[Image] h o m e c o n t e n t s p r e v n e x t t r i v i a o n h i n d u i s m a n d i n d i a India - A Spiritual Giant Lin Yutang, Chinese scholar, author of Wisdom of China and India, has said: [Image] "India produced too much religion and China too little." A trickle of Indian religious spirit overflowed to China and inundated the whole of Eastern Asia. It would seem logical and appropriate that any one suffering from a deficiency of the religious spirit should turn to India rather than to any other country in the world." It is apparent that only in India is religion still a living emotion. " (source: The Wisdom of China and India - By Lin Yutang p. 3-4) India has "man gone to the farthest limit of his religious faculty. Consequently, religious tales is one of India's richest traditions." says J. P. Couchoud in his book Asiatic Mythology - J. Hackin p. 115). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ India's Fabulous legends: [Image] It has long been recognized that India's tales of gods and goddesses are closely related to those of ancient Greece, Rome and the Nordic and Germanic peoples. So similar are they, indeed that even the days of the week, both in India and in the West, continue to be named after the same deities, who represented the same planets: Sun for Sunday, Moon for Monday, Mars for Tuesday, Mercury for Wednesday (Woden's day in Norse legend), Jupiter for Thursday (Thor's day in Scandinavia; Brihaspati, or Jupiter's day in India), Venus for Friday, and Saturn for Saturday. While on a tour of the Parthenon, a guide will tell you that the Greek legends came from India...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Democracy on Ashoka's Rock Edict [Image] [Image]Ashoka, (273 BC - 232 BC) the most trusted son of Bindusara and the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, was a brave soldier. He was the most famous of the Mauryan kings and was one of the greatest rulers of India. During his father's reign, he was the governor of Ujjain and Taxila. Having sidelined all claims to the throne from his brothers, Ashoka was coronated as an emperor. Ashoka extended the Maurya Empire to the whole of India except the deep south and the south-east, reaching out even into Central Asia. For propagation of Buddhism, he started inscribing edicts on rocks and pillars at places where people could easily read them. These pillars and rocks are still found in India, spreading their message of love and peace for the last two thousand years. [Image] A ringing declaration of Mauryan Emperor, Ashoka at the conclusion of his first rock edict: esahi vidhi ya iyam: dhammena palana, dhammena vidhane, dhammena sukhiyana, dhammena gotiti. The word dhamma or dharma is usually translated ``law'' although it could also mean ``tradition'' or ``truth''. If we choose the common meaning, Ashoka's declaration becomes: For this is my rule: government by the law, of the law; prosperity by the law, protection by the law. This sounds like the invocation in Lincoln's Gettysburg address! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cultural Unity of India [Image] According to Jawaharlal Nehru: "Right from the beginning, culturally India has been one, because she had the same background, the same traditions, the same religions, the same heroes and heroines, the same old tales, the same learned language (Sanskrit), the village panchayats, the same ideology, and polity. To the average Indian the whole of India was a kind of punya-bhumi - a holy land - while the rest of the world was largely [wpe1E.jpg (6883 bytes)] peopled by mlechchhas and barbarians. Sankaracharya chose the four corners of India for his maths, or the headquarters of his order of sanyasins, shows how he regarded India as a cultural unit. And the great success which met his campaign all over the country in a very short time also shows how intellectual and cultural currents traveled rapidly from one end of the country to another." (source: Glimpses of World History - By Jawaharlal Nehru p. 129). According to Ronald B. Inden: " The unity underlying the obvious diversity of India may be summed up in the word "Hinduism." (source: Imagining India - By Ronald B. Inden p. 86) Dr. Radhakrishnan: "In spite of the divisions, there is an inner cohesion among the Hindu society from the Himalayas to the Cape Comorin." (source: The Hindu View of Life - By Sir. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan p. 73-77). Cultural unity seems far more enduring than any artificial geographic or political unity. Girilal Jain, late editor of Times of India: " It is about time we recognize that we are not a nation in the European sense of the term, that is, we are not a fragment of a civilization claiming to be a nation on the basis of accidents of history which is what every major European nation is. We are a people primarily by virtue of the continuity and coherence of our civilization which has survived all shocks. And though inevitably weakened as a result of foreign invasions, conquests and rule for almost a whole millennium, it is once again ready to resume its march." (source: Hindu Phenomenon - By Girilal Jain p. 21). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tansen - One of Nine Jewels [Image] Tansen is considered to be one of the greatest musicians that ever lived. He was the court musician of the famous Mogul Emperor Akbar (16th century). He was so highly valued in the court that he was called one of the "Nine Jewels" in his court (navarathna). The details of Tansen's life are incomplete. He was born in a Hindu community and had his musical training under the great Swami Haridas. He then went to the court of the Raja Ram Baghela, a great patron of the arts. From there he migrated to the court of Akbar. It is said that Tansen could work miracles with his singing. This is called nada siddha in Sanskrit. He is supposed to have acquired such supernatural abilities through the association with the saintly Swami Haridas. It is said that on occasion he could create rain by singing the monsoon rag Megh Malhar. It is also said that he could create fire by singing rag Dipak. Many rag are ascribed to Tansen. Such rag as Mian ki Malhar, Mian ki Todi and Darbari Kanada are the most famous. Today his followers are refered to as "Senia Gharana" Tansen, the court musician of Emperor Akbar, once plunged the palace precincts in darkness by chanting a night raga, or melody, at Akbar's request, while the sun was still high in the sky. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aurangzeb's great mosque on Benaras Ghat: [Image] In the eighteenth century, Aurangzeb's great mosque above Panchganga ghat dominated the Benaras waterfront. Built on the site of a vast Hindu temple it helped explain the dearth of pre-Islamic architecture in the sacred city. Yet Benaras remained a center of Hindu scholarship where the first Orientalists sought the keys to India's past. (source: India Discovered - By John Keay. p. ) Babri Masjid - A Symbol of slavery ? The disputed structure at Ayodhya was a "symbol of slavery" and an "insult to the nation" as it was known by the name of an "aggressor." The example of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) which changed the names of buildings, cities and roads after gaining independence, shows that Rhodesians did this despite the fact that their erstwhile (White) rulers belonged to the same religion.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christian Missionaries damaged Easter Island History Missionaries did more damage to the Easter island's history than even the Peruvian slave traders, which carted off most of the island's population. Those who escaped by hiding in the island's many caves were "saved" by these missionaries, who proceeded to destroy all the islander's wooden sculptures, religious artifacts and most importantly, the Rongo- Rongo tablets, which contained a record of the lost language of the Rapa Nui. So few of these tablets remain that no one has been able to decipher them satisfactorily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Infamous British Jail or Kala Pani Once the capital of the group of islands strewn in this part of the Bay of Bengal, it is home to the (in) famous Cellular Jail or the Kala Pani, now declared a National Monument. [Image] In 1788 AD, the East India Company, in the process of consolidating their foothold in India, summoned the services of Lieutenant Archibald Blair of the Navy, handing him a crisp, short brief - to discover, survey and recommend available sites to which revolutionaries, seditionists and later, convicts could be deported. After a year of scouting in the Bay of Bengal, Lieutenant Blair found an island and named it Port Cornwallis (now Port Blair). He found yet another small island located on the eastern entrance of Port Blair and called it Ross Island. In 1857, as more and more areas of India joined the rebellion against the East India Company, in what was the first Indian struggle for Independence, the British found it difficult to deal with the surging number of rebels. In an attempt to douse the blazing flames of nationalism, they thought it prudent to segregate them from the rest of the population. A committee was set up to survey and report on the establishment of a penal settlement in the Andaman Islands. Dr James Patterson Walker, an experienced jail superintendent, with four other European officers, 773 convicts, an Indian overseer Muttan Dass, two doctors - Nawab Khan and Karim Baksh - and a guard of 50 men left Calcutta on 4 March, 1858. This lot formed the first group of penal settlers in the Andamans. Immediately upon arrival, Dr Walker put the convicts, still in chains and fetters, to work. Crude grass and bamboo barracks were constructed for the convicts and thick forests ordered to be cleared. Due to their restricted movement and falling trees, many convicts perished. About 86 convicts, recaptured while escaping, were executed by hanging within a single day and their bodies buried together with their iron fetters. ( source: http://www.indiagov.org/perspec/sept99/ross.htm ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nation, Secularism and Hinduism [Image] According to Girilal Jain, editor of The Times of India, says: "The nation concept is the product of developments over centuries in Europe. It does not represent only the triumph of the province over the priest; it represents