[Click to Return to the Homepage][Image] [Current Moonphase] [Image] [Image] [Event Calendar] Misc Info : Kundalini FAQ · Kundalini Yogas FAQ · Kundalini Awakens · Pranayama · The Mystery Of Meditation (Part I) · Meditation FAQ · The Foundation of Mindfulness · Sidhis - Supernatural Powers · Tao, A Synthesis of Taoist Philosophy · Sufism - the Way of the Heart · Glossary of Sanskrit Terms Glossary of Sanskrit Terms ------------------------------- written by Luke Roberts Posted Wed, 22-Mar-1995 23:00:00 GMT [Image] [Image] Only the more common Current Articles: [Image] [Image] terms used in yoga [SpiritArt - Spiritual Art on the Net] have been given [Image] [Image] here. Please email [Image] [Image] me with corrections, June, 2001 comments, and [Image] [Image] additions. * Astral Projection: [Image] [Image] The Doorway to NB Unfortunately it [Image] [Image] is difficult to a New Dimension - [Image] [Image] represent vowel Jerry Gross marks in pure ASCII [Image] [Image] text, so I suggest * UFC 06/01: Universal [Image] [Image] you refer to a Festival Sanskrit dictionary [Image] [Image] if you require the Calendar for June, 2001 - [Image] [Image] accurate Dan Furst pronunciation of a [Image] [Image] word. * The Radiance of Crystal [Image] [Image] Light A [Image] [Image] Technology - a - non Lisa J. Smith * Achieving [Image] [Image] abhaya - Reality freedom from [Image] [Image] fear Consciousness Series: [Image] [Image] abhinivesa - Effortlessly possessiveness abhyasa - by Uniting [Image] [Image] steady effort Energy Poles acharya - a [2] - Diandra * The Process [Image] religious of Evolving - teacher adhah - down Lia Shapiro [Image] adhara - a May, 2001 support adharma - * The Space breach of duty Between - adhibhuta - the Christine principle of Bearse objective * The Universal existence Cosmic Web - adhidaiva - the The Harvesting principle of - Ronna Herman subjective * Breaking existence through the adhikari - Barriers - competent Abby Haydon candidate * World Earth adhimatra - Healing Day superior 2001 and the adhimatratama - June 21 Solar the highest, Eclipse - the supreme one Leigh Tremaine adhisthana - * The Power seat, abode Tools of adhiyajna - the Creation - principle of Ronna Herman sacrifice, * Achieving incarnation Reality adho-mukha - Consciousness face downwards Series: Living adho mukha Effortlessly svanasana - the by Uniting dog stretch Energy Poles - posture Diandra adhyasa - a * UFC 05/01: case of Universal mistaken Festival identity Calendar for adhyatma - the May, 2001 - principle of Dan Furst self adrishta - the April, 2001 unseen (e.g. * The Parents actions of of the New invisible Dawn - Abby entities) Haydon adisvara - the * Angels - primeval lord, Donna a name of Shiva Kinniburgh aditi - the * Are You Ready mother of the to Team Up? - gods Ronna Herman aditya - son of * Pyramid of aditi Power and The advaita - Spirit of non-duality of Living A the universal Co-Creative spirit Endeavor - advasana - the Lisa J Smith prone posture * UFC 04/01: agama - proof Universal of the Festival trustworthiness Calendar for of a source of April, 2001 - knowledge Dan Furst aham - I ahamkara - March, 2001 tendency to * The Spirit of identify Heaven/Completion oneself with - Lisa J Smith external * Is God Alone? phenomena, 'the - Jonathan J. I-maker' Dickau ahimsa - * Teamwork - non-violence Lisa J Smith aishvarya - * Creating Your desire for Pyramid of power Power in the ajapa - Fifth involuntary Dimension - repetition (as Ronna Herman with a mantra) * Marriage of ajna - command Science and akarna - Spirituality - towards the ear Wistancia akarna Stone dhanurasana - * UFC 03/01: the shooting Universal bow posture Festival akasha - ether Calendar for akrodha - March 2001 - freedom from Dan Furst anger * Achieving alabhdha-bhumikatReality - the feeling Consciousness that it is Series: impossible to Harmonizing see reality Your Existing alamba - Creations [2] support - Diandra alasya - * Do Dogs Go To idleness Heaven? - John amanaska - the Payne mind free from desire February, 2001 amrita - the * It's the Free elixir of Spirit that immortality Soars - Lisa J anahata - Smith unbeaten * How Are You ananda - bliss Using Your Ananta - Cosmic infinite, a Resources? - name of