Deeper Insights into
the Illuminati Formula


by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler

Page VII




Chapter 10
PART A. Intro on the importance of spiritual programming tactics.
PART B. The history of Programmed Golem
PART C. The 3 foundations: Loss of identity, Fear, and Demons
The Use of Giving Demonic Assistance to entrap.
The Use of Occult Focal Points.
PART D. A complete Chronology of how the victim experiences the early spiritual programming. Steps a through o. (by Cisco)
PART E. Specific spiritual programming maneuvers
WHITE GOLD, other information

A person’s "selfhood" is hard to define, but one could view it as the central important center of consciousness to which the person has placed both trust and purpose. A professor of Pastoral Counseling defined the self as "the purposive core I have learned to trust in myself and others." Although this author prefers his own wording as written above, the definition of "selfhood" by this professor of pastors is in agreement with this author’s. A mature person is a person who has developed a "selfhood", a sense of self, that is able to make creative choices in line with values and plans for his or her life. By the destruction of the "selfhood" of many of the alters, the programmers derail the ability of the slave to make creative choices in line with values and plans. Not only do they destroy the sense of identity but they also destroy the development of values.

When a normal person grows up, the values, that an individual adopts, will enable that person to integrate his or her many actions into a cohesive unified agenda for living their life. What happens when a person is not able to adopt their own values, but is force fed values? What happens when the person does not even adopt any values, except to acquiesce to the brutal demands of a mind-control handler? The natural process for developing a unified agenda for life is cut short. The thinking of mankind is predicated on socialization with other humans. It is natural for people to want to work and be around other humans. The family, neighbourhood, city and nation all give an individual nurturing that fosters a sense of identity and values. What happens if an individual is cut off from society and most of humanity, in fact is even cut off from most of their own mind and will?

What typically happens in this situation is that the individual becomes demoralized, feels dehumanized, and as a person is enfeebled to deal with life. What happens when a person is not allowed to chose values freely, and allowed to give consideration to various alternatives and the consequences for these choices? It means that the person is not going to be happy with the choices they make, but will go through the motions of life in a rather dissociated manner. What happens when a person feels powerless? Feelings of powerlessness, can lead to feelings of meaningless. And meaningless makes an individual feel trapped by life. The meaninglessness imprisons a person. The person no longer has the freedom to make choices, and without choices has no real values, and without values life becomes meaningless.

The above situations are standard results of the total mind-control programming agenda. The person’s natural built-in abilities to plan their life is short circuited. The person is demoralized and feels incomplete as a human because of his or her’s lack of connectedness to their fellow humans, and as a result allows his or herself to be dependent upon the master. Because they are forced to do actions without any values, they dissociate their actions from feelings. Finally, they feel trapped because they have no values to give life meaning. A sexual slave will be forced to have sex. They are not allowed to have a value system, or else they would pick and choose who they wanted to have sex with. The result is that they feel dehumanized and they dissociate feelings from their actions. Without values, life feels like one big trap, with no purpose and no goals. The only purpose the slave has is to survive the brutality of its master, that is to stay alive.

Some slaves give up along the way, and are discarded as unsuccessful attempts by the Illuminati. The programming agenda prevents the natural God-given gift for mankind to make their own choices. As explained above, this in itself reinforces several items that the programmers have been intentionally creating such as dehumanization, isolation, dependence, and dissociation. It is built into human thinking to enjoy a sense of accomplishment. This happens when a person perceives his or her life as meaningful. The perception that his or her life is meaningful results in the person feeling power. Powerlessness and meaninglessness are two items that are related to each other when we understand human thinking. A normal child in a normal environment will naturally learn when to trust itself and when to trust others. This is important to the development of values. This is important for a person to become mature. The programmers short circuit this natural learning process.

The front alters continue learning who to trust and who not to trust, and when to trust oneself, because they hold the body from day to day. However, a special purpose child alter doesn’t experience this. Without learning how to trust, it becomes hard to make decisions by one’s self, and so the victim of mind-control transfers the right to make his or her choices to the programmer. By arresting the natural process of learning trust, the programmers detour the mind, so that it travels right where they want the mind to be.

Normally, a child would grow up, and as it grew up would realize that not everyone can be trusted. He would also come to realize that even his own self at times can not be trusted. Yet, the child would also learn that there are times that people can be trusted. This maturation of awareness moves a person from being dependent toward being independent. The programmed slave is afraid of seeking true love, and to find authentic relationships with people. Without these things, they remain incomplete and more pliable to the control of the master, who then attempts to provide in some substitute manner some of the things the slave should have developed for himself.

Many of the slave’s deeper alters do not have the capacity to creatively look forward to the future, with the understanding that they can create their own life, their own future. The process of maturation that would have given that ability to them has been prevented from taking place. If these deeper alters do not experience life outside of their programmed trance states, they will have no chance to mature and to realize that they are capable to design and create their own future. Rather, the slave endures life with anxiety and dissociation, and limits his mental horizons to the present. The big reference point the slave has is to their master and his commands.

Many of the slave’s alters are limited in their freedom to really have consciousness. Their thinking is below the definitions of conscious behavior--it is simply programmed behavior. Our consciousness has a big role in how we perceive the world. How we perceive the world in turn determines our values. The programmers can disrupt the process of a slave obtaining values in life, by disrupting the consciousness. Values in life are important in determining how we build our world-view, our frames of reference. The programmer constructs various worlds for most of the alters (except for the front alters). These alters are never given the chance for what psychologists would label "conscious behavior". Reality is not part of the package. Choice is not part of the package.

In normal life, conscious behavior is developed by interaction between a person and his environment and the freedom to make real choices. The bare necessities are grudgingly provided in a haphazard way to the alters of a total mind-controlled slave, so that IF they are aware of their needs, it is at a very basic level, such as survival, and security and warmth. A fully conscious individual has gone way beyond that to realizing his or her needs for creativity, intimacy, community, justice, integrity, and spiritual fulfillment.

The challenge for the slave master will be to balance the freedom of activity and maturity of the front part of the slave’s alters, with the control that the slave master needs to accomplish his nefarious goals. It is safer to bring a slave up to have a world view dependent on others that lends itself to the owner’s agenda such as witchcraft values & a witchcraft world-view, or a Mormon/ or Jehovah’s Witness/or Catholic world-view of obedience to the church, THAN to have the slave’s front alters becoming independent self-directed mature thinkers.

It doesn’t matter whether the person’s front alters are Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormon or Catholic, they have surrendered their personal sense of power and control to institutional control. The victim ceases to do things because of personal choice, but accepts institutional values as a cog in a machine; and the person, whether they realize it or not, loses meaning in their life. Personal choice, value and meaning in life are all related. Because man is made in the image of God, he has an inherent desire to have meaning to his life. Mankind also has a desire to be in unity with his environment. This is also a God-given desire. To make himself feel at home in this world, man spends much of his activity taming and domesticating the wild world to conform to what feels comfortable. What happens when this is stripped from a person?

In order to provide substitute answers to these desires of the slave, the Illuminati’s covens provide rituals. Rituals make the slave feel that some order is being brought out of the chaos and nonsense of life. But true meaning in life can only come from realizing the goals of our actual Creator, Almighty God. Substitutes for this, leave people unfulfilled and weak. Of course, the unfulfilled weak sense of meaning in life of the Illuminati members, can weaken some in their ability to realize their true spiritual potential. It becomes a vicious cycle of low base evil goals. Who will provide the safety for the deeper alters to move out independently in life? and then further, who will teach the deeper alters the social skills, and the other skills to step out and grow? Even if the complex programming should break its death-grip on an alter, (which seldom happens) an alter can not find freedom without some outside support system providing safety and instruction. The bondage that most deeper alters remain fixed in, is a very complex bondage of body, mind, and spirit. This complex bondage calls for group package answers, that address the type of issues that have been raised on these last two pages. The lack of this type of answer insures that few slaves will find full freedom. Partial freedom is still slavery.

On the flip side, because deeper alters have not had a chance to develop their own values, make their own choices, and experience reality, the power of the programs will be diluted simply by real life. This occurs even in the absence of intense deprogramming. One of the weaknesses of the programming is that the handlers often fail to allow alters to ever establish real personal values. Hand-me-down values that are accepted under duress or torture, are quickly discarded if the alters ever do get free.