the triumph of an altogether new approach to life. Along with its twin brother, secularism, it represents the triumph of matter over spirit, and of reason over intellect which the Hindus call buddhi. The nation is a new god. Millions and millions have been killed and maimed in the name of the nation. This god could not have arisen without the help of its twin brother, secularism. A nation must by definition be secular because it can rise only on the corpse of religion. Communism is an unnecessary ugly face of secularism, just as it is an unnecessary crude face of modern Western civilization as such, that is gross materialism unrelieved by the residue of Christianity in the shape of humanism." Nazism, Fascism and Communism have been expressions of the same Semitic spirit in the secular realm. The concept of nation itself is, in fact, alien to the Hindu temperament and genius. Such a concept is essentially Semitic in character even if it arose in western Europe in the eighteenth century. The nation concept too emphasizes the exclusion of those who do not belong to the charmed circle (territorial or linguistic or ethnic) as much as it emphasizes the inclusion of those who fall within the circle. By contrast, the essential spirit of Hinduism is 'inclusivist' and not 'exclusivisit' by definition. In that sense the Hindu fight is anxious to renew themselves in the spirit of their civilization and the state and the political and intellectual class trapped in the debris in which the British managed to bury our people before they left." (source: Hindu Phenomenon - By Girilal Jain p. 134-135). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can Savitri be a Muslim name? http://www.islamicvoice.com/december.2000/viewpoint.htm#sav Certainly not in India. But Muslim Indonesians have plenty of Savitris, Gayathris, Leelas, Pushpas and even Seetas among themselves. Indonesia adopted Islam as a faith but continued to hold on to the vestiges of Hindu culture. So you have Sukarnoputri for the current vice president. Bhasa Indonesia has umpteen number of Sanskrit words. Cultural aspects of Diwali and Holi are still observed by Indonesians. Pakistani Punjabis celebrate Basant Panchami and Lori. Bangladeshi women still sport bindi and sindoor and wear saris. In South India, Kali poth is Muslim equivalent for Hindu manglasutra. It symbolises suhaag. History and cultural past cannot be disowned.Cultural pluralism broadens the vision, fosters creativity, increases tolerance and builds bridges with others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cultural Orphans of India? or Pakistan-Identity crisis? [Image] Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947 by order of the Governor-General of undivided India. A state was created overnight by government with the concurrence of political leaders. Well, nations are not invented like a machine, or a pharmaceutical cure for a disease. Nations evolve over a large span of historical period in distinct geographical areas. They grow on a common soil and climate. They have a common heritage, culture and art, language and beliefs, racial affinity and shared social norms and traditions. They have a common identity. The Muslims came to India as conquerors from Afghanistan and central Asia and installed their kingdom as conquerors. Mohammad Ghori invaded India for its fabulous wealth. Babur came as a fortune seeker after losing his kingdom of Farghana in central Asia. These conquerors were joined by other Muslim adventurers and fortune seekers from Arab lands, central Asian countries, Turkey, Iran and remote corners of the Muslim world. The process of immigration from foreign Muslim lands continued for several centuries. The Muslim converts of India added to their numbers. As a class, the multinational, multiracial, multilingual group of Muslims in India always considered themselves conquerors, seldom as Indians. Even the royal blood of Muslim emperors and kings was diluted by marriages of convenience with Hindu princesses. The Muslim of India was a mixture of dozens of nationalities who, as immigrants, distinguished themselves as Muslims, seldom if ever, as Indians. The Muslims of India had no national identity like the later British rulers. When the British lost their empire they retreated to their homeland. The Muslims had nowhere to go when they lost their empire. No Muslim country offered them asylum. They had no homeland and no identifiable nationality except the natural one which they repudiated. To escape from the perpetual rule of the Hindu majority in a democratic India they claimed the status of a separate "Muslim nation".... The problem of identity and nationhood was never solved. The consequences were soon visible on the ground in the ugly shape of tribalism, ethnicism, regionalism and provincialism, sectarian feuds, conflicts, murders, fratricide and language riots. (source: http://www.dawn.com/weekly/books/books2.htm ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Easter Island and Indus Valley Seals [Image] One of the puzzle that is quite fascinating is that on Easter Island, 2600 miles off the coast of Chile in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, un deciphered hieroglyphics have been found that match those of Mohenjadaro, the ancient Aryan city of Indus Valley region. This is not possible unless the Vedic Aryans had been there nearly 5,000 years ago. (source: Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence - By Stephen Knapp p. 253). Characters similar to those on the Indus seals have also been found on tablets excavated from Easter Island. This discovery has presented a difficult problem for the pre-historian. It is not known if the two belong to a common source, if one provided the model for the other, or if the similarity is purely accidental due to in accuracies of drawing. If the Indus models traveled about 13,000 miles eastward, it seems strange that the characters should have remained unaltered, because figures generally do not remain identical during prolonged transmission. And, if the seals were actually made in the Indus Valley and taken to the Easter Island, what is the explanation for the difference in arrangement between the two groups of seals? (source: Indian and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal p. 4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Veterinary science in Ancient India [Image] Since animals were regarded as a part of the same cosmos as humans, it is not surprising that animal life was keenly protected and veterinary medicine was a distinct branch of science with its own hospitals and scholars. Numerous texts, especially of the postclassical period, Visnudharmottara Mahapurana for example, mention veterinary medicine. Megasthenes refers to the kind of treatment which was later to be incorporated in Palakapyamuni's Hastya yur Veda and similar treatises. Salihotra was the most eminent authority on horse breeding and hippiatry. Juadudatta gives a detailed account of the medical treatment of cows in his Asva-Vaidyaka. (source: Indian and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal p.187-188). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander - scourge of Mankind? [Image] According to an Indian scholar, R. K. Mookerji, designating Alexander as the precursor of the recognized scourges of mankind, points out that this contact "was achieved at the cost of untold suffering inflicted upon India - massacre, rapine, and plunder on a scale till then without precedent in her annals, but repeated in the later days by more successful invaders like Sutlan Mahmud, Tamerlane, and Nadir Shah." (source: History and Culture of the Indian People - R.C. Majumdar (ed), E. Badian, has said: "The story of Alexander the Great appears to us as an almost embarrassingly perfect illustration of the man who conquered the world, only to lose his soul. After fighting, scheming and murdering in pursuit of the secure tenure of absolute power, he found himself at last on a lonely pinnacle over an abyss, with no use for his power and security unattainable...Alexander illustrates with startling clarity the ultimate loneliness of supreme power." (source: Studies in Greek and Roman History - By E. Badian p. 204) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yehudi Menuhin on Indian classical music [Image] "Indian classical music, compared with our Western music, is like a pure crystal. It forms a complete perfected world of its own, which any admixture could only debase. It has, quite logically and rightly, rejected those innovations which have led the development of Western music into the multiple channels which have enabled our art to absorb every influence under the sun. Freedom of development in Indian music is accorded the performer, the individual, who, within fixed limits, is free to improvise without any restraint imposed externally by other voices, whether concordance or discordant - but not to the basic style, which excludes polyphony and modulation." (source: Indian and Western Music - Yehudi Menuhin, Hemisphere, April 1962, p. 5) " While Western music speaks of the wonders of God's creation, Eastern music hints at the inner beauty of the Divine in man and in the world. Indian music requires of its hearers something of that mood of divine discontent, of yearning for the infinite and impossible." (source: Mrs. Mann cited in H. A. Popley, The Music of India, p. 136) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Santiago - the Battle cry against Non-Christians [Image] "Santiago" was the battle cry, and the name would often be shouted out by the soldiers in their massacre of the Indians. Santiago Matamoros, St. James the Slayer of Muslims, was the patron saint of the Christian armies of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella when they crushed Granada, the last Muslim community that was left in Spain in 1492. The cry "Santiago" became a call for the heavenly power to purge the Earth of all non-Christians infidels, no matter if they were Muslims or Jews in Europe, Hindus or natives of the Americas. (Source: The Universal Path to Enlightenment - By Stephen Knapp volume one Two. p. 122). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sambhota and Tibet [Image] Sambhota is the Sanskrit title meaning the good Bhotiya, or Tibetan. The Tibetans call their country Bodi from which is derived Bhota, by which name Indians called Tibet. The inhabitants of Bhota were thus known as Bhotias. