topic posted Thu, November 9, 2006 - 7:35 AM by  Serena

Lunabar Moon Almanack for Thursday, November 09, 2006
Waning, Gibbous Moon Age: 18 ¾ days.
Ascending Node is at 22° Pisces.
In the 16th° of the Constellation ` Gemini, the Twins;
& in the 15th° of the Sign a Crabba, the Crab fish.
Souths: 3:26 morn. Sets: 11:25 morn. Rises: 8:31 eve.


Time: From full moon to dark moon (approx.14 days)

Goddess Aspect: Crone

Associated Goddesses: Callieach, Banshee, Hecate, Kali, Morrigan

Magickal Attributes: BANISHING Releasing the old, removing unwanted negative energies, wisdom, psychic ability, scrying,reversing circumstances.
Workings on this day are for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity, physical and psychic cleansings.

Today Is: Thor's Day

Energy: Male, Ruler: Jupiter - Rules growth, expansion, generosity - Use for magick involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money,
business, attracting more of what you have.

Today's Magickal Influences ~ Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters

Today's Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit

Perfumes: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes

Incense: NUTMEG: (Myristica fragrans) Magical Uses Nutmegs have long been carried as good luck charms, and are strung with star anise and tonka beans for a potent herbal necklace. Burn for prosperity., luck, psychic awareness, fortune, clairvoyance, divination, justice, and meditation.
Aromatherapy Uses: Arthritis; Gout; Muscular Aches and Pains; Poor circulation; Rheumatism; Flatulence; Indigestion; Nausea; Sluggish Digestion; Bacterial Infection; Frigidity in Women; Impotence in Men; Neuralgia; Nervous Fatigue. Key Qualities: Aphrodisiac; Analgesic; Narcotic; Tonic (nerve and heart); Comforting; Soothing; Calming; Elevating; Cephalic; Euphoric.

Henbane: A classic Witching herb and plant of Saturn. Henbane has said to have been a component in witches flying ointments, since this seems strange, since it is sedating and causes feelings of heaviness. Also, oil of Henbane can blister the skin, so this herb is not a good canidiate for a salve or ointment. Perhaps henbane worked against the side effects of other components in the salves, (which fits with at least one theory of flying ointments)
In Other Types of Magick
Outside of flying ointments, henbane has been connected with the mystical for many centuries. Some have argued that the Greek oracles breathed in the smoke of burning henbane in order to enter into a trance state. Others have said that the Scandinavian goddess Bil was associated with henbane (Bilsenkraut). In medieval Germany, henbane was used in rain magic and was thought to make land sterile (henbane does enjoy growing in "waste" land - land that has been stripped of its forest but is not under cultivation). Albertus Magnus claimed that sorcerers burned henbane in order to see demons in its smoke. On a more mundane note, henbane was also previously used to give beer extra punch - "Pilsen[er]" is a corruption of "Bilsen[kraut]."

A Long Association With the Afterlife
Henbane was being used by people as far back as the Neolithic period in Scotland - henbane together with barley residues were found in drinking vessels in funerary context there. It's unknown whether the drink was meant for the dead or for shamans or others to ritually imbibe in order to help the dead. Henbane residues have also been found in Bronze Age urns found in the Alps, and a Zoroastrian tale from Persia describes how a man drank henbane in wine and spent a week in the afterlife (he was lucky enough to return). The ancient Greeks believed that the dead in Hades wore wreaths of henbane - this plant of forgetfulness helped them forget their loved ones, whom they would grieve for otherwise.

Our disconnection from nature and our refusal to take responsibility for knowing the natural world mean that we often have very distorted reaction to things like deadly plants. Some people seem to discredit all warnings about poisonous herbs, and others act as if a poisonous plant is as dangerous as plutonium. Neither is a helpful response. This herb is dangerous to life, but that does not mean it cannot be used in ritual at all, only that it must be used with caution. Don't allow it to rest against your skin. If including it in a charm bag, make sure the fabric is tightly woven so that plant dust cannot get through. Wear gloves when handling this herb and do not touch your eyes or mouth without washing them first. If censing with this herb, burn it in a well ventilated area. Henbane is deadly poison - that means that people have died from eating this baneful herb, so please don't do anything stupid with it. If you suspect henbane poisoning, go to the emergency room.
Uses in Witchcraft and Magick:

Baneful Work & Sorcery
Flying Ointments
Funerary Magick
Visionary Herb
Saturn Herb

Color of The Day:
Dark Purple: Spirituality, psychic abilities, meditation, mental healing, personal growth, tranquility, calling up the powers of the ancient ones, sigils/runes, government, Tension, ambition, business progress, power, healing, spiritual development, intuition, spiritual communication, protection, legal matters, progress, breaking bad luck, negativity, banishing evil, stop gossip & lies, material wealth, astral travel.

Indigo: protection on the astral levels, defences.

Blue: protection, love, sincerity, loyalty, wisdom, justice, organisation, healing, meditation, tranquillity, equilibrium, peace, patience, communication, honour, health, friendships, dreams, sleep, inspiration, harmony.

Colors for Tomorrow: Light Blue, Pale Green

Lucky Sign: Thursday Is The Lucky Day For...
Sagittarius: Ruled by Jupiter. (Opposite sign Gemini)
Sincere, open, optimistic, versatile, philosophical, dependable.
Oils: Bay, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Clove, Lemon Balm, Juniper, Myrrh, Rosemary.
Spellwork for Sagittarius Moon: Truth, public matters, understanding, humor.

Pisces: Ruled by Neptune. (Opposite sign Virgo)
Emotional, sensitive, impressionable, intuitive, receptive, idealistic.
Oils: Camphor, Cardamom, Pine, St Johns Wort, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang.
Spellwork for the Pisces Moon: Psychic abilities, emotions.

Depending on what you want to work with today, today's best candle to work with that correspondes with the planets, day, and moon postition, is....
Candle: Blue: The blue candle while blessing, thoughts and spells should be concentrating on, Protection, hope, change, psychic abilities, peace, truth, and spirituality.

Since today is Thursday and it is a Male energy ruled by Jupiter, the best time to work your Magick would be: Sunrise, 2:00 pm, 9:00 pm, and 4:00 am.

Light A Candle Today!
In many different traditions lighting a candle is a sacred action. It expresses more than words can express. It has to do with gratefulness. From time immemorial, people have lit candles in sacred places. You may want to begin or end your day by the sacred ritual of lighting a candle on this gratefulness. Or you may want to light a birthday candle for a friend. One single guideline is all you need: Slow down and do it with full attention.

posted by:

    Fri, November 10, 2006 - 9:27 AM
    Light Green candles. Burn incense of Saffron, Verbena, Sandalwood, Myrtle.

    Friday is ruled by Venus, and is a good day to work with Love, friendships, affection, partnerships, money, sex.

    Sun in Scorpio
    Moon in Cancer


    Time: From full moon to dark moon (approx.14 days)

    Goddess Aspect: Crone

    Associated Goddesses: Callieach, Banshee, Hecate, Kali, Morrigan

    Magickal Attributes: BANISHING Releasing the old, removing unwanted negative energies, wisdom, psychic ability, scrying,reversing circumstances.
    Workings on this day are for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity, physical and psychic cleansings.

    Today Is: Freya's Day

    Energy: Female Ruler: Venus - Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the heart - Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women's problems,
    healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve quarrels today!

    Today's Magickal Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection, Partnerships, Money, Sex

    Today's Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

    Incense: Saffron, Verbena

    Perfumes: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

    Color of The Day: Light Blue, Pale Green

    Colors for Tomorrow: Black

    Lucky Sign: Friday Is The Lucky Day For Taurus And Libra

    Candle: Green
    • Sunday November 12, 2006

      Sun, November 12, 2006 - 11:54 AM
      Light Yellow candles. Burn incense of Mastic, Palaginia, Pepper, Dragons Blood. Sunday is ruled by Sun, and is a good day to work with health, abundance, healing, confidence and hope, prosperity.
      An, Angus_Mac_Og, Apollo, Baal, Balder, Bel, Cernunnos, Creiddylad, Frey, Harvest_Lord, Lugh, Michael, Odur, Ra, Sekhmet are honored today.

      Sun & Moon
      Sun is in Scorpio
      Moon is in Leo

        Tue, November 14, 2006 - 8:41 AM
        Today Is: Tiu's Day

        Tuesday is the third day of the week. This is the day of Mars. Tiw's day is derived from Tyr or Tir, the god of war, the wrestler and the son of Odin and, or Woden, the Norse God of war and Frigga, the earth mother. Tuesday was named in his honor. The metal iron is associated with Mars and the emblem of spear and shield is also associated with this day.
        MARS: (RED)
        Tuesday (male energy): Courage, strength, base energy. Red planet, warrior, takes control of passion (potentially aggressive), determination, initiative.
        Rules: muscular system, blood, reproductive organs.
        Oils: Black Pepper, Citronella, Ginger, Pine, Tea Tree, Dragon's Blood.

        The day of Mars...also Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw (from whom it is named), Tuisco, and Tyr. Tuesday is ruled by Mars, whose Magickal influences are:
        Passion, courage, aggression, and protection. Tuesday comes under the influence of Mars, the planet associated with vitality, passion, ambition,
        and raw, unabashed power. Mars energy makes the mind acute, and the body restless; therefore, on Tuesday we are likely to exert ourselves physically
        and take action to achieve goals. This day is dynamic and high-spirited, and the prevailing energies may include carelessness and destructiveness as
        well, so it is good to be cautious---especially while traveling. Tuesday is the proper day of the week to perform rituals involving courage, physical
        strength, revenge, surgery, and the breaking of negative spells.

        Today's Magickal Influences ~ Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength

        Today's Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu, Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman

        Perfumes: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli

        Incense: Lignum Aloes, Plantain

        Color of The Day: Red = Energy, anger, willpower, sexuality (love, lust), courage, success

        Colors for Tomorrow: Yellow

        Lucky Sign: Tuesday Is The Lucky Day For Aries and Scorpio

        Candle: Red

        FIRE: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
        Passion, determination, war, aggression, conflict, hope and courage.
        Oils: aid phobias, enhance passion and energy.
        Angelica, Bay, Bergamot, Benzoin, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Citronella, Clove, Frankincense, Ginger, Juniper, Myrrh, Neroli, Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary.

        ARIES : Ruled by Mars. (Opposite sign Libra)
        Assertive, forceful, adventurous, enthusiastic, courageous, self confident.
        Oils: Basil, Black Pepper, Cedarwood, Citronella, Clove, Coriander, Frankincense, Ginger, Pine, Rosemary.
        Spellwork for Aries Moon: Authority, willpower, rebirth, enthusiasm

        • WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15, 2006

          Wed, November 15, 2006 - 8:14 AM
          Today Is: Woden's Day

          Energy: Male Ruler: Mercury - Rules healings, the mind - Use for magick involving mental issues, learning, higher education, addictions, Mental Powers, Divination, Psychic Powers, Wisdom

          communications, travel, young people, messages, perception, self-_expression, artists, poets, and writers

          Today's Magickal Influences: Conjurations, Predictions, Knowledge, Writing, Eloquence

          Today's Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya, Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique, Maman Brigette, Sekhmet, Het Heret

          Incense: Cinnamon, Cinquefoil

          Herbs/Perfumes: Sweetpea, Lavender, Mastic, Frankincense, Cloves

          Color of The Day: Yellow, Gray, Violet

          Colors for Tomorrow: Purple, Indigo, Blue

          Lucky Sign: Wednesday Is The Lucky Day For Gemini And Virgo

          Candle: Purple Violet

          Sun & Moon
          Sun is in Scorpio
          Moon is in Virgo

          Wednesday is the fourth day of the week. It is the day of Mercury. It is Woden's Day, from the Scandinavian Woden (Odin), God of Norse mythology, who was often called the All Father. Quicksilver, a liquid mercury that contains amounts of the platinum group metals, is associated with Wednesday.
          MERCURY: (YELLOW)
          Wednesday (male energy): Communication of all sorts, "compelling" energy, travel, learning. Intellect, perception, wisdom, learning, communication, travel.
          Rules: the respiratory system, thyroid, nervous system.
          Oils: Angelica, Benzoin, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lemon Verbena, Neroli, Parsley, Peppermint, Spearmint, Lavender, Thyme, Lemongrass, Violet.

          If you light yellow candle for Mercury, you can work with Intelligence, communication, creativity, vitality, happiness, activity, change, concentration, persuasion and solar energy.

          If you light Purple which correspondends with today and for Mercury, you can work with, Spirituality, psychic ability, inspiration, spiritual growth, power, legal matters, ambition and good luck.

          If you light a grey candle which correspondands with today you can work with, Neutrality.

          If you light candle associated with the moon and sun which are scorpio and virgo....
          SCORPIO : Ruled by Mars/Pluto. (Opposite sign Taurus)
          Passionate, intense, dramatic, powerful, determined, purposeful.
          Oils: Basil, Black Pepper, Ginger, Myrrh, Parsley, Pine, Tea Tree.
          Spellwork for Scorpio Moon: Power, sex, determination.
          Candles: Magenta: Combination of red and violet that vibrates on a high frequency; energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required.
          Purple: Spirituality, psychic ability, inspiration, spiritual growth, power, legal matters, ambition, good luck
          Red: Energy, anger, willpower, sexuality (love, lust), courage, success. Spells for physical desire and passion, courage, victory, and physical strength. Stimulates energy and vitality.

          VIRGO: Ruled by Mercury. (Opposite sign Pisces)
          Analytical, discriminating, modest, practical, hard working.
          Oils: Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lemon Verbena.
          Spellwork for Virgo Moon: Employment, health, organizing, studying/learning.
          CANDLES: Green: Growth, prosperity, money, fertility, employment, harmony
          Light Blue - Used for inspiration, peace and healing.
          Yellow (Wednesday, Mercury) - Spells to enhance knowledge, communication skills and to give confidence and aid in visualization skills, May also repel negetive energy.

          Spells involving mental issues, communication, education and self expression. Also as day for consulting oracles (tarot, runes), planning magickal work, and writing are the best for Wednesdays.

          Animals to work with today are:
          BEAR - Introspection, Healing, Solitude, Change, Communication with Spirit

          • THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16

            Wed, November 15, 2006 - 8:13 PM
            Today Is: Thor's Day

            Thursday is the fifth day of the week. This name comes from the Middle English Thorsday, or Thursdaye. Thor, the god of strength and thunder, defender and help in war, son of Odin, is the counterpart of Jupiter or Jove. Thor is one of twelve great Gods in mythology. It was said that whenever Thor threw his hammer, the noise of thunder is heard through the heavens. He is the only God who cannot cross from earth to heaven upon the rainbow, for he is so heavy and powerful that the Gods fear it will break under his weight. Thursday was sacred to Thor. The metal tin is associated with the thunderbolt of Jupiter (Zeus in Greek myth) and is associated with Thursday.

            Thursday (male energy): Good luck, protection, legal matters.
            Business, knowledge, philosophy, religion, education, publications, good fortune.

            Energy: Male, Ruler: Jupiter - Rules growth, expansion, generosity - Use for magick involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money,
            business, attracting more of what you have.
            Thursday - Spells luck and business. Also a day for political power, influencing people in high places, law and courts.

            Today's Magickal Influences ~ Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters

            Today's Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit

            Perfumes: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes

            Rules: liver and pituitary gland.

            Oils: Cedarwood, Clove, Juniper, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Sandalwood, Anise, Vetiver.

            Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane

            Lucky Sign: Thursday Is The Lucky Day For Sagittarius And Pisces

            Color of The Day: Dark Purple, (Spirituality, psychic ability, inspiration, spiritual growth, power, legal matters, ambition, good luck)
            Indigo- (Psychic abilities, insight, visions, stops situations or people, deep meditation)

            Blue - Protection, hope, change, psychic abilities, peace, truth, spirituality
            Royal Blue - Associated with Jupiter and Thursday, and used for spells concerning court cases. Promotes laughter and joviality; color or loyalty; use whenever an influence needs to be increased.

            JUPITER: (PURPLE, DARK BLUE) - Spirituality, psychic ability, inspiration, spiritual growth, power, legal matters, ambition, good luck, Helps remove obstacles (most helpful with the long-run issues)

            Waning Moon - Banishing Negative Energy, Reduction, Reversal, Slowing

            SAGITTARIUS : Ruled by Jupiter. (Opposite sign Gemini)
            Sincere, open, optimistic, versatile, philosophical, dependable.
            Oils: Bay, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Clove, Lemon Balm, Juniper, Myrrh, Rosemary.
            Spellwork for Sagittarius Moon: Truth, public matters, understanding, humor.

            November= novem, Latin for nine. The ninth month of the Roman calendar.

            • Re: THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16

              Fri, November 17, 2006 - 8:12 PM
              Today Is: Freya's Day

              Female Ruler: Venus - Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the heart - Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women's problems,
              healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve quarrels today!

              Today's Magickal Influences:
              All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection, Partnerships, Money, Sex

              Today's Goddesses:
              Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

              Friday is the sixth day of the week. The name is derived from the Germanic Frigga/Freya the name of the Norse god Odin's wife. Frigga/Freya is considered to be the mother of all, and the goddess who presides over marriage. It is also a day dedicated to Venus, the goddess of love. The metal copper is also associated with Friday.
              VENUS: (PINK, GREEN)
              Friday (female energy): All relationships, including the one you have with yourself.
              Love of things, self, people, objects. Union, relationships, romance, partnerships, poetry, language, beauty, fertility, arts.

              Rules: lower back, throat, kidneys.

              Oils: Cypress, Geranium, Lemon Verbena, Rose, Violet, Patchouli, Vanilla.

              Incense/Herbs: Saffron, Verbena

              Perfumes: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

              Color of The Day: Light Blue, Pale Green

              Colors for Tomorrow: Black

              Lucky Sign: Friday Is The Lucky Day For Taurus And Libra

              Candle: Green


              Cypress -
              This tree is ruled by Saturn and often connected to death. It is used magickally in binding and releasing, to increase longevity, for easing grief and finding comfort and safety in time of loss. It symbolizes the soul and represents reincarnation and resurrection.

              The Hades Connection
              Cypress is sacred to Hades ("the unseen"; the Roman equivalent, Pluto, came from the Greek euphemism for Hades, Pluoutos--precious wealth of the earth). He was the son of two Titans, who lived before Olympus. He split the rulership of this planet with Zeus (heaven) and Poseiden (sea). Hades was the least popular of the Greek gods, although in later depictions he was connected to the riches of the earth, which could be mineral or vegetable. He was stern, ferocious in battle, and just. His symbols of power are the two-pronged fork, the cornucopia, and the staff, and he is usually depicted as dark and heavily bearded. No temples were built to him, but he did have worshippers, especially after the growth of mystery religions. They averted their eyes from his likeness while worshipping him and banged their hands on the ground so he would hear them. He was later connected not just to the underworld but to all the goodness of the Earth as well, such as grain and minerals. The picture shows Hades and Persephone, goddess of the harvest and wife of Hades. She is holding a sheaf of wheat and a hen (the rooster is under her throne). Hades is holding a branch of pomegranates, with which he tempted Persephone, and an offering bowl. Top

              Other Magickal Connections

              Not surprisingly, cypress is also linked to elemental Earth, especially in the form of the Phrygian goddess of earth and caves, Cybele/Kybele. She ruled over the natural world, wild animals, dark magick, and revenge. Agrippa, however, connects cypress (and all scented wood) to Mars. Here's a nice incense recipe with a strong Earth slant that includes cypress. This cypress combines New World cypress chips and Old World cypress essential oil for a good, all-around cypress - the best of both worlds.:)
              Uses in Witchcraft & Magick:

              Protection Spells
              Hexing, Cursing, "Black" Magick
              Death and Resurrection
              Honoring Hades
              Healing Rituals
              Saturn Herb

              Nice Incense Recipe with an Earth Slant
              3 parts Juniper
              2 parts Cypress
              2 parts Myrrh
              1 part Patchouli
              1 part Sage
              1/2 part Orris root.

              Saffron - Love, Healing, Happiness, Wind Raising, Lust, Strength, Psychic Powers
              The stigmas and style tops flavor and color liqueurs and many dishes, especially rice. Saffron is considered an aphrodisiac, but too much may be narcotic. It is given to reduce fevers, cramps, and enlarged livers, and to calm nerves, and is applies externally for bruises, rheumatism, and neuralgia. In India saffron is used ceremonially. Although water soluble, it is used cosmetically and as a sacred dye. Turmeric is mistakenly called saffron in Asia.
              Parts Used: Stamens
              Magical Uses: Saffron is added to love sachets as well as though aimed at raising lustful feelings. It is used in healing spells, and the infusion is used as wash water for the hands prior to healing rituals. Sheets were rinsed with a saffron infusion in Ireland so that the arms and legs would be strengthened during sleep, and the ancient Persians used Saffron to raise the wind. Use in spells for: Happiness; Health/Healing; Lust; Psychic Awareness; Wing Raising; Strength.

