Çré Vaiçampäyana said: When all the Våñëis repeatedly spoke in the same spirit as Balaräma, Lord Kåñëa then spoke with words that revealed the practical and moral reality of the situation. «Arjuna did not commit an offense to our family, for he actually holds us in the highest regard, without a doubt. And he realizes that you Sätvatas are not greedy for his money. Furthermore, he did not want to create havoc at Subhadrä's svayaàvara. «And who will approve of giving away an innocent maiden as if she were a head of cattle? And what man on earth would make a sale of his offspring? In my opinion the son of Kunté saw all these discrepancies, and therefore in accord with religious law he has taken the initiative and carried away the girl. The relationship appears to be a proper one. Subhadrä is a most respected lady, and Arjuna is of the same nobility. Therefore he simply took the initiative and carried her away. Who could possibly seek revenge against Arjuna, who took birth as the son of King Kuntibhoja's daughter in the dynasty of the exalted Bharata and Çantanu? «I do not see anyone in all the worlds with the courage and prowess to defeat Arjuna, and that includes Indra and Rudra, O worthy colleague. What a chariot he has! And it is yoked with My own horses. Arjuna is a fighter, and his release of weapons is extremely rapid. Who could be equal to him in battle? My conclusion is that with supreme kindness we should run after Arjuna and in a mood of joyful celebration persuade him to return. For if Arjuna defeats all of you in a violent encounter and by his own strength returns to his city, your reputations will be ruined instantly, but there is no defeat in reconciliation.» Hearing this from Çré Kåñëa, they acted accordingly, and Arjuna came back and celebrated his wedding in Dvärakä city. Arjuna stayed the last nights of the year there, and the remainder of the time he passed in Puñkara. When the twelve-month exile was finished, he returned to Khäëòava Prastha. Greeting King Yudhiñöhira with great humility and offering reverence to the brähmaëas, he at last went to greet Draupadé. But because of her love for him, Draupadé said to the Kuru prince, «You should go and stay with Subhadrä, Kaunteya. After all, even when a load is well tied, the knot that was first to be tied is the first one that comes loose.» Draupadé thus lamented in many ways, and Arjuna pacified her again and again, pleading for her understanding and tolerance. Arjuna hastened to send for Subhadrä, having her change from her red silk garments to the dress of a cowherd girl. That glorious lady, a hero's wife, looked even more beautiful in that style, with her excellent figure and large copper eyes, and upon reaching the main palace, the well-admired girl honored her mother-in-law, Kunté. Then she whose face was lustrous like the full moon quickly approached Draupadé, and she honored Drupada's daughter and said, «I am Subhadrä, your servant.» Kåñëä rose to greet her and embraced the sister of Lord Kåñëa and said happily, «May your husband have no rival.» Subhadrä too was joyful and replied, «May it be so!» The mighty Päëòavas were delighted, and Kunté too was extremely pleased, O Janamejaya. Lord Kåñëa, whose eyes are as lovely as the lotus, received the news that Arjuna, the foremost Päëòava, had reached his own city of Indraprastha. Çré Kåñëa Keçava, who is always beyond the influence of material nature, then came there with Çré Balaräma and the very aristocratic heroes of the Våñëi and Andhaka dynasties, all of whom were mahäratha warriors. As they traveled, Lord Kåñëa was surrounded by His brothers and other young princes and warriors, and He was well guarded by a large army. The illustrious Akrüra, generous and wise, also came, as the mighty general of the Våñëi warriors, along with Anädhåñöi, of extraordinary prowess; and Uddhava, a direct disciple of Båhaspati and a man of tremendous intelligence and fame, came with the Lord on His journey. Satyaka, Sätyaki, and the Sätvata named Kåtavarmä also came, as did Pradyumna, Sämba, Niçaöha, and Çaìku as well. Courageous Cärudeñëa, Jhillé, Vipåthu, Säraëa, and mighty-armed Gada, who was especially wise, also went