Illuminati slaves who accept the values of the Illuminati, and progress to positions of power can be resistant to freedom, because they have internalized for themselves a value system, have some feelings of self-worth and self-competence. The Illuminati have long understood the value in having their members progress through the levels of initiation, and to pass through tests that bestow a sense of achievement upon the slave. When the Illuminati in Bavaria had their safe houses raided, their paperwork showed extensive disciple and training programs. At first glance, raising an initiate through an initiate degree system of training may not smack of mind-control, but it is like an anchor that ties in the mind-control. It is important for the Illuminati to attach an occult value system to the mind-control so that the slave is more resistant to wanting freedom, because their self-worth and identity are tied up with the Illuminati.


Another side-effect of the total mind-control is that the deeper alters of a victim, and indeed often even the front alters are unsuccessful in morally meaningful relationships such as love and friendship. The reader may be wondering, what does Fritz mean by "morally meaningful"? Allow me to take several paragraphs to explain ... Has the reader ever tried to recall a name which you knew, but your mind seems blocked? And yet, when someone offers this name or that name, you realize that it doesn’t have the correct feel, the correct rhythm, the correct beginning. Your mind can recognize what it is looking for on a subconscious level, but you are not pulling the name up to the conscious. Your mind can look for things on a subconscious level and identify what it is looking for, without consciously telling you.

Has the reader ever loved someone for many years? If you have, you know that you didn’t consciously think of them and your love for them every second of the day. Grief or love or another strong emotion can lay in our subconscious mind and yet still influence our thinking. It is not a matter of us turning this love on. It simply is there quietly in the background exerting its influence on our mind.

Grief, love, anger, and other strong emotions are similar to when our mind is seeking for a name subconsciously. These emotions seek out the appropriate scenes, and items in the surrounding area, and colors and sounds that go with the emotion that the subconscious mind feels. A blue person will notice "blue, sad" type things around them. Other things just don’t fit the subconscious fill in the blank. In other words, our emotions determine our perspective on what we see in life. Our emotional perspective guides what items our mind focuses on. This is why it is absolutely imperative for balanced human growth that a person feel compassion, love and sympathy directed toward oneself.

Feeling loved in turn opens the mind to focus its emotional-perception-guidance system on compassion, love and sympathy. In contrast with most people, many parts of total mind-controlled slaves are never meant to have feelings, or if the parts do, they repressed, suppress, and dissociate their feelings. Our emotions play a fundamental role in a person’s moral life. They transform values into actions. This is what is called strength of will, courage of convictions, etc. Emotions play a critical role in strength of will and courage of convictions.

To be stripped of feeling emotions, strips the victim of one of the ingredients to make and carry out moral choices. This helps explain why emotions are harnessed so completely by the programmers. When researchers have studied unemotional people, they find that their dealings with others are shallow, lifeless, and mechanical. The programmers want their programmed assassins, espionage agents, prostitutes, etc. to be mechanical. People rarely want to form friendships with unemotional persons. Of course, the parts that are created to interface with the public are programmed to be effacious, gracious, and to sparkle. But the deeper parts which influence the victim’s own internal thoughts, which the victim wisely keeps to himself, fail to connect with the outside world emotionally.

Having been stripped of emotions, the slave is consequently stripped of one of the most important ingredients involved in morality. An unemotional or emotionally deficient person or alter may suffer from a particular kind of a "morally-weak will". This is because failure to do what a person believes is good and failure to restrain from doing what one believes is bad is a natural consequence of lacking emotions such as care, concern, compassion, courage, love and sympathy. Certain emotions are critical for doing and being moved to do what is right and in not doing what one knows is bad.

Friendships are one of the most valuable commodities a person can have. The victim is stripped of external friendships. They may substitute interactions within their own internal world as a way to substitute for this loss. In normal human activity, two people in love intertwine the activities of their lives into the complex whole of their love relationship. A walk together is not seen as a walk, but as a joint expression of their relationship.

Humans emotionally value what is good for their friends and lovers. Without emotional attachments, the relationship is only a facade. The victims of mind-control are taught how to create great facades. Unfortunately, they fool many of their therapists, and therefore don’t step out of the make-believe roles they play out.

Human love and friendship is one of the most vital, powerful, fundamentally good items of human behaviour. They provide the foundation for many other things. Without love and friendship, the victim’s alters live in isolation, alienation, abandonment, discontinuity, and purposelessness. Cisco’s half of the book will discuss some specific programming tactics that are used to hide the "shadow" alters that are used to take any emotions that the principally used alters might develop. What we have been covering is that one of the side effects of "stripping" the victims from feeling emotions is to cripple them from taking moral stands, from seeing love & concern in the world around them, and from reaching out & forming ties to the outside world.


The programmers realize that the mind is able to reveal secrets via dreams. During the programming a Mother-of-darkness will be assigned to a child and she will have to wake that child up when it is in its deepest sleep to ask the child what’s happening and if the child is dreaming. If dreams are surfacing, the programmers know their programming is not holding.

When the child’s mind which is being programmed no longer releases revealing dreams, the programmers know that their programming is holding. The front alters receive repeated programming (hypnotic commands, etc.) not to dream or to know their dreams. When the programming begins to collapse, the deeper alters will begin to dream and flood with memories. The slave must have their dream sealing programs reinstated approx. every three years. If this is not done, dreams (which are actually memories) will begin to surface. A therapist can also help the victim train their mind to remember their dreams (dream state of mind).


A skilful programmer can use language to communicate at several levels. The programmer can use derogatory tones, big words that the child doesn’t understand and obscure language that confuses the child in order to humiliate, dominate and confuse the child. He can also pronounce the words with a twist in order to protect the programming. Have you ever met someone in the occult world who pronounces many of his words strange? The programmers are also big on play on words which are done intentionally to protect the programming. The victims of the occult programming must deal with symbology. Those who attempt to understand programming must also deal with the world of symbology.

The programmer must learn to think like a child and to step into the child’s world. Likewise, the deprogrammer must learn to step into the victim’s world. Certainly, the deprogrammer wants to stay grounded in reality, but he also wants to be able to understand the world that the victim must live in. The deeper parts of the victim lives in a magical world, full of demons and powers from other dimensions. When the Illuminati carry out programming, they often frame what they are doing in magical and satanic terms.

Most therapists do not want to step into the victim’s world to communicate with them. Just as the psychologists want this author to step into the psychologists’ world to communicate with them, the psychologist should realize that the victim would like the same. It is irrelevant whether the therapist believes that objects can be demonized or not. The deeper alters have spent their life-time learning how demons attach themselves to objects, and how to gain power to cause demons to attach themselves to objects. A deeper alter may have the occult wisdom to place demons into a fluid so that that fluid can be drank by a child. From their understanding of demonology, these demons are so powerful that the only non-lethal entry for them into the child is by the child drinking a particular fluid. These images are the images that deeper alters experience during the programming rituals. The language & images of the programming will be very magical, mystical and satanic.


The mind is a holographic type of memory. The psyche of the multiple personality is a multiple image hologram. The body is set up to match the mind. When one alter switches to another, another hologram seems to take control over the mind. This is like the instructions for the body are written on a card, and when the switch occurs, the holographic cards are shuffled like a deck of cards. In fact, the programming have used this analogy as part of their programming codes.


Once the truth about trauma-based mind-control began coming out, a massive counterattack by the controlled establishment occurred. This counter attack was that you can not trust the memories of the victims. Numerous establishment articles call attention to memory research, especially memory research into how to implant an illusory memory.

Two examples of this massive counterattack are Bruce Bower’s article in Science News, 8/24/96, pp. 126-127 entitled "Remembrance of Things False Scientists incite illusory memories and explore their implications".& Harvard psychologist Daniel L. Schacter’s book Searching for Memory (1996).