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indian Interest in Astronomy A passage from the Aitareya Brahmana, which dates from about two thousand years before Copernicus and centuries before Hipporchus, illustrates Indian interest in astronomy: " The sun never sets nor rises; when people think to themselves the sun is setting, he only changes about after reaching the end of the day, and makes night below and day to what is on the other side. Then when people think he rises in the morning, he only shifts himself about after reaching the end of the night, and makes day below and night to what is on the other side. In fact he never does set at all." (source: Indian and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal p. 397). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vedic Macedonia [Image] http://www.vnn.org/world/WD0001/WD14-5273.html USA, Jan 14 (VNN) — In 1977, a royal tomb was found at Vergina, near Saloniaca, in Macedonia, Greece. All the evidence proves it to be the tomb of King Philip, the father of Alexander the Great. However, Western scholars were puzzled because of the many artifacts, within the tomb of an obvious Indian/Vedic nature. Because of these artifacts, some experts dated the tomb to a time after Alexander's. This theory is no longer being accepted. In Michael Wood's series, In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great, he presents 2 sculpted portraits of Alexander and Philip. Archeologists accept these sculpted portraits of Alexander, as the only ones made during his lifetime. [Image] Philip's portrait is also recognized as being made in his lifetime. Where were these portraits found? They were found in the Macedonian tomb, discovered in 1977, thus confirming that the tomb is definitely from before Alexander's march to Asia. The question is, "Why does King Philip's tomb have so many Indian influences? How is it possible if the Greek and Indian cultures had no direct contact until Alexander's Asian campaigns?" The answer is simple. Because Greek culture is an offshoot of Vedic culture, it is only logical that there would be strong Indian influences in Greek art, religion and culture. The tomb of King Philip is also more than proof of Greece's vedic past. It is a smoking gun exposing the extreme prejudice involved in the cover up of the world's ancient Vedic heritage. Though western scholars now admit the tomb to be Philip's, they are mute about the evidences proving Greece's Vedic heritage.Some of the items found in the tomb, include a large ceremonial gold sheild, decorated with Vedic Svastikas, a beautiful frescoe, still in full color, of a lion hunt. Clearly defined, in this frescoe, are boundry markers tied around trees. This is a recognized feature of Indian Royal hunting grounds and yet they are clearly seen in this 2300 year old Macedonian frescoe. A royal diadem was also found of the type worn by Asian Kings and Princes and gold solar emblems remeniscient of the Solar Dynasty (Surya Vamsha) were found in abundance. How many important finds have gone unrecognized by the mainstream academic community, that has no will nor ability to recognize Vedic artifacts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ India in Greece Many scholars have asserted that the Greeks borrowed heavily from India. According to Greek tradition, Thales, Empedocles, and others traveled to the East to study philosophy. The mystical resemblances and parallels at times are too close and too frequent to be purely coincidental. Features which are attributed to an Indian origin are much in character with Indian thought and alien to Greek attitudes. [Image] Enfield says: "India was visited by Pythagoras, Anaxardes, Pyrrho, and others, who afterwards became eminent philosophers in Greece." There are authorities who suggest that Plato had found his way to the bank of the Ganges. (source: E. Pococke has asserted that Greek civilization, not accepting its language, is a local variation of an Indian culture taken to Greece by early colonists from India. India in Greece. (source: India in Greece.- By E. Pococke London. 1852) James Princep, author of Essays on Indian Antiquities. London, 1858, is recorded to have observed that "Greek was nothing more than Sanskrit turned topsy-turvy." ( source: D.S. Mahalanbois, "A New Light on Plato" Modern Review, August 1963, p. 142.) Talking of Plato's mysticism, Strutfield says that "India, always the home of mystical devotion, probably contributed the major share." source: Mysticism and Catholicism, p. 74. Hopkins says "Plato is full of Samkhyan thought worked out by him but taken from Pythagoras. Discussing the historical genesis of Greek antiquity, J. P. Mayer observes: " Egyptian, Persian and Indian cultural influences were absorbed into the Greek world from very early times." (source: Political Thought, The European Tradition, p.7) [Image] Sir William Jones has pointed out, "it is impossible to read Vedanta or the many fine compositions in illustration of it without believing that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the Indian sages." (source: The Hindu Phenomenon - By Girilal Jain. p- 35-36) H. T. Colebrooke, the great Orientalist, states significantly that "a greater degree of similarity exists between the Indian doctrine and that of the earlier than the late Greeks." He goes on to conclude that Greek philosophy, especially between Pythagoras and Plato, was indebted to Indian thought. (source: Royal Asiatic Transactions. I.) A contemporary scholar of Western political thought, John Bowle, briefly but categorically declares that Plato was influenced by Indian ideals. (source: A New Outline of World History. p. 91) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Western Science and Hinduism The Western scientific background originates from the pre-Christian Greeks, who like the Hindus were accused of being pagans. Christianity had no real philosophy or science or intellectual culture of its own, but in due course of time it adapted the pagan philosophies of the Greeks, along with Greek medicine, science and other cultural forms. On the contrary, Indian culture has had its own tradition of rational philosophy much like the Greeks as we can see in the Upanishads, Sankhya, Nyaya Vaiseshika and the Buddhist schools combined with ethical and meditational disciplines." Thus Western science has more in common with the oriental religions and with Hindu and Buddhist than the Judeo-Christian tradition. The basis of Western science is to be found in the free inquiry of the Greeks. The Church has never been on the cutting edge of science -- on the contrary, it has been the one persecuting scientists. The list of those who earned the wrath of the Church reads like a Who's Who of Science: Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo, Descartes, Tycho Brahe, Newton, Halley, Darwin, Hubble, even Bertrand Russell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chinese learnt Indian mathematics [Image] How well developed algebra was in India can be easily realized when it is compared with the work of Diophantus, who is looked upon as a fountainhead of Western mathematical thought. According to Thomas Heath, "The Europeans were anticipated by the Hindus in the symbolic form of algebra, and Williams points out that the Chinese were familiar with Indian mathematics, and, in fact, continued to study it long after the period of intellectual intercourse between India and China had ceased." (source: Cited in Sarkar, Hindu Achievements in Exact Science, p. 14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cecil Rhodes and World Domination Is it an honor to hold a Rhodes Scholarship? [Image] What was the intent of Cecil Rhodes? It is world domination. His biographer, Sarah Millin, wrote: "The government of the world was Rhodes' simple desire." His own Confession of Faith was written into his first will dated 1877 which states: "I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race." By the way, he was Caucasian. His plan for world domination was to create: ". . so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible." One should note there is a difference between the concept of world peace and the concept of world domination. professor, Carroll Quigley, stated in 1949 - "The [Rhodes] scholarships were merely a facade to conceal the secret society, or, more accurately, they were to be one of the instruments by which members of the secret society could carry out Rhodes' purpose." (source: http://www.rebsutherland.com/TheRhodesScholarship.htm http://www.fwkc.com/encyclopedia/low/articles/r/r022000724f.html ) Cecil Rhodes dream was to see British possessions running from the Cape to Cairo. Traveling between Britain's Oxford University and the diamond mines of Kimberley, Rhodes gained by the age of thirty both a classics degree and one of the world's largest personal fortunes. Although his imperial ambitions were thwarted - his last words were reported to be : "So little done, so much to do." "If there be a God," he once said, "I think what he would like me to do is to paint as much Africa British red as possible." (source: TimeFrame AD 1850-1900: The Colonial Overlords - Time-Life Books. The Scramble for Africa p. 94-96). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ancient Rome and Indian jewels Of the jewels, the Romans were specially fond of beryls and pearls. The two beryls mines that existed in South India at Padiyur and Vaniyambadi were a great source of wealth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sacred Thread Ceremony [Image] This introduces the male child to a teacher (guru) in order to receive education, marking the entry of the child into the Brahmacharya Ashrama (period of studentship), the first of the four stages of life. This samskara is performed from the fifth to the eighth year of age, when the male child is invested with a sacred thread (consisting of three strands) to be worn around the neck and waist. The three symbolize the following three debts that the child repays during his adult life: debt to one's parents, debt to one's guru, and debt to God. The sacred thread is intended to be a constant reminder of one's individual duties and obligations. At the time of marriage and as a part of the wedding ceremony, the bridegroom is invested with three more strands of the sacred thread, which symbolize three more debts that he repays to his spouse. Thus the six-stranded thread around the neck of a Hindu is a reminder of the six debts that he must repay during adulthood. (Source: The Hindu Mind - By Bansi Pandit. p 253-254) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yavana - The Greeks Ancient Indians, it appears originally used the term Yavana for the Ionian-Greeks, but later for all foreigners from the West. Yavanapuri was the Greek city-state. