Comparisons of Krsna's celestial features, to material objects, can never be complete. However, the materially conditioned souls are unable to appreciate how exalted is the Lord's transcendental form. Therefore, for their enlightenment, such material examples are valuable. In accordance with revealed scriptures, one should first meditate on His feet, which are compared to lotuses. Adorned with the marks of a thunderbolt, a goad, a banner and a lotus, the splen dour of their beautiful ruby nails resembles the orbit of the moon, and dispels the thick gloom of one's heart. His thighs are very beautiful, their bluish white hue appearing like the lustre of the linseed flower. The exquisite, yellow, silk cloth around His curved hips, is encircled by a girdle, and extends to His ankles. His navel appears like the moon, and is centred perfectly in the middle of His abdomen. His nipples resemble radiant emer alds. Their usual green hue is tinted white, due to the reflect ed rays emanating from His milk white necklace of pearls. Around His neck hangs a fragrant garland, the ambrosial aroma of which, allures many, melodiously humming bumble bees.