Vishnu Ronna Herman anantasana - * Archangel Ananta's Metatron- A posture Time of anga - a limb, Transition - or body part Christine angamejayatva - Bearse unsteadiness of the body Even older angula - a articles: finger * January, 2001 angushtha - the big toe * Year 2001 Anjana - the * Year 2000 name of the * Year 1999 mother of * Year 1998 Hanuman * Year 1997 anjaneyasana - * Year 1996 the splits * Year 1995 antahkarana - * Year 1994 the mind * Year 1993 antara - within * Year 1992 antaranga - the * Year 1991 practices of pranayama and pratyahara antaratma - the inner self, residing in the heart anuloma - with the grain, naturally anumana - an inference apana - one of the vital airs, controls the elimination of bodily wastes apara - lower aparigraha - abstention from greed, non-possessiveness apunya - vice arama - pleasure garden ardha - half ardha-baddha padmottanasana - the half-lotus forward bend posture ardha-chandrasana - the half-moon posture ardha-matsyendrasana - the half spinal-twist posture ardhanarishvara - Shiva and his Shakti united as one ardha-navasana - the half-boat posture ardha-padmasana - the half-lotus posture ardha-salabhasana - the half-locust posture ardha-sarvangasana - the half-shoulderstand posture ardha-sirsasana - the half headstand posture Arjuna - a disciple of Krishna, hero of the Mahabharata asamprajnata - unconscious samadhi asana - seat, posture ashcharyavat - wonderful ashram - a yoga centre or school ashta - eight Ashtavakra - name of a deformed sage ashva - a horse ashvini - a mudra: contraction of the anal sphincter muscles asmita - egotism asteya - non-stealing atman - the self, supreme soul atmiyata - the feeling of oneness aum - all, the absolute avarana - a veil avastha - a state of the mind avatara - a divine incarnation, e.g. Buddha. The ten avataras of Vishnu are: Matsya(the fish), Kurma(the tortoise), Varaha(the boar), Narasimha(the man- lion), Vamana(the dwarf), Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Balarama, and Kalki. avidya - metaphysical ignorance avirati - sensuality ayama - length, extension, restraint B baddha - caught baddhahasta sirsasana - the bound hands headstand posture bandha - binding, a muscular lock bandha padmasana - the bound lotus posture baka - a wading bird, the crane Bali - a demon king basti - method for cleaning the intestines bhadrasana - the auspicious posture bhagavad gita - the dialogues between Krishna and Arjuna bhagavan - holy Bhairava - terrible, one of the forms of Shiva bhajana - a hymn bhakti - devotion, worship bhastrika - the bellows breath bhati - light bhavana - concentration bhaya - fear bheda - a division bhedana - breaking through, piercing bheka - a frog bherunda - terrible bherundasana - the formidable posture bhoga - enjoyment bhoktir - one who enjoys bhramara - a large bee bhramari - the bee breath bhranti-darshana - a delusion bhu - land bhudana - the donation of land bhuja - arm or shoulder bhujanga - snake bhujangasana - the cobra posture bhujasana - the arm posture bhumi - the object of meditation bhumikatva - firm ground bhuta - a ghost, an element bija - seed bindu - drop or point bodhi - supreme knowledge Brahma - the creator Brahmins - the highest, priestly caste brahmacharya - control of sexual impulses brahmacharyasana - the posterior stretch posture brahmadvara - the door where kundalini enters the spine brahmanda-prana - cosmic breath Buddha - Buddha buddhi - wisdom, reason C chakra - a wheel or vortex chakra-bandha - the binding which seals all of the chakras chakrasana - the wheel posture chandra - the moon chatur - four chela - a pupil chit - pure consciousness chitrini - a fine cord within the spine chitta - mind-stuff, the lower parts of mind - such as memory chitta-vikshepa - confusion, distraction chitta-vritti - a mode of behaviour crore - ten million D Dadhicha - a sage who gave his bones to the gods, from which was fashioned the thunderbolt which slew Vrita Daitya - a demon son of Diti dakini - the goddess in muladhara Daksa - a lord of created beings daksina - the right side dama - control of the body and senses damani - a layer within a nadi allowing for the passage of energy dana - giving Danava - a demon danda - a staff dandasana - the