Jai Srila Prabhupada! VAISESIKA Theism is only an appendage. No faith in vedas as highest authority. substance, quality, action, commonness, particularity,invariable concommittance,non existence/negation. Doctrine of atoms of visesa. Symmetry, consistency of divisions, precision of thought and expression © characteristics of Vaisesika. Carries to perfection and emphasised Nyaya which concerned solely with theory, logic and art of reasoning. Soul and matter are distinct entities© both real © meeting of one with the other is the cause of miseries. SOUL: receptacle of knowledge distinct from body and senses different for each individual omnipresent eternal perceived by mind demonstrated by peculiar attributes like knowledge,desire, aversion, pain and pleasure efort etc cannot experience pain or pleasure unlessthro body like earth etc it is also a dravya Besides this soul there is Paramatman ©one, seat of eternal knowledge known from valid proof as maintainer of everything. World is of four kinds based on earth, water, fire & air All gross products can be reduced into atoms © incapable of further analysis. By will of Paramatman a movement is produced and atoms are brought together and creation takes place Freedom from Samsara is the goal of life. Means is the right knowledge of seven catagories according to Gautama. process of bondage: false notions © mistaking body for soulÜnÜŒ results in sankalpa vikalpa(nothing is good anyway) impelled by this either wrong or right things are done this leads to good or bad birth pain is there till the birth lasts process of liberation: right knowledge of catagories all false notions disappear no more activity no more birth no more pain all bliss Philosophy termed as arambha or asatkriya Dualistic and materialistic conception. admit eternal existence of matter apart from the intelligent principle as independent of it. Main stand on tarka © resort to srutis only when it is con© venient. Effect is different from cause, but it is newly created in itªstands in invariable concommitance(samanvaya)ÆÆ