              Verbena - Love, Protection, Purification, Peace, Money, Youth, Chastity, Sleep, Healing. This group consists of about 200 hardy and tender perennials, some of which are semi-evergreen. They are natives of North and South America. Verbenas or Vervain can grow from 6 inches to 4 feet high and may be bushy or creeping in growth. The toothed or cut leaves usually grow opposite each other and reach a length of 1 to 3 inches. In the summer or fall, slender stalks arise and bear flattened clusters of flowers, 2 to 3 inches across. They may be multi-colored, red, rose, peach, pink, purple, lavender, or blue, usually with a white eye. V. Bonariensis (Purple Top) is a pretty species forming basal rosettes of serrated, wrinkly, dark green leaves. In the summer and autumn, thin stems topped with clusters of tiny, bright purplish-pink flowers grow. This species can reach a height of up to 5 feet.
              Vervain is believed to be a galactagogue.

              Folk legend states that vervain (Common Vervain V. officinalis) was used to staunch Jesus's wounds after his removal from the cross.

              Herbal Medicine
              Vervain can be chopped finely and boiled with water to make tea. The tea has been used as a herbal remedy for insomnia at night and for general ailments during the day.

              Vervain Tea Recipes
              FEVER REDUCER
              2 tsp dried Catnip
              1 tsp dry Vervain

              Pour 2 cups boiling water over herbs. Steep 10 minutes & strain.

              1 ½ oz dried Vervain leaves
              1 oz Chamomile
              ½ oz Spearmint

              Mix all and add to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 8 minutes; strain.

              1 ½ oz dried Vervain leaves
              1 oz Valerian Root
              ½ oz Devils Hoof or Juniper

              Allow to steep for 20 mins, use hot but NOT boiling water else you will destroy the active ingredient in the Valerian.
              Strain, then drink 20 mins before bedtime.

              Apple Blossom - Wiccan altars are often piled high with apples during Samhain for the apple is considered to be one of the foods of the dead. For this very reason Samhain is sometimes known as "Feast of Apples". Apples are considered symbols of life and immortality.
              The apple has long been used in spells of love. The blossoms are added to love sachets, brews and incenses, and they are infused in melted pink wax, then strained out to make candles suitable to burn for attracting love.
              Use apple cider in place of blood where it is called for in old recipes.
              Apples and apple blossoms are symbolic of love, healing and immortality. Burn the blossoms as incense, wear the perfume, and make them into herb candles for a handfasting rite.

              Candles and Colors -
              Light blue - Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility, Throat Chakra

              Green - Growth, prosperity, money, fertility, employment, harmony, Nature, Healing, Heart Chakra

              Pink - Affection (friendship, romance), spiritual healing, loyalty, compassion, femininity

              Friday ruled by Venus - Venus
              Element - Copper
              Tarot - The Empress
              Number - 4
              Deities of love, female sexuality, motherhood, fertility
              Stones to use today - Emerald and Turquoise
              Animals associated with Venus: Sparrow, Dove and Swan

              Lucky for Taurus and Libra -
              Taurus is the Earth element dealing with: Material possessions, money, business, deep inner strength, justice, understanding, stability.
              Oils: Use oils that give stability and courage, like - Cedarwood, Cypress, Jasmine, Patchouli, Pine, Rose, Sandalwood and Vetiver.

              Libra is the Air element dealing with: Travel, communication, movement, learning, writing, faith, intuition, knowledge.
              Oils: Use oils that aid easy breathing, clear confusion, enhance learning, studying like: Angelica, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lavender, Lemon Verbena, Neroli, Parsley and Rosemary.


                Sat, November 18, 2006 - 11:26 PM



                DRAGONS BLOOD

                ORANGE BLOSSOMS

                SUNDAY IS RULED BY THE SUN



                • REFRESHER...ABOUT CANDLE MAGICK...

                  Sun, November 19, 2006 - 10:40 AM
                  Candle Magic has been around for many, many years, being traced as far back as the Palaeolithic era. It is a very powerful form of sympathetic magic.

                  There are many factors that play into the art of candle magic. As we know any type of magic that is performed will return to you three fold, whether it be positive or negative. Always keep the Wiccan Rede “An harm to none do what thou wilt” in mind when considering your work. Always keep in mind that magic effect’s the entire world around you. Be very careful what you ask for, for it may well come true. The wording in any type of magic must not be taken lightly, be very careful, concise , and precise, make sure you have covered all possible bases.

                  Keep in mind that some candle magic has to be repeated over a period of days. Therefore, you will want to place them in an area that will not be disturbed. Do not choose a place where there is a tv, radio noise or disturbances of any kind. Keep in mind to not put candles near curtains and such, as you would not want to burn your house down. Candle magic should always be performed in a low traffic area. That is why a bedroom is really nice for such work.

                  Please remember that this section is new and will grow with information over time, for now the following texts are available to help you understand this ancient practice of the Witch.
                  • This is the maximum depth. Additional responses will not be threaded.

                    Re: REFRESHER...ABOUT CANDLE MAGICK...

                    Sun, November 19, 2006 - 10:41 AM
                    Your Altar:
                    You may use anything that has a flat top.. I use an old trunk with a piece of plywood on it. Be creative.. As for a cover I use white because of it’s kind of a multipurpose color. Although some magic specifies a color then what ever color is specified should be used. Again, be creative... Keep in mind that candle magic is usually done in condensed areas so keep things as simplistic as you can, especially your candlesticks and censors.

                    There are some who believe that incense is unimportant in candle magic. I cannot imagine performing candle magick without the incense. The type that you use may be specified in a specific spell, if that is the case by all means use that. Generally, I use three kings incense as well as vervain. Vervain gives the spell working a little umph. But then again nothing is set in stone.. Be creative.

                    Incense symbolizes Air... as the smoke rises our thoughts are carried up into the universe.

                    Preparing of the Practitioner:
                    Prior to your spell working prepare yourself a nice relaxing bath. Add a hand full of sea salt to get your charges set where they need to be. Light a few candles, turn off the light and relax. Clear your mind of the junk you have picked up through out the day. Visualize the water washing all the negativity away from you. It is very important that your mind be at ease and clear prior to any spell working.

                    Types of candles:
                    Any type of candle can be used for candle magic as long as it has been cleansed and consecrated prior to use. Although beeswax candles are higher in price than store bought candles, they are more powerful because they are produced from nature. As with any other tool, the candle made by the practitioner for a specific purpose captures the energy of the practitioner. Many experienced Witches will use only candles they have crafted themselves because of this.

                    Cleansing & Consecrating:
                    This is a very important step and should not be omitted. Cleansing removes all the negative energies that the candle has picked up along the way. As with all supplies you want your candles to to be as free of psychic debris as possible. Submerge the candle in sea salt and the ask The Lord and lady to bless it. I could give you the phrasing but I think it is better when it comes from your own heart.

                    Dressing Candles:
                    Dressing the candle with oil is as important as any other step. Use whatever oil you prefer or what a specific spell asks you to use. Personally, I use lotus a lot... but again that is my preference. what is important is the direction you dress the candle. To bring something to you, rub oil on the candle in a downward motion from the top to the middle and then from the bottom to the middle.

                    To send something away from rub the oil from the middle of the candle out to the ends. Never make a back and forth motion as this defeats the purpose. Dab the remaining oil from your fingers onto your third eye and on your breast bone. Then say the following:

                    “I cleanse and consecrate this candle in the name of the Lord and the Lady. May it burn with strength in the service of the light.”

                    Then state your intent or the purpose of the candle.

                    If you inscribe a candle you should use your Athame. The same principle as dressing the candle is used...

                    To draw something to you, write from the top to the middle, and then from the bottom to the middle.

                    To repel things, write from the middle to the ends.
                    • Re: REFRESHER...ABOUT CANDLE MAGICK...

                      Sun, November 19, 2006 - 10:46 AM
                      Candle Colors

                      This is just basics...there are many other colors in between and many other meanings. If you want to know about those, just ask.

                      The Goddess
                      Higher Self
                      (substitutes any other color)

                      Repels Negativity

                      Special Favors
                      To Influence Friendships

                      The Goddess
                      Astral energy
                      Female energy

                      Third Eye
                      Psychic Ability
                      Hidden Knowledge
                      To Influence People in High Places
                      Spiritual Power

                      Element of Water
                      Good Fortune
                      Opening Blocked Communication
                      Spiritual Inspiration

                      The Element of Earth
                      Physical Healing
                      Monetary success
                      Mother Earth
                      Tree and Plant Magic
                      Personal Goals

                      Planetary Good Will

                      Element of Fire
                      Fast action
                      Career Goals
                      Driving Force
                      Blood of the Moon

                      General Success
                      Property Deals
                      Legal matters

                      Professional Growth
                      Business Fertility
                      Career Maneuvers
                      Money Goals

                      The God
                      Promote Winning
                      Power of the Male

                      The Element of Air
                      The Sun
                      Logical Imagination
                      To Accelerate Learning
                      To Break Mental Blocks
                      • MORE CANDLE COLORS AND INFO

                        Sun, November 19, 2006 - 10:55 AM
                        Candle Colors and what they mean. Candles in the craft are used to help to increase a spells power, or to influence a particular power. I have provided a list of colors, that can be used. This is offered to help you in your journey into the craft. Always feel free to use whatever color feels right to you. Example of this, red might work well for me but another color might work better for you. Some traditions are very strict in the use of candle colors and I have respect for their beliefs, However, I have been taught and learned through the years that the colors you use should feel right to you. As I stated above what I might choose to use may not be what you choose to. In my opinion intent is the main focus of a spell and not necessarily the color of the candle. I do not mean any dis-respect to other traditions, this is as I said my opinion.

                        White: A balance of all colors; Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvouance, healing, truth seeking; Rituals involving lunar energy' May be substituted for any color candle.

                        Yellow: Activity, Creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain anothers confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy.

                        Gold: Fosters understanding and attracts the powers of cosmic influences; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money, or in rituals needing solar energy.

                        Pink: Promotes romance, friendship; standard color for rituals to draw effections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table.

                        Red: Health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy.

                        Silver: Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess.

                        Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy.

                        Magenta: Combination of red and violet that occillates on a high frequency; energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spirtual healing are required. Brown: Earthly, balanced color; for rituals of meterial increase; eleminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost.

                        Indigo: Color of inertia; stops situations or people; use in rituals that require a deep meditational state; or in rituals that demand Saturn energy.

                        Royal Blue: Promotes laughter and joviality; color or loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever an influence needs to be increased.

                        Light Blue: Spirtual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; raditates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized.

                        Blue: Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance.

                        Emerald Green: Important component in Venusian rituals; attracts love, social delights, and fertility.

                        Dark Green: Color of ambition, greed, and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual.

                        Green: Promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, and rejuvenation.

                        Grey: Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.

                        Black: Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce a deep meditational state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy.

                          Sun, November 19, 2006 - 11:24 AM
                          Aries - Red
                          Taurus - Green
                          Gemini - Yellow
                          Cancer - Silver
                          Leo - Orange
                          Virgo - Yellow
                          Libra - Pink
                          Scorpio - Red
                          Sagitarius - Purple
                          Capricorn - Black
                          Aquarius - Any Colour
                          Pisces - Mauve
                          • ELEMENT SYMBOLS

                            Sun, November 19, 2006 - 11:57 AM
                            Much of magic is done through the mediation of the four occult elements, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. They determine both the type of energy that accomplishes the work and the avenue through which it acts. For this reason a clear understanding and proper use of the elements is vital in ritual. Each element is represented by its own material symbol, which is placed atop the altar beside the lamp in the appropriate elemental quarter. If a ritual concerns only one element, its symbol is placed on the altar alone; if all four elements are involved, all four symbols are present.

                            Fire is embodied in a short rod about nine inches long. This has a very specific design in the Golden Dawn magical system, but the details are not really necessary. It is the essential shape of the rod that is most important. The nature of elemental Fire is in accord with this strongly phallic symbol.

                            Air is embodied in a short dagger. Again, it is the associations of the blade—its flashing quickness, its piercing quality, its brightness—that are important, not details of the hilt and so on. The difference in tone between the rod and the dagger says much about the essential difference between elemental Fire and Air.

                            Water is embodied in a cup or chalice. It should be rounded and womblike, enclosing and protective. It is also more harmonious if the cup is made of a watery, or at least a natural, material. Blue hand blown glass is good, or earth-tone ceramic.

                            Earth is embodied in the disk or pentacle. This is a flat disk painted with Earth colors. Ideally it should be made of clay or stone. Usually it is of wood. It must not be too large to conveniently hold in the hand—four inches in diameter is a good size, because four is a material, earthy number.

                            So far as I know, the use of elemental symbols originated with the Victorian Order of the Golden Dawn in the last century, and received its inspiration from the symbols of the lesser arcana—the number cards—of the Tarot. Specific, formal symbols of the four elements were not used in medieval times, and are not strictly necessary. However, the employment of these symbols has become almost universal in modern magic, and they can be very useful. It is important that they be made to harmonize with the sensibilities of the one who will actually use them, not merely according to some arbitrary standard.

                            source: Truth about Ritual Magic - Donald Tyson
                            • MONDAY NOV 20

                              Mon, November 20, 2006 - 12:41 PM
                              Today Is: Moon Day

                              Energy: Female Ruler: The Moon - Rules emotions, protection, healing, and women's mysteries - Use for magick involving the subconscious,
                              healing, emotions, love, spirituality, healing wounds, children, small animals, women's mysteries, the female side of men, mothers, sisters, female
                              partners, wives, instincts

                              Today's Magickal Influences: Agriculture, Domestic, Long Life, Medicine, Travels, Visions, Theft

                              Today's Goddesses: Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaelach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast
                              Incense: Myrtle

                              Perfumes: White Poppy, White Rose, Wallflower

                              Color of The Day: Silver, Grey, White

                              Colors for Tomorrow: Red

                              Lucky Sign: Monday Is The Lucky Day For The Sign of Cancer

                              White: A balance of all colors; Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvouance, healing, truth seeking; Rituals involving lunar energy' May be substituted for any color candle.

                              Silver: The Goddess (if you honor or acknowledge deity), intuition, balance, femininity, Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess.

                              Gray: Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.

                              Monday is the second day of the week. This is the day of the Moon Goddesses, Selene, Luna and Artemis.
                              Called the day of the moon, the name reflects the old observance of feast days dedicated to the moon goddesses. The metal silver is also associated with the moon and Monday.
                              MOON: (WHITE, SILVER, LIGHT BLUE)
                              Monday (female energy): All types of healing, fertility, balancing. Influence of the self conscious, instinctive response, emotion, imagination, psychic development, home, family, motherhood, birth.
                              Rules: the stomach, digestion, breasts.
                              Oils: Camphor, Helicrysum, Jasmine, Lemon, Gardenia, Sandalwood.

                              Since today is Monday and corresponds to the Moon, Cancer is also Ruled by the Moon. (Opposite sign Capricorn) Cancer is: Motherly, empathetic, intuitive, expressive, protective, imaginative, caring, the homemaker. Cancer people do well working with spells today. Cancer signs should use:
                              Oils: Camphor, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lemon, Rose, Sandalwood.
                              Spellwork for Cancer Moon: Domestic duties, nurturing, honoring the lunar deities.

                              • TUESDAY NOV 21

                                Tue, November 21, 2006 - 7:02 AM
                                Today Is: Tiu's Day - the Day of Mars

                                Also Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw (from whom it is named), Tuisco, and Tyr. Tuesday is ruled by Mars, whose Magickal influences are:
                                Passion, courage, aggression, and protection. Tuesday comes under the influence of Mars, the planet associated with vitality, passion, ambition,
                                and raw, unabashed power. Mars energy makes the mind acute, and the body restless; therefore, on Tuesday we are likely to exert ourselves physically
                                and take action to achieve goals. This day is dynamic and high-spirited, and the prevailing energies may include carelessness and destructiveness as
                                well, so it is good to be cautious---especially while traveling. Tuesday is the proper day of the week to perform rituals involving courage, physical
                                strength, revenge, surgery, and the breaking of negative spells.

                                Today's Magickal Influences ~ Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength

                                Today's Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu, Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman

                                Perfumes: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli

                                Incense: Lignum Aloes, Plantain

                                Color of The Day: Red

                                Colors for Tomorrow: Yellow

                                Lucky Sign: Tuesday Is The Lucky Day For Aries and Scorpio

                                Candle: Red
                                Gender: Male
                                Planet: Mars
                                Zodiac: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, and Capricorn (primary); Sagittarius (secondary)
                                Element: Fire
                                Chakra: First, Root Chakra
                                Sephiroth: Geburah (Severity)
                                Use to represent or honor the Goddess in her mother aspect, or the element of Fire.
                                Suitable for the promotion of passion, sex, lust, fertility, strength, courage, magnetism, energy, primal emotion, survival instinct, willpower, protection.

                                Waxing Crescent Moon Time
                                Now the moon begins her journey to fullness, appearing in the sky at first as a sliver of a crescent moon, nightly increasing to form a horned moon.

                                As the moon increases, shining ever more brightly on the earth, she symbolizes the eternal rhythm of growth to maturity.

                                Candles poured during this time vibrate with an energy of increase, hope, rebirth, and gentle light & thus we do work, increasing our efforts to manifest our dreams.

                                With being Tuesday and Tuesday is ruled by Mars, and element being Fire the best Deity to worship today is:

                                God of War
                                Pantheon: Olympian
                                Element: Fire
                                Sphere of Influence: Retribution and Conflict
                                Preferred colors: Red, Crimson
                                Associated symbol: Spear
                                Animals associated with: Vulture , Dog
                                Best day to work with: Tuesday
                                Strongest around March
                                Associated Planet: Mars

                                Best annointing and blessing oil to use today is Patchouli
                                Metal for today is Iron
                                work with Protection; Conflict and War today.

                                  Wed, November 22, 2006 - 10:30 AM
                                  We need to remember to cleanse and ground ourselves before we endevour on any form of candle magick or meditation. This is a very simple visualization technique that I use, and one which is good to do at the beginning of any meditation. The purpose is to get your energy flowing and get you firmly attached to the physical world to keep you from spacing out during meditation. Remember this is mine, you can use this if it feels right to you, or alter it to suit you to make your grounding easier for YOU!

                                  Sit comfortable with your back straight, either in a chair or on the floor with your legs
                                  crossed. Close your eyes and breath deeply. Count from 1 to 10 while you breath slowly until you feel yourself deeply relaxing.

                                  Imagine a long root extending from the base of your brain going down through your
                                  spine and flowing out into the earth. Let this root start to flow out of the bottom of your spine, imagine it breaking through the floor on which you are sitting/or chair it goes through so easily, it is powerful, it goes through like knife going through soft butter. See the root pass through your floor, under the floor going through the foundation, into the ground, you see the insides of the ground, your root is passing through the dirt, sand, minerals, rocks, concrete with ease until your root passed that and is entering lower like a vine zig zagging to it's destination through the core of Earth to a destination that is Goddess..Welcoming you into her loving embrace, her power, her love.... Follow this root deep within the earth. Now you are
                                  Imagine that this root is now tapping into the energy of the earth, energy of the Goddess, your root has touched her. Now you are feeling the warm sensation of her love, embrace, light...keep your root there and let that light flow upwards, all the way back up from what you have passed going down...all the way up slowely feeling warmer and warmer, to the tip of your head.Feel this energy extending to every part of your body and flowing back into the earth to make a circular connection.
                                  Now bring down a cone of white glowing light from the top of your head bringing it
                                  around yourself and extend deep into the earth to surround the root you have planted. You can use this chant or relaxing music of your choice:
                                  The light of the Lady surrounds me,
                                  the light of the Lady protects me,
                                  nothing but good shall go out from me,
                                  nothing but good shall come to me,
                                  the light of the Lady is with me,
                                  I am protected.
                                  Do this exercise often until you can just bring the white light down whenever you want with ease. When you are finished with your candle magick, bring your root back up the same as you brought it back down ane let the light be absorbed within you.
                                  • CORRESPONDANTS FOR WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22

                                    Wed, November 22, 2006 - 11:25 AM
                                    CANDLE COLORS TO USE TODAY ARE:
                                    PURPLE - Attributions:
                                    Gender: Male
                                    Planet: Jupiter
                                    Zodiac: n/a
                                    Element: Air
                                    Chakra: Sixth, Brow Chakra
                                    Sephiroth: Yesod (Foundation)

                                    Suitable for the promotion of spirituality, power, spiritual growth, psychic abilities, influence, independence, balance, self-improvement, justice and contact with the otherworld as well as your higher Self.

                                    YELLOW - Attributions:
                                    Gender: Male
                                    Planet: Sun
                                    Zodiac: Taurus (secondary)
                                    Element: Air
                                    Chakra: Third, Solar Plexus Chakra
                                    Sephiroth: Tiphareth (Beauty; The King)

                                    Use to represent or honor the Sun or the God, or the element of Air.

                                    Suitable for promotion of intelligence, concentration, learning, memory, wisdom, mental accuracy, eloquence, creativity, imagination, confidence, attraction, charm, communication and persuasion.