staff posture darbha - a sweet-smelling dried grass darshama - a visit to a great person, viewpoint or vision daurmanasya - despair dehi - the self deva - a divine being devadatta - one of the vital airs, which causes yawning devata - a divine being similar to an angel deva-dasi - a temple prostitute devi - a goddess dhanu - a bow dhanurasana - the bow posture dharana - concentration dharma - the law, duty, way of life dhasanjaya - a vital air that stays in the body after death, sometimes bloating the corpse dhenu - a cow dhirata - strength dhwani - a resonant sound dhyana - contemplation dirgha - long Diti - mother of the daityas demons dradhasana - the side relaxation posture drashta - consciousness, the 'witness' dridhata - strength duhkha - pain, grief dvesha - hatred dvi - two, both dvi-pada - two feet E eka - one, single eka pada hastasana - the one leg posture eka pada kakasana - the one leg crow posture eka pada sirsasana - the leg-behind-head posture ekgara - one-pointed ekamevadvitiyam - one without a second G gana - Shiva's attendants Ganapati - god of luck and wisdom ganda - the cheek garbha-pinda - an embryo garbhasana - the foetus posture garuda - an eagle garudasana - the eagle posture ghata - a pot, the body ghi - clarified butter go - a cow gomukha - musical instrument resembling a cow's face gomukhasana - the cow-faced posture gorakshasana - the cowherd posture gotra - family, race granthi - a knot, obstruction in the chitrini gu - darkness gulma - the spleen guna - a quality of nature gup - guard, hide guptasana - the hidden posture guru - a spiritual teacher, heavy, important H ha - the sun Hakini - the goddess in ajna hala - a plough halasana - the plough posture hamasana - the altered peacock posture hamsa - a swan Hanuman - a monkey chief, son of Anjana and Vayu hanumanasana - the splits hasta - the hand hasta padangusthasana - the hand-to-big-toe posture hatha - force, against one's will hatha-yoga - union with the supreme via discipline himsa - violence Hiranya-kashipu - a demon king, killed by Vishnu I ichchha - the will ida - the channel on the left of the spine indriya - organ of sense or action indriya-jaya - mastery of the senses by controlling the desires Isha - a form of Shiva ishvara - a supreme being, god ishvara-pranidhana - attentiveness to god J jagrata-avastha - complete awareness of the state of the mind jalandhara - bandha where the chin rests in the notch between the collar bones janma - birth, incarnation janu - the knee janu sirsasana - the head-knee posture japa - repetition of a mantra jathara - the stomach jathara parivartanasana - the belly-turning posture jati - circumstances of life to which one is born jaya - victory jiva - a creature jivana - life jivatma - the individual soul jnana - knowledge, especially spiritual knowledge jnanendriya - an organ of knowledge, i.e. the five senses jyotir dhyana - luminous contemplation jyotis - inner light K kailasa - a Himalayan mountain, home of Shiva kaivalya - spiritual independence and freedom kakasana - the crow posture Kakini - the goddess in anahata kalabhairavasana - Lord Kalabhairava's posture kali-yuga - the current, pleasure-loving age Kama - desire for material pleasures, the god of passion kama-dhenu - the heavenly cow kanda - a knot, the place where the three main nadis join kandasana - the upward ankle-twist posture kapala - the skull kapalabhati - a process to clear the sinuses kapota - a dove kapotasana - the dove posture karma - work, action, the law of cause and effect karmaphala - the result of an action karma-yoga - unselfish actions karmendriya - an action organ, e.g. the hands or feet karnapidasana - the ear-press posture Kartikeya - the god of war, was reared by the Pleiades karuna - pity, tenderness kathanta - howness katikasana - the front-stretching posture kaustubha - one of Vishnu's jewels kaya - the body kayika - pertaining to the body kevala - whole, pure khandapitasana - the ankle-twist posture khechari - mudra where the tongue is inserted in the upper cavity khyati - an outlook of knowledge kleshas - the five sources of trouble and suffering kona - an angle koshas - bodies or sheaths krauncha - a heron krikara - one of the vital airs, causes coughing and