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mountain Worship [Image] Situated on the borders of Macedon and Thessaly, the 9600 foot high Mount Olympus was as sacred for the Greeks as were the Himalayas for the Hindus. The Greeks believed that the summit of Olympus reached the upper air where Zeus had his throne surrounded by the other gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. The Canaanites also chose the mountain Saphon, as the abode of their pantheon, and Mount Sinai as the meeting-place of Moses and Jehovah. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Art of Spelling D. Bethune McCartee, a well-known American scholar, writes: "The art of spelling was invented neither by the Chinese or the Japanese. Its introduction into both these countries, (and, as we are convinced, in Corea as well), was the result of the labors of ...the early Buddhist missionaries. In all the three countries...the system of spelling is most undoubtedly of Sanskrit origin." (cited in W. E. Griffin, Corea - The Hermit Nation p. 338) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ancient India and Scandinavia? [Image] Indian commerce and culture possibly traveled even further west than Rome to Scandinavia. This possibility is suggested by the second century inscriptions found at Junnar in western India which refer to the benefactions of two Yavanas, Irila and Cita, who have been interpreted as the amber merchants of Scandinavia. Kushan coins have been discovered in Gaul and Scandinavia. The excavations carried out in the mid-nineteen fifties on a small island called Lillion, or Helgo, in Lake Malaren, about 20 miles west of Stockholm, uncovered many foreign objects, including an exquisite bronze statue of the Buddha seated on a lotus throne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fairy-lore of India Theodore Gomprez says: "Practically the entire fairy-lore of the Occident is derived from India. No one disputes this assertion today, but no one as yet can give a completely clear account of the ways and means by which its journey was accomplished." (Great Thinkers, vols I-II translated by Laurie Magnus, Vol. IV, by G.G. Berry. London: 1901-1912 p. 95). "It may also be a complete revelation to find that the fabulous Hindu mind is responsible for the genre of animal fables and many stories of the Arabian Nights type, in which Buddhist and non-Buddhist literature abounds." (source: The Wisdom of China and India - By Lin Yutang p. 6) [Image] H. G. Rawlinson writes: " Numerous European fairy stories, to be found in Grimm or Hans Andersen, including the magic mirror, the seven-leagued boots, Jack and the beanstalk, and the purse of Fortunatus, have been traced to Indian sources." In his article, "India in European Literature and Thought" in The Legacy of India, " Many of them are to be found in the Gesta Romanorum, the Decameron, and the Merchant of Venice, is found in the romance of Barlaam and Josaphat, which is too clearly the story of Buddha, who was changed into a Christian garb, and later canonized as a Christian saint as St. Josephat! And everyone of course knows the story of the Milkmaid who dreamt of her wedding and overthrew the milk pail, now to be recognized in its original form as the story of the Brahmin's Dream, included in the selections from the Panchatantra." (source: The Wisdom of China and India - By Lin Yutang p. 6-7) India has produced a vast, rich imaginative literature and philosophy, and that Indian culture is highly creative and in fact has enriched the world literature with the droll humor that we associate with the Arabian Nights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christ spend his youth in India? The celebration of the birthday of Christ might lose a little sheen if we seriously pursue the question, where did Jesus spend 18 years of his life, between the ages of 12 and 30? Both history and gospels, are completely silent about the life of Jesus before his 30th year. [Image] A Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano in his book, "The Serpent of Paradise: The Story of an Indian Pilgrimage (1963) has written of his rich and varied experiences among yogis and sadhus of India. He was looking for great mystics who he believed were living in the Himalayas guarding a magical science. During his sojourn in Kashmir, Serrano came across evidence to suggest that Jesus Christ had come to India and that the tomb of Yousa-Asaf in Srinagar was in fact the tomb of Jesus. He quotes a legend, according to which he was in Kashmir, the original name for Kashmir, Ka means "the same as" or "equal to" and shir means Syria. Manuscripts in the Sharda language, which is derived from Sanskrit, seem to bear close relationship to the biblical story. According to this Kashmir legend, Jesus came to Kashmir and studied under holy men, who taught him mysterious practices. Later the legend says, Jesus returned to the Middle East and he then began to preach among the ignorant masses of Israel the mystical truths he had learned in Kashmir. To impress and to convert them he often used the powers he had acquired through the practices of Yoga, and these were then referred to as miracles. Then in due course Jesus was crucified, but he did not die on the cross. Instead, he was removed by some Essenes brothers, restored to good health and sent back to Kashmir, where he lived with his masters until his death. There is yet another theory, which holds that the Jewish race originated in India centuries ago and some of them came back almost by instinct in search of their roots. This theory ties in with the legend of Jesus Christ also came to live in India at the age of about 13. This legend asserts Jesus spent 17 years in India, finally returning to the country of his birth to preach the doctrine of salvation and to assert that he was the Son of God. (source: India Post - By Vinod Dhawan. vol. 6 December 29, 2000. p. 44) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lord Krishna's stamp in Japan Did you know that just a couple of years ago Japan issued a stamp showing Lord Krishna playing the flute, yet curiously enough, secular India has not issued a stamp for Lord Krishna on Krishna Ashtami? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ British "magnanimity" in India? [Image] In the 18th and 19th centuries the synthetic dye had not been discovered, so all blue dye was derived from a certain crop which grew only in Bengal. However, this crop took out all the nitrogen from the ground, so that for the next two years nothing else could be grown. The British forced the farmers in Bengal to cultivate this. After a year, famine struck, because there was no rice, all the fields had been turned to Neel cultivation. The farmers revolted, and thousands were killed ruthlessly. This went on for decades, so that no village had any rice or money. By the way, the farmers were not paid for the Neel. That was the start of the great Bengal Famine, in which millions died. But the British only cared for the Neel. Actually, this was the first time common people rose in revolt against the British. This torture ended only after synthetic dye was discovered around the middle or early 19th century. Did you know that British India used to have signs saying: "Dogs and Indians not allowed" in public places? and Mahatma Gandhi was thrown out of a train in South Africa for traveling in the first class? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When Gods Make Their Move [wpe2C.jpg (12002 bytes)] Each Hindu God and Goddess has a chosen mount, called Vahana, on which He or She traverses, the universe. Lord Ganesha's mount is Mushika, a tiny mouse or shrew. He attests to the all-pervasiveness of the Elephant God and carries Ganesha's grace into every nook and cranny. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Faith makes India go around Hindu shrines abound with legends of gods drinking milk, stories and mysteries. Here a few instances where faith has beaten science! [Image] A stone Nandi (bull) in the famous Tanjavur Pratheeshwara temple in Tamil Nadu, is said to be growing bigger. In an effort to stop the Nandi from growing any further, the temple authorities tried hammering a nail into the Nandi's head. The idol is more than six feet high now. [Image]In Thane district of Maharashtra, there is a temple devoted to Kopineshwar (Shiva). The temple is around 150 years old. The Shiva linga is believed to be growing. The Nandi that is traditionally placed in front of the Shiva Linga is also said to be moving towards it. It is believed that when the Linga touches the roof and the Nandi reaches the Linga, it will be the end of the 'Kaliyuga'. In Chuntporni-Jwalaji in Himachal Pradesh there is a 'kundh', which looks as if it is boiling, the priests and the locals even cook rice and kheer in the hot water. But when someone touches the water, it is found to be cold. [Image] A well near the seashore in Tiruchendur has water, which is very sweet. According to a story, Lord Karthikeya threw his staff near the seashore to quench the thirst of his soldiers while in war with the asuras. These legends are unending. People have tried and failed to come up with logical conclusions to such wonders. A neem tree in Shirdi under which Sai Baba used to sit, bears leaves that are sweet. Even the bark of the tree is supposedly sweet. It is believed that anybody who tastes even a small part of the tree is cured of all ailments or is cleansed of all sins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mass reconversions of Tribals Thousands of Christian tribals reverted to their “natural” state of Hinduism in Chhattisgarh. Most of the tribals said they were “disillusioned” with Christianity. “Mine was a Hindu family. But some 20 years ago the preachers came. They spoke of Christ and equality amongst all. They said they would educate us, feed us, clothe us and that no was would be any higher than the other,” said 50-year-old