GITA MAHATMYA Glory of the Gita (Chanted after the recitation on the Gita) [Image] gita shastram idam punyam yah pateth prayatah puman vishnoh padam avapnoti bhaya-shokadi varjitah He who studies this Gita scripture with humility is freed from fear and misery and attains the feet of Lord Vishnu. gita adhyaana-shilasya pranayama-paraasya cha naiva santi he paapani purva janme kritani cha That person who is in the habit of reading the Gita and who is also devoted to practising pranayama (breathing exercises) is not touched by sins, even those done in his previous birth. mala nirmochanam pumsam jala snanam dine dine sakrid gitambhaasi snanam samsara mala nashanam Human beings must bathe in water every day to get rid of the dirt (of the body), but bathing in the water of the Gita once is enough to get rid of the dirt of this samsara (cycle of birth and death). gita sugita kartavya kim anyaih shastra vistaraih ya svyam padama nabhaayasa mukha padmad vinih srita Gita which has come out of the lotus-like face of the Lord (He who has the lotus in His navel) and which is so melodious, should be studied. There is no need to study any other scriptures in detail. bharat amrita sarvasam vishnor vaktrad vini sritam gita gangodakam pitva punar janma na vidyate After drinking the water of the Gita which is the nectar of the entire Bharata (the epic Mahabharata) and which has come out of the mouth of Vishnu, there is no more birth (in this world). sarvo panishado gavo dogdha gopala nandanah partho vatsah sudhir bhokta dugdham gita amritam mahat All the Upanishads are the cows, the one who milks the cows is Krishna, Arjuna (Partha) is the calf. Men of purified intellect are the enjoyers; the milk is the great nectar of the Gita. The only scripture is the song of the son of Devaki. The only deity is the son of Devaki. The only mantra is His Names. The only action is the service of That Deity.