along. These and many other Våñëis, Bhojas, and Andhakas came to Khäëòava Prastha, bearing many gifts. Thereupon, hearing that Lord Kåñëa, the husband of the goddess of fortune, had arrived, King Yudhiñöhira sent out the twins to receive Him. They greeted Him and also welcomed that most aristocratic circle of Våñëis, who then entered Khäëòava Prastha, which was adorned with banners and flags in their honor. The roads had been thoroughly cleansed and sprinkled with water, and flowers were profusely strewn about. The city was further enhanced with cooling essence of sandalwood and varieties of pure, bracing scents. Here and there fragrant aloe was being burned. The city was bustling with freshly bathed citizens in spotless garments, and the wealthy merchants in the crowd lent sparkling color to the scene. Surrounded by Våñëis, Andhakas, and Mahäbhojas, the mighty-armed Lord Kåñëa, the Supreme Personality, reached the city with His brother Balaräma. As Kåñëa was being worshiped by the citizens and by thousands of brähmaëas, He entered the palace of King Yudhiñöhira, which resembled the abode of Indra. Yudhiñöhira properly greeted Balaräma and kissed Lord Kåñëa's head, embracing Kåñëa with his arms. Kåñëa greeted the joyful king with submission and respectfully greeted tigerlike Bhéñma, following the rules of etiquette for older brothers. Yudhiñöhira then received most respectfully the foremost Våñëis and Andhakas as they began arriving in the palace. Those who were older he honored as superiors, those of his age he honored as beloved friends, greeting them with affection, and those who were younger honored him in turn. Then the greatly renowned Kåñëa gave extraordinary treasure to the bridegroom's party as a dowry on Subhadrä's behalf. Lord Kåñëa gave one thousand chariots wrought in gold, bedecked with garlands of bells, yoked with four horses, and driven by charioteers of widely recognized skill. In addition, He gave ten thousand cows from the land of Mathurä, all fine milkers of the purest breed. The opulent Kåñëa also gave, with pleasure, one thousand pure-bred mares, as bright as the moonbeams and decorated with golden ornaments, as well as five hundred black and five hundred white mules, fully trained and as fast as the wind. The lotus-eyed Lord presented a thousand youthful ladies of light complexion, beautifully dressed, bright and pure, and very expert in bathing and massaging. All the girls wore one hundred gold pieces around their necks, enjoyed the best of health, were well groomed, and possessed fine ability in all types of personal service. Lord Janärdana, chief of the Däçärha dynasty, also gave worked and unworked gold of the finest quality, as bright as fire and as much as ten strong men could carry. Lord Balaräma was fond of bold heroism, and being ultimately pleased with Arjuna's behavior, He desired to strengthen the loving relationship with the Päëòavas and show His submission to King Yudhiñöhira. Thus He who wields the plow weapon awarded to Arjuna a thousand fine elephants who stood like shining hilltops, their temples cleft in three places and oozing maddening juice. Equipped with drivers and adorned with loud bells and golden garlands, these elephants would never turn back in battle. Lord Kåñëa and Lord Balaräma gave so many priceless jewels to the Päëòavas that the gems became like the waves of a river in which gifts of fine garments and blankets were the foam on the waves and the colorful flags and banners were the bright green river moss. This mighty river went swirling into the ocean of the Päëòavas, filling it up and bringing grief to those who envied them. Dharmaräja Yudhiñöhira accepted all these gifts, and he duly honored the mahäratha warriors of the Våñëi and Andhaka dynasties. All those great souls, the leaders of the Kurus, Våñëis, and Andhakas, sported together like pious men who have gone to the dwelling of the gods. Drinking together and loudly clapping their hands, the Kurus and Våñëis enjoyed to their full satisfaction and within the bonds of decency. Thus those superlative heroes celebrated for many days, and finally, with full honors from the Kurus, the Våñëis returned to their city