First, these countless articles prove that the controlled psychiatric research community is working hard at developing techniques to implant false memories. This is indeed a big part of the mind-control, producing cover memories and false identities and false histories for alters. However, these articles always ignore the enormous evidence of severe abuse and government/cult involvement in the lives of countless victims of mind-control. This author has seen first hand the Illuminati-satanic cult-CIA involvement in the lives of a number of these people. The events of these people’s lives, which this author has often witnessed, can’t be explained away by poor memory. Further, traumas that are so severe as to cause amnesia walls, are locked up by the mind and preserved. They are like a mummy in a tomb in Egypt, that is still locked up in its preserved state. Memories that aren’t locked up can deteriate and be contaminated, just like a dead body that is left to rot, but programming traumas are not in that category of memory. Remember, the mind protect itself. Research shows that the mind does not want to latch onto false memories that hurt it. For instance, when researchers try to get subjects to remember a kind parent hurting them, the mind will resist the false memory.


The brain in order to be efficient uses its framework of knowledge--its world view--in which to hang new incoming knowledge. This author’s Be Wise As Serpents book considered this to be the biggest barrier to people coming to the truth. Because education, television and society in general control how people’s framework of knowledge is built, and these frameworks are built skillfully to exclude major truths that would expose how the World Order is controlling mankind, it is really difficult to speak to people about mind-control, and the control of the world in general.

The victim of mind-control has frameworks built into his subconscious that make it difficult to drive the truth into their thinking. Memories are stored as they relate to these frameworks. An efficient way around that is to speak and teach in way that the subconscious mind is spoken to, and the conscious barriers are by-passed. The mind puts up a grid to prevent non-approved information from coming in that doesn’t fit it’s accepted concept of truth. Much of this grid is fear based. The problem for the victim is that once their mind is bent a certain way by the programmers, it will naturally create a grid to protect the programmed world-view.

This is why the external philosophies-news broadcasts-disinformation from establishment magazines, etc. that are layered in on top of programming, (see Chapter 12) are like a protective coat sprayed on to make sure the foundation doesn’t weather over time. For instance, the front alters of some of the most severely tortured victims have latched onto the idea that Satanic Ritual Abuse doesn’t exist, and are actually some of the greatest public crusaders against people believing that SRA exists. The external politically-correct view is in this case protecting the deeper programming.

FALSE FEELINGS. Using drugs & hypnosis, and the creation story about God breathing things into existence, the "love" & "kindness" of the programmer is placed into Moriah the Wind. When this is done, should a gatekeeper alter hear something negative about their master, they instantly go into the melting (drug memory) where drugs made them feel one with their programmer. This is refrained during programming as "the peace of God."

ELDETIC IMAGERY. There is a type of visual imagery called eidetic imagery. 5 to 10 % of children have it, but it is very rare in adults. Eidetic imagery is similar to a photographic memory. People with eidetic imagery can look at any object or page of numbers and when they look away the image of what they have seen is as clear as a photograph. They can focus on any detail of the image, enlarge it, make out more details than what they had originally seen, and then they can carry this image with them for several days, just like the rest of us carry a photograph. This author has not seen much info on this, & believes that further research into this topic might reveal some more methods that the mind-control programmers are utilizing. Child-hood impressions & memories can have a far greater impact and retention than adult memories. This paragraph has only introduced this subject of eidetic imagery & childhood vs adult memory ability.

FINAL SUMMATION. The programming regimen destroys the victims sense of self, so that the person has only an identity within the cult. The victim can not express rage over their own victimization, but is encouraged by the Illuminati’s satanic beliefs to express violence & rage toward others, thereby creating a mechanism to help perpetuate the mind-control. The rage also seeps out as self-punishment. A deep loneliness sets into victims, & they despair of hope. They see no place to turn to except to whatever cult is controlling them. This chapter has focused on the type of skills & knowledge psychologists study, & how this knowledge can be applied to insuring compliance by the slave.




What makes a programmed multiple tick? This chapter will provide some of the most important answers to that question. In this chapter, you will be provided with important brand-new information.

PART A. Intro on the importance of spiritual programming tactics.
PART B. The history of Programmed Golem
PART C. The 3 foundations: Loss of identity, Fear, and Demons
   The Use of Giving Demonic Assistance to entrap.
   The Use of Occult Focal Points.
PART D. A complete Chronology of how the victim experiences the early spiritual programming. Steps a through o. (by Cisco)
PART E. Specific spiritual programming maneuvers
   WHITE GOLD, other information


It is important for therapists and ministers to understand the spiritual ramifications of what has been done. The witchcraft, spells, and demonology is a way of life for the deeper alters. The programming and the hypnotic trances are deeply embedded into the ritual life of the deeper alters of a mind-controlled slave. An enormous amount of suffering has transpired because therapists have dealt with obvious spiritual problems with psychological techniques that aren’t even remotely related to the real problem. Secular therapists can be quick to offer glib criticism of the subject of demonology, a subject they often know nothing about. (While Christians generally acknowledge that mankind is in a spiritual war (cf. 2 COR 10:3-5), they too are generally ignorant of Satan’s devices, and are not skilled in dealing with spiritual attacks from the world, flesh and the demons.)

An analogy for demonology is microbiology. Many people never see a virus, and many people never see demons. Some people still debate whether the germ theory of disease is correct. There will certainly be differences of opinion about demonology--anything said about it is bound to find someone who disagrees. But just like it has been useful for many sick people’s health to deal with viruses, victims of Illuminati mind-control have found it helpful to deal with demons. Demonology can be a useful subject for understanding programming from both a programmer’s point of view and a deprogrammer’s point of view. If this information is useful, then it will have served a purpose.

Men of God, who have found themselves in remote places (where trauma-based mind-control is not practiced), have found themselves confronted by obvious cases of demon possession that have been successfully handled by deliverance prayer. This author has personally witnessed many people who have had wonderful healings due to deliverances. I rejoice in their freedom. I pray that others who portray themselves as therapists would come to the same place that they could appreciate healings even though they do not recognize the spiritual dimension of human life, or even better yet, that they would recognize the spiritual side of humankind. In Asia, it was common for this author to see flies swarm over people and food. Demons swarm around people in that type of abundance. This is why the title Lord of the Flies (Beelzebub) is the name of a chief demon, and is sometimes used as another name for Satan himself.

Part B. The History of the Programmed Golem


A number of the Illuminati bloodlines (and sects) that are involved in trauma-based total mind-control are Askenazi hasidic bloodlines. Legends abound from the 15th century onward about how the Askenazi hasidic leaders created golem to serve them. These golem have been called "benevolent robots". For those readers who are unaware of where the word golem came from, it is used once in the Word of God in Ps 139:16, "Your eyes [God’s eyes] saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they were written, the days fashioned for me." This is believed by the Cabbalists to refer to Adam when he was only a body without a soul.

Golem are believed to be soulless bodies. One can almost hear the rationalization in medieval times when torture, and black magic or a trance state ended up creating an alter personality that this magical part was viewed as soulless, because it was only created via magic. This personality (alter) didn’t exist like real people, it was merely a golem in the magicians’ eyes--therefore it could be abused or used as a robot, because it was soulless.

The use of Cabalistic black magic in mainline Illuminati programming in the deeper aspects has led this author to believe that during the torture of jews in the concentration camps--Dr. Mengele was assisted by some Askenazi hasidic black magic adepts who gave him some of the secret names of God. The Cabalistic magic viewpoint is that there are creative powers intrinsic in God’s names. God’s names are used by the Illuminati for such alters as the gems (jewels) from which other alters are created. For instance the gems will be tortured while Cabalistic black magic is employed to create more parts.

In such deeper aspects of programming, what occurs? Have the Illuminati programmers created new parts via psychologic torture techniques, have they created them with black magic or both? One thing is sure, if the "golem’s mind"--that is that if parts of the victim subjected to trauma-based mind-control remember what occurred, then it will be associated with a Cabalistic black magic ritual.

There are several other features of Cabalistic black magic that are important features of Illuminati programming. Many things pertaining to the mind-control have slipped out into public view at one time or another but are not recognized as having anything to do with programming. The European Jew Joseph Achron wrote the musical Golem Suite (1932) for an orchestra. The first piece of music introduces the golem and the last piece of music is the exact reverse mirror image of the first piece and it represents the disintegration of the golem.