Manjuram of village Jamdohri. “Food flowed into our home like we had never ever dreamt before. In return we had only to visit Church every Sunday. My whole family converted. But immediately after the conversion, the supplies stopped. The priests diverted their attention from us to our neighbors,” Manjuram added. “You regret that for a few freebies you gave up the religion, your God, the belief that our forefathers nurtured for centuries. Birsa Munda was one amongst us. He fought the British for the country. And I gave up my religion for a few kilos of rice. It’s like you have betrayed your ancestors, your own blood,” said Gandhi Bara of village Katkalu. “So when the offer came from Kumarji (Judeo), I readily agreed,” he added. “I have returned to my roots now. I will paint my house white today. Kumarji has said he will supply the whitewash,” he added, explaining that in this belt a Christian house is painted with black charcoal and a Hindu house is painted white or blue. (source: http://www.telegraphindia.com/national.htm#head1 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Churchill hated Gandhi New light has been shed on Churchill's racist arrogance by the recent release of certain British Intelligence records relating to the period. Some of the records made available have been used by British journalist turned historian Patrick French, extracts from whose readable book Liberty or Death have been published by newsmagazine Outlook in its August 25, 1997 cover story. Patrick writes of Churchill: "His understanding of the country's social and religious structures was superficial. He had a broad, emotional Edwardian belief in the racial superiority of the pinkish-grey races and the need to maintain the British Empire". It was once suggested to him that he should meet "some prominent political activists who were then in London". Churchill's reply: "I am quite satisfied with my views on India. I don't want them disturbed by any bloody Indian". [Image] Churchill blatantly employed racist arrogance, bluff, and the myth of British superiority, to stall Indian independence. To him, India only stood for the basis of British imperial power. He was hypocrite enough to stall Indian independence at a time when his own agents in India were busily recruiting Indians for the armed forces. His hypocrisy allowed him to do all this despite the magnificent contribution of the Indian armed forces to the war effort, on several fronts. From a mere 350,000 at the outbreak of World War 2 in 1939, the number rose to well over 2,000,000 "bloody Indians". The orthodox Winston Churchill sneering at the ‘naked fakir’ (Gandhi) and refusing to preside over the liquidation of the Empire. He did not favor termination of India's colonial status. He refused to meet Gandhi when he was in London. Churchill's opinion of Mahatma Gandhi in 1930: "It is alarming and also nauseating to see Mr. Gandhi, a seditious Middle Temple lawyer, now posing as a fakir of a type well known in the East, striding half-naked up the steps of the vice regal palace, while he is still organizing and conducting a defiant campaign of civil disobedience, to parley on equal terms with the representative of the King-Emperor." Winston Churchill loathed Gandhi. Gandhi loathed none. (source: http://www.kamat.com/mmgandhi/churchill.htm ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hinduism lies beyond History [Image] Hinduism also lies beyond history. Other faiths, excluding some tribal and pagan paths, are rooted in events. They began on such and such a day, born with the birth of a prophet or the pronouncements of a founder. Thus they are defined, circumscribed, by history. Not Hinduism. She has no founder, no birthday to celebrate. Like Truth, she is eternal and unhistorical. Even if we compel Hinduism to admit of some immanence in history, she merely smiles and brushes aside the few thousand years that most of humanity takes as the crucial narrative. To the Hindu those few years are a pittance, and they too perish. While all known human history lies within a few hundred millennia, Hinduism speaks of unspeakably vast epochs, of earthly yugas that last millions of years, of days and nights of Brahma that span billions, of a universe that lives and dies and lives again. Such is India's expansive reading of history. " (source: Hinduism Today - December 1994 issue) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charm of Indian Women Author, Elizabeth Cooper (1915), admires the Indian woman for her innate sense of modesty, her womanliness, her love of home and children and her feminine qualities which to the Western mind may appear as a weakness, but, in fact, constitute her appealing charm. She emphasizes that "if the Western woman offers her gifts of modern education and intellectual advancement, her Eastern sister will not be her debtor if she, by example, presents in return the even more precious charms of obedience, modesty and loyalty which fundamentally are the priceless jewels in the Crown of world's womanhood". (source: Indian Perspective September' 98 issue). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ India's Indigenous Systems of Medicine and Medicinal Plants [Image] The medicinal plant Rauvolfia Serpentina, was pronounced "Wonder drug of India" all over the world in 1949 when the British Heart Journal reported that the plant is "Clinically effective in treating high blood pressure". This was reconfirmed few years later, when a Swiss researcher isolated reserpine from the plant root and established it as an antihypertensive and sedative. In India, the plant was being used for more than 2000 years as antidepressant, sedative and in curing mental illness! This is just one example. In Indian indigenous systems of medicine - Ayurveda, Unani-tibbia, Siddha and tribal remedies - more than 2500 medicinal plants are being used. In India, use of medicinal plants is referred to even in the earliest literature, Rig Veda. Ancient Ayurveda has elaborate description of the properties of various medicines; Susruta Samhita has comprehensive description of therapeutics and Charaka Samhita contains an unbelievable and extensive Materia Medica of India. Indian medicines are mostly vegetatitve and are cheap, hardly harmful and are of minimum side-effects in comparison with allopathic medicines. There is little question that centuries of colonization takes a toll, its tragic toll on a country's people, religions and languages, but one of the most lasting effects is the attack on its original healing arts. Both Muslim invasions in the 11th and 12th Centuries and later British colonization imposed their own medical beliefs to the point where both Indian folk medicine and Ayurvedic medicine were suppressed. [Image] The British Medical Journal from the 1920s labeled the oldest healing system in the world as "unsupported metaphysical dogma". But despite being marginalised for decades, Ayurvedic medicine is the final victor. It is unfortunate that during the British Raj, the Indian indigenous systems of medicine took a back seat. Derogatory terms like 'bazar (market) medicines' were used for Indian medicines. The focus was shifted to allopathy - in learning, research, practice and promotion. The Indian systems were virtually looked down upon. But despite being marginalised for decades, Ayurvedic medicine is the final victor. Today, there is a global resurgence of interest in natural healing methods, and Ayurvedic medicine tops the list in terms of the West's latest "alternative" health fascination. Presently, the western world has woken up to the magic of Indian medicinal plants. India is a treasure house of medicinal plants due to the presence of bio-geographical regions varying from alpine, tropical to coastal, and thus is a leading exporter of medicinal plants and herbal formulations to Germany, U.K., France, Switzerland, U.S.A. and Japan, besides many other countries. "Ayurveda is the best system of medicine for treating chronic conditions like bronchial asthma and diabetes and now many Russians are realising it,'' said Svetlana A. Mayskaya, president of the Medical Centre NAAMI-AYU, a Moscow-based nodal health agency. The radiation survivors, 50 men and 40 women, were treated at the Moscow centre by four Indian vaids from the Arya Vaidyashala in Kottakal, Kerala." (source: Chernobyl survivors respond to Ayurveda, Russia to recognise science - By Sanchita Sharma http://www.indian-express.com/ie/daily/20010117/ina17044.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Columbus "Discovery" or American Indian Holocaust 1492 - Began the process of genocide of Native Americans. "The only good Indian is a dead Indian". [Image] Today, in spite of 500 years of a genocidal colonization, there is an estimated 40 million Indigenous peoples in the Americas. In Guatemala, the Mayan peoples make up 60.3 percent of the population, and in Bolivia Indians comprise over 70 percent of the total population. Despite this, these Indigenous peoples lack any control over their own lands and comprise the most exploited and oppressed layers of the population; characteristics that are found also in other Indigenous populations in the settler states of the Americas. The "greatness" of European religions and cultures was brought to the Indigenous peoples, who in return shared the lands and after "accidentally" being introduced to European disease, simply died off and whose descendants now fill the urban ghettos as alcoholics and welfare recipients. Of course, a few "remnants" of Indian cultures was retained, and there are even a few "professional" Indian politicians running around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maha-Kumbh Mela - 2001 Bathing is a great blessing. American author Mark Twain, who visited the Kumbh festival in the 1890s, wrote in a memoir: "It is wonderful. The power of faith like that can make multitudes of the old and the weak and the young and the frail to enter without hesitation or complaint." BELIEVED to be the most ancient and the biggest holy congregation of humanity in the world, the Kumbh Mela in North India (held once in 12 years) is the greatest bathing festival. It is one of its kind with the world's huge assembly of people, symbolising India's unity. The Kumbh is held at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers, and Hindu scriptures say this is one of four places on which the Gods spilt a drop of