of Dvärakä. Taking with them gleaming jewels presented to them by the Kuru nobles, the champion warriors of the Våñëis and Andhakas placed Lord Balaräma in the lead and departed. The very wise Çré Kåñëa stayed with Arjuna in the enchanting city of Indraprastha, O Bhärata, and the two friends would stroll along the banks of the Yamunä River. Thereafter Lord Kåñëa's beloved sister Subhadrä gave birth to a brilliant and beautiful child, just as Paulomé had given birth to Jayanta. The boy had long arms, exceptional strength, and large eyes like a bull, and he was destined to subdue his enemies. This future hero and leader of men was named Abhimanyu because he was fearless (abhé) and capable of powerful anger (manyu). He arose from Dhanaïjaya in the womb of the Sätvata princess, just as sacred fire springs from the çamé firewood in the course of sacrifice. When Abhimanyu was born, Kunté's mighty-armed son Yudhiñöhira awarded ten thousand cows to the brähmaëas and as many coins. From birth the child became a favorite of Lord Kåñëa, and indeed of all his uncles, just as the cool moon-rays are dear to hard-working people. Çré Kåñëa Himself performed the religious rites, beginning with the birth ceremony, that invoke blessings on children, and the boy grew steadily like the waxing moon. Arjuna knew the military Veda, and he taught his child, a tamer of enemies, the entire tenfold military science, Dhanur Veda, in its four divisions, including both human and divine weapons. The mighty father taught his son the finest techniques in the use of weapons–skills that can be acquired only by long experience. In all the duties of royalty, he gave him extraordinary training. Seeing that his son by Subhadrä was equal to the father in theory and practice, Arjuna was satisfied. Like the lord of heaven admiring his son, Arjuna, of frightening prowess, gazed upon his child, admiring the hard muscle throughout his limbs and all the signs of nobility on his body; his invincible fortitude; his neck and shoulders like those of a bull; and his wide jaws as forbidding as the jaws of a cobra. A grand wielder of the bow, he was proud as a lion, with the courage of a maddened elephant, a deep voice like thunder or rumbling kettledrums, and a face as bright and handsome as the full moon. He was just like Kåñëa Himself in courage, power, beauty, and physique. Draupadé too, whose body was a treasure of blessings, begot five heroic and brilliant sons, who were as steady and unmovable as mountains. By Yudhiñöhira, Päïcälé gave birth to Prativindhya; by Våkodara, Sutasoma; by Arjuna, Çrutakarmä; by Nakula, Çatänéka; and by Sahadeva, Çrutasena. Just as Aditi gave birth to the Äditya gods, so Draupadé begot five heroic sons, all of whom became mahäratha warriors. Consulting the holy books, the brähmaëas said to Yudhiñöhira about his son, «He shall be called Prativindhya, for he will acquire knowledge of his enemies' weapons.» Bhémasena's son with Draupadé was called Sutasoma because he shone like the sun and the moon together after a thousand sacrifices of Soma. The brähmaëas declared that the son whom Arjuna begot after performing mighty deeds would be called Çrutakarmä, «one whose deeds are heard.» Nakula, the Kaurava prince, named his son after the saintly king Çatänéka, !one who commands a hundred armies,» and his son would indeed bring glory to the clan. Draupadé gave birth to a son by Sahadeva during the asterism of fire, and thus the child became known as Çrutasena, «one who leads a famous army.» The five illustrious sons of Draupadé were born in that order, at one-year intervals, O best of kings, and they were dedicated to serving one another. Dhaumya, the royal priest of the Päëòavas, performed successively the birth ceremonies and the hair-cutting and initiation rites for the boys, strictly following the Vedic path, O noble Bhärata. The five of them were well behaved and faithful to their vows, and they studied the Vedas. They learned from Arjuna the complete military science, both human and divine. O tiger of kings, the Päëòavas achieved a life of joy, for they were faithfully followed by their mighty broad-chested sons, who shone like sons of the gods.