In programming, the deeper alters may have a musical cord to call them up, and the reverse of that cord will "disintegrate" them back into the mind. The following excerpts are taken from Gershom Scholem’s book Kabala. (NY: Keter Pub. House Jerusalem, 1974.) "General summaries of Kabalistic doctrine rarely referred to its ‘practical’ side [which Scholem go on to explain is black magic dealing with demons and blood]..." Of course not, the practical side of the Kabala is occult--secret knowledge. It is the secrets of black magic. "Various ideas and practices connected with the concept of the golem [mind-controlled slave] also took their place in practical Kabala through a combination of features drawn from the Sefer Yezirah and a number of magical traditions." (Kabala, p. 183) The practical side of the Kabala which was concerned with creating golem employed trances, magic and visualization. Scholem writes, "In this circle the Sefer Yezirah was nearly always interpreted in the manner of Saadiah and Shabbetai Donnolo [who was into what is known as Satanism], with an added tendency to see the book as a guide for both mystics and adepts of magic.

The study of the book was considered successful when the mystic attained the vision of the golem, which was connected with a specific ritual of a remarkable ecstatic [altered state] character." (ibid., p.40) Two other points should be made showing the connection between medieval ashkenzim black magic practices and the programming going on today. The medieval jewish magicians would use the secret Kabalistic names of God in accordance with detailed sets of instructions to try and create a golem. The golem in turn would say the combination of hebrew letters in reverse order. This has been done in modern programming.

Further, the "Seal of the Holy One" in medieval times was written on the forehead of the golem. This is the word "emet". At some point the word’s first letter (an aleph) is erased and this leaves the word "met" which in Hebrew means "dead". Such types of sealings have also been done in modern times with deeper parts of slaves.

PART C. The 3 foundations: Loss of identity, Fear, and Demons

The programming has three basic foundations, fear, rejection of God (which entails the rejection of who they are), and the entrapment by demonic possession. If the person is paralyzed in fear, unable to seek God’s help, unable to know who they are in Christ & to see God’s plan for their life, and lives in bondage to demons, then the Illuminati programming will hold.

The Word of God states that each person is intricately designed by God and developed according to His plan (Ps. 139:14-16).  A person’s self-image of who they are profoundly affects everything else about them. The Illuminati want to insure that the potential for good that the person is born with is destroyed or controlled. They want the victim to feel rejected and cheated by God. This is what Colossians 2:8 warns about, & then the next Bible verse states, "...for in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And you are complete in Him..."

If the slave could ever be complete through their devotion to God, they would have no use for their Illuminati masters. The Scriptures in several Psalms teach that God made us in accordance with His plans for our lives. Even today He is not finished with us. "We are (present continuous action verb) His workmanship..." Eph. 2:10 A 124 pg. secret CIA book Manual on Human Resources, 1983, (recently declassified via the Freedom of Information Act) states, "When a threat is used, it should always be implied that the subject himself is to blame by using words such as, "You leave me no other choice but to..." He should never be told to comply "or else!"... The threat of coercion usually weakens or destroys resistance more effectively than coercion itself. For example, the threat to inflict pain can trigger fears more damaging than the immediate sensation of pain."


Dr. W. Grey Walter, of the British Burden Neurological Institute at Bristol, England did a lot of research involving drugs, electroshock and demonology. Walter would drill from 50 to 100 holes in his patients heads and then insert electrodes into their heads. The patients would walk around with a beret-like covering over their electrode implanted heads. The suborbital area of the brain was determined by Walter as being the seat of demonic fears. Walter would cause a small lesion in the paracingulate region to calm patients who saw demons. This in effect is like a miniature lobotomy. The electricity causes a selective lesion. What his work showed was that there is a connection between the area of the brain that creates fear, and images of demons that people see.

The Word of God in 2 TIM 1:7 states categorically that "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." This means that the Spirit of fear comes from the Satan and his world system. The Spirit of fear is demonic, and it has the power to paralyze its victim. This Spirit of Fear is nothing less than a demonic anointing. That demonic anointing drives away positive angelic spirits. Christ asked, "Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?" The demonic anointing of fear meant that faith was lacking. If we listen to the Word of God, we get faith. (ROM 10:17). This is why it is important to the programmers that their deeper alters are programmed not to be able to read or hear the Word of God (Holy Bible). If the victim could hear the Word of God, they would receive faith, which would tamper with the demonic anointing of fear.

On a spiritual level, our fears are open doors for Satan to carry out an act. It is a vicious bondage loop, because then the victim says, "I knew it was going to happen, I knew from the beginning." Little does the victim realize that the Spirit of Fear within them, opened the door for Satan to carry out his will in that area. In fact, it is standard procedure within the secret societies and intelligence agencies to identify what fears their opposition have, and then build upon those fears. It does no good to spread disinformation about things that the enemy is not fearful of. But if a fear is identified, they will play upon that as much as possible.

In Howard, Michael, Strategic Deception in the Second World War. Vol. 5 of British Intelligence in the Second World War. W.W. Norton & Co.: NY, 1995, p.33-34, "One of the first rules of deception is to play on the real fears,..." On page 4 1-42 Howard quotes a British intelligence directive, "It may be taken as a principle of strategic deception that it is neither economical in time nor productive in results to attempt to produce in the enemy anxiety over an area concerned with which the enemy himself has had no previous fear...Knowledge of the trend of enemy anxiety was therefore of very great value...On the foundation of fear, and having regard both to inherent plausibility and to contact identifications which the enemy was likely to have made, it was possible to build up a fictitious and misleading structure and to represent Allied capabilities and intentions as very different from what they really were."

In this author’s previous writings, the connection between demonology and military tactics in general and specifically British intelligence have been closely documented. Military structures are based upon demon structures. It is no surprise then, that demons and intelligence groups study to determine what a person’s fears are. And it is no wonder that they attempt to instill as many fears as possible into the victim.


Christians are called upon to guard what was spiritually entrusted to them by the using the Holy Spirit (2 TIM 1:14). The Illuminati do a mirror image of this, by layering in spirits (evil ones) to guard things in the system. For instance, in the VoL 2 book, the programming parallels to the movie Labyrinth were discussed in chapter 5. It was mentioned how the dogs portrayed guardians. Demons named Toto are layered in to protect the spinner kittens. If one were to try to activate the spinner kittens without going through the proper chain of command & codes, the guardian demons known as Totos, or after Dorothy’s Toto will be activated. The spinner’s in fact are often called "Dorothys".

Some other examples of guardians spirits that are placed into a system are Bes, the spirit that rules the dwarfs; Geb, the voice behind the earth God in a system; Pan, who has various roles, including being a protector of the green wood; and Shu, which is the voice "behind the wind" which controls the internal weather within a alter system’s world. The foundations of a system are the demons layered in at the beginning. Spirits of Confusion, Despair, Torment are called down by the programmers and laid in. Lying and Perverse Spirits are brought in too.

At first this may seem like very subjective sci-fi to the reader. Hopefully, after the programming rituals are described in detail, and a basic foundation concerning what demons are is laid, the reader will have received a more systematic understanding of the topic. The goal is teach the reader programming as a programmer would understand it. The victim should not be made ashamed of demonic attachments. That serves no spiritual benefit for the victim, and only contributes more guilt and shame, and adds to the problem of giving them hope. The victim has been a helpless victim.

"Mystery" demons (which is not their actual name) are placed into the child when they are innocent babies. Part of the power of the mystery demons, is that they are able to remain anonymous within their host’s body. They remain in the host secretly generally for the person’s lifetime. These mystery demons have to answer to their chain of command. Within a victim’s alter parts, are demons which have their own ranks and commanders. Christians who carry out deliverances will deal those commanders.

The Catholic Church, which has been so active in trauma-based mind-control and in placing in the Spirits of Legion into a victim, had one of their clergy write, "Evil is Someone, Someone who is multiple and who name is legion..." (Mauriac, Francois. Life of St. Margaret of Cortona.) The Catholic Church’s official public stance is that Demon possession is rare. On Aug. 15, 1972, Pope Paul VI put out a motu proprio which abolished the order of exorcist. This office had already become rather rare, and besides included men who were mind-control programmers. Cases of "demonic possession" of Catholics are occasionally taken to places like Georgetown Hospital in Wash. D.C. which is run by Jesuits working in tandem with the CIA. Accounts of exorcisms of Catholics are filled with clues that the victims of "demonic possession" are victims also of trauma-based occult-based mind-control.