sneezing Krishna - the eighth incarnation of vishnu krishnasana - the Krishna posture kriya - cleaning krounchasana - the heron posture Krttikas - the Pleiades kshatriyas - the caste of princes and warriors kshipta - neglected or distracted kukutasana - the cockerel posture kumbha - a pot kumbhaka - holding the breath kunda - starting place of kundalini kundala - coil of rope kundalini - a coiled female snake, the latent energy at the base of the spine kurma - a tortoise, one of the vital airs - controls blinking kurmasana - the tortoise (leg-lock) posture kutichaka - the hut-builder L lac 100,000 laghava - lightness laghu - handsome, small Lakini - the goddess in manipuraka Lakshmi - goddess of beauty and luck lalata - the forehead Lanka - the kingdon of Ravana, Ceylon lauliki - a movement of the abdominal muscles and organs laya - absorption of the mind laya-yoga - yoga using the latent power of kundalini lingam - the phallus lobha - greed loka - a habitat lola - swinging lolasana - the swing posture loma - hair M madhyama - average maha - mighty mahabandha/mahamudra - types of mudra Mahadeva - the great god - Shiva mahat - cosmic consciousness maitri - friendliness maithuna - sacramental intercourse makara - a crocodile makarasana - the crocodile posture mala - a wreath malasana - the garland posture man - to think manana - pondering manas - the reasoning ability of the mind manasika - of the mind mandala - circle Mandara - mountain used by the gods to stir the cosmic ocean manduka - a frog mandukasana - the frog posture mani - a jewel manipura - navel manomani - samadhi mantra - a prayer or sacred thought Manu - father of the human race marga - a path matsya - a fish matsyasana - the fish posture matsyendrasana - the posture of Matsyendra maya - illusion mayura - a peacock mayurasana - the peacock posture meru-danda - the spinal column mimansa - one of the schools of Indian philosophy mirdu - soft, gentle mirta - a corpse mirtasana - the corpse posture moha - infatuation or delusion moksha - emancipation of the soul from rebirth mudha - foolish, stupid mudra - a seal mudita - delight mudras - muscular contractions that include the bandhas mukha - the mouth mukta - liberated muktasana - the liberated posture mukta hasta sirsasana - the freehand headstand posture mula - root mulabandhasana - the ankle-twist posture mulashodhana - cleansing the rectum murcha - mind-fainting N nabhipedasana - the upward ankle-twist posture nada - an internal sound nadi - a channel within the subtle body nadi-shodhana - the purification of the nadis naga - the vital air that causes burping naishkaramya karma - actionless action nakra - a crocodile namah - a salute nara - a man Narasimha - the man-lion, fourth incarnation of Vishnu Narayana - the supporter of life - Vishnu Nataraja - Lord of the dancers, a name of Shiva natarajasana - the Lord of the Dance posture nauli - an abdominal exercise (lauliki) nava - a boat navasana - the boat posture neti - not so neti-yoga - cleansing of the nostrils niddhyasana - meditation and contemplation nilimpa - a pictured one: a god niralamba - unsupported niralamba sarvangasana - the balancing shoulderstand posture niranjana - pure, free from falsehood nirlipta - unstainedness nirodha - control or restraint nirvana - freedom of the personal soul from the physical world nirvichara - non-investigational meditation nirvitarka - non-inspectional meditation niyama - self-purification through discipline nyaya - one of the schools of Indian philosophy O ojas - concentrated psychic power omkarasana - the OM posture P pada - part of a book, the foot padahastasana - the balancing forward bend posture padangushtha - the big toe padasana - the foot above posture padma - a lotus Padmanabha - a name of Vishnu padmasana - the lotus posture palmyrasana - the palm tree posture para - beyond, higher paramatma - the supreme spirit parangmukhi - facing inwards Parashurama - sixth incarnation of Vishnu parigha - a bolt for shutting a gate parighasana - the locked gate posture parigraha - hoarding paripurna - complete, whole parivartana - revolving parivrajaka - wanderer parivritta parshvakonasana - the revolved lateral angle posture parivritta paschimottanasana - the