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1. With Muñga-grass, Balbaga-grass (and articles made of them), roots, and fruits,

2. And with (other kinds of) grass and wood which have not been worked up (into objects of use).

3. He shall not be too eager (after such a livelihood).

4. If he obtains (another lawful) livelihood, he shall leave off (trading).

[21. 2. 'Since it is known that Muñga and Balbaga are kinds of grass, it may be inferred from their being especially mentioned (in Sûtra 1) that objects made of them (may be also sold).'--Haradatta.

4. Yāgñ. III, 35.]

5. Intercourse with fallen men is not ordained,

6. Nor with Apapātras.

7. Now (follows the enumeration of) the actions which cause loss of caste (Patanīya).

8. (These are) stealing (gold), crimes whereby one becomes an Abhisasta, homicide, neglect of the Vedas, causing abortion, incestuous connection with relations born from the same womb as one's mother or father, and with the offspring of such persons, drinking spirituous liquor, and intercourse with persons the intercourse with whom is forbidden.

9. That man falls who has connection with a female friend of a female Guru, or with a female friend of a male Guru, or with any married woman.

10. Some (teachers declare), that he does not fall by having connection with any other married female except his teacher's wife.

11. Constant commission of (other) sins (besides those enumerated above) also causes a man to lose his caste.

12. Now follows (the enumeration of) the acts which make men impure (Asukikara).

13. (These are) the cohabitation of Aryan women with Sûdras,

14. Eating the flesh of forbidden (creatures),

[5. Manu XI, 180.

6. Regarding the definition of the word Apapātra, see above, I, 5, 16, 29.

8. The crimes by which a person becomes Abhisasta are enumerated below, I, 9, 24, 6 seq., where an explanation of the term will be given.

9. Regarding the 'male Gurus' see above. By 'female Gurus' their wives are meant.

10. I.e. he need not perform so heavy a penance.]

15. As of a dog, a man, village cocks or pigs, carnivorous animals,

16. Eating the excrements of men,

17. Eating what is left by a Sûdra, the cohabitation of Aryans with Apapātra women.

18. Some declare, that these acts also cause a man to lose his caste.

19. Other acts besides those (enumerated) are causes of impurity.

20. He who learns (that a man has) committed a sin, shall not be the first to make it known to others; but he shall avoid the (sinner), when performing religious ceremonies.

[20. 'That is to say, he is not to invite the sinner to dinners, given at the occasion of religious ceremonies.'--Haradatta.]