This writer, trying to explain a difficult subject (demonology), feels fortunate to be able to recommend a book which does a good job of explaining it, this is Howard O. Pittman’s book Demons. (Foxworth, MS: Philadelphian Pub. House, c. 1988). I originally read the book in 1992, and have had it recommended by those who work in the area of demonology. The book is written by a devout Christian who worked 28 years in the field of law enforcement during his life. The book explains such things as: how man is made in the image of God (and as such is a clone, so to speak of God;) How demon possession has come about due to man’s sovereign will allowing it; & How demons can interact with the physical world.

He explains how Satan despatches orders from his throne which go through a chain of command, and how special emphasis is placed on Christians. He explains the forms of demons, their expertise, how they can read minds, and how they have no love for their master, and no love for themselves. Nor does their master have any love for them. (I, Fritz Springmeier, your author have discovered in talking to people for years, that it is essential for people to grasp that the mind of Satan is devoid of love, and that where love doesn’t seek its own, Satan’s mind always has his own interest in both mind & action. Everything in his world system is functioning for a goal of his, they are not random events, because he is a control-freak.)

Pittman describes warring demons--which look like giant humans and are the cream of Satan’s crop.’ These warring demons are assigned to formulate wars upon the earth. While Pittman is a spirit-led Christian, it is interesting that a non-Christian historian/author William Bramley, (of the Gods of Eden), who believes that the "aliens" were viewed as angels, has found traces of proof that the aliens (angels) were involved in the creation of wars down through the history of mankind. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;" 1 TIM 4:1-2.

Pittman writes about 1 TIM 4:1-2, "In this passage of scripture, we are told that in the last days the devils would have their own doctrine. We know that if the Bible tells us that devils would have their own doctrines, then, most assuredly the Bible would tell us what these doctrines would be. Evidence of what the devils will be teaching is found in the following passage of scripture: ‘But he knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth. If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? Because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub.’ (Luke 11:17-18)

From this very scripture, it is clear what the devils will be teaching as doctrine. They will be teaching that THERE ARE NO SUCH BEINGS AS DEMONS! Where are these demons teaching their doctrine? They are teaching it in the churches to the Christians! They are teaching their doctrine to the very ones who have the potential to believe that these demons are real and can expose these beings. If Satan did try to reveal himself and his helpers, then his house would be divided." Pittman warns, "From congregation to congregation, from one church to another church throughout all this land, we find preacher after preacher playing down the existence of demons and even the existence of Satan! Then, there are others who, when they admit that Satan and his demons are real, deemphasize their importance and capability. Not only are local ministers doing this, but many Christian authors are doing this through their books...The false doctrines of devils are intended to enhance the anonymity of Satan and his angels. Much of this mis-teaching is spread through good Christians who have been sold a lie and really believe what they say.’’ The Word of God is clear that not one sin entered into this world without Satan. Every sin committed by mankind is (according to the Word of God) the result and influence of Satan. However, because Satan and his demons are masters at deception and at staying behind the scenes, and remaining anonymous they are not discovered. They are better at such deception than the intelligence agencies that are Illuminati fronts, and to give credit where due, the NSA, CIA, and MI-6 are good at what they do.

The programmer will be looking for methods to open up a person to demons, and he will be setting up scenarios so that the victim will reject the Spirit of God in their life. 1 JN 5:18 teaches that a person’s identity in Christ protects against the wicked one, so the victim’s identity in Christ will be stolen very soon by the programmers. According to the Word of God, submission and humility before God are also said to be protections against evil spirits. (cf. JS 4:7, & 1 PTR 5:6,8,9). Resistance to catching demons, involves a person "not giving place" to the demons, (Eph. 4:27) and to be strengthened by Christ (Phil. 4:13). How does this happen? The Word of God teaches us that the Spirit of God in our life repels demons naturally. A close walk of fellowship with the Spirit of God is one spiritually natural immune-builder. We need to get Christ deeper and deeper into our lives. However, the programmer will deflect this, and say that submission and humility before God means to submit to some church authority, and of course this church authority will be part of the mind-control abuse system.

The Use of Giving Demonic Assistance to entrap.

One of the principles (giving tactics) of the spirit world is that if you go to get help from demons, they have a spiritual opportunity to enter into your life in other ways. This involves spiritual laws. People, who have been healed by occult healers, have discovered that it set them up for demonic activity in their life. Of course, it is easy to write this, but often only the victims of occult help, who have already learned the lesson the hard way, believe it.

The ultimate that Lucifer can pretend to give is divinity. Divinity is sometimes symbolized by the Illuminati as an 8 on its side or the infinity symbol. The divine within a hierarchy member is called the High Self. It also goes by the name Dian Y Glas or Blue God in the hierarchy’s parlance. The given names of Joan, Janicot, Jean, and Jonet are popular in generational witchcraft families because they mean the High Self. The cabalistic name for the High Self (internal divinity) is NESHAMAH. According to Illuminati hierarchy beliefs, the High Self can only be communicated to via symbols, music and myth that go through the unconscious mind. In other words, don’t talk to it, show it. This is part of the reason Illuminati witch covens make noise in ceremonies, dance and use objects, they believe these are essential to communicate to their High Self.

The Use of Occult Focal Points.

Another principle (giving tactic) of the spirit world is that focal points (occult objects) are used to bring demonic entities into a person’s life. I can not write a technical manual on the mechanics of how or why the presence of evil spirits is aided by amulets, rings, occult jewelry, rock & roll albums, etc., but the fact is, that demonic entities ARE AIDED. It is common for mind-controlled Illuminati slaves to keep demonized nick-nacks given by their programmers, handlers or other contact people. Generally, the mind-controlled slave’s front system is unaware of the spiritual ramifications of the occult objects.

The ancient grimoires are used in rituals & programming. Even if it is seldom that therapists work that deep in a system, it still might be useful to provide a list (for reference sake) of the ancient grimoires which are used to invoke demons:

Almadel, the

Arbatel of Magic, the

Black Pullet, the

Book of Albertus Magnus, the

Enchiridion of Pope Leo

Fourth Book of Cornelius Agrippa

Grand Grimoire, the

Grimoire of Pope Honorius

Grimorium Verum, the

Heptameron, the

Lesser Key of Solomon (aka Goetia)

Key of Solomon (aka Legemeton)

Pauline Art, the

Sword of Moses, the

Theosophia Pneumatica

The Use of giving occult power for SOMETHING IN RETURN. One of the tactics of controlling a person is to give them occult power. Generally, people who have psychic abilities and other occult powers, are reluctant to seek a true Christian faith. Because they enjoy the power they have, they will not trade leaving the occult world and their power behind for freedom.

In the case of many mind-controlled slaves, the programmer will create a legitimate spirit-filled Christian front. He knows that the spiritual principle, "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" will work in his favor. Even though he creates a religious front that is opposed to what the programmer wants, a thousand-minded person has no choice but to rely on the programmer. The programmer is the only one who can bring order out of chaos. The victim is so unstable with all his or her programmed and hurting parts, that these parts need their programmer to function. Evil spirits are like unwelcome visitors to our home. They can even be compared to an unwelcome mouse running and hiding in our house. That a visitor or mouse troubles us does not mean that he possesses us. Christians have problems with unwelcome mice as well as unwelcome demons. Mice corrupt our homes, likewise demons come to corrupt the House of God.

The programmer knows what encourages demonic activity. This is why certain occultic structures are built into the mind, and why the systems are set up to carry out occult rituals regularly. Some victims of mind-control are unfortunately going to witches for their therapy. A therapist who is a pagan witch, and who encourages further occult activity, is preventing the victim from gaining freedom. This is because there is a spiritual foundation to much of the control. (Readers would be surprised at how many psychologists are part of the occult world.)

How much of our life has been turned over to Christ? Many Christians have what could be termed "hidden rooms" and hidden compartments in their life & their thinking which they have not given to Christ. In fact, many Christians compartmentalize their life into their secular job and their Sunday of Christianity. In this sense, their lives are like a house with many rooms, many of which are not given to Christ, but are available for other spirits. Even the non-multiple Christian will have problems with compartmentalization in life opening a door to demons. But Christ asked his disciples to go farther than just stay in fellowship, he commanded them to heal and cast out demons. MT 10:7,8. He also commanded his disciples to evangelize. The strongest deliverance have been seen on the cutting edge of evangelism, as a testimony to God’s power.


