Paper Plot: 1. components of the world } Universal Form - single body components of the body (cosmic - unit) 2. consciousness - soul - body they are related in a triangle to each other soul's qualities - constitutes the body satcitananada - 3 doshas 3. consciousness sees through senses (like windows) cause = heat (lust) coming through holes (senses) ====> reactions mat. body = senses = sum total of reactions on activity based on lust this is a diseased stage, form of expression for the healthy soul [4. 2 limitations (time & space)] 5. living in mat. body without principles = diseased-diseased condition to conditional existence (acc. to VAD with: 4 reg. principles, regul. activities, etc.) by chanting of Hare Krsna to constitutional existence (...nitya krsna das) by chanting of Hare Krsna