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The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia:

The Gifford Lectures on the Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian Conception of the Divine Delivered in Aberdeen (Google eBook)
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1 Review
T. & T. Clark, 1902 - History - 509 pages

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OCLC Number: 506574
Related Subjects:(2)
Egypt -- Religion.
Assyro-Babylonian religion.
bib: Apologetics Seminar

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Page 57 - If an ox gore a man or a woman, that they die : then the ox shall be surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten ; but the owner of the ox shall be quit.
Page 120 - 2. There is a certain bird called a phoenix. Of this there is never but one at a time, and that lives five hundred years. And when the time of its dissolution draws near, that it must die, it makes itself a nest of frankincense, and myrrh, and other spices, into which, when its time is fulfilled, it enters and dies.
Page 100 - Paean in the Egyptian tongue, draws aside a small portion of the curtain, as if about to show us the god ; and makes us burst into a loud laugh. For no god is found within, but a cat, or a crocodile, or a serpent sprung from the soil, or some such brute animal ; the Egyptian deity appears a beast rolling himself on a purple coverlet.
Page 323 - To Merodach, my lord, I prayed; I began to him my petition; the word of my heart sought him, and I said: '0 prince that art from everlasting, lord of all that exists, for the king whom thou lovest, whom thou callest by name, as it seems good unto thee thou guidest his name aright, thou watchest over him in the path of righteousness!
Page 194 - Commencement of the Book of Respirations made by Isis for her brother Osiris, to give life to his soul, to give life to his body, to rejuvenate all his members anew ; that he may reach the horizon with his father, the Sun ; that his soul may rise to Heaven in the disk of the Moon ; that his body may shine in the stars of Orion on the bosom of Nu-t...
Page 142 - No dwelling (is there) which may contain thee! None penetrates within thy heart ! Thy young men, thy children applaud thee And render unto thee royal homage. Stable are thy decrees for Egypt Before thy servants of the North! He stanches the water from all eyes And watches over the increase of his good things.
Page 316 - Father, long-suffering and full of forgiveness, whose hand upholds the life of all mankind, Lord, thy divinity, like the...
Page 177 - I have given bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, and a ferryboat to him who was marooned.
Page 100 - Ethiopia ; the adytum is veiled by a curtain wrought with gold. But if you pass beyond, into the remotest part of the enclosure, hastening to behold something yet more excellent, and seek for the image which dwells in the temple, a...
Page 409 - Those seven from the mountain of the sunset gallop forth; 19. those seven in the mountain of the sunrise are bound to rest.

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