The threat of deliverance has the Satanic leaders of the Illuminati scared enough that they have actively disseminated a doctrine among the Christian churches that it gives power to Satan to believe in demons. There is a kernel of truth here, but it doesn’t give glory to Satan to defeat demons and to expel them. If you were fired from your job, would that glorify you? No. Defeating demons is actually showing how weak they are, not glorifying them. Healing and deliverance are part of the ministry of freedom that Christ demonstrated to his disciples, and they are to accompany the preaching of freedom (evangelism).

PART D. A complete Chronology of how the victim experiences the early spiritual programming. (by Cisco)

Steps of Programming:

a. The mother-fetus trauma
b. The Apple-Woodsman ritual
c. The 1st Ritual Theft of Birthright
d. The 2nd Ritual Theft of Birthright
e. The Satanic Wedding Prog. Ritual
f. The Lockup of the Guardian Angel
g. The Revelation of Demons
h. Providing Satanic Toys
i. The Participation Ritual
j. The layering in of witches/monsters
k. The prog. base-Fairy Tales told
1. The Ritual to Test Loyalty to Oaths
m. Prog. building blocks- Nursery Rhymes
n. The Hell Fire Ceremony
o. The Cutting the Penis Ritual
p. The Traitors Death Ritual

It is important to understand the nature and the sequence of these standard programming rituals. I, Cisco, have decided to reveal them so that the therapists will comprehend better what the programming is really all about. We have touched on a few of these rituals in our two previous books, but we haven’t spelled them out. These programming rituals in real life are extremely traumatizing, even to the hardened cult parents who often must offer their children up to abuse that even they don’t want to happen to their children. When these programming rituals happen to a child, they are so severe that they split the child’s mind. We don’t want therapists and readers falling apart by reading about these programming rituals, so you will find the descriptions of these rituals are clinical, and are written without a great deal of emotional content.

a. The mother-fetus trauma

We have written about the traumas given to the mother and fetus in chapter 1 of this book and chapter 1 of the Vol. 2 book. Between these two books, there are approximately 9 pages concerning the traumas at this pre-birth stage. It could also be explained that the intensity and nature of the pre-birth traumas relate to whether the mother is Illuminati or not.

During the 1940’s-’50s the Illuminati made it a high priority to marry members of the Illuminati to Christians for the purposes of infiltrating the churches. After a 20 year period of intense infiltration to such groups as the Southern Baptists, the Mennonites, the Pentecostal Holiness, the Four-Square, and the Assemblies of God, then they could rely upon their members within those groups to generationally continue their presence within these groups. Initially, they wanted the infiltration to be covered by marriage into these denominations. If a mother were not of the Illuminati, she was typically prepared for an overwhelming trauma to be administered during her pregnancy. If she drank coffee or tea, she could be given potent herbs daily to set the stage for later drugs administered during the torture. The herbs set the stage for drugs which would make the mind more pliable to hypnosis, because many Christians are resistant to hypnosis. When the Illuminati would finally by force grab and traumatize the mother, their goal would be to see if they could get the mother to renounce (blaspheme) Christ. They hoped to use this to blackmail the person into future submission and shame. They also were gaining experience into what kind of resistance they would face in the final takeover. An hypnotic trigger would be attached to this torture memory, and then the mother would be hypnotically made to forget the

b. The Apple-Woodsman ritual.

The powerful Tin Man Ritual is described on page 103 of the Vol. 2 Formula book. It is where the parent(s) presents the child to Lucifer, "the god of light". The Tin Man appeared in the first picture (page 4) of our illustrated Guide to Monarch Programming. It was positioned there because it is often the first ritual memory. The child eats an apple that is poisoned and dies, and then is brought back to life because the coven has the antidote on hand. Next, the parent dedicates the child to Lucifer; if not, then the child will have its head severed by the Tin Man’s ax. This dedication mocks the Pentecostal dedication. Bear in mind, that some parents and programmers can only justify what they do, because they feel they are following "Lucifer’s orders." They will say, "We do it to please Lucifer." They feel Lucifer wants the child in its purest state, so they will do the moon child ceremony in the womb to allow Lucifer to plant his spirits in the fetus (which is a mockery of God’s spirit in the Christ-Child.)

c. The 1st Ritual Theft of Birthright

When the child victim is four, this ritual typically is done to them during the 10 days to 2 weeks of rituals done around Easter. The ritual is not always done at this time. If both parents are Illuminati, then their primary job is to see their children get programmed; but if only one parent is Illuminati, then the group may have to work with the child whenever they can manipulate some time to do so. Also the Illuminati have so many children to put through programming, that many simply do not start this ritual at Easter. But if they are not done at Easter, they may be told when it is done that it is the time around Easter. The programmers have certain windows of time for certain programs and schedules to follow for each child. They can be untrue to the real calendar date, and still set the internal clock/calendars of the slave correctly later.

This first ritual is to make sure the child victim experiences a staged rejection of God where they are found unworthy to be in "His’ Book of Life. This ritual like all the others that we will describe in this series are sealed with rape and the implantation of demons.

d. The 2nd Ritual Theft of Birthright

This second ritual is done shortly after the first ritual, generally a few days after. It consists of a death, burial and resurrection ritual. To die means death towards God, burial means to bury all that makes up a person’s worth, and resurrection means to be resurrected with a new name and birthed to Satan. This and the 1st theft ritual are designed to remove any bonds the deeper alters might ever conceive of having with Almighty God.

e. The Satanic Wedding Prog. Ritual

Within days of the 2nd theft ritual, the Illuminati will follow with a mock satanic wedding. Usually the father will marry his daughter, but there is a chain of responsibility and if the father can’t sexually abuse his child, then the grandfather is next in line, and then the uncle, and then the programmer. They will serve as the satanic covering for the child. At this point the rejection by God is still fresh on the child’s mind, and they want the child to at least remember the rejection, whether they remember the incident or not depends. The child may already have dissociated the previous week or two, so the programmer may simply tell it "REMEMBER THE FEAR WHEN GOD DIDN’T LOVE YOU."

The child may really be looking forward to this wedding. They may have been dressed up nicely, and may be excited about marrying their father, even though he looks like a giant to the little infant. When their dress is pulled up and they are abused, then the fun stops.

f. The Lockup of the Guardian Angel.

The Internal Self Helper, also called the Guardian Angel of the mind, is magically locked up by the demonic power of the programmers, and a shrewd lying demon substituted in its place. The evil spirits that will be laid in will be the totems of the victim’s bloodline--the spirits of the person’s bloodlines who are to help guide the person.

Many people in the New Age movement who are under total mind-control speak about their guardian angel or their totem guiding them. An example of a total mind-controlled slave doing this are the Indian spirit guides that help Loretta Lynn. Hillary Clinton consults the spirit Eleanor Roosevelt. In order to familiarize the child with the proper demons they will be dressed up in a costume that resembles the bloodline spirit they are to become acquainted with. They will participate in a ritual in this costume.

g. The Revelation of Demons.

At this point, both the front (the light side) and the deeper occult dark side alters will be allowed to see the demons that are layered in. The front side sees them in their Luciferian form, and are scared out of their wits. They may respond to this by having an ongoing fear of monsters under their bed. The front’s fear will keep the front away from trying to go deeper into the system. Later on in adult life, the Illuminati may want the front part of the system to go through a "deliverance", so they will think they have dealt with everything, and they don’t need to look further. (For instance, this trick was done to a programmed multiple this author has worked with, the result being, the victim gave up any type of therapy or helpful work, because they were sure they’d received the answer to their problems, which would be nice if it were true, but isn’t.) On the flip side, even though the dark side alters are also scared of the demons, who are quite terrorizing when seen by humans, the inherent need of humans to look for supernatural help pulls them toward the demonic. It is an inborn survival trait in most humans to look to supernatural help. By seeing the spiritual (even though these are dark spiritual forces), it becomes a normal function for the deeper alters to commune with the dark spiritual realm.

h. Providing Satanic Toys

The deeper alters will be given candles, knives and other ritual paraphernalia to play with. The establishment department stores with all their demonic toys are helpful, for the parent only needs to go to the local department store to buy his children occult toys.

i. The Participation Ritual

Soon after the wedding ceremony, another ceremony takes place where the child dresses up in the cult’s red and black ceremonial robes. This is meant to integrate them into the cult family. It is an opportunity for the child to feel like it is part of the group and its rituals.

j. The layering in of witches/monster scripts

The normal American fairy tales, which are filled with stories of monsters and witches, are read to the child. The goblins, warlocks, vampires, and witches they hear about will help lay a mental foundation for what will happen later.

k. Cult Fairy Tales are told.