twisting back-stretching posture parivritta sirsasana - the twisting head-knee posture parivritta trikonasana - the revolved triangle posture parshva - the side parshva dhanurasana - the sideways bow posture parshva halasana - the lateral plough posture parshva sarvangasana - the sideways shoulderstand posture parshva sirsasana - the headstand posture parshvakakasana - the sideways crow posture parvatasana - the mountain posture paryanka - a bed pasasana - the noose posture pasha - a trap, noose pashchima - west, the back of the body pashchimottoanasana - the back-stretching posture Patanjali - author of the Yoga Sutras pavanmuktasana - the knee squeeze posture pida - pain pincha - the chin, feather pinda - an embryo pingala - the channel on the right of the spine pliha - the spleen Prahlada - a devotee of Vishnu Prajapati - Lord of created beings prajna - wisdom prakasha - shining, clear prakriti - eternal nature pramada - indifference pramana - authority, an ideal prana - breath, energy, life pranava - another name for aum prana-vayu - a vital air that moves in the chest pranayama - control of the breath pranidhana - dedication prasarita - stretched out prasarita padottanasana - the spread legs posture prashvasa - expiration pratiloma - going against the grain pratyahara - control of the senses pratyaksha - direct evidence punarjanman - rebirth punya - virtue, merit, good purakha - inhalation purnata - perfection purusha - the spirit or soul purvottana - the front of the body purvottanasana - the front-stretching posture R raga - anger, passion raja - a ruler, king raja-yoga - the yoga of mastery over the mind rajas - mobility Rakini - the goddess in svadhishthana Rama - the seventh incarnation of Vishnu rambha - plantain Ravana - a demon king from Lanka who abducted the wife of Rama rechaka - outbreathing retus - semen ru - light Rudra - a form of Shiva rupa - a form or body S Sadashiva - a form of Shiva sadhaka - an aspirant, seeker sadhana - practice, a quest sah - he, that sahaja - the karma to which one is born sahasrara - the thousand-petalled lotus within the cerebral cavity sakshatkara - the spirit sakthi chalini - the nerve-power posture salabhasana - the locust posture salamba - supported salamba sarvangasana - the supported shoulderstand posture sama - equal, upright samakonasana - the sideways leg-splits posture sama-sthiti - standing still sama-vritti - pranayama where inhalation, exhalation and suspension of breath are of same length samadhi - state where the aspirant is one with the object of his meditation samana - one of the vital airs, which aids digestion samasthiti - the upright-sitting posture sambhava - birth samkatasana - the dangerous posture samkhya - one of the schools of Indian philosophy samkhya yoga - the yoga of science samshaya - doubt samskaras - memories samyama - dharana, dhyana and samadhi taken together sannyasi - one who has renounced the world sanjivani - a life-restoring elixir or herb sansara - the wheel of reincarnation santosha - contentment sara - essence Sarasvati - goddess of speech and learning sarva - whole sarvanga - the whole body sarvangasana - the shoulderstand posture sat - reality sat chit ananda - bliss consciousness Sati - mother of Kartikeya and Ganapati sattva - orderliness, the quality of goodness in everything natural satya - honesty savasana - the corpse posture savichara - investigational meditation savitarka - inspectional meditation sayanasana - the repose posture setu - a bridge setu bandhasana - the bridge posture shabda - sound, the creative principle Shakini - the goddess in vishuddha shakti - female creative power, goddess shaktichalani - one of the mudras, involves contracting the rectum shalabha - a locust shalabhasana - the locust posture shama - calming the mind shambhavi - related to Shiva shambhavi mudra - gazing between ones eyes Shambhu - a name of Shiva shan - six Shanmukha - with six mouths, a name of Kartikeya shantih - peace sharira - a body shaucha - mental and bodily cleanliness shava - a corpse shavasana - the corpse posture shayana - a bed shesha - the serpent of eternity, having one thousand heads shirsha - the head shirshasana - the head-stand posture shishya - the pupil of a guru Shita - cold Shiva - the destroyer shmrti - memory shodana - purification shoka - anguish shraddha - faith and trust shravana - the act of listening to the doctrines shrivatsa - the curl on Vishnu's breast shuddha - clean, pure shvana - a dog shvasa - inspiration svasa-prashvasa - heaving and sighing siddha - a prophet or adept siddhasana - the adept's posture siddhi - a psychic (or occult) power simha - a lion simhasana - the lion posture sirsangusthasana - the deep lunge posture sirsasana - the headstand posture Sita - the wife of Rama Skanda - a name of Kartikeya, god of war sodhana - purification steya - robbery sthirata - steadiness sthiti - stability sthula-sharira - the dense body styana - sloth sudras - the caste of servants and labourers sukha - happiness sukhasana - the easy posture sukshma-sharira - the astral body sumanasya - benevolence supta - sleeping supta baddha padmasana - the supine bound lotus posture supta janu sirsasana - the supine head-knee posture supta padangusthasana - the supine big toe posture supta paschimottanasana - the supine back-stretching posture supta vajrasana - the supine thunderbolt posture surya - the sun surya namaskar - the homage to the sun posture sushumna - the spinal cord sushupti-avastha - the state of the mind in dreamless sleep sutra - a thread sva - vital force, soul svadhyaya - education through the study of the divine texts svapnavastha - the state of the mind in a dream svarga - heaven svarupa - one's true nature svasamvedana - the understanding of oneself svastikasana - the prosperous posture T tada - a mountain tamas - darkness, inertia, ignorance tan - to stretch tandava - violent dance of Shiva tanmatras - the five potentials or senses tantras - treatises on ritual, meditation, discipline, etc. tap - to burn, shine, suffer tapas - austerity, purification tara - crossing over Taraka - a demon slain by Kartikeya tat - that tattva - an element, the twenty-four categories of thatness tejas - radiant energy, majesty tirieng - horizontal tittibha - a firefly tittibhasana - the firefly posture tola - a balance tolangulasana - the balance posture tolasana - the scales posture trataka - an exercise to clear the vision tri - three trikona - a triangle trikonasana - the triangle posture trishna - thirst, desire Trivikrama - fifth incarnation of Vishnu, who filled the earth, heaven and hell with his three steps (krama) U ubhaya - both ubhaya padangusthasana - the buttocks balance posture udana - the vital air controlling the intake of food and air uddiyana - a fetter or binding involving the raising of the diaphragm ugra - powerful, noble ugrasana - the posterior stretch posture ullola - a large wave Uma - Shiva's wife, Parvati unmani - samadhi Upanishads - the philosophical parts of the Vedas. 'upa' (near) 'ni' (down) sad (to sit) - the act of sitting down by one's Guru to receive instruction. upavishtha - seated upeksha - disregard urdhra prasarita ekapadasana - balancing forward posture urdhva - raised urdhva hastattanasana - the up-stretched arms posture urdhva-mukha - face upwards urdhva-retus - a celibate ushtra - a camel ushtrasana - the camel posture utkata - fierce utkatasana - the the hunkering posture uttana - an intense stretch utthita - stretched utthita eka pada sirsasana - the balancing leg-behind-head posture utthita kurmasana - the balancing tortoise posture utthita lingamasana - the balancing on the phallus posture utthita padangusthasana - the balancing big toe posture utthita parsvakonasana - the stretched lateral angle posture utthita paschimottanasana - the balancing back-stretching posture V vacha - speech vaikuntha - Vishnu vairagya - uncolouredness, not desiring physical objects vaisesika - one of the schools of Indian philosophy vaisyas - the caste of merchants and professionals vajra - one of the channels in the spine, a thunderbolt, diamond vajrasana - the thunderbolt posture vajroli - the thunderbolt contraction vakra - bent vakrasana - the curved posture valakhilya - a class of tiny entities, about the size of a thumb vama - the left side vamadevasana - Vamadeva's posture Vamana - Vishnu's fifth incarnation vamaprakasha - lovely shiningness vasana - longing Vasnata - the deity of Spring vasti - internal