                                    GREY - Attributions:
                                    Gender: Either
                                    Planet: Moon
                                    Zodiac: n/a
                                    Element: Water
                                    Chakra: n/a
                                    Sephiroth: Chokmah (Wisdom)

                                    Suitable for promotion of neutrality, a Òfizzling-outÓ of negativity, balance and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

                                    INCENSE/HERBS AND OILS TO USE TODAY ARE:
                                    CINNIMON - Protection Spells
                                    Prosperity Spells
                                    Love/Sex Magick
                                    Sun Herb

                                    SWEET PEA - Friendship, Chastity, Courage, Strength

                                    LAVANDER - Also called Elf Leaf; Nard; Nardus; Spike. There are 28 species of these aromatic, evergreen, shrubby, perennials, all with small, linear leaves and spikes of fragrant, usually purple or blue, two-lipped flowers. The best-quality essential oil is from L. stoechas and L. angustifolia. Aromatic oil glands cover all aerial parts of the plants but are most concentrated in the flowers. The flowers flavor jams, vinegar, sweets, cream, and Provençal stews, and are crystallized for decoration. Dried flowers add long-lasting fragrance to sachets and potpourri. Flower water is a skin toner useful for speeding cell renewal and is an antiseptic for acne. Flower tea treats anxiety, headaches, flatulence, nausea, dizziness, and halitosis. The essential oil is a highly valued perfume and healer. It is antiseptic, mildly sedative, and painkilling. It is applied to insect bites, and treats burns, sore throats and headaches. Queen Elizabeth I is said to have consumed up to 10 cups of lavender water a day to relieve migraines.
                                    The oil is used for intestinal gas, migraine, and dizziness. Being antiseptic, lavender is added to healing salves. A tea of the leaf allays nausea and vomiting. Use two teaspoons per cup of water and steep for twenty minutes. The dose is one-fourth cup four times a day. Steep lavender blossoms in white wine and strain to make a natural antidepressant beverage. Lavender and rose petal vinegar is applied to the temples and brow to ease headache. Lavender oil is added to footbaths, eases toothaches and sprains, and is used as a rub for hysteria and palsy.
                                    Parts Used: Flower and leaf
                                    Magical Uses: Lavender is strewn into bonfires at Midsummer as an offering to the Gods and Goddesses. An ingredient of love spells, its scent is said to attract men. Lavender in the home brings peace, joy and healing. The essential oil is included in health; love; peace; and conscious mind-oriented formulas. Use to attract love; to produce sleep by anointing your forehead and pillow; to purify by adding to baths and to promote chastity and peace. Attracts elves, burn for purification, peace. Burn at Litha as an offering. Love; Psychic Awareness; Happiness; Creative Work; Money and Business; Anointing; Exorcism; Harmony; Peace; Healing. The odor of lavender is conducive to long life and so should be smelled as often as possible.
                                    Aromatherapy Uses Abscess; Acne; Allergies; Athlete's Foot; Boils; Bruises; Burns; Dermatitis; Eczema; Inflammation; Insect Bites and Stings; Lice; Psoriasis; Ringworm; Scabies; Spots; Sunburn; Wounds; Lumbago; Rheumatism; Sprains; Asthma; Bronchitis; Catarrh; Flu; Halitosis; Throat Infections; Whooping Cough; Colic; Dyspepsia; Flatulence; Nausea; Cystitis; Dysmenorrhea; Leukorrhea; Depression; Headache; Hypertension; Insomnia; migraine; Nervous Tension; Stress. Key Qualities: Soothing; Sedative; Antidepressant; Calming; Relaxing; Balancing; Restorative; Cephalic; Appeasing; Cleansing; Purifying.
                                    Love Magick
                                    Fae Herb
                                    Midsummer Herb
                                    Fertility Magick

                                    FRANKINCENSE - A small tree or shrub, with pinnate leaves, and white or pale pink flowers. It yields a natural oleo-resin gum, which is used to make a healing incense, which induces a meditative state. Frankincense essential oil is also useful in promoting spirituality and meditative states. Dilute before applying to the skin as it may be irritating. Pliny claimed that Frankincense was an antidote to hemlock poisoning. Avicenna advocated its use for tumors, fevers, vomiting, and dysentary. Chinese herbalists use it in powder form and in teas for rheumatism and menstrual pain, and externally as a wash for sores and bruises. The dose is three to six grains in a glass of wine; or twenty drops of the tincture. Frankincense is highly antiseptic and the scent is said to calm and clear the mind.
                                    Caution: Prolonged use of resins can damage the kidneys.
                                    Parts Used: Resin
                                    Magical Uses: Sacred to the Sun God Ra, frankincense is buned in rites of exorcism, purification, and protection. It is said to accelerate spiritual growth. Rosemary may be used as a substitute. (Oil)Anoint tools, sachets or the body. Use for spirituality, exorcism, purification, luck and protection rites. (Resin)burn for protection, exorcism, spirituality, love, consecration, blessing, energy, strength, visions, healing, meditation, power and courage.
                                    Aromatherapy Uses: (Oil) Blemishes; Dry and Mature Complexions; Scars; Wounds; Wrinkles; Asthma; Bronchitis; Colds; Coughs; Flu; Laryngitis; Cystitis; Anxiety; Nervous Tension; Stress-related Conditions. Frankincense has the ability to slow down, and deepen the breath - very conducive to prayer and meditation.
                                    The dried gummy resin of these trees is probably the most famous incense in the Western world. A Fire and Sun associated scent, it is good for spiritual development, centering oneself for meditation or other spiritural work, purifying areas of negative energy, and for finding the spiritual side of what appears to be a material matter. Some use it to clean chakras, especially the Third Eye. It is fabulous for smudging yourself, your animals, and your home when you are the target of negative magick. The fragrance is very relaxing and gives one a feeling of wholeness and wellness. The scent of this resin changes as it ages (and the water in the resin evaporates) and with the temperature. Resin just unpacked from a cold box is going to smell different than it will after it has warmed up. Some people prefer their frankincense fresh; others would rather let it age. Put some aside to let it age and see which you like better
                                    Uses in Witchcraft & Magick:

                                    Elemental Magick (Fire)
                                    Sun Incense
                                    Protection Spells

                                    CLOVES - Protection, Money, Love, Fidelity, Exorcism, Success
                                    Cloves are the sun-dried unopened flower buds of a dense evergreen tree, they have a strong spiciness that flavors foods and prevents nausea. The flowers are used to soothe aching eyes. Clove oil, from the distillation of leaves and flower buds, is an antiseptic numbing agent for toothache and indigestion. It is added to cosmetics, perfumes, and cigarettes. There are now Clove-based anesthetics.
                                    Parts Used: Leaf and flower bud
                                    Magical Uses: Use for: Divination; Love; Lust; Banishing; Releasing; Inspiration; Wisdom. Burn for Wealth; Purification; to ward negative thoughts; or to stop others from gossiping about you.
                                    Aromatherapy Uses: Nausea; Flatulence; Asthma; Bronchitis; Arthritis; Rheumatism; Toothache; Diarrhea; Infections; as an Analgesic and Antiseptic; Insect Repellent (Mosquitoes). Key Qualities: Tonic; Stimulating; Revitalizing; Aphrodisiac; Warming; Comforting; Purifying; Active.

                                    BEST MAGICKAL WORKINGS FOR TODAY ARE:
                                    CONJURATIONS, PREDICITIONS, KNOWLEDGE, AND WRITING

                                    DEITY TO WORK ON TODAY IS:
                                    HAG (WHICH I POSTED IN THE DEITY OF THE DAY)

                                    ANGEL FOR TODAY IS;
                                    RAPHAEL - Pantheon: Angelic
                                    Element: Air
                                    Sphere of Influence: Science and Medicine
                                    Preferred colors: Yellow, Orange
                                    Associated symbol: Caduceus, Stylus or Scroll
                                    Best day to work with: Wednesday
                                    Best time to work with: Dawn
                                    Suitable offerings: Bread, Whipped Cream
                                    Associated Planet: Mercury
                                    Raphael is mentioned as being a member of the cherubim, dominations and powers. In his role as healer, it is Raphael who eases the pain of Abraham after his circumcision, and healing Jacobs thigh after Jacob wrestles with another angel. He is also considered to be a patron of the sciences as well as medicine, teaching Noah how to construct the ark before the flood, and teaching Solomon how to bind demons into slave labor when Solomons Temple was being built (The Key of Solomon). He was originally called Labbiel. (Raphael)

                                  • This is a continuation on grounding....taking it some steps further...

                                    After grounding.....
                                    PART II SHIELDING:
                                    Imagine that your mind is a precious gem in a display box in a museum. Now, you have to install security walls around the display box - visualize yourself building the walls out of fortified glass, putting in the bolts and brass fittings. If you like you can see it happen like special effects in one of your favorite movies. Mine is Matrix at the moment. Now, create an alarm. Think of a 'trigger' sentence or 'trigger event' - something you feel is for you the boundary of your mind's openness - maybe the feeling you have just before a 'premonition' or just before you feel the precence of the gremlins. Attach a specific alarm to it, like a sentence you wouldn't normally hear or say; something like 'all dogs have three legs' or The moon is a piece of green cheese'. Now visualize a cabel going from a box containing the alarm to the surface of the security wall you just built. And repeat the 'alarm sentence' over and over again. Again use special effects, see the signal travel from the wall to the box, and hear the alarm go off.

                                    Now, when the alarm go off - see a huge brass door come down from the ceiling, holding out whatever is coming from outside away from your mind. Do this until you can clearly visualize the process in your mind.

                                    PART III PROTECTION DAILY AND DREAMS:

                                    Protection: This is real easy. First Ground and Center before getting dressed in the morning then as you dress imagine that with each piece of clothing you put on a piece of armor, namning each piece, imagine that it glows white or gold as you put it on, and keeps glowing as you move about. Now you are ready to go out into the world. Do this over and over until you have the process firmly fastened in your mind. This can be used at any time during the day when you feel you need to affirm your protection.

                                    DREAMS: Ground and Center then Imagine that your bed is a four poster bed. Now attach hangings around the four sides, colours is white or gold, blend in some red and green too, weave the hangings in your mind, make sure to tie them four corners, so that the four poster becomes a closed 'room' - you are inside and you will not have disturbing dreams.

                                    PART IV - SEALING OFF

                                    This I have not tried, and don't know if it works.
                                    But try some thing like this.

                                    GROUND AND CENTER FIRST

                                    SEALING OFF:
                                    In your mind create a room, any shape, inside your mind. Give it distinct outside walls [the outside walls is all you will have to see] so you can see it clearly. Maybe use the colors white, gold and red. You could use white, red and black, the colors of the Goddess, but as you have used gold, white or red with your protection, it would be easy to use those.

                                    When the room is ready, with a door that can open - make it open into the room, away from the rest of your mind - imagine your gift. Give it a good, easily reckognizable and neutral shape. When you have that, imagine that you take the gift and put it in the room you created for it. Close the door firmly and lock the door, using a key that glows gold or white. Make sure you put the key in a place in your mind where you, and only you, know where it is. Maybe together with a pleasant memory of some thing or some one that meant a lot to you. Write down on a piece of paper where you put it - don't loose the paper. You might want to open the door in the future.

                                    AS USUAL DO WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOUR VISUALIZATION!
                                    • CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENTS FOR TODAY FRIDAY

                                      Fri, November 24, 2006 - 1:16 PM
                                      Daily Correspondence for Friday.
                                      Light Green candles. Burn incense of Saffron, Verbena, Sandalwood, Myrtle. Friday is ruled by Venus, and is a good day to work with Love, friendships, affection, partnerships, money, sex.
                                      Aphrodite & Venus, Asherah, Auriel & Uriel, Bes, Brighid, Corn_Maiden, Dionysus & Bacchus, Elaine, Eros & Cupid, Freya, Frigg & Frigga, Hathor, Hestia & Vesta, Inanna & Ishtar, Nerthus, Sirtur are honored today.

                                      Sun is in Sagittarius
                                      Moon is in Sagittarius
                                      • CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENTS FOR TODAY SATURDAY

                                        Sat, November 25, 2006 - 9:21 AM
                                        Daily Correspondence for
                                        Light Black candles - Attributions:
                                        Gender: Female
                                        Planet: Saturn
                                        Zodiac: Libra (primary), Virgo and Scorpio (secondary).
                                        Element: Air
                                        Chakra: n/a
                                        Sephiroth: Binah (Understanding)

                                        Use to represent or honor the Goddess in her crone aspect.

                                        Suitable for promotion of meditation, spirit-working, shape-shifting, personal alchemy, divination, truth, wisdom, discipline, banishing, protection and stillness; especially good for binding and for negation of hexes.

                                        Burn incense of Peperwort, assodilious,

                                        black poppy seed - **WILL BE POSTED IN HERB FOR THE DAY
                                        Uses in Witchcraft & Magick:
                                        Moon Herb

                                        Saturday is ruled by Saturn, and is a good day to work with duties, responsibilities, protection, finding families, works of magic, buildings, meditation, life, doctrines.
                                        Saturday is also used best for Ridding Obstacles; Overcomes Blockages; Clear One's Path - Do spells to remove bindings, Purification. Female
                                        Saturday is ruled by saturn and is a Female energy.

                                        The best time to do your magick work will also depend on what spell you are working, but here are the basic guidelines: Saturday, Saturn, Female, Waxing moon, Libra, air.
                                        1am, 8am, 3pm, 10pm These are the approx. times from when Saturn is ruling the sky. For where I live, the 1st hour is the hour of sunrise, so beings said that I am EST, so here are the times for EST, use calculations to use your time!
                                        25 November 2006 Eastern Standard Time

                                        Begin civil twilight 6:35 a.m.
                                        Sunrise 7:01 a.m.
                                        Sun transit 12:18 p.m.
                                        Sunset 5:35 p.m.
                                        End civil twilight 6:00 p.m.

                                        Moonset 8:54 p.m. on preceding day
                                        Moonrise 11:23 a.m.
                                        Moon transit 4:39 p.m.
                                        Moonset 9:59 p.m.
                                        Moonrise 12:05 p.m. on following day

                                        Phase of the Moon on 25 November: waxing crescent with 23% of the Moon's visible disk illuminated.

                                        First quarter Moon on 28 November 2006 at 1:29 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.

                                        Remember it is Waxing moon, so spells should correspond with: To Draw Something to you like Money or Love you make prayers or set work during the WAXING MOON. Plant leaf crops in this moon phase.
                                        Appearance - The moon is growing into a FULL MOON. A waxing moon shows a LIGHT colored crescent on the RIGHT side of the Moon.
                                        Magical Qualities - Used for attraction magic, love spells, protection and healing . The perfect time for abundance, wishes, new projects, growth, expansion and increasing knowledge, spirituality and fertility.

                                        Remember to engrave your candles with sigels, glyphs, numbers, to correspond with the person, yourself, or the spell. If you want to know the numerology of a person, please post in "numerology", If you want to know some sigils and glyphs, just post it here and I will post for you.

                                        INFO ON DAGDA WILL BE IN DEITY OF THE DAY.
                                        Other deity for Saturday is: Bran_the_Blessed, Cassiel, Demeter & Ceres, El, Gaia & Tellus, Hades & Pluto, Nammu, Osiris, Pan, Rhea & Cybele, Saturn & Kronos, Set, Star_Goddess are honored today.
                                        • CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENTS FOR TODAY MONDAY

                                          Sun, November 26, 2006 - 6:27 PM
                                          Today Is: Moon Day

                                          MONDAY - Moon- psychic pursuits, psychology, dreams/astral travel,
                                          imagination, women's mysteries, reincarnation, short trips, women, children,
                                          the public, domestic concerns, emotions, fluids, magick, spirituality,
                                          nursing, all things pertaining to water and bodies of water, antiques, trip
                                          planning, household activities, initiation, astrology, new-age pursuits,
                                          archetypes, totem animals, shapeshifting, religious experience

                                          Monday is the second day of the week. This is the day of the Moon Goddesses, Selene, Luna and Artemis.
                                          Called the day of the moon, the name reflects the old observance of feast days dedicated to the moon goddesses. The metal silver is also associated with the moon and Monday.
                                          MOON: (WHITE, SILVER, LIGHT BLUE)
                                          Monday (female energy): All types of healing, fertility, balancing. Influence of the self conscious, instinctive response, emotion, imagination, psychic development, home, family, motherhood, birth.
                                          Rules: the stomach, digestion, breasts.
                                          Oils/herbs/incense - Camphor, Helicrysum, Lemon, Gardenia, Sandalwood.

                                          Jasmine** - (Jasminum officinale) Common Jasmine is a deciduous shrub with strongly scented, white summer flowers.
                                          The flowers make a tea that calms the nerves and increases erotic feelings. Steep two teaspoons of flowers per cup of water for twenty minutes. The dose is a quarter cup,, four times a day. The oil of the leaf is rubbed on the head to heal the eyes. A syrup of jasmine flowers and honey will help with coughs and lung complaints. The essential oil of jasmine is said to help menstrual pain and lung problems.
                                          CAUTION: The berries are poisonous.
                                          Parts Used: Flower
                                          Magical Uses: Symbolic of the moon and of the mysteries of the night. Jasmine essential oil is useful for sexuality, DON'T use synthetics! Dried Jasmine flowers are added to sachets and other love mixtures. They will attract a spiritual (as opposed to a physical)love. The flowers will also draw wealth and money if carried, burned or worn. Jasmine will also cause prophetic dreams if burned in the bedroom, and the flowers are smelled to induce sleep. Use for: Anointing; Balance; Luck; Fortune; Justice; Happiness; Harmony; Peace; Prophetic dreams; Meditation; Money; Riches; Astral Projection.
                                          Aromatherapy Uses Aphrodisiac; Dry, greasy, irritated skin; Muscular spasms; sprains; Coughs; Hoarseness; Laryngitis; Frigidity; Labor Pains; Uterine Disorders; Depression; Nervous Exhaustion; Stress Related Conditions. Key Qualities: Intoxicating; Uplifting; Anti-depressant; Euphoric; Balancing; Warming; Tonic.

                                          THE BEST PEOPLE TO WORK WITH TODAY ARE:
                                          Emotions; Women's Mysteries; Dreams; Reconciliation; Receptivity; Voyages; Female Fertility - Do spells involving the subconscious, healing emotional wounds, children, small animals, mothers, sisters, female partners, wives, instincts

                                          Energy: Female Ruler: The Moon - Rules emotions, protection, healing, and women's mysteries - Use for magick involving the subconscious, healing, emotions, love, spirituality, healing wounds, children, small animals, women's mysteries, the female side of men, mothers, sisters, female partners, wives, instincts

                                          Today's Magickal Influences: Agriculture, Domestic, Long Life, Medicine, Travels, Visions, Theft

                                          Today's Goddesses: Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaelach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast

                                          Incense: Myrtle
                                          Perfumes: White Poppy, White Rose, Wallflower

                                          Color of The Day:
                                          Gender: Female
                                          Planet: Moon
                                          Zodiac: n/a
                                          Element: Air
                                          Chakra: n/a
                                          Sephiroth: n/a

                                          Use to represent or honor the Moon or the Goddess.

                                          Suitable for the promotion of purification and clarity, strength and stability, receptivity, psychic protection, astral projection, telepathy, clairvoyance, intuition, and meaningful dreams.

                                          Very pale grey can be used as a substitute.

                                          The Goddess (if you honor or acknowledge deity), intuition, balance, femininity

                                          quick money, gambling, invocation of the moon, moon magic, psychism, cancellation, neutrality, stalemate, meditation, Success, balance, negativity, clairvoyance, divination, astral travel, energy, inspiration, protection.

                                          Gender: Either
                                          Planet: Moon
                                          Zodiac: n/a
                                          Element: Water
                                          Chakra: n/a
                                          Sephiroth: Chokmah (Wisdom)

                                          Suitable for promotion of neutrality, a Òfizzling-outÓ of negativity, balance and peaceful resolution of conflicts. Neutrality

                                          glamouries, cancellation, hesitation, neutrality, balance, attuning with the spirit realm, peace, patience, veiling and invisibility, vision quests, theft, decision making.

                                          Gender: Either
                                          Planet: Moon
                                          Zodiac: Pisces and Aries (primary)
                                          Element: Air
                                          Chakra: First Chakra, Crown
                                          Sephiroth: Kether (The Crown)

                                          Use to represent or honor the Moon or the Goddess (particularly in her maiden aspect) or, alternately, the Sun or the God. (Your personal interpretation is necessary here.)

                                          Suitable for promotion of meditation, serenity, emotional healing and balance, spiritual strength, spiritual guidance, generosity, cleansing, purity, clairvoyance, and contact with the higher Self. May be used as a substitution for any other color, and because white light contains all colors, it can be used to meet any magical end.

                                          (Can be used in place of any other color), peace, protection, healing, cleansing, truth seeking, lunar energy

                                          righteousness, purity, devotional magic, truth, sincerity, protection, peace, purification, innocence, children, justice, doubts, fears, meditation, divination, spirituality, increase psychic powers, healing.

                                          Colors for Tomorrow: Red

                                          Lucky Sign: Monday Is The Lucky Day For The Sign of Cancer

                                          Candle: White *Look above

                                          Waxing Moon and First Quarter
                                          (the time when the moon grows; from New to Full):

                                          This is the time to cast spells designed for invocation, new beginnings, and attracting things to you. It is also a good time to work on issues of self-esteem, personal balance, and integration of different aspects of the Self, or to work magic for the general good of the World „ compassion for mankind, healing for Mother Earth, etc.