Next, the people in the child’s life who are guiding the programming will tell the child programming stories, such as the Wizard of Oz stories and Alice In Wonderland. In the 50’s and 60’s, the Tall Book of Make Believe was popular. For instance the character Mr. Moon became a foundational part of the programming. Over the years the Wizard of Oz, Alice In Wonderland, and Mother Goose seem to have been overall favorites. The child will most often be in a trance state when these story lines are told. The children will have the stories repeated and they are expected to memorize these scripts. Because the programmers will build upon the child’s awareness of these stories, the stories are modified to better fit the future programming.

For instance, if a programming team is going to use the Goldilocks and the 3 Bears story, they might modify the story like this: The 3 bears and Goldilocks went for a walk. Goldilocks was somewhere she shouldn’t have been, so she was eaten up by the bears. Bears will eat you up. Policemen are like bears. A Policeman found her? Do you know what happened to her? Goldilocks got locked up and put in a cage. Or maybe they might say, Goldilocks was sitting where she wasn’t supposed to.-- At that moment the chair is pulled out from underneath the child and the child is probed with a stun gun.

In the last 20 years, tens of thousands of children are getting "Pleiadian" programming, and it is not known what base fairy-tales are being used for this type of programming, or if they are using sci-fi stories as the base. There are tens of thousands of children with programming that can be activated to make them think they were raised on Alcyone in the Pleiades. This is to part of the Grand Deception of the End Times.

l. The Ritual to Test Loyalty to Oaths

The next step is to test the loyalty of the child slave to the oaths that were extracted from it. To prove the child’s loyalty, the coven demands that the child sacrifice another child. From what we witnessed, even after all the abuse and hypnotic tampering of the child up to this point, not one single child was "loyal" to the oath. The inborn aversion to taking a human’s life is strong, and the child will still refuse to do it. Therefore, the cult will have a member guide the child by taking the child’s hand and forcing it to sacrifice the innocent little life before them. In spite of their reluctance, the forced act begins to rip the fabric of the child slave’s mind and to sear its conscience. The cult will be sure to insure that the child is made to feel responsible, and that they are given guilt and shame for the deed.

Once the innocent victim is sacrificed, the child slave is required to cut the bloody heart out and eat it. The child has already been groomed for this, because the cult has been feeding blood in their milk as a pablum. The child has been allowed to get very hungry and then given blood so that in the end hunger is associated with death, and blood is associated with satisfying that hunger.

m. Prog. building blocks- Nursery Rhymes

The Nursery rhymes are now layered in. There is something mentally powerful about rhymes. Mother Goose nursery rhymes have been popular for over a half century for programming little children. The child’s mind will refuse some things (such as it distaste for killing an innocent child in the previous ritual), but the child’s mind doesn’t realize anything devious about the adorable nursery rhymes. The child’s mind will not put up any barriers to learning them. The child has no idea that by hearing these rhymes they are helping lay the foundation for their own mind-control.

n. The Hell Fire Ceremony.

This ceremony is basically the burning up of a child to instill in the child victim fear of disobedience and to show them what hell is all about. The reason this is done will be explained soon. This ceremony is done with one of four possibilities, a. a real baby, b. a dead miscarriage, c. a stage pretend child, d. movies.

For sure, the Illuminati will have a real bonfire, and there will be the stench of death. They will play tapes of screaming, terrified children to amplify how bad it will be in hell. Why do the Illuminati want the children to fear hell? First, if they ever do learn about the Bible, they will "know for sure" that this is the punishment that the God who rejected them wants for them. Next, the Illuminati tell the children that IF they are bad, they will suffer in hell, but if they are good in the cult, Satan their father will protect them and let them rule with him in hell. They want the child to be terrified of Hellfire and Brimstone. This ceremony is often done where there is a crematorium. The Presideo in CA was popular because a underground crematorium was there. Bear in mind, that the child by this time has lost its true self, and is simply in terror at watching a child like themselves turned to ashes. In certain types of hot fires, the child is turned to ashes so quick that the child’s figure becomes a silhouette of ashes. The Illuminati will then begin teaching the child an important item, they will teach it to take on the spirit of the child through guilt manipulation. They’ll say, "Don’t you feel really bad that this happened to her, but you can fix it by internalizing her to yourself. Take the spirit of the child into you."

o. The Cutting the Penis Ritual.

This ritual is just as it sounds. The child is forced to emasculate another male. This ritual is intended to be severe. It again forces the child to choose between following their oaths or following what their heart tells them is a right. Because they will again refuse to carry out their oath of obedience, and will again be helped to obey, they will be an easy preplanned target of lots of shaming and guilt. This is one of the primary foundations for the shame and guilt that is built into the dark side alters. The child will be hit with sticks by the cult, while the Illuminati coven snarl, "Shame on you, you didn’t obey as you promised." It is at this ritual, that the Illuminati coven will first begin to double-bind the victim by threatening them, "It’s you or them [the person the child slave is to hurt], you choose." The little child sees two kinds of people in life, victimizers and victims. He or she will generally choose to be a victimizer. There will other times when the slave will not be given a choice and will have to suffer pain during the rituals.

p. The Traitor’s Death Ritual.

The child victim will be left relatively drug free so they can have full awareness of the Traitor’s Death which they witness. A person will receive the horrible traitors death during a ritual. The strong satanic alters will be built off the dissociated pieces caused by this ritual. And as is standard practice the ritual is sealed by a rape of the child to layer in more demons.

**This ends Cisco’s very informative chronology. Let’s sort out some of the specific programming maneuvers.

Part E. Specific Programming maneuvers. The MANIPULATION OF NEAR-DEATH-EXPERIENCES (NDEs)

People, who undergo Illuminati programming, will be candidates for near-death experiences. In several of the programming scripts, the victim is brought to the point of clinical death and then revived. In hospital settings, resuscitation of heart failure and other deathly events like surgery has produced tens of thousands of cases of Near-death experiences (NDE’s). According to Raymond Moody, who worked with or experienced people experiencing NDEs, the typical NDE involves the person hearing himself announced dead. Then a loud ringing or buzzing noise occurs and a long, dark tunnel appears with a light at the end. The person will meet others and a being of light, and this light-being will play back events in the person’s life, and evaluate his life, and then the person reaches a point where he must go back.

People, who experience a NDE are profoundly changed. Any profound change that follows patterns can be manipulated and the Illuminati have discovered this is simply just another way to manipulate people. The NDE experiences follow patterns. We will not go into the details of why most of the NDE explanations can’t be the actual explanations, but the bottom like is that most explanations fall short and do not explain the phenomena. The frequency and consistency of a tunnel being seen with a light at the end rules out hallucinations in terms of symbology. The mind could just as well see a gate, or keyhole, or a door as an entrance to a new world but doesn’t. Some researchers believe that the answer lies in the structure of the visual cortex, and that the dying person’s center of the visual field receives an ever increasing electrical noise while dying which produces an ever increasing circle of light being seen.

On the flip side, for those who have a biblical perspective, there are explanations that also seem to explain the phenomena. At any rate, it’s been known after Heinrich Kiuver published his research in the 1930’s that the brain has four constants in its Near-Death hallucinations: the cobweb, the grating (or lattice), the spiral and the tunnel. Drugs have been found to produce an experience similar to NDE at times too. Whatever spiritually and physically happens to cause a NDE--and there is lots of debate as to the mechanics of the cause--the common experiences that people have during NDE’s provides a pattern for the programmers to manipulate. Various people, the Illuminati, some Christians, and others believe that Eccl. 12:6-7, --which is talking about when a man dies ("dust return to the earth as it was") and his spirit returning to God who gave it,--these various people believe that the silver cord spoken about in verse 6 is a cord that links a person to his god. This verse makes a good verse for the Illuminati who do program in wheels and silver cords into their slaves linking them to their pretending-to-be-god masters.


One of the side "benefits" of the brain-stem scarring, the repeated tortures, the attention that is expected if the slave is to survive, etc. is that they may develop extremely sensitive perception. This extremely sensitive perception may come across as ESP, but it is really subconscious understanding of things such as body language.