cleansing Vasuki - a name of Shesha vatayana - a horse vatayanasana - the horseface posture vayus - the vital airs veda - the sacred scriptures of the Hindus vedana - feelings vedanta - one of the schools of Indian philosophy vedas - the sacred scriptures of the Hindus vibhuti - divine power vichara - continued thought vidya - knowledge, science vijnana - comprehension vikalpa - imagination, fancy vikshepa - confusion vikshipta - mental aggitation viloma - against the natural order of things vipakas - the distressing results of karmas viparita - reversed, inverted viparitakarani - the upside-down posture viparyaya - a mistaken view vira - brave, a hero virabhadrasana - the arrow posture Virancha - name of Brahma virasana - the hero posture Virochana - a demon prince virya - vitality, enthusiasm vishama-vritti - uneven or strained movement whilst breathing vishesha - particular Vishnu - the preserver of life vishudda - pure vitarka - discernment viveka - discrimination vriksha - a tree vrikshasana - the tree posture vrishchika - a scorpion vrishchikasana - the scorpion posture vrit - to turn vritti - a vortex, an idea, behaviour vyadhi - illness vyana - one of the vital airs, circulates energy all over the body Y yajna - a sacrifice Yama - the god of death yamas - the five moral commandments yantra - a design used in meditation yastikasana - the stick posture yoga - union, from 'yuj' - to join yogadandasana - the yogin's staff posture yogasana - the anchor posture yoga-nidra - the sleep of yoga, where the body is resting but the mind is awake yogi/yogin - one who practices yoga yoni - vagina, womb, or source yuga - an age yuj - to yoke, join, concentrate on yukta - joined with, one who has attained the communion with the supreme spirit Direct replies or comments please send to[Image] Luke Roberts . ------------------------------------------------------------- News: [Image] Home · [Image] Previous Article · Next Article [Image] (753 of 994) Misc Info : Kundalini FAQ · Kundalini Yogas FAQ · Kundalini Awakens · Pranayama · The Mystery Of Meditation (Part I) · Meditation FAQ · The Foundation of Mindfulness · Sidhis - Supernatural Powers · Tao, A Synthesis of Taoist Philosophy · Sufism - the Way of the Heart · Glossary of Sanskrit Terms ------------------------------------------------------------- Related Pages: Article * Kundalini FAQ - Kurt Keutzer Rating: * Marriage of Science and Spirituality - Wistancia Stone Topic * Diary of Awareness, Kundalini and Life, .. 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Smith * Vedic Astrology, Lesson #6 by Goravani - Das Goravani * Earthgate - Saskia Bosman * Notes on Kabbalah: Chapter 4 (continued) - Colin Low * Use Feng Shui to Make '98 Better - Jenny Liu * Vedic Astrology Glossary - Das Goravani * The Self, Maya, and the Heart - Maya Samara * Dhyana Yoga - Srila Prabhupada * Bhagavad-Gita: Knowing Of The Absolute - Srila Praphubada * Vedic Astrology, Lesson #4 by Goravani - Das Goravani * Laya Yoga - The Essence Of All Religion - himavant@ceti.com.pl.. * Bhakti-Yoga * The Living Tradition of Sahaj Marg - Clark Powell * Forbidden Archeology - Michael Cremo (Druta.. * The Great White Brotherhood in Peru and .. - Mark Amaru Pinkham * Esoterism: The Spiritual Hierarchy (Part.. - Eduardo Gomez * What is Vedic Literature? - Nathan Parker * Knowledge of Time - J. Sridhar * Convincing the Scientific Mind - Piers Eggett * Notes on Kabbalah: Chapter 4 (continued) - Colin Low * Sat Chit Anand, Truth, Consciousness, Bl.. - gofor2012@hotmail.co.. * Reincarnation and The Self - Rene K. Mueller * Spiritism, Introduction of "The Spirits'.. - Alan Kardek * The Quan Yin Method - Shing-Te Li * Near-Death Experience FAQ - Leroy Kattein * TVOS Astral-Projection Journal - David Warner * The Way of the Alchemist - Patrizia Norelli-Bac.. * Reincarnation; Your Journey Through Karm.. - Donna Kinniburgh * Nine Questions About Hinduism - Gurudeva, Sivaya Sub.. * Reincarnation, The Way Of Soul Evolution * Healing Methods * Past Life Therapy - The New Psychiatry - Charles Spiegel * Report on the 9th Annual International U.. - Donald M. Ware [Image] http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/yoga-sanskrit-terms.html - (5.06s) [Image] [Image]