Home >Religion & Spirituality > Mythology Pancatantra : The Book of India's Folk Wisdom (World's Classics) by Patrick Olivelle (Editor) [Image] See More Details Paperback - 420 pages (December 1997) Oxford Univ Pr (Trade); ISBN: 0192832999 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.48 x 7.34 x 4.60 ------------------------------------------------------- Reviews Table of Contents Introduction Sources, Author, and Date Structure and Content The Characters of the Pancatantra The Political and Moral Philosophy of the Pancatantra Versions and Translations Note on the Translation Bibliography Guide to the Pronunciation of Sanskrit Words PANCATANTRA THE PRELUDE TO THE STORY BOOK I: ON CAUSING DISSENSION AMONG ALLIES Story 1: The Monkey That Pulled the Wedge Story 2: The Jackal That Tried to Eat a Drum Story 3: The Adventures of an Ascetic Sub-Story 3.1: The Ascetic and the Rogue Sub-Story 3.1.1: How the Battling Rams Killed the Greedy Jackal Sub-Story 3.2: A Weaver Cuts the Nose of a Bawd Story 4: How the Crows Killed the Snake Sub-Story 4.1: The Crab Cuts Off the Heron's Head Story 5: The Hare That Outwitted the Lion Story 6: How the Louse Got Killed Trying to be Nice to a Bug Story 7: How the Lion's Servants Got the Camel Killed Story 8: How the Sandpiper Defeated the Ocean Sub-Story 8.1: The Turtle and the Geese Sub-Story 8.2: The Fate of Three Fish: Far-sighted, Quick-witted, and Inevitable Story 9: The Bird That Tried to Advise a Monkey Story 10: Two Friends and Betrayed Trust Sub-Story 10.1: How the Mongooses Ate the Heron's Chicks Story 11: The Iron-Eating Mice BOOK II: ON SECURING ALLIES Story 1: The Ascetic and the Mouse Sub-Story 1.1: The Woman Who Traded Sesame for Sesame Sub-Story 1.1.1: How the Greedy Jackal Died Eating a Bowstring Story 2: How Citranga Got Caught in a Trap BOOK III: ON WAR AND PEACE: THE STORY OF THE CROWS AND THE OWLS Story 1: The Ass in a Leopard's Skin Story 2: The Owl is Elected King of Birds Sub-Story 2.1: The Hare Bluffs the Elephant Sub-Story 2.2: Partridge and Hare Take their Case to the Cat Story 3: How the Rogues Tricked the Brahmin Story 4: The Old Merchant and his Young Wife Story 5: The Thief, the Ogre, and the Brahmin Story 6: How the Unfaithful Wife Tricked her Foolish Husband Story 7: The Mouse That Turned into a Girl Story 8: Frogs Go for a Ride on the Back of a Snake BOOK IV: ON LOSING WHAT YOU HAVE GAINED Story 1: The Ass without Ears or a Heart BOOK V: ON HASTY ACTIONS Story 1: Building Castles in the Air Story 2: The Barber Who Killed the Monks Appendices I: Concordance of Stories II: Stories in Other Pancatantra Versions Explanatory Notes Glossary of Names Index