Ancient Yoga
Traditions, Styles, Definitions

Yoga means to yoke (to unite) with the source of our Being
(pure Beingness is pure Awareness and not nothingness).

Hatha Yoga
While most Hatha Yoga classes concentrate on the physical
aspects in order to increase flexibility, and improve one's health,
Hatha Yoga by itself can be the tool for Self-realization.
To this end Hatha Yoga uses Pranayama and Mudras.
Since these exercises force the ascend of the dormant energy
Kundalini, Hatha Yoga is also called the "Yoga of Force".

Traditional Hatha Yoga
1. Asanas (postures), 2. Cleansing techniques, 3. Pranayama

(control of breathing with retention),  4. Bandhas (locks) and
Mudras (seals) for the regulation of Prana (life-force) and
Kundalini (dormant energy), and 5. Samadhi (Holy Trance
or ecstatic realization of the Self).

Agni Yoga
Agni Yoga is mainly practiced in India where it is based on
Vedic knowledge. In Sanskrit, Agni means "fire" and is the
name of the Vedic "Fire-God".
Agni is invoked by traditional Vedic ceremonies and fire rituals.
Agni Yoga also involves breath and mind control to raise Kundalini.

Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga is also called the "Eightfold Yoga of Pantanjali".
It is another name for Radja Yoga.

Bhakti Yoga
The Yoga of Love and Devotion. A Bhakta (devotee) or Bhakti Yogi
transcends the ego with the all-consuming power of his/her devotion
to the omnipresent Being with or without any particular form.

Yoga of transcendental Knowledge

Jnana Yoga
The Jnana Yogi searches the Self either by concentrating on the first
thought "I" until even that thought disappears or by investigating the
answer to the question "Who am I?". The Self, when found, reveals
It-Self always as pure Awareness.

Kriya Yoga
The technique, as introduced by Paramahansa Yogananda and the
Kriya line of teachers, employs a mixture of Hatha, Bhakti, Karma, 
Mantra, and Jnana Yoga. It is distinguished by a unique technique
of Kriya Pranayamas for the purpose of controlling the "Life-force"
and ultimately coaxing it to ascend.

Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga techniques are employed to directly force
the dormant power to ascend.

Laya Yoga
The Laya Yogi may use visualization and mantra to dissolve
the mind in transcendental Bliss, into the beingness of the Self.

Mantra Yoga
Mantra Yoga binds the mind to one thought until the restless mind
is dissolved. As with any other Yoga technique pure Awareness is
the result. Mantra Yoga is a gift for all seekers of the Truth who
find it difficult or impossible because of age or affliction to study
Hatha Yoga or some of the other traditions which demand more
time, flexibility, devotion, and so on.

Nidra Yoga
Nidra Yoga is often called the Yoga of "Sleep". Of course, Yoga
sleep is different from normal sleep.
In Nidra Yoga, the Yogi may lay down on his back and close the
eyes but his empty mind tries to enter what normally is experienced
as deep sleep in full Awareness.
This state is also called the "Fourth State", in which one is fully
aware of one's own pure Awareness but nothing else.
There are no thoughts and no worldly impressions.
The Yogi may return fully rested and restored in many ways.

Raja Yoga
Raja Yoga is also called the "Eightfold Yoga", the "Royal Yoga",
and "Pantanjali's Yoga". When the Hatha Yogi is properly prepared,
Raja Yoga meditations are added to complete the Union (Yoga) with
the ultimate Reality.

Sapta Yoga
Sapta Yoga is also called the "Sevenfold Yoga".

Sapta Yoga consists of:
1. Shodhana (cleanliness),
2. Dridhata (firmness),
3. Sthairya (stability),
4. Dhairya (constancy),
5. Laghava (lightness),
6. Pratyaksha (perception),
7. Nirlipta (nondifilement)

(We thank
Yogatones for the following definition.)
Viniyoga is essentially the adaptation of yoga to the individual rather
than the individual to yoga. This tradition is based on principles
practised and taught by renowned Shr T Krishnamacharya.
The practice focuses on combining correct breathing with both
dynamic and static asanas. The asanas are modified, varied and
adapted according to each student's particular circumstances
and individual requirements.
The practice can also include pranayama, sound or mantra, where 
appropriate. The aim is to bring about a balance or reintegration
of body, breath and mind. For this reason the classes are either on
a one to one basis or small groups. AG Mohan, TKV Desikachar, 
and Gary Kraftsow are the most well known teachers of this method
in the West.


Related pages:    Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Knowledge
                            Kriya Yoga
                            Mantra Yoga 
                            Bhakti Yoga
                            Radja Yoga

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