                                          At the First Quarter Moon, you may want to give an extra energy boost to projects, move them from the development stage to the building stage, or seek balance and pacing if you started too quick in the beginning of a project and now find it going haywire, developing too fast for you to maintain a sense of control and direction.

                                          Some Goddesses appropriate for invoking during the Waxing Moon and at First Quarter:
                                          ´ Artemis, Inanna or Persephone (for their continued assistance for projects you called on them for at the New Moon)
                                          ´ Aphrodite (for self-esteem, and the confidence to follow through on developing projects)
                                          ´ Venus (for balance and resolution of problems in growing relationships)
                                          ´ Kwan Yin (for promotion of compassion, wisdom and healing within Mankind and the Earth)

                                          Some Incenses appropriate to the Waxing Moon and First Quarter:
                                          ´ White Sandalwood
                                          ´ Rose
                                          ´ Geranium
                                          ´ Patchouli
                                          ´ Vanilla ** See vanilla for herb for the day...

                                          • TUESDAYS CANDLE MAGICK

                                            Mon, November 27, 2006 - 11:11 PM
                                            Today Is: Tiu's Day

                                            The day of Mars...also Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw (from whom it is named), Tuisco, and Tyr. Tuesday is ruled by Mars, whose Magickal influences are: Passion, courage, aggression, and protection. Tuesday comes under the influence of Mars, the planet associated with vitality, passion, ambition, and raw, unabashed power. Mars energy makes the mind acute, and the body restless; therefore, on Tuesday we are likely to exert ourselves physically and take action to achieve goals. This day is dynamic and high-spirited, and the prevailing energies may include carelessness and destructiveness as well, so it is good to be cautious---especially while traveling.

                                            Tuesday is the proper day of the week to perform rituals involving courage, physical strength, revenge, surgery, and the breaking of negative spells.

                                            Mars Stones: Ruby or any red stone

                                            Mars Colors:
                                            Bright Red
                                            Rayed Azure
                                            Rayed Emerald
                                            Venetian Red

                                            Some of Mars Plants:

                                            Acacias - This plant's yellow flowers are very Sun-like. This herb's Sun protective power comes out in the use of its resin as a binder for a blessing incense; its leaves and wood can be infused in water to make a sacred water for aspurging. Its Air aspect is shown in its connection with the spiritual. In aromatherapy, it is used for meditation, and in magick it is connected to invoking visions (often combined with sandalwood) and for divination. Some have contacted the dead in dreams after burning star anise, althaea (hollyhock) leaves, and acacia leaves as incense in the sleeping room. This plant also has Neptune and Pluto influences. We have two members of this plant family: Acacia baileyana and Acacia confusa. (This illustration of A. baileyana is by AJ Campbell [1921]). For other acacia products, see gum arabic and catechu).
                                            Magickal Properties:
                                            Sun Herb
                                            Bonsai Plant
                                            Fragrant flowers
                                            Seeds for birds

                                            Belladonna: This deadly poisonous herb is associated with Water, Saturn, and Mars (because of its connection with the war goddess Bellona, not because it is a typical Mars plant). Some say the name, "belladonna" [beautiful lady] came about because Italian women used a tincture of it to dilate their pupils and thus appear more attractive, but "Belladonna" also contains the name "Bellona" in it, so the name might just be a way of naming the goddess without naming her. Bellona was a favorite of Roman soldiers; her priests used belladonna in religious ritual. Bellona represented the frenzy of battle and was variously identified as the wife, sister, or daughter of Mars. Her festival was June 3. In West European magick, this crone herb has been used for astral projection and is allegedly an ingredient in flying ointments; even now it is considered a witchcraft essential. It was once used medicinally in minute doses, but reaction to it was too variable for safety. Top


                                            Our disconnection from nature and our refusal to take responsibility for knowing the natural world mean that we often have very distorted reaction to things like deadly plants. Some people seem to discredit all warnings about poisonous herbs, and others act as if a poisonous plant is as dangerous as plutonium. Neither is a helpful response. This herb is dangerous to life, but that does not mean it cannot be used in ritual at all, only that it must be used with caution. Don't allow it to rest against your skin. If including it in a charm bag, make sure the fabric is tightly woven so that plant dust cannot get through. Wear gloves when handling it and do not touch your eyes or mouth without washing them first. If censing with this baneful herb, burn it in a well ventilated area. "Baneful" means that this is a deadly poison. People have died from ingesting it, so please don't do anything stupid with it. If you suspect belladonna poisoning, go to the emergency room. It is also known as banewort, dwale, and deadly nightshade. You must be at least 18 to purchase it

                                            Uses in Witchcraft & Magick:
                                            Astral Work
                                            Baneful Spells, Sorcery
                                            Crone Work
                                            War Magick/Protector of Soldiers
                                            Saturn/Mars Herb

                                            Tuesday is the third day of the week. This is the day of Mars. Tiw's day is derived from Tyr or Tir, the god of war, the wrestler and the son of Odin and, or Woden, the Norse God of war and Frigga, the earth mother. Tuesday was named in his honor. The metal iron is associated with Mars and the emblem of spear and shield is also associated with this day.
                                            MARS: (RED)
                                            Tuesday (male energy): Courage, strength, base energy. Red planet, warrior, takes control of passion (potentially aggressive), determination, initiative.
                                            Rules: muscular system, blood, reproductive organs.
                                            Oils and Herbs:
                                            Black Pepper, Citronella, Ginger, Pine, Tea Tree, Dragon's Blood**WILL B IN HERBS TODAY..

                                            Today's Magickal Influences ~ Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength

                                            Today's Goddesses:
                                            Aset [Isis],
                                            Aida Wedo,
                                            Sun Woman


                                            Lignum Aloes,

                                            Color of The Day: Red - uses for Magick are: Energy, anger, willpower, sexuality (love, lust), courage, success

                                            Colors for Tomorrow: Yellow

                                            Lucky Sign: Tuesday Is The Lucky Day For Aries and Scorpio (signs have red candles)

                                            Red - Attributions:
                                            Gender: Male
                                            Planet: Mars
                                            Zodiac: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, and Capricorn (primary); Sagittarius (secondary)
                                            Element: Fire
                                            Chakra: First, Root Chakra
                                            Sephiroth: Geburah (Severity) = Identified by Kaballah as "the Sephirah Geburah," this Sphere of energy encompasses the Left Shoulder, Breast, Left-Upper Back, Arm and Hand; any or all of which can become 'sore' or traumatized by a crisis over JUSTICE and HOW TO BE PROPERLY "SEVERE" WITH "TROUBLE-MAKERS." That the trouble-maker CAN at times be one's own out-dated or mis-applied moral or religious JUDGEMENTS towards others may not occur to the individual (at first,) but most of the time such proves to be at least PARTLY "TO BLAME."

                                            Matters of "RIGHT and WRONG" are virtually always religiously-ingrained; and crises over 'wrong behavior' or 'bad people' must be viewed as a part of the individual's own "religious or cultural programming."

                                            When a strong need to deal with ANGER, PUNISHMENT or REVENGE is identified in one's life, the real and most pressing need is for DROPPING THE MORAL JUDGEMENTS against others; a realistic and non-self-righteous attitude is the beginning of healing for all Geburah-related crises.

                                            That one may get over all such judgements and yet STILL need to cope with a genuine 'wrong-doer' in one's life is clearly also possible! Close attention, therefore, to both the excessive Anger AND the proper control of any actual Wrong-doers are both called-for.

                                            Like all Branches of The Tree Of Life, Geburah connects us with FOUR LEVELS of the Spiritual Hierarchy or "chain of command." Anytime your search for Holistic Synthesis or Wholeness points to this Sephirah, there is a strong probability that YOU WILL NEED TO CONTACT THIS CHAIN OF COMMAND IN SOME WAY before your crisis or problem will resolve itself completely. The Four Levels of this Branch Of Life are:

                                            ASSIAH: The PHYSICAL Level.
                                            The Physical Level of Hierarchy in all Sephiroth is the same; ASTROLOGICAL INFLUENCES and/or THE "I CHING" LIFE-CALENDAR. For any event involving this Sephirah that began suddenly and has not diminished since then, the Life-Calendar is probably the source of the influence; you should be able to see the pattern clearly (including when to expect it to end) by reading the Year-Hexagram from that Calendar. Any PROCESS that seems to be EVOLVING into ever-changing forms over a long period of time is probably due to ASTROLOGICAL CHANGES affecting one's place in the world around you, as reflected by Planetary Changes. Note that you will need both a Natal (Birth) Horoscope AND a Transit Chart for the current year, in order to understand these Planetary Cycles. The Planet MARS directly governs this Sephirah in Astrology.

                                            YETZIRAH: The PSYCHIC-SCIENCES Level.
                                            The Science of Geburah is BURNING THE RUBBISH; or Fire Ceremony. All cultures practice this Science in one way or another; bonfires, candle-burning and even the Yule Log are part of this tradition. You have probably practiced this Science already, without giving it enough thought, but when you really NEED to defend yourself from something that is literally 'attacking' your happiness, you will eventually find SOMETHING to ceremonially BURN as part of the purification and protection of your life. Let us suggest that doing this as a regular Ritual (say every month or two) in which you light candles around you while mentioning the problems and conflicts in your life, can help keep your life properly Enlightened AND safe from the kinds of problems that tend to pile-up like the rubbish unless we remember to burn them away. Passing one's hands through the warmth of the flame while thinking of the end of old problems really CAN leave us cleaner, stronger and LIGHTER.

                                            But WHY did you allow such problems to attach themselves to you in the first place? Metaphysics answers that YOUR BELIEFS made that happen; for Geburah rules not only Burning the Rubbish but "DEFENDING THE FAITH." In short; it is our Dogmatic Opinions (the root of 'religious belief') that gets us into the Rubbish Heap of problems in the first place! And it is mostly THOSE DOGMATIC OPINIONS that need burning.

                                            Try performing a Candle Ceremony passing your hands through the warm light while declaring yourself 'burned clean of dogmatic opinions and judgements toward others.' THAT is Fire Science at it highest! In the end, we can turn our Geburic "Defense Mechanisms" into a genuine method of Spiritual Self-Defense.. once we learn to defend ONLY freedom from judgementalism and Lightness Of Spirit.

                                            BRIAH: The ARCHANGELIC Level.
                                            Most western societies know of the great "Spiritual Intermediaries" who caretake our relationship with the Great Spirit, and refer to them as "Archangels." Asian societies normally call them "Boddhisattvas" and will need to turn to their own cultural traditions for guidance in contacting the right Bodhisattva for their Binah-related problems.. though ANYONE can call upon ANY Spiritual Authority and get useful results. The Archangel of Binah is named "Khamael," and he connects us with our Creator in the form called "Elohim Gibor" which is Hebrew for 'Heavenly Warrior' or THE GOD OF BATTLES.

                                            The Angelic Order (or lineage of Devic Spirit-Workers, if you prefer) who serve this Sephirah are called the "SERAPHIM" or Fiery Ones; and they are the 'Burners' whose job it is to burn-away all of the unwanted 'rubbish' of our lives. We all collect "extra baggage" and obsolete patterns that we still carry around with us; and the Seraphim are there to help us "lighten our load" whenever we need. Whatever brought you to Geburah is EXTRA BAGGAGE!.. and you need the help of the Archangel and God-Aspect who govern the Seraphim, to command them to burn-away your burdens.

                                            Repeated contact with this Archangel (asking each time for yet MORE clarity of Understanding and more help with solving the specific details of your crisis or condition) over a period of days or weeks may prove extremely useful.. though there may still be TIME and LOCATIONS that you will have to wait-for or bring-about in order to finally end your Geburah-related problem.

                                            ATZILUTH: The GOD-ASPECT Level.
                                            The "Aspect" or FORM of the Creator contacted here at Geburah is Elohim Gibor, usually written in the FEMININE tense.. making her name literally translate as "Mother-Warrior" though 'Lord Of Battles' is most often how it is worded in English (Eloh Geburah, in Hebrew.) It is the task of this God-Aspect to DEFEND INNOCENCE AND TRUTH from any attack. The symbols of a Sword and Flame denote this function, symbolically.

                                            The only problem with all of that is that it is SO difficult to define exactly what Innocence and Truth really ARE! To most of us (MOST of the time) Innocence means ONESELF!.. for we all know that down inside we are "good" and "pure." Likewise, we tend to define Truth as "whatever I happen to BELIEVE;" even though we may know perfectly well that there are millions of other possible 'opinions' out there too.

                                            Contacting this mighty Defender through his/her Archangel actually sets in motion the Purification of our Lives.. for THAT is in the end the only way of finding-out what part of us really IS Innocent and True. It is wise to view all Geburah-related crises and problems as Purification Lessons, intended to clarify one's Innocence and strip-away all 'opinions'.. leaving behind only NATURAL, GOD-GIVEN SIMPLICITY where once there were value-judgements, opinions and religiously-programmed beliefs.

                                            Called HATHOR in the ancient Egyptian "paut Neteru" or Great Company of the Gods.. and considered the goddess of "mystical power" and it's benefits.. the God-Aspect of Geburah has always been associated with the SURVIVAL OF THE SINCERE, though one must PROVE that sincerity before it is rewarded. Hathor was the Golden Cow Goddess of Egypt whose mystical-science Temple at Medenet-Habu was visited by the ancient Hebrew Kaballists on their way our of Egypt (though Moses called her 'the golden calf' and forbade her to be honored by those of his religion.) You may think of Hathor/Elohim Gibor as MYSTICAL ACTIVISM, requiring both non-dogmatic thinking AND true self-knowledge to fully perfect.

                                            If you can view this Sephirah as BOTH reality's "Religious Deprogramming Department" AND the "Divine Police Department" here to defend ALL of the children of Heaven from danger, you will have balanced this Sephirah's energy.. and solved your Geburah-related problems all at once. You will ALSO find yourself MUCH the wiser for the lesson!

                                            Continuing red candle correspondents....
                                            Use to represent or honor the Goddess in her mother aspect, or the element of Fire.

                                            Suitable for the promotion of passion, sex, lust, fertility, strength, courage, magnetism, energy, primal emotion, survival instinct, willpower, protection.

                                            Spells for physical desire and passion, courage, victory, and physical strength. Stimulates energy and vitality.

                                            love, romantic atmosphere, energy, passion, creativity, Strength, health, Vigour, sexual love, protection, courage, enthusiasm, fire, power, sexuality, will, stimulation, lust, destroying, change, transformation, loyalty.

                                            Red: The element of fire.Used in strong passion and blood of the moon ceremonies.

                                            Half Moon Time
                                            A time of pause, symmetry & balance, with the light & dark united in a stunning visual orb. Perhaps my favorite time.
                                            Candles poured during this time are excellent to balance our own spirit body, to affirm our stability, equanimity & endurance as we move forward to achieve our heart's desires for ourselves or our loved ones.

                                            Sun in Sagittarius
                                            Moon in Aquarius

                                            The twelve signs of the zodiac all have specific influences, which affect the atmosphere around us. Although they aren't felt as strongly as the powers of the days of the week, they can produce new and unexpected twists in our magickal workings. They will not harm your spells, but their influence can boost them. That being said, lets see what effects the planets have on moon magick.

                                            Moon in Aquarius- Secrets, mysteries
                                            There's been a lot of New Age hype about the sterling qualities of Aquarius (a masculine air sign) but, like all the signs, it has its negative aspects. These include a tendency to selfishness, air-headedness, thought without action, and generally allowing one's mind to wander aimlessly in some vast pseudo-intellectual wilderness. However, it is also a time when people as a whole tend to be inspired to higher consciousness. Because of this, the Aquarian transit is a good time for troubled covens to meet. Magick for world peace and understanding are best undertaken during this sign. Warning: because this sign is now outwardly fighting for its identity in this New Age, anything can happen in your Aquarian/moon magick.

                                            • WEDNESDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK

                                              Wed, November 29, 2006 - 9:03 AM
                                              Wednesday ~ Day of Woden ~ God of Knowledge, Wisdom and Enlightenment
                                              WEDNESDAY - THE DAY OF WISDOM

                                              Wednesday is named after Odin, or Woden, the great Anglo Saxon god of war and wisdom. The French word for Wednesday, mercredi, more clearly
                                              shows its link to Mercury, the Roman god of science, commerce, and travel. Meditation and focus on learning, study, travel, and
                                              communication are best performed on Wednesday, the day of Mercury.

                                              Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, whose Magickal influences are: study, travel, divination, and wisdom. Mercury, the planet representing the conscious mind and communication, presides over Wednesday.It is a good day to think, but not necessarily a good one to make decisions, as thoughts tend to be abstract and the mind may wander. Wednesday is the best day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving communication, writing, divination, knowlege, teaching, learning, business meetings, study, announcements, phone calls, and planning.Colors associated with today according to planetary influence include:
                                              Gender: Male
                                              Planet: Sun
                                              Zodiac: Taurus (secondary)
                                              Element: Air
                                              Chakra: Third, Solar Plexus Chakra
                                              Sephiroth: Tiphareth (Beauty; The King)
                                              Use to represent or honor the Sun or the God, or the element of Air.
                                              Suitable for promotion of intelligence, concentration, learning, memory, wisdom, mental accuracy, eloquence, creativity, imagination, confidence, attraction, charm, communication and persuasion.
                                              COLORS FOR TODAY ARE:
                                              peach, brown, and white.

                                              Correspondences of the day include:
                                              Sign: Gemini, Virgo
                                              Metal: Quicksilver
                                              Citrine** - Clear yellow qtz. (Yellow from Iron).
                                              For Solar Plexus chakras, Mental and emotional clarity. Problem-solving, memory, willpower, optimism, confidence, self-discipline, digestion.
                                              Reduces anxiety, fear, depression, stomach tension, food disorders, allergies.
                                              Detoxification: Spleen, kidneys, liver, urinary system, intestines, etc. Electromagnetic.
                                              Hardness:7; Chakras:1,3

                                              Jasmine** - Uses in Witchcraft & Magick:
                                              **FULL DESCRIPTION IN HERBS SECTION AND IN PHOTOS
                                              Venus Herb
                                              Love Magick

                                              Vervain** - Uses in Witchcraft & Magick:
                                              *IN HERBS POST WILL BE FULL DESCRIPTION AND IN PHOTOS
                                              Druid's Herb
                                              Incense Ingredient
                                              Contacting the Dead
                                              Venus Herb
                                              Use when Mercury in Wednesday

                                              Lavender** - Uses in Witchcraft & Magick:
                                              **Herb will be in Herbs post with full description and in photos
                                              Mercury and Air Herb
                                              Love Magick
                                              Fae Herb
                                              Midsummer Herb
                                              Fertility Magick
                                              Use Violet/lavender candles!

                                              Yellow,** - Attributions:
                                              Gender: Male
                                              Planet: Sun
                                              Zodiac: Taurus (secondary)
                                              Element: Air
                                              Chakra: Third, Solar Plexus Chakra
                                              Sephiroth: Tiphareth (Beauty; The King)
                                              Use to represent or honor the Sun or the God, or the element of Air.
                                              Suitable for promotion of intelligence, concentration, learning, memory, wisdom, mental accuracy, eloquence, creativity, imagination, confidence, attraction, charm, communication and persuasion.

                                              Gray,** - Attributions:
                                              Gender: Either
                                              Planet: Moon
                                              Zodiac: n/a
                                              Element: Water
                                              Chakra: n/a
                                              Sephiroth: Chokmah (Wisdom)
                                              Suitable for promotion of neutrality, a Òfizzling-outÓ of negativity, balance and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

                                              Violet** - Attributions:
                                              Gender: Male
                                              Planet: Jupiter
                                              Zodiac: n/a
                                              Element: Air
                                              Chakra: Sixth, Brow Chakra
                                              Sephiroth: Yesod (Foundation)
                                              Suitable for the promotion of spirituality,and Love, Spirit, Favours

                                              White (to go with deity Maat today)** - Attributions:
                                              Gender: Either
                                              Planet: Moon
                                              Zodiac: Pisces and Aries (primary)
                                              Element: Air
                                              Chakra: First Chakra, Crown
                                              Sephiroth: Kether (The Crown)

                                              Use to represent or honor the Moon or the Goddess (particularly in her maiden aspect) or, alternately, the Sun or the God. (Your personal interpretation is necessary here.)

                                              Suitable for Purity, Peace, Divination, Truth, Sincerity, Protection, Purity, Spirituality, Wholeness, Meditation, Healing, Truth, Peace, Spiritual Strength, Enlightenment, Clairvoyance, A balance of all colors; Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvouance, healing, truth seeking; Rituals involving lunar energy' May be substituted for any color candle.
                                              Promotion of meditation, serenity, emotional healing and balance, spiritual strength, spiritual guidance, generosity, cleansing, purity, clairvoyance, and contact with the higher Self. May be used as a substitution for any other color, and because white light contains all colors, it can be used to meet any magical end.