the elixir of immortality. [Image] The timing of the pilgrimage, whose origins have been dated back to the Neolithic period, is dictated by planetary alignment. This year's event has special significance, with an alignment of planets that will not be repeated for another 144 years. Some trace the origin of the Kumbha Mela to the Vedic age. Various legends are also part of its history. According to story when the devas and the asuras churned the ocean, Dhanvantari (the divine leader) emerged holding in his hands an amrita Kumbha a pot of nectar that makes one immortal. For 12 days, a great struggle ensued between the devas and the asuras for the possession of the pot. The devas were alarmed at the prospects of the asuras attaining immortality by drinking the elixir. Ultimately, the devas succeeded. In the meantime, Jayanta (son of Indra, ruler of the heavens) managed to carry it away to the abode of mortals. Guru (Jupiter), Chandra (Moon) and Surya (Sun) were with him. On his way to the heavens, he had to fight with the asuras and kept the Kumbha at four places - Prayag (Allahabad), Hardwar, Nasik and Ujjain. The journey to heaven with the Amrita Kumbha took 12 days equivalent to 12 earthly years. That is why the (Poorna) Kumbha Mela is held in these four places once in every 12 years. Thus these four places became sacred and the devout came to believe that a dip in the waters earned them salvation. [Image] The Maha Kumbh Mela, or Grand Pitcher Festival, takes place every 12 years and sees millions of devotees bathe in the Ganges to purify themselves. Kumbh Mela is certainly very ancient. Jawaharlal Nehru has written in "The Discovery of India'', in my own city of Allahabad or Hardwar, I would go to the great bathing festivals, the Kumbh Mela, and see hundreds of thousands of people as their forebears had come for thousands of years from all over India, to bathe in the Ganges. I would remember descriptions of these festivals written thirteen hundred years ago by Chinese pilgrims and others and even then these melas'' were ancient and lost in an unknown antiquity. What was the tremendous faith, I wondered, what has drawn our people for so many generations to this famous river of India''. Visiting the Kumbh Mela in 1954, Nehru confessed to having been fascinated by the sheer spectacle of a Maha Kumbh. He told the House: ``I was there in mela itself on the occasion and I can never forget that tremendous concourse of humanity, consisting of possibly 40 lakhs of people, on either side of the river. I have never seen anything like it in my life before either at the Kumbh Mela or in any other function in this country or anywhere else.'' Princes and peasants, seekers and scholars, mendicants and merchants, artist and artisans from all over India and abroad flock to Hardwar. The whole of India is represented here. Kumba Mela has also some scientific importance from the astronomical point of view. The Sun, Moon and Jupiter alfair a particular position every three years, when the Mela is held at Hardwar, Prayag, Ujjain and Nasik [Image] At the recent Maha Kumbh Mela ( the grand urn bathing festival), the six-week-long, the first in the new millennium began on Tuesday and about 70 million people are expected to participate over a 42-day period The Beatles’ interest in yesteryears in Indian spirituality certainly had raised the the first crop of devotees. Demi Moore, Pierce Brosnan, Madonna, Sharon Stone and Richard Gere promise to make a splash. And Beatles’ legend Paul McCartney as well, in addition to lesser known western devotees. According to BBC, many foreign tourists mingled with the crowds and several more are expected. "It's the sheer scale of the whole thing that is so mind-boggling. It's extraordinary to witness this sort of mass spiritual communion between so many people and the river," Briton Ross Anthony said. It is the greatest show on earth,'' ? ``It is spiritual entertainment,'' explained an overseas broadcaster. ``You don't have to belong to any particular religion to watch Kumbh. The varied images from Kumbh attracts everyone from Boston to Benaras.'' -- the biggest spiritual event in the globe. YOG MATA Keiko Aikawa emerged from her "samadhi" this afternoon, after spending three days buried in a mud pit. Amidst media frenzy, crashing barricades and chants of Om namah Shiva the Japanese Yog Mata emerged calmly from her pit and told her audience that she attained "samadhi" for world peace and goodwill of everyone. (source: Hindustan Times http://www.hindustantimes.com/nonfram/240101/detnat03.asp ) "This is an experience I am going to tell my grandchildren about," said John Arnett, a schoolteacher from Cleveland, USA. Jim Clarke of Los Angeles first heard about the Kumbh six months ago in Malaysia, where he teaches English. "I had been a hippie for a long time, but nothing could give me peace of mind, until I witnessed the Mahakumbh," he said, using the Hindi words that mean "Great Kumbh," as the gathering is also called. "Now, I am planning to settle in India to feed my hunger for peace and spiritualism," Clarke said. Bishambhar Bhushan, poor and blind, traveled two days in a cramped train from his village of Dhanvani in central Madhya Pradesh state. Bhushan, 80, scooped up the cold river with his hands, and offered it to the heavens in a centuries-old gesture. "I told Mother Ganga, take me across life, mother," he said, his eyelids twitching with excitement. "My life's ambition is fulfilled." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Munenori Ikegami of Japan and the Kumbh Mela [Image] Munenori Ikegami, saw a film on Kumbh four months back and tried to persuade the TV company where he was a cameraman to make a documentary on it. But his bosses were not impressed. He quit his job, packed his bags and came here for the Maha Kumbh. Munenori Ikegami of Japan does not regret his decision because the Kumbh mela is "huge...so vast, so big". "I've never seen such a big festival. Japan's biggest festival is Gion Maturi... Maturi means mela or festival. It is held in June-July in the old city of Kyoto, which is today Tokyo". Asked if Gion Maturi is as big as the Kumbh, he shakes his head, "Oh, no. No way. I've been to the Millennium Festival in South Africa. The Aborigine Fest in Australia, on around this time, too is neither as big as this."So what is his plan after the fest? "I don't know, I lost my job. I'll have to get a job now. Then perhaps I'll make some money, plan making a film on Kumbh and come back for the next Maha Kumbh 12 years from now." That the next Maha Kumbh mela is so far away does not seem not to dissuade him. (PTI). (source: http://www.timesofindia.com/today/11indu8.htm ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evangelist zeal in India Reinhard Bonnke, widely regarded as the world’s foremost evangelist, has spoken openly about his mission. At a press conference in Kochi (Kerala), Bonnke boasted that in the twenty years that he was active in Africa, the Christian population rose from just 2 per cent to over 40 per cent. (This refers probably to the areas in which he was active, and not all of Africa.) He further stated: "Now India is on top of my agenda." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yoga and Patanjali [Image] Yoga is from the Sanskrit word 'Yug' meaning union {with the Divine}. Yoga is a path that leads to liberation and union with God. The word Yoga, literally meaning “yoke”, is issued to mean a system of spiritual practice of any kind, so it is possible to talk about Buddhist, Hindu or Jain yoga. Secondly, Yoga is the name given to a particular, very ancient school of Hindu thought and practice, possibly dating back to the Vedas themselves. It was most famously set out by the philosopher Patanjali. Patanjali set forth an “eight-limbed” system of mystical training, intended to free the mind from the senses completely. [Image] The eight limbs of Patanjali’s yoga include Dhyanayoga, which focuses on meditation. Rajayoga, which is concerned with contemplation of Brahman; and Hathayoga, which uses physical postures (called asanas) to unite the body with the mind and advance spiritual progress. Hathayoga, particularly, has become popular among Westerners, few of whom have become Hindu or Buddhist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vikramshila: the World's largest ancient varsity Is the world's largest ancient centre of learning, Vikramshila university, 47 km east of Bhagalpur in Bihar. King Dharmpala of the Pala dynasty, who ruled between 783 and 820 AD, founded Vikramshila university. [Image] It used to hold open convocations, in which degrees were conferred on the students by the King himself. In size and sprawl, Vikramshila relegates the celebrated Nalanda University, one of the oldest universities of the world, to second place. Hiuen Tsang, a Chinese pilgrim who visited Nalanda in the first half of the 7th century, has mentioned about it in his travelogue. Nalanda is spread over 80 acres, while the ninth century Vikramshila covers an area of 110 acres. It has 208 monasteries, each measuring 4.15 square metres. Besides, twelve underground cells with brick arches used for meditation, have also been found. Since it's located at the bank of the Ganga, Vikramshila has a very good underground drainage system. Recently, a well was also excavated by the archaeologists of the Patna circle. source: http://www.dailypioneer.com/secon2.asp?cat=\nt3&d=Nation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ancient Fragrances [wpe12.jpg (3002 bytes)] Distillation of scents, perfumes, fragrant liquids and ointments in India is 2,000-2,500 years ago show that the knowledge of chemistry was applied in ancient times. Perfumes and ointments were of two types: tirtha (liquids) and gandha (sluries of ointments). People were sprinkled with aromatic oils on auspicious occasions, and fragrant ointments based on sandalwood (native to India) were applied during ceremonial bathing. Other common scents were derived from musk, jasmine, tamarind, camphor, spikenard, costus and macir. (Most of these words have their origin in Sanskrit) Perfumes were exported widely, as recorded in 1st century CE travelogue by a Greek merchant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Saying Grace before meals - is the most beautiful invocation according to Joseph Campbell: "Brahman is the cosmic, universal, life consciousness energy of which we are all manifestations. Brahman is the the sacrifice. Brahman is the food that we are eating. Brahman is the consumer of the sacrifice. Brahman is the ladle that carries the sacrifice to the fire. Brahman is the process of the sacrifice. He who recognizes that all things are Brahman is on the way to realizing Brahman in himself." The meaning of grace is that taking food into your system is like putting a libation into a sacrificial fire; the fire of your digestive apparatus consumes what you eat, so eating is the counterpart of a sacrifice. ( source: A Joseph Campbell Companion pg 91). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Akbar, (1542-1605 A.D) the epitome of secularism? 'Akbar like all Mughal rulers had the holy Muslim title of GHAZI (Slayer of Kaffir - infidel). Like Timur Lane and Nader Shah, Akbar had a victory tower erected with the heads of the captured/surrended army of Hemu after the second battle of Panipat. Later, Akbar again slaughtered more than 30,000 unarmed captive hindu peasants after the fall of Chitod on February 24, 1568. (source: http://www.hindunet.org/hindu_history/modern/akbar_vs.html and The Cambridge History of India, Encyclopedia Britannica and other works based on Akbar-nama by Abul Fazl. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ahmedabad May have Name Change Source: Madhya Pradesh Chronicle AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, January 8, 2001: Other major cities have reverted to their pre-colonial names, Bombay to Mumbai and Madras to Chennai. Now major Hindu organizations in Gujarat's city of Ahmedabad are pushing for a name change from Ahmedabad to Karnavati. Karna Deva was the name of a Hindu sovereign that defeated a tribal ruler in the 11th century and the city became known as Karnavati. Subsequently in the 1400's, a Moslem ruler named Ahmed Shah conquered the territory and the city was named after him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sudra priests of Lingaraja Temple [Image] The Lingaraja temple in Bhubaneswar, built in the eleventh century, has two classes of priests: Brahmins and a class called Badus, who are ranked as Sudras and are said to be of tribal origin. Not only are Badus priests of this important temple; they also remain in the most intimate contact with the deity whose personal attendants they are. Only they are allowed to bathe the Lingaraja and adorn him and at festival time when the god, "represented by his calanti pratima (original symbols for the diety), leaves the temple only Badus may carry this movable image. Without them, it is said, the god 'cannot move one step..." (source: Hindu Phenomenon - By Girilal Jain p.24). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ikonos satellite takes shots of Kumbh Mela Space Imaging's Ikonos satellite has taken a detailed color photograph of the largest human gathering in the world history at the Maha Kumbh mela, the US company has announced. The Ikonos image was collected the day before the most sacred and busiest bathing day on January 24, according to a Press release. The one-metre resolution image of the Maha Kumbh mela was collected by space imaging's Ikonos satellite, which travels four miles per-second in an orbit 423 miles above earth. The spectacular image is the first high-resolution satellite image ever taken of such an event. The image shows the sacred site at the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati rivers, where millions of Hindu worshippers bath to wash away their sins and hasten the progress toward Nirvana, the company said in a Press release. http://www.timesofindia.com/today/26indi26.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] Indonesia banks on Lord Ganesha (see image on the left of rupiah) Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world - but also has many Hindus - and saw fit to include our Lord Ganesha on its new 20,000 rupiah note. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dalai Lama condemns religious conversions The Dalai Lama has joined Hindu leaders in condemning the Muslim and Christian practice of conversion, stepping into one of the hottest religious controversies in South Asia. "I always believe it's safer and better and reasonable to keep one's own tradition or belief," the Dalai Lama told reporters during a break in the meetings. "To change it is not proper, it's much safer to follow one's own religion." Secular Indians and their irrationality regarding Hindu organizations Secular, progressive, cosmopolitan people have a problem with whatever the RSS says. Why? Now when the Gujarat earthquake, swayam sevaks are showing their real spirit and true nature? If Christian missionaries aided by the government and foreign funds do the same job, you will commend it. But why question this organization which is trying to do a humanitarian task? Because it is a Hindu organization? Does secular mean anti-Hindu in India? Or is it that you convent-educated people feel that social work should be the sole prerogative of Christian missionaries which produce people attached more to the Vatican and the Pope, than to their country? (source: http://www.thenewspapertoday.com/mail/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sun as the symbol of Ultimate Power [Image] The Sun has been regarded as the symbol of Ultimate Power, Energy and Splendor and hence became a primordial deity. In India, the most famous Sun temple was built at Konark in Orissa. In ancient Egypt too, the temple of Sun god Ra was built at Karnak, and coincidentally both sites with strikingly similar names, lie on the same latitude i.e. 20 degrees N. This is not a stray coincidence as there are many other such parallels. The Ajanta, Ellora and Elephanta caves, the combined work of Hindu, Buddhist and Shaivite artisans, lie on the same parallel, 25 degrees N, as the ancient ruins of Yemenese Sun worshippers, Sudanese Nubin kingdom, and the Aztec sites of Central America. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ishta Devata - One Personal God There is only One. It was the poetic fancy of our imaginative ancestors that created many aspects to Divinity. Plus, we are permitted to pray to God as an ishta devata, or [Image] personal deity. The idol, again, is only a representative object. It is a thing of beauty, created with reverence, before which to park the real focus point of worship: the flame. The flame represents Truth, burning away all ego, deceit and illusion, it stands for the pure energy or life force (heat) that keeps us and our world alive. Lets turn to Yajnavalkya, rishis and lawgiver, In the section called the Ninth Brahmana, a hapless soul called Vidaghda Shakalya asks, ‘‘How many gods are there, Yajnavalkya?’’ ‘‘As mentioned in the hymn of praise to the Vishve-devas, 303, and 3,003.’’ ‘‘Yes, but how many gods are there, Yajnavalkya?’’ ‘‘Thirty three.’’ ‘‘Yes, but how many gods are there, Yajnavalkya?’’ ‘‘Yes, but how many gods are there, Yajnavalkya?’’ ‘‘Three.’’ And so on, down to One. In other words, the Creator is the One who gives and sustains life in all its forms and functions, the One God who has different names and attributes because of the many jobs that must be done to keep Creation ticking! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grandfather Frost is a Vedic God? http://www.indian-express.com/ie/daily/20010101/iin01058.html MOSCOW, DECEMBER 30: A Russian scholar says red Russia's fairy tale Grandfather Frost, or Ded Moroz, is none other than Varuna, the god of seas in Hindu stories. In the year 2003, which marks the beginning of the astrological age ofAquarius, Grandfather Frost is expected to shed his dear-old-man mask and allow the people of the world to see him as he truly is Varuna, the supremeVedic god of water. Varuna was both the source of life and death, and was described in Vedic writings as holding the tree of life, an image reminiscent of Grandfather Frost standing next to a Christmas tree, says the ethnologist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ban on Bangles and Bindis (source: Daily Pioneer) Hindu girls are forced to tuck their bangles and bindis into their school satchels before entering the premises of St. Mary's Convent to attend school. Individuals have protested against the ban, including the mother of a young girl who said her daughter was beaten for wearing the traditional Hindu women's attire to school. The state chief of one Hindu group, Subash Chouban, has called the prohibition, "An act against Hinduism." However, no action has been taken against the school about the allegations as many individuals fear their children's expulsion from the well-respected convent that has a good educational record. Also school management will not bend long enforced rules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Search for the River Saraswati Source: The Times of India [Image] NEW DELHI, INDIA, November 13, 2000: Establishing the location of the Saraswati River alluded to in ancient Indian religious literature would authenticate its existence as a mighty Himalayan river. Over 160 Indus sites were nurtured by the Saraswati, far from the Indus River Valley. Now satellite photos and ground studies of clay, silt, sand and gravel deposits establish the course of the river from the Himalayan foothills to the Sind gulf. This enormous river, over five miles across from shore to shore, changed its course four times always in a westerly direction. Initially flowing from the Himalayas in a south-west direction about 4000 bce, the Saraswati disappeared sometime between 2000 bce and 1500 bce With the disappearance of the Saraswati River and the migration it caused, the Ganges and Indus River populations became the central focus towards the end of the early Vedic period. Killer quake breathes life into 'mythical' Saraswati river http://www.thenewspapertoday.com/india/inside.phtml?NEWS_ID=3106 The Saraswati river -- the missing third link in Allahabad's Sangam -- is making a sudden, pleasant appearance in quake-injured Gujarat. Scientists say shifting of tectonic plates in the Allah Bund fault area has led to a geographical osmosis in the Rann of Kutch area, pushing the hitherto mythical Saraswati over-ground in surprise spurts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demise of Tulsi Plant Critical to Science and Religion Source: Hindustan Times, November 23, 2000 PATNA, INDIA: Lord Vishnu's beloved is