From A Puspanjali of Contemplative Prayers Offered at the Divinely Soft Lotus Feet of Our Beloved Srila Prabhupada, by Srimati devi dasi Oh Prabhupada, oh moon amongst devotees and touchstone of preachers. Chanting Krishna’s names with a voice dense with emotion, you captured the hearts and minds of the people of this world. Please capture my heart, a stubborn and stray animal, and make it your own. Oh Prabhupada, oh selfless and magnanimous maintainer of your devotees. Raising your arms and dancing in ecstasy, you gave new life to a world drugged by the vices of Kali. Please appear in my heart, dance up a storm and blind me to everything but you and the world of your Radha-Shyama. Oh Prabhupada, the soft light from your lamp of affection illuminates my heart and step by step makes clear the path through the dangerous darkness of Kali’s reign. May my mind and heart be forever fixed on that lamp in gratitude, for it is my only solace and safety in this mad and dark world of names. Oh Prabhupada, your lotus lips continuously showered forth the sweetest nectar in the form of Krishna’s name and fame. So unassumingly you gave us so much, so easily. Let me never treat your gifts cheaply. Rather, like a miser counting and admiring his coins, let me become increasingly attracted and attached to the treasures you have given us. Oh Prabhupada, although I have not even a sesame seed of pure devotion for you and your Shyama, you can make the impossible possible. Kindly take up residence in my heart, and also give me residence in yours. Then I will surely come to understand what it means to truly love Krishna. Oh Prabhupada, when will you rescue this unfortunate person drowning in an ocean of self-inflicted pain? When, even in a dream, will my head be decorated with the dust of your lotus feet, and my face blossom into a smile from the soothing rays of your loving glance? Oh Prabhupada! When will I offer you honest tears of repentance for the many times I have abused your very gracious and practical magnanimity? Oh Prabhupada! When will I take the well-kept cloth of my false pride and help clean the weeping sources presently paining your beloved ISKCON?