Psychologists have discovered that deep in the mind is an area of thinking they refer to as the Internal Self-helper. Psychologists who attempt to help programmed multiples have been told to find the ISH (internal self-helper) of the victim. Sometimes the "ISH" have surfaced as ‘‘angels’’ and ‘‘spirit guides’’ in a system. They may regulate which alters come out and hold the body. The therapist may point out to a person that angels and spirit guides are never internal, unless they are demonic. The Christian is permitted scripturally to only be led by one internal spirit guide, and that’s is the Holy Spirit. In some systems, the slave’s "Holy Spirit" may turn out to be a cult ISH.

The programmers were many steps ahead of the psychologists. Even years before the psychologists began looking for the ISH to help them, the programmers had foreseen this and had their bases covered. In everyday life, for normal people, the internal self-helper serves as a type of guardian angel over each person. The programmers during the early LSD trips watch for the ISH. When it surfaces, they lock it up in the person’s mind, and replace it with a demonic generational spirit, which is commanded to report any work done in the system to the master. When psychologists find the ISH and ask for its help, the ISH does cooperate with them, but this demonic ISH is also one of the principal reporting agents that reports back to the master in photographic detail everything that the therapist does. This is one big reason the programmers have always been several steps ahead of the therapeutic community.


Splintered souls captured on Interject disks is a subject that is beyond verification but is mentioned here because therapists and "UFO abductees", and SRA victims of mind-control may run into it. Readers must draw their own conclusions as to what soul interjects are--whether merely a deception, a new technology, or magical demonic manifestation.

Hermetic magic is a nasty form of magic from ancient Egypt. There are a few of the top Illuminati Grand Masters who believe they are capable of carrying out rituals to raise the dead and create interjects onto interject disks. Specialized magic is performed on the dead to raise zombies in order to splinter the zombie’s soul. The Grand Master then believes he can place the splinters of the soul on interject disks, and place these interjects into live slaves.

Interestingly, humans claiming contact with "aliens" have claimed that the aliens can separate a human soul from its body, keep it captured, recondition that soul, and finally implant the soul into another body. Some researchers are claiming that they have evidence of a holographic energy template that is associated with a physical body. Is this the soul? They believe that this template works with cellular genetic mechanisms. There is certainly more to learn about what humans are, perhaps some day these claims about zombie souls will have some scientific merit, but for now they lay in the realm of Illuminati Grand Master high magic.

I have reported upon Illuminati beliefs and practices. Likewise, an anthropologist will report on the practices & customs of a people, whether or not the anthropologist personally practices or believes like the people he observes. Of course, these Luciferian (or should one say satanic practices) are abhorrent and the author has never practiced them, so the author can’t speak from the viewpoint of a witness, but he can describe as a reporter the views of Illuminati witnesses.

One Illuminati belief is that they have managed to design equipment that can catch the soul of a dying person. This capability will play a role in the reign of the anti-Christ. When the Anti-Christ dies, his soul will be captured and he will be resurrected with demons animating the body. When a very high ranking Illuminati adept goes berserk, the Illuminati will insure that they preserve the soul of the man by killing him with equipment that is portrayed in the recent movie Lord of Illusion. This is a mask-brace that fits over the portals of the head and then is screwed into the head to capture the soul as it tries to escape the dying body. Then demons are called in to live off the soul matter.

Normally, according to Illuminati occult knowledge, the demons can only live a short time within a body, but by the mask-brace capture of a body’s soul, the demons can inhabit a body for a longer length of time and create the walking dead. This is that "line between heaven and hell" that the movie refers to. The Illuminati believe that the highest gift they can give Lucifer are captured souls. They will place souls into jars. This is the highest most secret magic of the Illuminati. Notice, that during the Lord of Illusion movie, jars are smashed during the ritual where a soul is captured.

Interviews with alien abductees reveals that some of them believe that the aliens are stealing the souls of mankind. The similarity of the Illuminati beliefs about demons, and the perceived actions of the aliens by abductees are remarkably similar. Also the Illuminati have secretly used special tubing during millions of abortions performed by their abortion clinics to capture the souls of the aborted children. (This is author is not making any claims that they do or don’t succeed, but they believe they are succeeding.)

The movie Lord of Illusion is full of Illuminati/high level Masonic symbology. The movie begins with programming concepts, first the galaxies & stars, then the yellow brick road, then a dust storm... An Illuminati phrase "Flesh is a trap, magic sets you free" is mentioned in the movie. In contrast with the movie, these things are not written to entertain the reader, but with the good-natured intent that therapists and victims may gain something by knowing better what is going on to these Illuminati mind-control victims.

The Illuminati believe that they can suck the life spirit out of a person through intercourse with what they call the Eye of Horus (the anus). This is why the leaders of this World Order (such as George Bush, Bill Clinton, and tens of thousands of others) are into sodomy, they are trying to vampirize all the years of life out of the victim to gain a longer life. Some of the sad child victims, who have been kept exclusively for this purpose do look like the life force has been sucked out of them. Sodomy has its own secret chamber on the cabalistic tree of life.

A metaphysical UFO type magazine entitled WE Walk-Ins for Evolution puts out articles on how souls walk-into a body and how souls braid themselves to other souls. For instance, there was an article "Soul Braiding" in the April-June, ‘96 issue of WE. This appears to be a reframing of various practices that the Illuminati carry out to demonize and control the minds of their people. Rather than speak of a demonization or an interject, front alters of slaves who are not Christians can use metaphysical terms like "soul braiding". The words soul and spirit, and concepts attached to those words are important in programming. Programmed Mormon children will think they have the "Spirit of Elijah" in them, and will robotically sing their programming, "Follow the Prophet, follow the prophet."

WHITE GOLD, other information

Since writing about powdered white gold’s ability to make a person clairvoyant, in Vol. 2, it’s come to my attention that Nexus magazine has had a recent article on this. For those who are interested in crystal travel, crystal travel is an OBE also known as astral projection and is covered in the Vol. 2 book as astral projection. Besides the silver cord, some victims have mentioned a supernatural dark red violet umbilical that connects them to the AntiChrist.


information about the picture

This is a Masonic drawing called "The Second Portal". it shows nude boys facing a throne undergoing some type of magical ritual. The drawing appears In The Hidden Life in Freemasonry after pg. 198. in 1926, Charles W. Leadbeater, a 33º Freemason, printed his book The Hidden Life in Freemasonry. This book was written for people involved in Luciferian rituals In the higher more occult rites of Freemasonry.  In the preface, Leadbeater talks of butterflies (pp viii-ix), which has the double meaning in the occult of souls (spirits). in the last chapter, chapter 10, he gives Masonic rituals to Invoke angels (demons) through Egyptian magic. In these Masonic temples, the checkerboard square is used in a similar fashion as a magic circle for a coven. This picture is given as a paper trail to show the sex-magic rituals that take place within various Masonic groups.



The Illuminati Sisters of Light alters rarely appear in therapy because they are used in horrendous Masonic rituals, and must be buried very deep in the system. Typically, a Sister of Light would be blindfolded and taken down many flights of steps and through tunnels and would end up in an elaborate underground Masonic temple. She would be used as a nymph.  In one ritual, for example, she’d be given a golden circle band for her forehead, a cloak with a red lining, and a tunic of black silk with golden rays. The hall would have important masons of society who would be sitting in a semi-circle. The Sisters of Light are given to Beelzebub in an excruciating marriage ceremony. There is a veil which fails into 4 equal parts, which mean the 4 corners of the world. The sisters take oaths around the compass, so that the victim feels locked in no matter what corner of the world they go to.





about the picture

This was some early art work by Cisco to convey what her mind felt as a mind-controlled slave. What the picture shows is the hand of the puppet master controlling his puppet. The puppet is floating--not grounded in reality, but dissociated from the external world in order to survive. All the cities and internal worlds are grids. Everything attaches to grids. The color programming can be seen in the Green, Blue, Silver, Gold, Red, and Yellow colors of the grids. The puppet is totally in the hands of the puppet master and its hands are in a submissive hold, while the puppet master has his fingers covertly wrapped around the left side of the puppet's head.


Continue On Page VIII "Deeper Insights..."















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