                                              Maat** - Goddess of Truth and Order - PICTURES IN PHOTOS
                                              Pantheon: Egyptian
                                              Element: Air
                                              Sphere of Influence: Truth and Order
                                              Preferred colors: White
                                              Associated symbol: Ostrich Feather, Scales
                                              Animals associated with: Ostrich , Vulture
                                              Best day to work with: Wednesday
                                              Suitable offerings: Feathers
                                              Associated Planet: Mercury
                                              Maat was a teenage girl goddess who was often represented as a pair of twins. She was Truth and Order, Harmony and equilibrium, justice and supreme balance; the concept that the universe, above everything else is an ordered and rational place. Her domain encompasses predictability and regularity - constants. She is - paradoxically - the Goddess of Science, as well as integrity and honor. She stands at the entrance to the material plane. At the time of one's death, she will place their heart on her scales and weight it against a feather. If they balance, then that person may pass on to the afterlife in peace. If not, it means that the heart is heavy with evil, and the soul is devoured by the monstrous goddess Ahemait.
                                              de: Maat (Mythologie)
                                              In Egyptian mythology, Maàt was the goddess of truth, justice and order.

                                              Note: Unlike other Egyptian gods and goddesses, Maat is more of a concept than an actual deity.

                                              In the underworld, Maats headband supplied the Feather of Truth, the ostrich feather which the souls of the deceased were weighed against in the Hall of Two Truths in Duat. A soul which was heavy with sin was devoured by Ammit. A good soul, one that weighed less, was sent to Osiris. Her symbol is a woman with wings and a feather on her head. The image is on some sarcophogi, as a symbol of protection for the souls of the dead.

                                              Wednesday is the fourth day of the week. It is the day of Mercury. It is Woden's Day, from the Scandinavian Woden (Odin), God of Norse mythology, who was often called the All Father. Quicksilver, a liquid mercury that contains amounts of the platinum group metals, is associated with Wednesday.
                                              MERCURY: (YELLOW)
                                              Wednesday (male energy): Communication of all sorts, "compelling" energy, travel, learning. Intellect, perception, wisdom, learning, communication, travel.
                                              Rules: the respiratory system, thyroid, nervous system.
                                              Oils: Angelica, Benzoin, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lemon Verbena, Neroli, Parsley, Peppermint, Spearmint, Lavender, Thyme, Lemongrass, Violet.

                                              VIRGO : Ruled by Mercury. (Opposite sign Pisces)
                                              Analytical, discriminating, modest, practical, hard working.
                                              Oils: Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lemon Verbena.
                                              Spellwork for Virgo Moon: Employment, health, organizing, studying/learning.

                                              Waxing Phase - New Moon to Full Moon - individual initiative


                                              Growth, development, expansion, moving to a goal. A sense of optimism, extravagance. Willingness to take risks, explore, begin enterprises.

                                              Initiation of seed idea. Death and rebirth. Beginning of movement.

                                              The establishment of the idea in the world. Strong growth.

                                              Crisis. Testing and strengthening in order to overcome obstacles.

                                              The idea flowers and is accepted, and begins to motivate others.

                                              Reaping the fruit, but where do we go now?

                                              90 Degrees
                                              First Quarter is for Physical manifestation, a time of action, building up the Ego, pushing ideas. Rapid growth.

                                              • THURSDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                Thu, November 30, 2006 - 11:11 AM
                                                THURSDAY - THE DAY OF STRENGTH

                                                Day of Thunor or Thor, God of Thunder and Agriculture
                                                Maia is the Greek Earth Goddess, Daughter of Atlas and Pleione

                                                Thursday is dedicated to the Viking God of thunder, Thor. The planet Jupiter rules Thursday, as the French word for Thursday, jeudi,
                                                suggests. Thursday is the day to focus on wealth, success, luck, career development, legal matters, and material growth.

                                                Energy: Male, Ruler: Jupiter - Rules growth, expansion, generosity - Use for magick involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money,
                                                business, attracting more of what you have.

                                                Today's Magickal Influences ~ Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters

                                                Today's Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit

                                                Perfumes: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes

                                                Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane

                                                Color of The Day: Dark Purple, Indigo, Blue

                                                Colors for Tomorrow: Light Blue, Pale Green

                                                Lucky Sign: Thursday Is The Lucky Day For Sagittarius And Pisces

                                                Candle: Blue

                                                Daily Correspondence for
                                                Light Blue and Purple candles. Burn incense of Nutmeg, henbane. Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, and is a good day to work with Luck, religion, healing, trade and employment, treasure, honors, riches, wealth, legal matters.
                                                Amon, Enlil, Nuada, Poseidon & Neptune, Sachiel & Sahaqiel, Thor, Winter_King, Zeus & Jupiter are honored today.

                                                Thursday is the fifth day of the week. This name comes from the Middle English Thorsday, or Thursdaye. Thor, the god of strength and thunder, defender and help in war, son of Odin, is the counterpart of Jupiter or Jove. Thor is one of twelve great Gods in mythology. It was said that whenever Thor threw his hammer, the noise of thunder is heard through the heavens. He is the only God who cannot cross from earth to heaven upon the rainbow, for he is so heavy and powerful that the Gods fear it will break under his weight. Thursday was sacred to Thor. The metal tin is associated with the thunderbolt of Jupiter (Zeus in Greek myth) and is associated with Thursday.
                                                JUPITER: (PURPLE, DARK BLUE)
                                                Thursday (male energy): Good luck, protection, legal matters.
                                                Business, knowledge, philosophy, religion, education, publications, good fortune.
                                                Rules: liver and pituitary gland.
                                                Oils: Cedarwood, Clove, Juniper, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Sandalwood, Anise, Vetiver.

                                                DARK BLUE CANDLE MEANS:
                                                Helps remove obstacles (most helpful with the long-run issues)

                                                BLUE CANDLE MEANS:
                                                Gender: Either
                                                Planet: Neptune/Mercury
                                                Zodiac: Aquarius (primary); Gemini and Libra (secondary)
                                                Element: Water
                                                Chakra: Fifth, Throat Chakra
                                                Sephiroth: Chesed (Mercy)

                                                Use to represent or honor the element of Water.
                                                Suitable for the promotion of gentle movement, peace, tranquility, harmony, accordance with the Self, prophesy, wisdom, emotion, spirituality, unity, hope and inspiration.

                                                Protection, hope, change, psychic abilities, peace, truth, spirituality

                                                PURPLE CANDLE MEANS:
                                                Gender: Male
                                                Planet: Jupiter
                                                Zodiac: n/a
                                                Element: Air
                                                Chakra: Sixth, Brow Chakra
                                                Sephiroth: Yesod (Foundation)

                                                Suitable for the promotion of spirituality, power, spiritual growth, psychic abilities, influence, independence, balance, self-improvement, justice and contact with the otherworld as well as your higher Self.

                                                Spirituality, psychic ability, inspiration, spiritual growth, power, legal matters, ambition, good luck

                                                • FRIDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                  Fri, December 1, 2006 - 8:51 AM
                                                  Daily Correspondence for
                                                  Light Green candles. Burn incense of Saffron, Verbena, Sandalwood, Myrtle. Friday is ruled by Venus, and is a good day to work with Love, friendships, affection, partnerships, money, sex.
                                                  Aphrodite & Venus, Asherah, Auriel & Uriel, Bes, Brighid, Corn_Maiden, Dionysus & Bacchus, Elaine, Eros & Cupid, Freya, Frigg & Frigga, Hathor, Hestia & Vesta, Inanna & Ishtar, Nerthus, Sirtur are honored today.

                                                  Friday is the sixth day of the week. The name is derived from the Germanic Frigga the name of the Norse god Odin's wife. Frigga is considered to be the mother of all, and the goddess who presides over marriage. It is also a day dedicated to Venus, the goddess of love. The metal copper is also associated with Friday.

                                                  VENUS: (PINK, GREEN)
                                                  Pink candle can be used to represent Venus!
                                                  Pink candle - Promotes romance, friendship, standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table. Also homor, love and morality.

                                                  Venus correspondents:
                                                  Venus Deities:
                                                  The Empress
                                                  4, D
                                                  Dalet (Door)

                                                  Deities of love, female sexuality, motherhood, fertility

                                                  Yolkai Estan

                                                  Venus' Stones:
                                                  Emerald and Turquiose

                                                  Venus Colors:
                                                  Emerald Green
                                                  Bright Rose
                                                  Rayed pale green
                                                  Early spring green
                                                  Sky blue

                                                  Venus Animals:

                                                  Venus Beings:
                                                  Read about Succubi here: WARNING FOR MATURE ADULTS ONLY!

                                                  Friday (female energy): All relationships, including the one you have with yourself.
                                                  Love of things, self, people, objects. Union, relationships, romance, partnerships, poetry, language, beauty, fertility, arts.
                                                  Rules: lower back, throat, kidneys.
                                                  Oils: Cypress, Geranium, Lemon Verbena, Rose, Violet, Patchouli, Vanilla.

                                                  Freya's Day

                                                  Energy: Female Ruler: Venus - Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the heart - Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women's problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve quarrels today!

                                                  Today's Magickal Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection, Partnerships, Money, Sex

                                                  Today's Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

                                                  Saffron - SAFFRON:(Crocus sativus) The stigmas and style tops flavor and color liqueurs and many dishes, especially rice. Saffron is considered an aphrodisiac, but too much may be narcotic. It is given to reduce fevers, cramps, and enlarged livers, and to calm nerves, and is applies externally for bruises, rheumatism, and neuralgia. In India saffron is used ceremonially. Although water soluble, it is used cosmetically and as a sacred dye. Turmeric is mistakenly called saffron in Asia.
                                                  Parts Used: Stamens
                                                  Magical Uses: Saffron is added to love sachets as well as though aimed at raising lustful feelings. It is used in healing spells, and the infusion is used as wash water for the hands prior to healing rituals. Sheets were rinsed with a saffron infusion in Ireland so that the arms and legs would be strengthened during sleep, and the ancient Persians used Saffron to raise the wind. Use in spells for: Happiness; Health/Healing; Lust; Psychic Awareness; Wing Raising; Strength.

                                                  Verbena - Vervain (Verbena Officinalis)[
                                                  This herb is used to treat exhaustion, fatigue, fever, insomnia. It makes a good pain reliever. For magic, it can be used in cleansing baths, attraction spells, wealth and protection spells as well.

                                                  Lemon Verbena Leaf, cut- Lemon Verbena relates to the planet Mercury, the element of Air, and is masculine in nature. In magic, it is used to purify, to attract love, & to increases spell strength. Lemon Verbena (blended with lavender, lemongrass, sage, and rosemary) makes a great herbal bath to aid in releasing adictions or breaking bad habits.

                                                  In magic, Lemon Verbena can also be used for making poppets, creating your own tinctures, charms or mojo bags, ritual baths, spellcraft supplies, or for making your own magick powders or ritual incense blends.
                                                  Lemon verbena:
                                                  Lippia citriodora
                                                  Folk Names: Cedron, Yerba Louisa
                                                  Gender: Masculine
                                                  Planet: Mercury
                                                  Element: Air
                                                  Power: Purification, Love
                                                  Websites with info on Verbena and cooking:

                                                  Perfumes/incense - Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

                                                  Color of The Day/Candles of the day:
                                                  Light Blue - Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or in spiritual meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized. Also...Health, patience, tranquility, understanding.

                                                  Pale Green - Promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony and rejuvenation. Also...fertility, finance, healing, luck.

                                                  Colors for Tomorrow: Black

                                                  Lucky Sign: Friday Is The Lucky Day For Taurus And Libra
                                                  • TUESDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                    Tue, December 5, 2006 - 10:05 AM
                                                    Today Is: Tiu's Day

                                                    The day of Mars...also Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw (from whom it is named), Tuisco, and Tyr. Tuesday is ruled by Mars, whose Magickal influences are:
                                                    Passion, courage, aggression, and protection. Tuesday comes under the influence of Mars, the planet associated with vitality, passion, ambition,
                                                    and raw, unabashed power. Mars energy makes the mind acute, and the body restless; therefore, on Tuesday we are likely to exert ourselves physically
                                                    and take action to achieve goals. This day is dynamic and high-spirited, and the prevailing energies may include carelessness and destructiveness as
                                                    well, so it is good to be cautious---especially while traveling. Tuesday is the proper day of the week to perform rituals involving courage, physical
                                                    strength, revenge, surgery, and the breaking of negative spells.

                                                    Today's Magickal Influences ~ Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength

                                                    Today's Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu, Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman

                                                    Perfumes: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli

                                                    Incense: Lignum Aloes, Plantain

                                                    Color of The Day: Red

                                                    Colors for Tomorrow: Yellow

                                                    Lucky Sign: Tuesday Is The Lucky Day For Aries and Scorpio

                                                    Candle: Red

                                                    Sun in Sagittarius
                                                    Moon in Taurus

                                                    Daily Correspondence for Tuesday.

                                                    Light Red candles.

                                                    Burn incense of lignum aloes, plantain, Pepper.

                                                    Tuesday is ruled by Mars, and is a good day to work with destination, war, courage, surgery, physical strength, power.

                                                    Ares & Mars, Blue_God, Gwynn_ap_Nudd, Horus, Ninlil, Oghma, Samael, Surtur, Tyr are honored today.

                                                    One of the Gods to Honor today could be THE BLUE GOD:
                                                    Blue God
                                                    Light of the World

                                                    Pantheon: Faery
                                                    Element: Fire
                                                    Sphere of Influence: Potency and Youth
                                                    Preferred colors: Sky-Blue, Red
                                                    Associated symbol: Golden Peacock
                                                    Animals associated with: Golden Peacock , Winged Serpent
                                                    Best day to work with: Tuesday
                                                    Strongest around Spring
                                                    Associated Planet: Mars

                                                    The Blue God is associated with Spring, Youth, and Potency. He is the consort of the Star Goddess, and is seen as the personal Divine Spirit. He represents the God-Self. he is usually described as youthful and androgynous in appearance with the breasts of a barely adolescent girl and an erect penis. Around his neck is a serpent and in his hair are peacock eye-feathers. Work with him in matters of Fertility and Vitality. (Blue God)

                                                    Moon position waning 0-180 = Consideration of society - loss of the self.
                                                    Moon Position - 180 - Full Moon = Time to reap the rewards, for good or evil. Not a time for new ideas, but a time to recollect, to receive. The peak has been reached: there is nowhere else to go.

                                                    Planets Positions today (Ephemeris)
                                                    December 5, 2006 = 13Sg12, 19Ge31, 26Sc00, 22Sg48, 29Sc30, 2Sg31, 25Le01, 10Pi54 , 17Aq25, 26Sg03

                                                    Full Moon Time
                                                    Her face is fully illuminated, smiling; shining such light upon the earth that we may clearly see our way through the night's meadows.

                                                    She pulls on us, water creatures of the earth, calling forth our emotions, our hidden desires, our repressed thoughts & feelings as she brings them into the light of our mind's eye.

                                                    Her journey to fullness is complete at this moment. So too, our prayers come to fruition for their season. We celebrate, expressing our gratitude, our passion, our unique spiritual dance in the journey of life.

                                                    Full moon poured candles vibrate with this great tidal pulling, calling forth those things that have been veiled, or are as yet.... unfolding.

                                                    With the Moon in Taurus it’s a good time for shopping and indulgence. Buy yourself a new CD, perfume, flowers and fruit! If you can, spend some time in the country breathing clean air, and appreciating the beauties of Mother Nature. If you’re in a city go to the park and sit on the grass. At home, put your feet up, put on your new album, light some candles and have a long bath scented with aromatherapy oils. (Especially those ruled by Venus such as Ylang Ylang or Rose). Indulge in some good food, and gentle, sensual massage with your lover.

                                                    AIR: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
                                                    Travel, communication, movement, learning, writing, faith, intuition, knowledge.
                                                    Oils: aid easy breathing, clear confusion, enhance learning, studying.
                                                    Angelica, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lavender, Lemon Verbena, Neroli, Parsley, Rosemary.

                                                    TAURUS : Ruled by Venus. (Opposite sign Scorpio)
                                                    Affectionate, warm, trustworthy, reliable, patient, positive, solid.
                                                    Oils: Jasmine, Patchouli, Rose, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang.
                                                    Spellwork for Taurus Moon: Love, friendship, sensuality, money, material needs/desires.

                                                    Jupiter in Saggitarius today:
                                                    Jupiter - Jupiter (Fire)
                                                    Art XIV
                                                    60, U
                                                    Samekh (arrow)
                                                    Artemis the Huntress

                                                    Fire of Jupiter sign:

                                                    Fire of jupiter stones:

                                                    Fire of Jupiter's Plants:

                                                    Fire of Jupiter's Colors:
                                                    Dark vivid blue

                                                    Body Parts
                                                    Hips & thighs


                                                    Wood aloes

                                                    Fire of Jupiter Magick:
                                                    Power of transmutation; weapon is the arrow (swift and straight application of force); figure is acquisitio
                                                    Optimism, opportunity, expansion, enlargement
                                                    Works involving religion, faith, law

                                                    Tuesday is the third day of the week. This is the day of Mars. Tiw's day is derived from Tyr or Tir, the god of war, the wrestler and the son of Odin and, or Woden, the Norse God of war and Frigga, the earth mother. Tuesday was named in his honor. The metal iron is associated with Mars and the emblem of spear and shield is also associated with this day.
                                                    MARS: (RED)
                                                    Tuesday (male energy): Courage, strength, base energy. Red planet, warrior, takes control of passion (potentially aggressive), determination, initiative.
                                                    Rules: muscular system, blood, reproductive organs.
                                                    Oils: Black Pepper, Citronella, Ginger, Pine, Tea Tree, Dragon's Blood.

                                                    Good day to work with today:
                                                    Red: Energy, anger, willpower, sexuality (love, lust), courage, success
                                                    Health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in ritual; draws Aries and Scorpio energy. Also courage, health, sexual love, strength, vigor.Red (Tuesday, Mars) - Spells for physical desire and passion, courage, victory, and physical strength. Stimulates energy and vitality.
                                                    Spells for self-assertion, more energy, and courage. Victory and passion are also indicated, as well as masculine goals in general.
                                                    Red: Health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy.
                                                    Tuesday Mars Red Protection; Conflict; War
                                                    Element of Fire
                                                    Fast action
                                                    Career Goals
                                                    Driving Force
                                                    Blood of the Moon

                                                    December - Discernment, Understanding of Universal Truths

                                                    Full Moon - Completion, Fulfillment, Maturity

                                                    Mars - Courage, Strength, Lust, Sexual Potency, Eorcism, Hex-Breaking, Protection

                                                    Moon in Taurus - Productivity and Abundance, Stubborn Tenacity, Well-earned Respite.

                                                    Moon in Gemini - Balancing Diverse energies, Banishing Negative Personality Traits, Change

                                                    FULL MOON
                                                    Appearance - The full moon appears totally light.
                                                    Magical Qualities - The FULL MOON is the culmination of the WAXING MOON (increasing) phase. After the FULL MOON the WANING MOON (decreasing) phase begins Some say you may perform FULL MOON magic three days prior to and after the actual full moon. Others believe rituals must be started or in process during the actual hour of the full moon. Any spells may be cast during the Full Moon - especially protection and divination.

                                                    Moon in TAURUS is the best time for spells involving love, money, acquisition; healing spells for the throat and neck.

                                                    Moon in GEMINI is the best time for spells involving communication, writing, travel; healing spells for the arms, hands, and lungs.

                                                    Wish-magick, Wisdom (to increase), Unions (marriages, business partnerships), Transformations, Teaching, Spirit Conjurations, Shapeshifting, Psychic Powers (developing, strengthening), Power, Omens, Obtaining (things and goals), Lunar Goddess Invocations, Love Magick, Judgment, Intuition, Inspiration, House Blessings, Happiness, Fertility Rituals, Divinations, Communication, Blessings, Beauty and Health: full moon
                                                    Lady Luna, Diana, Selena...
                                                    and a thousand other names
                                                    Goddess of Silver Love
                                                    Shine upon me in your fullness
                                                    Turn my darkness into light
                                                    I draw you down...within...
                                                    that I may share your wisdom
                                                    with my sisters,
                                                    my brothers of the earth.

                                                    I offer you my prisms, my amulets
                                                    and I beseech you,
                                                    charge them with power
                                                    that only you can emit.

                                                    Hear me,
                                                    Goddess of the Moon!

                                                    Reveal to me the mysteries
                                                    Of starlight and moonbeams
                                                    Of Universal Light
                                                    Of faeries and gnomes and angels
                                                    This is my will.
                                                    So shall it be done.

                                                    Herbs to use for:
                                                    Psychic Skills: Angelica, anise, bay, borage, cinnamon, fennel, mugwort.
                                                    Prosperity: Basil, benzoil, bergamot, cinnamon, cinquefoil, lemon balm, mint.
                                                    Healing: Angelica, bufdock, cinnamon, eucalyptus, hyssop, lemon balm, peppermint
                                                    Love: Cardamom, chickweed, cinnamon, clove, lavendar, lemon balm, rose, rosemary, tansy, vanilla, violet, yarrow.

                                                    Color Frequency
                                                    Red is the color of energy, vitality and power. It is used for burning out cancer, drying up weeping sores or wounds, etc., it will warm cold areas to reduce pain. Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety.
                                                    If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!!

