are needed for a number of programs, from school support to publications, to the seminars for the training of Hindu missionaries. The whole world knows Mother Teresa's missionary work. I do not judge her motive when she worked for the poor and the dying, but every Christian firmly believes that no one goes to heaven without believing in Jesus. Believe me, Hindus have been pouring crores of rupees to Mother Theresa's Congregation. It would be nice if the Hindus who send their children to convent schools, enquire from the nuns what they really think of the Hindus and if they will go to heaven or hell. If they are honest, you will be shocked with their answers! What would you prefer? After knowing this truth, would you still send your children to convent schools and make these convents rich? I know a great person who is working very hard for the downtrodden in India and very few people really know about her. Her name is Parama Karuna Devi. Her email address is xparamakaruna@yahoo.com, jagannathavallabha@rediffmail.com. Please contact her and assist her in her selfless service for the Hindus, by donating regularly. She trains Hindu missionaries to preach Hindu Dharma and this way to stop wrongful Christian and Islamic conversions. These Hindu missionaries in turn go from house to house, village to village and part their knowledge with others Hindus to strengthen the belief. You are welcome to visit the center during your next travel to India and participate in these sublime activities. Encourage all your relatives in India make a pilgrimage to Jagannathapuri and stay at this resort. It will be a great service to the future of Hindus in India. I am attaching a file which you could read and decide for yourselves. Check out these web sites too. www.pavan.org.in www.jagannatha.net www.dharmaseva.net Hoping to hear from you, Namaskar, Jenny 2) Videos on the Christian Conversions – Three Part Series – Watch and Learn the damage to Hinduism. Please see few nice video regarding soon to be extinct religion on Youtube "Bad Manna" by stfrancis123 ( Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jmj-_BB6zWY, Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dmwTuhmfEA&feature=related, Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z6meEmZRog&feature=related) also available t http://www.protectreligions.org/. 3) Muslim Threats, Terror and Murder http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3369102968312745410 Video: Fitna the Movie: Geert Wilders' film about the Quran (English) The film by Geert Wilders that is causing all the hubbub. 16 min 48 sec - Mar 27, 2008 mypetjawa.mu.nu To know about Fitna, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitna_(film) [quote] Wilders released the film on March 27, 2008 at 7 p.m.CET on the video website Liveleak. The following day, Liveleak removed the film from their servers following threats to their staff. The movie was reinstated on LiveLeak on March 30, 2008 after, according to an announcement on the site, "upgrading all security measures thus offering better protection for [LiveLeak's] staff and families." [unquote] Let us hope that Hon'ble PM Manmohan Singh would see this movie so that he does not lose sleep, yet again. Fitna is a Quranic term meaning 'strife'.