now down to the path of obscurity. Falling victim to neglect and the coming up of concrete jungles all around the city, the plant species with the richest cultural heritage is vanishing from sight. Tulsi, the plant which once enjoyed a high position in the flora of Bihar now finds it hard to survive in the present socio-climatic condition of the state. Noted environmentalist Dr. R.N. Trivedi found only three species of this medicinal plant in Patna. Tulsi, meaning "matchless," earned the status of a living deity in Hindu pantheon and is considered a symbol of good luck. Researchers are of the opinion that the adoption of ornamental plants in kitchen gardens coupled with the decline in the Ayurvedic system of medicine as well as the lack of awareness in the preservation of flora resulted in the extinction of many species. The rise in the mosquito menace is also directly related to the loss of tulsi plants as it has been scientifically proven that tulsi has repellent properties. The departure of the Deity's form spells an irreparable loss in terms of science and religious heritage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Insult to Hindu religious icons [Image] Recently, Hindu religious icons have been marketed in the West on toilet seats, shoes and other places. Arjan P. Daryanani, guest columnists writes: [Image] "Foreigners who know what kind of cowards Hindus, are by nature are exploiting us for monetary gains. Why don't these toilet seat manufacturers, as good Christians, put pictures of Christ, Virgin Mary, St. Peter etc. on toilet seats? Would the Christian community be thrilled? Why don't they put a picture of the Kabba, or verses from the holy Koran on a toilet seat? I can bet you the whole of Islamic World will go on Jihad to wipe out, not only the factory that made the seat, but the sellers and entire families of the people involved." Vibhakar Modi says: "Horrific insults to Hindu religious icons are becoming frequent." The belief that their god is the true god and savior goes to show how ignorant these people really are." (source: News India-Times Feb. 9th 2001) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Samdura (ocean) and Aryan Invasion Theory [Image] Although the correct translation of the Sanskrit term samudra is ocean, it was initially translated as "a body of water." Hence the references to ships in the Rig Veda and to the river Saraswati (and other ancient rivers) were considered false and mythical by Western scholars. If samudra had been translated correctly as ocean, the references to ships and the vast trade over water would have been considered real and not mythical, and would have also indicated that the Aryans were civilized people and not nomads. The idea of nomadic Aryans had been assumed by Western scholars to fit their idea of the Aryan invasion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Islam wiped out Buddhism in Afghanistan 1,400 years ago. [Image] http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/south_asia/newsid_1165000/1165983.stm Islam wiped out Buddhism in Afghanistan 1,400 years ago. But the presence of ancient Buddhist statues from the smallest miniature to the 50 metre-high Buddhist carved into a cliff face in the town of Bamiyan have posed problems for the Taleban. Also, an exquisite one metre-high carving which is thought to be unique. Other works include Buddhist statues and bowls, and ancient Hindu pieces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ India's Nero [Image] All through the autumn of 1876, while the vital kharif crop was withering in the fields of southern India, Lord Lytton had been absorbed in organizing the immense Imperial [Image] Assemblage in Delhi to proclaim Victoria Empress of India (Kaiser-I-Hind). As The Time’s special correspondent described it, “ The Viceroy seemed to have made the tales of Arabian fiction true….nothing was too rich, nothing too costly.” Lytton put on a spectacle,” adds a biographer of Lord Salisbury (the secretary of State for India), “ gaudy enough to impress the Orientals’….and furthermore a pageant which hid ‘the nakedness of the sword on which we really rely.” Its “climateric ceremonial” included a week-long feast for 68,000 officials, satraps and maharajahs: the most colossal and expensive meal in world history. An English journalist later estimated that 100,000 of the Queen-Empress’s subjects starved to death in Madras and Mysore in the course of Lytton’s spectacular durbar. In Madras city overwhelmed by 100,000 drought refugees, famished peasants dropped dead in front of the troops guarding pyramids of rice, while, “on any day and every day mothers might be seen in the streets…offering children for sale.” Thus, Lytton, became the personification of free market economics of British India - a mask for colonial genocide. (source: Late Victorian Holocausts - By Mark Davis p. 28-29) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blaming the Hindus but glorifying the Moghuls and the British rule?[Image] Secularists/commies/missionaries/mullahs have used caste to flog the Hindus into feeling ashamed. They have used Hindus as a scapegoat to hide their own inadequacies. For too long Hindus, have suffered humiliation and taunts about the evils of caste system. When Muslims were ruling India from 1000 AD to 1800 AD, they have been called the great Mughals. Akbar was Great. Babar was Great. Under the Mughal rules, the Brahmins who were slaves of Muslims were exploiting backward classes? How? They were not teaching to the lower castes. Why were the great Mughals who governed helpless to look after the interests of lower caste Hindus. The all powerful British could not stop the Brahmins from breaking the temples constructed by Dalits? Then how can they be called great? if they could not stop this casteism? What were the Muslims doing while they governed India for 1000 years? Why did they not institute reforms for the lower castes? Why is Akbar and Babar glorified as Great, when they did nothing for the lower castes of India? What were the so called Enlightened British doing, they had the White Man's burden. Why didn't they lift the lower castes up?? What stopped them from doing it for 200 years? (source: posted on sulekha.com ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Korean memorial to Indian princess [Image] http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_1205000/1205728.stm In the northern Indian city of Ayodhya, a visiting Korean delegation has inaugurated a memorial to their royal ancestor, Queen Huh. More than a-hundred historians and government representatives, including the North Korean ambassador to India, unveiled the memorial on the west bank of the River Saryu. Korean historians believe that Queen Huh was a princess of an ancient kingdom in Ayodhya. She went to Korea some two-thousand years ago and started the Karak dynasty by marrying a local king, Suro. Today, the historians say, Queen Huh's descendants number more than six-million, including the South Korean president - Kim Dae Jung. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image]Did you Know Koh-i-noor - ("Mountain of Light") The most famous diamond in the world, the Kohinoor, was found in the Godawari River in South India some 4,000 years ago. It was long reputed to give its owner the crown and rule of the world. At the same time, its possession was supposed to be a hazard to the life of the man who owned it. The curse did not apply if the owner was a woman. [Image] At the time its recent history began in the 14th century, the Kohinoor weighed 186 carats and was clumsily cut. It had been owned for several hundred years by the Raja of Malwa (now in Madhya Pradesh). When the Moghuls conquered India in 1526, the stone was taken to the treasury at Delhi. It remained there until 1739, when the ruler of Persia, Nadir Shah, invaded India, took Delhi, seized the treasures of the Indian capital, and took the Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah prisoner. His systematic pillage of the city failed to uncover the huge stone, but then he was told by one of the harem women that the conquered Mogul emperor had hidden it inside his turban. Taking advantage of an Oriental custom, Nadir Shah invited his captive to a feast and suggested they exchange turbans. Retiring from the feast, he unrolled the turban and released the great gem. Seeing it he cried “Koh-i-Noor!” (Mountain of Light). He also took the fabulous Peacock Throne with him, was reportedly one of the most splendorous thrones ever made. [Image] Nadir Shah returned to Persia with his trophy, but he was assassinated soon afterwards. His son and heir was overthrown by rebellion. Arrested, tortured, and blinded by his enemies, he refused to reveal the hiding place of the Kohinoor. When the king of Afghanistan came to his rescue, the dying son of Nadir Shah, soaked in his own blood, handed him the Kohinoor. The king took it back to Afghanistan. Years later his grandson Zaman was deposed, imprisoned, and blinded by his own brother but managed to hide the Kohinoor under the floor of his cell. Eventually he escaped with the gem and took refuge at Lahore. There he was received by Ranjit Singh, "Lion of the Punjab," who treated him with great respect but insisted that he give up the Kohinoor. Singh had the diamond set in an armlet and wore it. At his death in 1839 it went into the Lahore treasury. It was still there when the Punjab was annexed by the British. [Image] In 1849 it was taken by the British East India Company as partial indemnity after the Sikh Wars and was presented to Queen Victoria. At the time, its value was estimated at $700,000. In 1851 Victoria decided to recut the Kohinoor. This undertaking required 38 days at a cost of $40,000 and the extraordinary stone was reduced to 108 carats. In 1911 a new crown was made for the coronation of Queen Mary with the KOH-I-NOOR as the center stone. In 1937, it was transferred to the crown of Queen Elizabeth (now Queen Mother) for her coronation. It is now on display with the British Crown Jewels in the Tower of London. Today, the Kohinoor is still part of the British crown jewels. (source: Feast of India: A Legacy of Recipes and Fables - By Rani p. 72) Top of Page sushama@atributetohinduism.com Guest Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Book Reserved. t r i v i a o n h i n d u i s m a n d i n d i a h o m e c o n t e n t s p r e v n e x t