                                                    • WEDNESDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                      Wed, December 6, 2006 - 12:09 PM
                                                      Today Is: Woden's Day

                                                      Energy: Male Ruler: Mercury - Rules healings, the mind - Use for magick involving mental issues, learning, higher education, addictions,
                                                      communications, travel, young people, messages, perception, self-expression, artists, poets, and writers

                                                      Today's Magickal Influences: Conjurations, Predictions, Knowledge, Writing, Eloquence

                                                      Moon in Cancer- Cancer (a feminine water sign) is the home of the moon and is the most fertile sign in the zodiac. Virtually any venture undertaken during this time will grow favorably, especially psychic and inner-plane endeavors. This is also the best sign for dealing with matters relating to the home, fertility, pregnancy, children, or the emotions. Planting and growing are also under the influence of Cancer, and magick for any type of growth or increase will quickly take root. Moon in Cancer also brings out our protective natures and lets the imagination flourish.

                                                      Wednesday Mercury Orange = Communications; Speed
                                                      Wednesday Mercury Red and Black = Reversing Spells
                                                      Wednesday Mercury Purple = Artistic; Creativity

                                                      Today's Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya, Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique, Maman Brigette, Sekhmet, Het Heret [Hathor]

                                                      Incense: Cinnamon, Cinquefoil

                                                      Perfumes: Sweetpea, Lavender, Mastic, Frankincense, Cloves

                                                      Color of The Day: Yellow, Gray, Violet

                                                      Colors for Tomorrow: Purple, Indigo, Blue

                                                      Lucky Sign: Wednesday Is The Lucky Day For Gemini And Virgo

                                                      Candle: Purple Violet

                                                      Light Purple candles.
                                                      Burn incense of Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Mastic, Storax.
                                                      Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, and is a good day to work with conjurations, predictions, knowledge, writing, eloquence.
                                                      Anubis, Enki, Hag, Hecate & Carmenta, Hel, Hermes & Mercury, Maat, Morrigan, Nike, Odin, Raphael are honored today.

                                                      WEDNESDAY Mercury Aid Spiritual and Psychic Awareness; Divination; Communication - Do spells for Mental Issues, Learning, Addictions, Perception, Artistry, Creativity. Male

                                                      Wednesday is the fourth day of the week. It is the day of Mercury. It is Woden's Day, from the Scandinavian Woden (Odin), God of Norse mythology, who was often called the All Father. Quicksilver, a liquid mercury that contains amounts of the platinum group metals, is associated with Wednesday.
                                                      MERCURY: (YELLOW)
                                                      Wednesday (male energy): Communication of all sorts, "compelling" energy, travel, learning. Intellect, perception, wisdom, learning, communication, travel.
                                                      Rules: the respiratory system, thyroid, nervous system.
                                                      Oils: Angelica, Benzoin, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lemon Verbena, Neroli, Parsley, Peppermint, Spearmint, Lavender, Thyme, Lemongrass, Violet.

                                                      GEMINI : Ruled by Mercury. (Opposite sign Sagittarius)
                                                      Communicative, adaptable, versatile, lively, intellectual, spontaneous.
                                                      Oils: Benzoin, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lavender, Lemon Verbena, Marjoram, Neroli, Spearmint, Violet.
                                                      Spellwork for Gemini Moon: Clear communication, travel, public relations.

                                                      Full Moon
                                                      Perhaps you would like to increase the amount of love, wealth and prosperity. Or maybe you need money to pay bills with. Are deserving of a long overdue raise or some other form of recognition at work? Whether you want to have more of something or increase something you already have the full moon is the best time to cast this type of spell.

                                                      Wanning Moon
                                                      As the moon goes from full to new, light to dark, this is traditionally considered a time of decreasing energy with the fading moonlight. With Selenes visible energy declining, this is a great time for casting spells to rid yourself of illness, bad habits, unwanted pounds, or people who are bad for you.

                                                      TODAY'S COLORS ASSOCIATED WITH CANDLE MAGICK:

                                                      Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy.
                                                      calling up the powers of the ancient ones, sigils/runes, government, spirituality, Tension, ambition, business progress, power, healing, power, spiritual development, intuition, spiritual communication, protection, legal matters, progress, breaking bad luck, negativity, banishing evil, stop gossip & lies, material wealth, astral travel.
                                                      (Thursday, Jupiter) - Rituals to influence people in high places, open psychic powers, and for wisdom.
                                                      Spirituality, 3rd eye Chakra.
                                                      Purple: Spirituality, psychic ability, inspiration, spiritual growth, power, legal matters, ambition, good luck
                                                      Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideal for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial reward, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy. Also...ambition, business progress, power, tension.

                                                      RED CANDLE - Health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy.
                                                      love, romantic atmosphere, energy, passion, creativity, Strength, health, Vigour, sexual love, protection, courage, enthusiasm, fire, power, sexuality, will, stimulation, lust, destroying, change, transformation, loyalty.
                                                      (Tuesday, Mars) - Spells for physical desire and passion, courage, victory, and physical strength. Stimulates energy and vitality.
                                                      Red: Energy, anger, willpower, sexuality (love, lust), courage, success
                                                      Health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in ritual; draws Aries and Scorpio energy. Also courage, health, sexual love, strength, vigor.
                                                      Gender: Male
                                                      Planet: Mars
                                                      Zodiac: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, and Capricorn (primary); Sagittarius (secondary)
                                                      Element: Fire
                                                      Chakra: First, Root Chakra
                                                      Sephiroth: Geburah (Severity)
                                                      Use to represent or honor the Goddess in her mother aspect, or the element of Fire.
                                                      Suitable for the promotion of passion, sex, lust, fertility, strength, courage, magnetism, energy, primal emotion, survival instinct, willpower, protection

                                                      ORANGE CANDLE - Adaptability, attraction, encouragement, stimulation
                                                      Orange: Energy, ambition, creativity, courage, enthusiasm, success, prosperity, communication, stimulation
                                                      Orange, Gold (Sunday, Sun) - Rituals to enhance energy and power, build vitality, and to bring success and luck.
                                                      material gain, attraction, work, career, encouragement, adaptability, healing, stimulation, attraction, energy, intellect, leadership, communication, travel, strength, authority, luck, vitality, dominance, control emotions, creativity, memory, career, legal matters, balance, neutrality, organisation, writing, business transactions, information, cooperation, quick change.
                                                      Gender: Male
                                                      Planet: Mercury/Mars
                                                      Zodiac: n/a
                                                      Element: Air/Fire
                                                      Chakra: Second, Sacral Chakra
                                                      Sephiroth: Hod (Splendor)
                                                      Suitable for the promotion of health, strength, vitality, pride, energy, invigoration, acceleration, creativity, success, lasting prosperity, enthusiasm; especially good for ambitions concerning business, real estate or the law.

                                                      VIOLET CANDLE - Healing, peace and spirituality

                                                      YELLOW CANDLE - Activity, Creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain anothers confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy. Also... attraction, charm, confidence, persuasion. protection.
                                                      Yellow: Intelligence, communication, creativity, vitality, happiness, activity, change, concentration, persuasion, solar energy
                                                      (Wednesday, Mercury) - Spells to enhance knowledge, communication skills and to give confidence and aid in visualization skills, May also repel negetive energy.
                                                      healing, intellect, attraction, persuasion, charm, confidence, study, divination, activity, creativity, sun, clairvoyance, learning, the mind, mental alertness, prosperity, change, harmony, knowledge, understanding, movement, astral projection, telepathy, contact spirits, protection, Wishes, concentration.
                                                      Activity, Creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain anothers confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy.
                                                      Gender: Male
                                                      Planet: Sun
                                                      Zodiac: Taurus (secondary)
                                                      Element: Air
                                                      Chakra: Third, Solar Plexus Chakra
                                                      Sephiroth: Tiphareth (Beauty; The King)
                                                      Use to represent or honor the Sun or the God, or the element of Air.
                                                      Suitable for promotion of intelligence, concentration, learning, memory, wisdom, mental accuracy, eloquence, creativity, imagination, confidence, attraction, charm, communication and persuasion.

                                                      GRAY CANDLE - Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation, in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence. Also...cancellation, neutality, stalemate.
                                                      glamouries, cancellation, hesitation, neutrality, balance, attuning with the spirit realm, peace, patience, veiling and invisibility, vision quests, theft, decision making.
                                                      Grey: Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.
                                                      Gender: Either
                                                      Planet: Moon
                                                      Zodiac: n/a
                                                      Element: Water
                                                      Chakra: n/a
                                                      Sephiroth: Chokmah (Wisdom)
                                                      Suitable for promotion of neutrality, a Òfizzling-outÓ of negativity, balance and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

                                                      Earth of Mercury Associations

                                                      Earth of Mercury Sign -
                                                      Mercury (Earth) The Hermit IX

                                                      Earth of Mercury Stones -
                                                      PeridotYod (hand)
                                                      Virginal Isis Virgo Diamond
                                                      Peridot Rosemary

                                                      Earth of Mercury Plants
                                                      Wednesday Healthy, medicinal, and wholesome plants
                                                      Plants with fine or feathery leaves (because this is thought to resemble the nervous system)
                                                      Medicinal plants affecting the brain, lungs, nervous system, or speech
                                                      Fast-growing weeds, creepers, winding plants (because Mercury is fast)

                                                      Earth of Mercury Colors
                                                      Siler root Pastel Blue
                                                      Yellowish green
                                                      Greenish gray
                                                      Slate gray

                                                      Earth of Mercury Plant Qualities
                                                      Grains and cereals (relationships to Virgo/Ceres)

                                                      Earth of Mercury Angels and Animals
                                                      Any solitary person or animal

                                                      Earth of Mercury Beings
                                                      Virgins The back Mermaids
                                                      Banshees Narcissus

                                                      Earth of Mercury Scents

                                                      Earth of Mercury Drugs

                                                      Earth of Mercury Magick
                                                      Invisibility, parthenogenesis, Initiation
                                                      Weapons are lamp and wand, bread; figure is conjunctio
                                                      Work involving the rational mind, communication, connection to others

                                                      • THURSDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                        Thu, December 7, 2006 - 8:16 AM
                                                        Sun in Sagittarius
                                                        Moon in Gemini

                                                        Waning Gibbous
                                                        92% of Full
                                                        Thu 7 Dec, 2006

                                                        Lunabar Moon Almanack for Thursday, December 07, 2006
                                                        Waning, Gibbous Moon Age: 17 days.
                                                        Moon Void of Course.
                                                        In the 24th° of the Constellation ` Gemini, the Twins;
                                                        & in the 23rd° of the Sign a Crabba, the Crab fish.
                                                        Souths: 2:08 morn. Sets: 10:01 morn. Rises: 7:19 eve.

                                                        WANING MOON
                                                        Time: From full moon to dark moon (approx.14 days)
                                                        Goddess Aspect: Crone
                                                        Associated Goddesses: Callieach, Banshee, Hecate, Kali, Morrigan
                                                        Magickal Attributes:
                                                        BANISHING Releasing the old, removing unwanted negative energies, wisdom, psychic ability, scrying,
                                                        reversing circumstances. Workings on this day are for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity, physical and psychic cleansings.
                                                        Waning Moon - Banishing Negative Energy, Reduction, Reversal, Slowing

                                                        Daily Correspondence for Thursday.
                                                        Light Blue candles.
                                                        Burn incense of Nutmeg, henbane.
                                                        Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, and is a good day to work with Luck, religion, healing, trade and employment, treasure, honors, riches, wealth, legal matters.

                                                        Amon, Enlil, Nuada, Poseidon & Neptune, Sachiel & Sahaqiel, Thor, Winter_King, Zeus & Jupiter are honored today.

                                                        Thursday is the fifth day of the week. This name comes from the Middle English Thorsday, or Thursdaye. Thor, the god of strength and thunder, defender and help in war, son of Odin, is the counterpart of Jupiter or Jove. Thor is one of twelve great Gods in mythology. It was said that whenever Thor threw his hammer, the noise of thunder is heard through the heavens. He is the only God who cannot cross from earth to heaven upon the rainbow, for he is so heavy and powerful that the Gods fear it will break under his weight. Thursday was sacred to Thor. The metal tin is associated with the thunderbolt of Jupiter (Zeus in Greek myth) and is associated with Thursday.
                                                        JUPITER: (PURPLE, DARK BLUE)
                                                        Thursday (male energy): Good luck, protection, legal matters.
                                                        Business, knowledge, philosophy, religion, education, publications, good fortune.
                                                        Rules: liver and pituitary gland.
                                                        Oils: Cedarwood, Clove, Juniper, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Sandalwood, Anise, Vetiver.

                                                        Today Is: Thor's Day

                                                        Energy: Male, Ruler: Jupiter - Rules growth, expansion, generosity - Use for magick involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money, business, attracting more of what you have.

                                                        Today's Magickal Influences ~ Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters

                                                        Today's Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit

                                                        Perfumes/oils: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes

                                                        Incense/herbs: Nutmeg, Henbane

                                                        Color of The Day: Dark Purple, Indigo, Blue

                                                        Lucky Sign: Thursday Is The Lucky Day For Sagittarius And Pisces

                                                        Candle: Blue:
                                                        Gender: Either
                                                        Planet: Neptune/Mercury
                                                        Zodiac: Aquarius (primary); Gemini and Libra (secondary)
                                                        Element: Water
                                                        Chakra: Fifth, Throat Chakra
                                                        Sephiroth: Chesed (Mercy)
                                                        Use to represent or honor the element of Water.
                                                        Suitable for the promotion of gentle movement, peace, tranquility, harmony, accordance with the Self, prophesy, wisdom, emotion, spirituality, unity, hope and inspiration.

                                                        INDIGO CANDLE - Color of inertia; stops situations or people; use in rituals that require a deep meditational state; or rituals that demand Saturn energy. Psychic abilities, insight, visions, deep meditation

                                                        DARK PURPLE CANDLE - Purple (Thursday, Jupiter) - Rituals to influence people in high places, open psychic powers, and for wisdom.
                                                        Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideal for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial reward, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy. Also...ambition, business progress, power, tension.
                                                        Gender: Male
                                                        Planet: Jupiter
                                                        Zodiac: n/a
                                                        Element: Air
                                                        Chakra: Sixth, Brow Chakra
                                                        Sephiroth: Yesod (Foundation)
                                                        Suitable for the promotion of spirituality, power, spiritual growth, psychic abilities, influence, independence, balance, self-improvement, justice and contact with the otherworld as well as your higher Self.

                                                        BLUE CANDLE - Spells for creativity, peace and communication. Also for deep meditation and karma work.
                                                        Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light or peace confers truth and guidance. Helps remove obstacles (most helpful with the long-run issues) Protection, hope, change, psychic abilities, peace, truth, spirituality

                                                        Thursday (Ruled by Jupiter) - Spells prosperity and money, luck and business. Also a day for political power, influencing people in high places, law and courts.

                                                        GEMINI : Ruled by Mercury. (Opposite sign Sagittarius)
                                                        Communicative, adaptable, versatile, lively, intellectual, spontaneous.
                                                        Oils: Benzoin, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lavender, Lemon Verbena, Marjoram, Neroli, Spearmint, Violet.
                                                        Spellwork for Gemini Moon: Clear communication, travel, public relations.

                                                        • FRIDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                          Fri, December 8, 2006 - 9:21 AM
                                                          Today Is:Freya's Day

                                                          Energy: Female Ruler:
                                                          Venus -
                                                          Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the heart - Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women's problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve quarrels today!

                                                          Venus Rules- Love, Harmony, Sexuality, Friendship, Attraction, Pleasure, Unions, Beauty, Sensuality, Artistic Creations, fidelity, reconciliation, interchange, youth, joy, happiness, people, luck, meditation.
                                                          Day- Friday
                                                          Element- Earth, Water
                                                          Colour- Green, Rose, Indigo
                                                          Signs- Taurus, Libra
                                                          Numbers- 5, 6 or 7
                                                          Jewels - Amber, Emerald, Malachite, Jade, Peridot, Aventurine
                                                          METAL: Copper
                                                          Incense- Benzoin, Jasmine, Rose
                                                          Plants- Acacia Flowers, Almond Oil, Aloes, Apple, Birch, Daffodil, Damask Rose, Elderberry, Feverfew, Fig, Geranium, Mint, Mugwort, Olive Oil, Pennyroyal, Plantain, Raspberry, Rose, Strawberry, Tansy, Thyme, Verbena, Vervain, Violet Trees- Apple, Quince
                                                          Animals- Dove, Lynx
                                                          Goddesses- Aphrodite, Beltis, Asherah, Freia, Hathor, Inanna, Isis, Ishtar, Mari, Matiamne, Oshun, Tethys, Venus
                                                          Gods-Eros, Oceanus, Robin Hood, Pan

                                                          Today's Magickal Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection, Partnerships, Money, Sex

                                                          Friday deals with Today's Goddesses: Inanna, Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

                                                          Saffron - GENDER/PLANET/ELEMENT: Masculine, Sun, Fire.
                                                          Magical uses: Prosperity, healing and sexual prowess in men

                                                          Verbena - Vervain
                                                          Verbena officinalis
                                                          This Old World native was a favorite of the Druids, who gathered vervain when the Dog Star, Sirius, was on the rise, in the dark of the Moon. The Druids utilized vervain in divination, consecration, and ritual cleansing of sacred spaces. They made a magical drink called the Cauldron of Cerridwen (a shapeshifter) that some say included rowan berries, sea water, lesser celandine, flixweed, and vervain, which brought the drinker creative energy for bardic song and prophecy; a drink made from vervain is still said to help poets in their work. Vervain is also still used to make a drink for intiating into Druidic paths. It is pleasant smelling and can be drunk as a tea or burned as an incense. In its connection with the Underworld, it can be added to a cup of wine drunk on Samhain to aid contact with the Beloved Dead.

                                                          In Purification
                                                          Vervain has a long history of use in purification. King Solomon cleansed the Temple with vervain, and the Romans placed it on altars in honor of Venus and Diana. A lustral water can be made from vervain for purifying ritual tools, and a bath with vervain can help the bather prepare for ritual work. In the British Isles, people held vervain over the Beltane fire to protect their livestock and strewed it over their fields at Summer Solstice to make sure they would be fertile. Nowadays, Pagans strew it over their gardens for the same reason.

                                                          As Protective
                                                          However, vervain is also protective--Roman soldiers carried vervain with them into battle, and homes have been sprinkled with an infusion of vervain to keep out evil. It can also be burned as an incense for this purpose. In the old Langauge of Flowers, vervain stood for enchantment and still is very important in various aspects of magick. Drinking the tea is said to help in astral work and divination, and for that reason is tied by some to Mercury. A mug of vervain tea is made from 1-3 teaspoons of herb left to steep in a mug for 10-15 minutes. Also, you can make an oil to anoint the Third Eye by macerating this herb in olive oil.

                                                          Other Names
                                                          Vervain is also known as Vervan, Van Van, Ferfaen, Verbein, Verbena, Verbinaca, Dragon's Claw, Enchanter's Plant, Tears of Isis, Juno's Tears, Herba Veneris (herb of Venus), Persephonion, Demetria, Mercury's Moist Blood, Peristerium, Sagmina, Pigeon Grass, Pigeonwood, Frog-foot, Simpler's Joy, Altar Plant, Herba Sacra or Herbe Sacrée, Holy Plant, Herb of Cross, Holy Herb, and Herb of Grace.

                                                          Uses in Witchcraft & Magick:
                                                          Druid's Herb
                                                          Incense Ingredient
                                                          Contacting the Dead
                                                          Venus Herb

                                                          Apple Blossom - G/P/E: Feminine, Venus, Water.
                                                          Magical attributes: Love spells, good luck

                                                          Color of The Day:
                                                          Light Blue - Attributions:
                                                          Gender: Either
                                                          Planet: Neptune/Mercury
                                                          Zodiac: Aquarius (primary); Gemini and Libra (secondary)
                                                          Element: Water
                                                          Chakra: Fifth, Throat Chakra
                                                          Sephiroth: Chesed (Mercy)

                                                          Use to represent or honor the element of Water.
                                                          Suitable for the promotion of gentle movement, peace, tranquility, harmony, accordance with the Self, prophesy, wisdom, emotion, spirituality, unity, hope and inspiration.
                                                          Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or in spiritual meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized. Also...Health, patience, tranquility, understanding.

                                                          Pale Green - Attributions:
                                                          Gender: Either
                                                          Planet: Venus, Jupiter and Mars
                                                          Zodiac: Cancer (primary); Aquarius, Pisces, and Leo (secondary)
                                                          Element: Earth
                                                          Chakra: Fourth, Heart Chakra
                                                          Sephiroth: Netzach (Victory)
                                                          Use to represent or honor the element of Earth.
                                                          Suitable for promotion of wealth, abundance, monetary success, accumulation, employment, personal ambitions, prosperity, fertility, healing, growth and rejuvenation, good luck, and the health of the Earth, plants and trees.

                                                          Important component in Venusian rituals; attracts love, social delights and fertility.

                                                          Lucky Sign: Friday Is The Lucky Day For Taurus And Libra

                                                          Gender: Either
                                                          Planet: Venus, Jupiter and Mars
                                                          Zodiac: Cancer (primary); Aquarius, Pisces, and Leo (secondary)
                                                          Element: Earth
                                                          Chakra: Fourth, Heart Chakra
                                                          Sephiroth: Netzach (Victory)
                                                          Use to represent or honor the element of Earth.
                                                          Suitable for promotion of wealth, abundance, monetary success, accumulation, employment, personal ambitions, prosperity, fertility, healing, growth and rejuvenation, good luck, and the health of the Earth, plants and trees.
                                                          The Element of Earth
                                                          Physical Healing
                                                          Monetary success
                                                          Mother Earth
                                                          Tree and Plant Magic
                                                          Personal Goals
                                                          Promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony and rejuvenation. Also...fertility, finance, healing, luck.

                                                          Thursday is the fifth day of the week. This name comes from the Middle English Thorsday, or Thursdaye. Thor, the god of strength and thunder, defender and help in war, son of Odin, is the counterpart of Jupiter or Jove. Thor is one of twelve great Gods in mythology. It was said that whenever Thor threw his hammer, the noise of thunder is heard through the heavens. He is the only God who cannot cross from earth to heaven upon the rainbow, for he is so heavy and powerful that the Gods fear it will break under his weight. Thursday was sacred to Thor. The metal tin is associated with the thunderbolt of Jupiter (Zeus in Greek myth) and is associated with Thursday.
                                                          Gender: Male
                                                          Planet: Jupiter
                                                          Zodiac: n/a
                                                          Element: Air
                                                          Chakra: Sixth, Brow Chakra
                                                          Sephiroth: Yesod (Foundation)
                                                          Suitable for the promotion of spirituality, power, spiritual growth, psychic abilities, influence, independence, balance, self-improvement, justice and contact with the otherworld as well as your higher Self.
                                                          Third Eye
                                                          Psychic Ability
                                                          Hidden Knowledge
                                                          To Influence People in High Places
                                                          Spiritual Power
                                                          Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideal for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial reward, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy. Also...ambition, business progress, power, tension.
                                                          DARK BLUE
                                                          Gender: Either
                                                          Planet: Neptune/Mercury
                                                          Zodiac: Aquarius (primary); Gemini and Libra (secondary)
                                                          Element: Water
                                                          Chakra: Fifth, Throat Chakra
                                                          Sephiroth: Chesed (Mercy)
                                                          Use to represent or honor the element of Water.
                                                          Suitable for the promotion of gentle movement, peace, tranquility, harmony, accordance with the Self, prophesy, wisdom, emotion, spirituality, unity, hope and inspiration.
                                                          Element of Water
                                                          Good Fortune
                                                          Opening Blocked Communication
                                                          Spiritual Inspiration
                                                          Promotes laughter and joviality; color or loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy or whenever an influence needs to be increased.

                                                          Thursday (male energy): Good luck, protection, legal matters.
                                                          Business, knowledge, philosophy, religion, education, publications, good fortune.
                                                          Rules: liver and pituitary gland.
                                                          Cedarwood - Chips from the wood of various types of aromatic cedars make an excellent incense with Sun properties and produce a warm but not hot smell, woodsy and soothing. Cedarwood smoke was inhaled by oracles prior to prophecy, works well for consecrating a wand, and plays a part in Midsummer celebrations. This herb is also helpful for working on the ego or centering oneself and building self-esteem. The image on this page is from the Renaissance alchemical book Solis Splendor and represents the Sun, cedarwood's ruling planet, in the process of transformation.
                                                          Uses in witchcraft and magick:
                                                          Midsummer Celebration
                                                          Sun Herb

                                                          Organic Atlas Cedarwood Essential Oil
                                                          This Sun fragrance has a long association in various cultures with central male deities, as one would expect from a Sun scent. King Solomon, said to be a great mage, made the pillars in the Temple to YHVH of this North African cedar (which is also known as cedar of Lebanon). This botanical fragrance makes a good addition to a perfume oil honoring Sun gods. Some consider that cedarwood is ruled by Jupiter, however, perhaps because of their imposing size. Cedar is the perfume associated with Chesed in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
                                                          The fragrance of cedar is often incorporated into charms to attract money, but in China, these trees are associated with lovers because of the way they reach out their branches when growing near each other. In Assyrian mythology, cedar was one of the trees Inanna ate to gain the knowledge of love and sexuality. In Britain, however, this plant has been thought to be capable of prophesying death in the family through the loss of its limbs, which adds a somber note to this Sun scent. In terms of angels, cedar is thought to evoke angelic help, particularly when one needs wisdom. Obviously, the wide popularity of this natural fragrance has meant it has been used in various contexts.
                                                          Cedar has powerful properties to repel mold and bugs - in Roman times, Celts embalmed the heads of their enemies with this oil in order to preserve and keep them, and you know how much bugs love dead heads. The particular tree that produces this oil is one of the four true cedars and can live to be 1500 years old. It gets the name "Atlas" from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and Algeria. Steam-distilled from Cedrus atlantica in France

                                                          Clove - G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire.
                                                          Magical attributes: Wear in an amulet or charm to dispel negativity and bind those who speak ill of you. Cloves strung on a red thread can be worn as a protective charm. Money matters, visions, cleansing and purification.
                                                          Uses: It has a mild antiseptic quality for toothaches (chew), or in tea form it is an expectorant for colds, also good foe nausea or vomiting. It is an antibacterial,antiseptic, and analgesic, which means it helps prevent disease and infection.

                                                          Juniper - G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire.
                                                          Magical uses:Protection against accidents, harm and theft. The berries are used to attract lovers once dried and worn as a charm.

                                                          Myrrh - MYRRH
                                                          G/P/E: Feminine, Moon or Jupiter, Water.
                                                          Magical uses:Purifying and protective incense for ritual areas. Can be used to consecrate tools.
                                                          Uses: Excellent insect repellent and as a tincture it is good for bad breath and gum problems.

                                                          Nutmeg - G/P/E: Feminine, Jupiter, Air.
                                                          Magical uses: Clairvoyance and psychic power of visions.

                                                          Sandalwood - G/P/E: Feminine, Moon, Air.
                                                          Magical uses: Purification, protection and healing.

                                                          Anise - G/P/E: Masculine, Jupiter or Moon, Air.
                                                          Magical attributes: Protection, purification, awareness, joy.
                                                          Uses: For treating coughs, bronchitis and a stuffy nose, it loosens bronchial congestion, making it easier to cough it up and expel it. A good breath freshener in the morning, and if kept by the bed it will prevent bad dreams. Also a digestive aid and can relieve an upset stomach and flatulence when taken as a tea, and a treatment for colic. Also suggested that anise may be beneficial to women because certain chemicals in the plant are chemical cousins to the female hormone estrogen. Though it is mild, anise may help to relieve the discomfort of menopause. In traditional folk medicine it has been used to promote milk production in nursing mothers. It's recommended dosage would be 1 teaspoonful of seeds for every cup of boiling water, steep 10-20 minutes and strain, drink 3 cups a day for maximum effect. A good general cleansing bath is made with a handful of anise seeds and a few bay leaves. A pillow of anise keeps away nightmares. Also a good sedative.

                                                          Vetiver - The roots of this Earth plant are ground and added to incense mixtures to give them an earthy, sensual scent. Vetiver is uplifting and helps maintain emotional calm, especially when flashbacks are experienced (its essential oil is called the Oil of Tranquility). This magick herb is sometimes helpful in processing grief and promotes restful sleep and calm dreams. It is said to help in overcoming negative or fallow times as well. This protective herb is sometimes used magickally to promote love, especially between gay people (shows some Mercury here). In accordance with Mercury/Hermes being the patron of merchants and thieves, vetiver is added to charms to attract money and repel thieves (some businesspeople keep a bit in the cash register).

                                                          Non-Magickal Uses

                                                          The fibers of this relative of lemongrass are often woven into sleeping mats that release their cooling scent when slept on. Rats and bugs hate the smell, so it makes a great sachet, keeping away moths and adding a scent to clothes that is pleasing to humans. In soapmaking, it works as a fixative and is a nice alternative to orris root. Add it to fix Earth-centered pot pourris that include mosses, lichens, and nuts, or combine 1:1 with white sandalwood to make a vetiver incense. Sometimes associated with Capricorn, vetiver is also known as vertivert and khus khus.
                                                          Uses in Witchcraft & Magick:
                                                          Protection Spells
                                                          Love Magick

                                                          Organic Vetiver Essential Oil
                                                          This scent helps us to remain grounded even while it brings out our most deeply buried secrets; it is also known as the Oil of Tranquility. This earthy and woody fragrance reminds many people of a damp forest floor. It helps in calming dreams and soothing sleep and so is good where nightmares have been a problem. As an Elemental Earth fragrance, it is helpful to merchants (and others) in drawing money and keeping thieves away, showing a Mercury influence. It is also thought to promote love, especially between two gay people. Steam-distilled from certified organic Vetivera zizanoides in Madagascar.

                                                          Combining With Other Essential Oils
                                                          Vetiver combines well with the natural scents of bergamot, black pepper, clary sage, coriander, eucalyptus, galangal, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, litsea cubeba, mandarin, orange, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang, and yuzu.

                                                          WANING MOON:
                                                          Black -
                                                          Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce a deep meditational state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossings rituals; attracts Saturn energy. Also...confusion, discord, evil, loss.
                                                          Sign- Cancer
                                                          Numbers 3 and 9
                                                          Jewels- Moonstone, Pearl, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Abalone, Opal .
                                                          Incense- Ginseng, Jasmine, Myrtle, Poppy, Sandalwood, Coconut
                                                          Plants- Banana, cabbage, chamomile, chickweed, cucumber, leafy vegetables, lotus, melons, mushrooms, myrtle, opium poppy, pumpkin, purslane, sea holly, seaweed, watercress, wild rose, wintergreen
                                                          Animals- Hare, Elephant, Cat
                                                          Goddesses- Artemis, Brizo, Ceridwen, Diana, Hathor, Isis, Hecate, Levanah, Lunah, Mari, Nimue, Pasophae, Phoebe, Selene, Anna

                                                          GEMINI MOON : Ruled by Mercury. (Opposite sign Sagittarius)
                                                          Communicative, adaptable, versatile, lively, intellectual, spontaneous.
                                                          Oils: Benzoin, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lavender, Lemon Verbena, Marjoram, Neroli, Spearmint, Violet.
                                                          Spellwork for Gemini Moon: Clear communication, travel, public relations.

                                                          • MONDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                            Mon, December 11, 2006 - 10:08 AM
                                                            Today Is: Moon Day -
                                                            Energy: Female Ruler:
                                                            The Moon - Rules emotions, protection, healing, and women's mysteries - Use for magick involving the subconscious, healing, emotions, love, spirituality, healing wounds, children, small animals, women's mysteries, the female side of men, mothers, sisters, female partners, wives, instincts

                                                            Today's Magickal Influences:
                                                            Agriculture, Domestic, Long Life, Medicine, Travels, Visions, Theft

                                                            Today's Goddesses:
                                                            Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaelach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast

                                                            Incense: Myrtle

                                                            Perfumes/Herbs: White Poppy, White Rose, Wallflower

                                                            Color of The Day:
                                                            Silver - Light over darkness, The Goddess (if you honor or acknowledge deity), intuition, balance, femininity

                                                            Grey - Cancellation, neutrality, stalemate, Bondage, mystery, eroticism, ill will, emptiness, void,

                                                            White - Purity, truth, sincerity, Psychic development, dispelling of evil influences, Sincerity, truth, purity, spirit, healing, the divine, Adds to spiritual strength, breaks curses or crossed conditions, represents faith, purity, truth, sincerity, Protection, exorcism, purification, spirituality, Protection, peace, purification, chastity, happiness, halting gossip, spirituality

                                                            Lucky Sign:
                                                            Monday Is The Lucky Day For The Sign of Cancer


                                                            White - Purity, truth, sincerity, Psychic development, dispelling of evil influences, Sincerity, truth, purity, spirit, healing, the divine, Adds to spiritual strength, breaks curses or crossed conditions, represents faith, purity, truth, sincerity, Protection, exorcism, purification, spirituality, Protection, peace, purification, chastity, happiness, halting gossip, spirituality

                                                            Monday is the second day of the week. This is the day of the Moon Goddesses, Selene, Luna and Artemis.
                                                            Called the day of the moon, the name reflects the old observance of feast days dedicated to the moon goddesses. The metal silver is also associated with the moon and Monday.
                                                            MOON: (WHITE, SILVER, LIGHT BLUE)
                                                            Light Blue - Tranquility, understanding, patience, health, Peace, healing, sleep, protection, Understanding, health, tranquility, protection, peace, general happiness, sharpens the perception, spiritual awareness, patience,

                                                            Monday (female energy): All types of healing, fertility, balancing. Influence of the self conscious, instinctive response, emotion, imagination, psychic development, home, family, motherhood, and birth.
                                                            Rules: the stomach, digestion, breasts.
                                                            Oils: Camphor, Helicrysum, Jasmine, Lemon, Gardenia, Sandalwood.

                                                            Today's Planet, The Moon -
                                                            Metal - Silver

                                                            Intent: Agriculture, domestic matters, Dreams, the sea, change, reproduction, childbirth, psychic matters, delusion, Prophetic dreams, peace, healing, sleep, fertility, Reconiliations, dreams, receptivity, love, voyages, female fertility, messages,
                                                            Receptivity, women, peace, dreams, the Goddess

                                                            Incense/Herb -
                                                            Jasmine, Lotus, Orris, ginseng, aloes, camphor

                                                            Purple, silver, blue, pearl white

                                                            Number - 9

                                                            Stones to Use for Moon Intentions:
                                                            Moonstone, quartz, pearl

                                                            Animals influenced or Used with moon:
                                                            Elephant and dog

                                                            Moon rules Cancer

                                                            Rituals involving the Moon:
                                                            Travel, visions, divination, dreams, magic and love

                                                            Plants associated with Moon:
                                                            Acanthus, almond, cabbage, cucumber, dogs tooth violet, iris, lettuce, white lilies, mugwort, poppy, privet, pumpkin, white roses, turnips, watercress, willow tree, and wintergreen

                                                            Vegetable drugs involved when it is Moon:
                                                            Orchis root

                                                            Charateristics involved with Moon:
                                                            "Builder of form" Personality, matter, maternalneww, flexibility, sensitivity, receptivity, feeling, imagination, domesticity, and sympathy

                                                            See Photos for Symbol of 'MOON'

                                                            Tarot Card:
                                                            High Priestess, the nines


                                                            Moon Deity:
                                                            Isis, Khensu, Neith, Diana, Hecate, Selene, Luna, Morrigan

                                                            Yesod the Foundation
                                                            • THURSDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                              Wed, December 13, 2006 - 9:01 PM
                                                              As with the other days of the week, Thursday is named for a Deity. In this case, the Norse God of thunder, Thor. Literally, the name would be Thor's Day (I'm sure you figured that out on your own).
                                                              From a planetary perspective, Thursday is ruled by Jupiter which makes it an excellent day for legal matters, gambling, politics, finances, and anything to do with business or career. Other correspondences for Thursday are: the colours blue and purple, the herb cinnamon, and stones such as turquoise and amethyst.

                                                              • THURSDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                                Thu, December 14, 2006 - 10:13 AM
                                                                Today Is: Thor's Day

                                                                Energy: Male, Ruler: Jupiter - Rules growth, expansion, generosity - Use for magick involving growth, expansion, prosperity, money, business, attracting more of what you have.

                                                                Today's Magickal Influences ~ Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment, Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters

                                                                Today's Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit

                                                                Perfumes: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes

                                                                Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane

                                                                Color of The Day: Dark Purple: Spirituality, psychic ability, inspiration, spiritual growth, power, legal matters, ambition, good luck
                                                                Gender: Male
                                                                Planet: Jupiter
                                                                Zodiac: n/a
                                                                Element: Air
                                                                Chakra: Sixth, Brow Chakra
                                                                Sephiroth: Yesod (Foundation)
                                                                Suitable for the promotion of spirituality, power, spiritual growth, psychic abilities, influence, independence, balance, self-improvement, justice and contact with the otherworld as well as your higher Self.

                                                                Indigo - Psychic abilities, insight, visions, stops situations or people, deep meditation

                                                                Blue - SEE BELOW

                                                                Colors for Tomorrow: Light Blue, Pale Green

                                                                Lucky Sign: Thursday Is The Lucky Day For Sagittarius And Pisces

                                                                Candle: Blue: Protection, hope, change, psychic abilities, peace, truth, spirituality
                                                                Gender: Either
                                                                Planet: Neptune/Mercury
                                                                Zodiac: Aquarius (primary); Gemini and Libra (secondary)
                                                                Element: Water
                                                                Chakra: Fifth, Throat Chakra
                                                                Sephiroth: Chesed (Mercy)
                                                                Use to represent or honor the element of Water.
                                                                Suitable for the promotion of gentle movement, peace, tranquility, harmony, accordance with the Self, prophesy, wisdom, emotion, spirituality, unity, hope and inspiration.

                                                                Thursday is the fifth day of the week. This name comes from the Middle English Thorsday, or Thursdaye. Thor, the god of strength and thunder, defender and help in war, son of Odin, is the counterpart of Jupiter or Jove. Thor is one of twelve great Gods in mythology. It was said that whenever Thor threw his hammer, the noise of thunder is heard through the heavens. He is the only God who cannot cross from earth to heaven upon the rainbow, for he is so heavy and powerful that the Gods fear it will break under his weight. Thursday was sacred to Thor. The metal tin is associated with the thunderbolt of Jupiter (Zeus in Greek myth) and is associated with Thursday.
                                                                JUPITER: (PURPLE, DARK BLUE)
                                                                Thursday (male energy): Good luck, protection, legal matters.
                                                                Business, knowledge, philosophy, religion, education, publications, good fortune.
                                                                Rules: liver and pituitary gland.
                                                                Oils: Cedarwood, Clove, Juniper, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Sandalwood, Anise, Vetiver.

                                                                VIRGO : Ruled by Mercury. (Opposite sign Pisces)
                                                                Analytical, discriminating, modest, practical, hard working.
                                                                Oils: Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lemon Verbena.
                                                                Spellwork for Virgo Moon: Employment, health, organizing, studying/learning.

                                                                Because it is a virgo moon, if you are a virgo, today you should pay attention to the element:
                                                                EARTH: Taurus, VIRGO, Capricorn.
                                                                Material possessions, money, business, deep inner strength, justice, understanding, stability.
                                                                Oils: give stability, courage.
                                                                Cedarwood, Cypress, Jasmine, Patchouli, Pine, Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver.

                                                                • FRIDAY'S CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                                  Fri, December 15, 2006 - 2:20 AM
                                                                  Waning Crescent - The Moon appears to be partly but less than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is decreasing.
                                                                  MOON IN LIBRA TILL TODAY!

                                                                  Today Is: Freya's Day

                                                                  Energy: Female Ruler: Venus - Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the heart - Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women's problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve quarrels today!

                                                                  Today's Magickal Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection, Partnerships, Money, Sex

                                                                  Today's Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus, Freya, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique

                                                                  Incense/Herbs: Saffron, Verbena

                                                                  Perfumes/Oils: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris

                                                                  CANDLES TO USE TODAY: (LIGHT BLUE, PALE GREEN, GREEN)
                                                                  Light Blue - Tranquility, understanding, patience, health (Buckland)
                                                                  Peace, healing, sleep, protection (Pale Horse)
                                                                  Understanding, health, tranquility, protection, peace, general happiness, sharpens the perception, spiritual awareness, patience (Hoodoo)
                                                                  Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility (Aislinn)
                                                                  Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or in spiritual meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized. Also...Health, patience, tranquility, understanding. (Candleberry Cottage)
                                                                  (Blue) Attributions:
                                                                  Gender: Either
                                                                  Planet: Neptune/Mercury
                                                                  Zodiac: Aquarius (primary); Gemini and Libra (secondary)
                                                                  Element: Water
                                                                  Chakra: Fifth, Throat Chakra
                                                                  Sephiroth: Chesed (Mercy)
                                                                  Use to represent or honor the element of Water.
                                                                  Suitable for the promotion of gentle movement, peace, tranquility, harmony, accordance with the Self, prophesy, wisdom, emotion, spirituality, unity, hope and inspiration. (Mona Magick)

                                                                  Pale Green - (Yellow-Green)
                                                                  Sickness, cowardice, anger, jealousy, discord (Buckland)
                                                                  Jealousy, anger, sickness, quarrels, discord, cowardice (Hoodoo)
                                                                  (green)Promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony and rejuvenation. Also...fertility, finance, healing, luck. (Candleberry Cottage)
                                                                  Gender: Either
                                                                  Planet: Venus, Jupiter and Mars
                                                                  Zodiac: Cancer (primary); Aquarius, Pisces, and Leo (secondary)
                                                                  Element: Earth
                                                                  Chakra: Fourth, Heart Chakra
                                                                  Sephiroth: Netzach (Victory)
                                                                  Use to represent or honor the element of Earth.
                                                                  Suitable for promotion of wealth, abundance, monetary success, accumulation, employment, personal ambitions, prosperity, fertility, healing, growth and rejuvenation, good luck, and the health of the Earth, plants and trees. (Mona Magick)

                                                                  GREEN -
                                                                  Finance, fertility, luck, friendship (Buckland)
                                                                  Healing, money, luck, fertility, prosperity, beauty, employment, youth (Cunningham)
                                                                  Money, prosperity, fertility, youth, new beginings, growth, luck, employment, beauty (Pale Horse)
                                                                  Money, luck, financial success, prosperity, fertility, good crops and harvest, charm (Hoodoo)
                                                                  Fertility, prosperity, financial gain (Valiente)
                                                                  Money, fertility, growth, healing (Healiki)
                                                                  Promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony and rejuvenation. Also...fertility, finance, healing, luck. (Candleberry Cottage)

                                                                  Colors for Tomorrow: Black

                                                                  Lucky Sign: Friday Is The Lucky Day For
                                                                  Taurus - Green/ Yellow, Element - Earth, Planet - Venus, House/Number - 2
                                                                  Libra - Black/ Green, Element - Planet - Venus, House/Number - 7

                                                                  Friday is the sixth day of the week. The name is derived from the Germanic Frigga the name of the Norse god Odin's wife. Frigga is considered to be the mother of all, and the goddess who presides over marriage. It is also a day dedicated to Venus, the goddess of love. The metal copper is also associated with Friday.
                                                                  VENUS: (PINK, GREEN)
                                                                  Pink Candle:
                                                                  Honor, love, morality (Buckland)
                                                                  Emotional love, fidelity, friendship (Cunningham)
                                                                  Love, friendship, fidelity (Pale Horse)
                                                                  Overcomes evil, represents honor, love, morality, friendship, general success (Hoodoo)
                                                                  Love, friendship, happiness (Valiente)
                                                                  Love, harmony, joy, healing (Healiki)

                                                                  Friday (female energy): All relationships, including the one you have with yourself.
                                                                  Love of things, self, people, objects. Union, relationships, romance, partnerships, poetry, language, beauty, fertility, arts.
                                                                  Rules: lower back, throat, kidneys.
                                                                  Oils: Cypress, Geranium, Lemon Verbena, Rose, Violet, Patchouli, Vanilla.

                                                                  VENUS COLOR IS GREEN
                                                                  VENUS INCENSE:
                                                                  Rose, Myrtle, Appleblossom
                                                                  VENUS MAGICK:
                                                                  Love, passion, devotion, friendship, beauty, youth, women, fidelity
                                                                  VENUS TAROT CARDS:
                                                                  The Empress, the sevens
                                                                  VENUS ARCHANGEL:
                                                                  VENUS GOD/GODDESS'
                                                                  Venus, Aphrodite, Astarte, Hathor, Freya, Brigit, Cordelia
                                                                  VENUS SEPHIRA:
                                                                  Netzach Victory
                                                                  VENUS' SCENTS:
                                                                  Rose, benzoin, sandalwood
                                                                  VENUS METAL:
                                                                  VENUS PRECIOUS STONES:
                                                                  Emerald, turquoise
                                                                  VENUS ANIMALS
                                                                  Lynx, leopard, dove, sparrow, swan, cats
                                                                  VENUS RITUALS:
                                                                  Love, marriage, friendship, pleasure, beauty, artistic creativity, imagination, fertility
                                                                  VENUS PLANTS:
                                                                  Artichoke, bean, birch, blackberry, catnip, cherry tree, columbine, daffodil, daisy, dittany of crete, feverfew, foxglove, geranium, gooseberry, ladies mantle, ladies slipper, mints, mugwort, peach, pear, pennyroyal, periwinkle, plantain, primrose, raspberry, rose, strawberry, tansy, thyme, vervain, violet, yarrow
                                                                  VENUS VEGETABLE DRUGS:
                                                                  Damiana and all aphrodisiacs
                                                                  VENUS CHARACTERISTICS:
                                                                  "Beauty and love" Personal affections, appreciation, beauty, love, art, sociability, feminity, impressionability, gentleness, cooperativeness, originality
                                                                  VENUS SYMBOL
                                                                  in photos....
                                                                  VENUS HERBS:
                                                                  Alder, Alfalfa, Aloes Wood, Apple, Apricot, Aster, Avocado, Bachelor Buttons, Balm of Gilead, Bananna, Barley, Bedstraw, Birch, Blackberry, Bleeding Heart, Blue Flag Iris , Buckwheat, Burdock, Capers, Cardamom, Catnip, Cherry, Coltsfoot, Columbine, Corn, Cowslip, Crocus, Cyclamen, Daffodil, Daisy, Dittany of Crete, Elder, Feverfew, Foxglove, Geranium, Goldenrod, Groundsel, Heather, Hibiscus, Huckleberry, Hyacinth , Indian Paint Brush, Iris , Ladys Mantle, Larkspur, Licorice, Lilac, Magnolia, Maidenhair Fern, Mugwort, Myrtle, Oats, Orris, Passion Flower, Pea, Peach, Pear, Periwinkle , Persimmon, Plaintain, Plum, Plumeria, Primrose, Ragwort, Raspberry, Rhubarb, Rose, Rye, Sagebrush, Wood Sorrel, Spearmint, Spikenard, Strawberry, Sugar Cane, Sweetpea, Tansy, Thyme, Tomato, Tonka Beans, Trillium, Tulip, Valerian, Vanilla, Vervain, Vetivert, Violet, Wheat, Willow

                                                                  EARTH HERBS:
                                                                  Bistort, Cypress, Fern, Honeysuckle, Horehound, Magnolia, Mugwort, Narcissus, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Primrose, Rhubarb, Vervain, Vetivert

                                                                  TAURUS HERBS:p
                                                                  Apple Blossom, Cardamom, Daisy, Honeysuckle, Lilac, Magnolia, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Plumeria, Rose, Thyme, Tonka Beans, Vanilla Beans, Violet

                                                                  LIBRA HERBS:
                                                                  Apple Blossom, Catnip, Lilac, Magnolia, Margoram, Mugwort, Plumeria, Rose, Spearmint, Sweet Pea, Thyme, Vanilla Bean, Violet
                                                                  FRIDAY = VENUS = EARTH = AIR = MAGIKAL INTENTS: Practicality, stability, materialism, realism. Fertility, jobs, promotions, money, business, food, investments, material objects, agriculture, health, ecology, conservation, old age, antiques, stock market, museums, buildings, construction = CHARATERISTICS: Cold/Dry
                                                                  Feminine, passive, North, Winter, Midnight, Pentacles in Tarot
                                                                  ELEMENT SYMBOLS/COLORS IN PHOTOS

                                                                  MOON IS IN LIBRA AND THE RULER OF LIBRA IS VENUS, SO THAT IS COOL FOR TODAY!

                                                                  • MONDAYS CANDLE MAGICK CORRESPONDENCE...

                                                                    Mon, December 18, 2006 - 2:29 PM
                                                                    Monday is the second day of the week. This is the day of the Moon Goddesses, Selene, Luna and Artemis.
                                                                    Called the day of the moon, the name reflects the old observance of feast days dedicated to the moon goddesses. The metal silver is also associated with the moon and Monday.

                                                                    Candle Colors today: (WHITE, SILVER, LIGHT BLUE)
                                                                    White - Purity, truth, sincerity, Protection, peace, purification, chastity, happiness, halting gossip, spirituality, Protection, exorcism, purification, spirituality, chastity, Adds to spiritual strength, breaks curses or crossed conditions, represents faith, purity, truth, sincerity, Psychic development, dispelling of evil influences, Sincerity, truth, purity, spirit, healing, the divine.

                                                                    Silver - Light over darkness, The Goddess (if you honor or acknowledge deity), intuition, balance, femininity, Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess, quick money, gambling, invocation of the moon, moon magic, psychism, cancellation, neutrality, stalemate, meditation, Success, balance, negativity, clairvoyance, divination, astral travel, energy, inspiration, protection.

                                                                    Light Blue - Tranquility, understanding, patience, health, Peace, healing, sleep, protection, general happiness, sharpens the perception, spiritual awareness, Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or in spiritual meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized. protection of home, buildings, young males, wisdom, integrity, psychic awareness, intuition, opportunity, quests, journeys, depression.

                                                                    Monday (female energy): All types of healing, fertility, balancing. Influence of the self conscious, instinctive response, emotion, imagination, psychic development, home, family, motherhood, birth.

                                                                    Rules: the stomach, digestion, breasts.

                                                                    Oils/Herbs: Camphor, Helicrysum, Jasmine, Lemon, Gardenia, Sandalwood.

                                                                    Sun is in Sagittarius
                                                                    Moon is in Scorpio

                                                                    Sagittarius -
                                                                    Colors: Gold/ Red
                                                                    Number - 9
                                                                    Element - Fire
                                                                    Ruling Planet - Jupiter
                                                                    Symbol: See Photos

                                                                    Scorpio -
                                                                    Colors: Brown/ Black
                                                                    Element - Water
                                                                    Number - 8
                                                                    Ruling Planet - Pluto
                                                                    Symbol - See Photos

                                                                    Monday = Moon
                                                                    Reconiliations, dreams, receptivity, love, voyages, female fertility, messages, Receptivity, women, peace, dreams, the Goddess
                                                                    Incense: Jasmine, Lotus, Orris
                                                                    Tarot Card: High Priestess, the nines
                                                                    Archangel: Gabriel
                                                                    Deity: Isis, Khensu, Neith, Diana, Hecate, Selene, Luna, Morrigan
                                                                    sephira: Yesod the Foundation
                                                                    Perfumes/Herbs/Oils: Jasmine, ginseng, aloes, camphor, lotus
                                                                    Stones: Moonstone, quartz, pearl
                                                                    Animals: Elephant, dog
                                                                    Rules: Cancer
                                                                    Rituals used: Travel, visions, divination, dreams, magic and love
                                                                    Plants: Acanthus, almond, cabbage, cucumber, dogs tooth violet, iris, lettuce, white lilies, mugwort, poppy, privet, pumpkin, white roses, turnips, watercress, willow tree, wintergreen
                                                                    Vegetable Drugs: Orchis root
                                                                    Characteristics: "Builder of form" Personality, matter, maternalneww, flexibility, sensitivity, receptivity, feeling, imagination, domesticity, sympathy
                                                                    Moon Symbol: In Photos

                                                                    Monday (Moon -- white, silver, grey, pearl): psychic pursuits, psychology, dreams/astral travel, imagination, women's mysteries, reincarnation, short trips, women, children, the public, domestic concerns, emotions, fluids, magick, spirituality, nursing, all things pertaining to water, antiques, trip planning, household activities, initiation, astrology, new-age pursuits, archetypes, totem animals, shape shifting, religious experience.

                                                                    SCORPIO : Ruled by Mars/Pluto. (Opposite sign Taurus)
                                                                    Passionate, intense, dramatic, powerful, determined, purposeful.
                                                                    Oils: Basil, Black Pepper, Ginger, Myrrh, Parsley, Pine, Tea Tree.
                                                                    Spellwork for Scorpio Moon: Power, sex, determination.

                                                                    Moon Lore:
                                                                    Sing a song of Winter,
                                                                    The world stops dead;
                                                                    Under snowy coverlid
                                                                    Flowers lie abed.

                                                                    If the moon shows like a silver shield,
                                                                    Be not afraid to reap your field ;
                                                                    But if she rise a haloed round,
                                                                    Soon we’ll tread on deluged ground.
                                                                    - T.F. Thiselton Dyer, "English Folk-Lore"

                                                                    The moon appearing larger at sunset, and not dim but
                                                                    luminous, portends fair weather for several days.
                                                                    ~Francis Bacon, "Historia Ventorum".

                                                                    ~Cosmo Monkhouse

                                                                    The Moon in conjunction with Mercury,
                                                                    ’tis good; but principally in Contracts and Writings.
                                                                    - Bethem's "Centiloquium"

                                                                    Bright wanderer, fair coquette of Heaven,
                                                                    To whom alone it has been given
                                                                    To change and be adored for ever.
                                                                    - Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Fragment: To the Moon".

                                                                    Waning Crescent
                                                                    3% of Full
                                                                    Mon 18 Dec, 2006
                                                                    GMT -5:00

                                                                    WANING MOON
                                                                    Time: From full moon to dark moon (approx.14 days)
                                                                    Goddess Aspect: Crone
                                                                    Associated Goddesses: Callieach, Banshee, Hecate, Kali, Morrigan
                                                                    Magickal Attributes: BANISHING Releasing the old, removing unwanted negative energies, wisdom, psychic ability, scrying,
                                                                    reversing circumstances. Workings on this day are for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity, physical and psychic cleansings.

                                                                    Save that from yonder ivy-mantled tower,
                                                                    The moping owl does to the moon complain.
                                                                    - Thomas Gray, "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard."

                                                                    The Moon in conjunction with Saturn,
                                                                    is observed to be an evil day for every work.
                                                                    ~ Bethem's "Centiloquium".

                                                                    ... the great and burning star,
                                                                    Immeasurably old, immeasurably far,
                                                                    Surging forth its silver flame
                                                                    Through eternity, ... Alcyone!
                                                                    ~Archibald Lampman

                                                                    Sharp hornes doe threaten windy weather.
                                                                    - Decker's play "Match Me in London," quoted in Swainson, "Weather-lore"

                                                                    • WINTER SOLSTICE CANDAL CORRESPONDENCES....

                                                                      Thu, December 21, 2006 - 8:44 AM

                                                                      Thursday is the fifth day of the week. This name comes from the Middle English Thorsday, or Thursdaye. Thor, the god of strength and thunder, defender and help in war, son of Odin, is the counterpart of Jupiter or Jove. Thor is one of twelve great Gods in mythology. It was said that whenever Thor threw his hammer, the noise of thunder is heard through the heavens. He is the only God who cannot cross from earth to heaven upon the rainbow, for he is so heavy and powerful that the Gods fear it will break under his weight. Thursday was sacred to Thor. The metal tin is associated with the thunderbolt of Jupiter (Zeus in Greek myth) and is associated with Thursday.
                                                                      JUPITER: (PURPLE, DARK BLUE)
                                                                      Tension, ambition, power, business progress (BUCKLAND)
                                                                      Exorcism, healing, power (CUNNINGHAM)
                                                                      Occult, power, domination, mystery, courage, superiority, the veil of knowledge (PALE HORSE)
                                                                      Ambition, promotes business progress, power, causes tension, strengthens willpower (HOODOO)
                                                                      Occult power, overcoming (VALIENTE)
                                                                      Magical or financial power, clairvoyance (HEALIKI)

                                                                      Thursday (male energy): Good luck, protection, legal matters.
                                                                      Business, knowledge, philosophy, religion, education, publications, good fortune.
                                                                      RULING PLANET JUPITER ON THURSDAYS INTENT ARE:
                                                                      Luck, protection, good fortune, Honor, riches, apparel, position, Money, prosperity, legal matters, Wealth, obtaining honors, male fertility, friendship, to obtain luck, health, success in career, general ambition,
                                                                      JUPITERS COLOR ARE
                                                                      BLUE, INDIGO, PURPLE
                                                                      INCENSE FOR JUPITER:
                                                                      Cinquefoil, Honeysuckle
                                                                      TAROT CARD FOR JUPITER:
                                                                      Wheel of Fortune, the fours
                                                                      ARCHANGEL FOR JUPITER:
                                                                      GOD/GODDESS FOR JUPITER;
                                                                      Jupiter, Zeus, Amoun, Don the Dagda, Thor
                                                                      Chesed Mercy
                                                                      PERFUMES FOR JUPITER:
                                                                      Cedar, saffron
                                                                      PRECIOUS STONES:
                                                                      Turquoise, amethyst, sapphire, lapis lazuli
                                                                      Unicorn, eagle
                                                                      JUPITER RULES:
                                                                      Sagittarius and Pisces
                                                                      HERBS FOR JUPITER:
                                                                      Asparagus, balm, borage, briar rose, cedar, chervil, chestnut, carnation, costmary, dandelion, fig tree, fir tree, hyssop, jasmine, linden, lungwort, maple tree, myrrh, oak, pinks, roses, sage, sumac, verbena
                                                                      VEGETABLE DRUGS:
                                                                      Opium, cocaine, all analgesics
                                                                      "The expander" Principle of expansion, aspiration, generosity, benevolence, religion, orthodoxy, confidence, optimism, humanity, mercy, dignity.

                                                                      Rules: liver and pituitary gland.
                                                                      Oils: Cedarwood, Clove, Juniper, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Sandalwood, Anise, Vetiver.

                                                                      ELEMENT FOR JUPITER IS FIRE -
                                                                      Masculine, active, South, Summer, Noon, Wands in Tarot
                                                                      MAGICKAL INTENTS DURING FIRE ELEMENT:
                                                                      Passion, energy, impulse, enthusiasm, inspiration, idealism, faith. Success, sex, banishing illness, the military, law, conflicts, protection, courts, police, contests, competitions, private detectives, dowsing, treasure hunts, gambling, athletics, strength, good health, terrorism

                                                                      GOD/GODDESS OF FIRE ELEMENT ARE:
                                                                      Hoenir ,Vulcan, and Hephaestus

                                                                      NEW MOON
                                                                      Appearance - The new moon appears to be totally dark or that there is no moon out at night.
                                                                      Magical Qualities - The NEW MOON introduces the WAXING MOON phase of the lunar cycle. Some say not to begin work until the actual WAXING CRESCENT is visible. Used for personal growth, healing and blessing of new projects or ventures. It's also a good time to cleanse and consecrate ritual tools.

                                                                      New Moon or Dark Moon Time
                                                                      The blackest night of the month occurs on the new moon. Rich, deep, and filled with possibility, this is a time when the unmanifest potential for any desire lies close to the earth.

                                                                      The moon herself actually rises in the morning, conjunct the sun, and travels the sky by day... invisible. Her face turned away from us in the night leaves the landscape black.

                                                                      On a starless night, the hand cannot be seen before the face. The mind finds itself in an abyss, a void of perception, , deprived of the familiar, visually separated from the world.

                                                                      The spirit, recognizing its carnal solitude, seeks the heavens, knowing again that the world is in fact a vast & mysterious place, full of wonder & mystery.

                                                                      Color & fragrance fine tune the intent of manifestation. Your desire, wish, prayer, meditation... pressed into, dressed onto these pillars, makes them a singular tool for your empowerment.

                                                                      Waxing Crescent Moon Time
                                                                      Now the moon begins her journey to fullness, appearing in the sky at first as a sliver of a crescent moon, nightly increasing to form a horned moon.

                                                                      As the moon increases, shining ever more brightly on the earth, she symbolizes the eternal rhythm of growth to maturity.

                                                                      Candles poured during this time vibrate with an energy of increase, hope, rebirth, and gentle light & thus we do work, increasing our efforts to manifest our dreams.

                                                                      Next full moon is in about 13 days

                                                                      New Moon
                                                                      (when the Earth's shadow has fallen over the moon, rendering it dark.):

                                                                      This is the time for Scrying, looking for things that are hidden, and seeking out secrets and mysteries. Begin to plan for new beginnings.

                                                                      If there are two New Moons in a given month, the second one is called the Black Moon, as is an especially powerful time for magic.

                                                                      Some Goddesses appropriate for invoking at the New Moon:
                                                                      ´ Hecate (for guidance in deciding which new goals to strive for)
                                                                      ´ Artemis (for energy and guidance to bring new goals to fruition in the days ahead)
                                                                      ´ Inanna or Persephone (for rebirth, life-changes, and new growth in the days ahead)
                                                                      ´ Freya (for creativity and imagination)
                                                                      ´ Brighid (for creativity, motivation and strength to begin work on new ideas and projects)
                                                                      ´ Aradia (for beginning philanthropic projects to help your community, or beginning education with the goal of improving the conditions of your life)

                                                                      Some Incenses appropriate to the New Moon:
                                                                      ´ White Sandalwood
                                                                      ´ Jasmine
                                                                      ´ Lavendar
                                                                      ´ Damiana
                                                                      ´ Orris

                                                                      Waxing Moon and First Quarter
                                                                      (the time when the moon grows; from New to Full):

                                                                      This is the time to cast spells designed for invocation, new beginnings, and attracting things to you. It is also a good time to work on issues of self-esteem, personal balance, and integration of different aspects of the Self, or to work magic for the general good of the World „ compassion for mankind, healing for Mother Earth, etc.

                                                                      At the First Quarter Moon, you may want to give an extra energy boost to projects, move them from the development stage to the building stage, or seek balance and pacing if you started too quick in the beginning of a project and now find it going haywire, developing too fast for you to maintain a sense of control and direction.

                                                                      Some Goddesses appropriate for invoking during the Waxing Moon and at First Quarter:
                                                                      ´ Artemis, Inanna or Persephone (for their continued assistance for projects you called on them for at the New Moon)
                                                                      ´ Aphrodite (for self-esteem, and the confidence to follow through on developing projects)
                                                                      ´ Venus (for balance and resolution of problems in growing relationships)
                                                                      ´ Kwan Yin (for promotion of compassion, wisdom and healing within Mankind and the Earth)

                                                                      Some Incenses appropriate to the Waxing Moon and First Quarter:
                                                                      ´ White Sandalwood
                                                                      ´ Rose
                                                                      ´ Geranium
                                                                      ´ Patchouli
                                                                      ´ Vanilla