EXAMPLES (Newly discovered and original) 1. DESIRE is the symptom of consciousness. Consciousness is the symptom of the soul. Desire is like a flame in the breast: it may burn purely, like our homa fire, which creates very little noticable smoke, as you've experienced in a fire sacrifice in an ISKCON temple. That is because sitting place of fire is pure (wood, ghee). But if sitting place (i.e. fuel) is impure, like coal, it creates black, sooty, acrid smoke. Such a smoky flame is compared to material desire. Now, where there is a smoky fire, and you want to extinguish it, it is very difficult. The closer you come to the fire, the more smoky and poisonous the atmosphere gets. Similarly, when one is suffering from uncontrolled material desires, he may try to change his desire, but that desire blinds him. Just like some addiction: sex or drugs, alcoholism, etc. Very difficult to master these problems, because they are so highly contaminating that the blind good intelligence. And if you don't try to control them, they blind you anyway. So what to do? Two ways of changing situation: one is to change fuel, or sitting place of desire, or mode of nature. When desire is burning in passion and ignorance, smoky effect is there. But if you give good fuel, then smoke will clear. So this help is also there in Vedic system and in KC lifestyle: e.g. VAD and pancharatra-viddhi (achara and upachara). Another means of ridding smoke is to increase intensity (heat, light) of flame. When a flame burns white hot, it consumes all impurities very very quickly. So this is bhagavata-viddhi process. Our difficulty with this is we don't have enough fuel to sustain that fire, usually (means: pure inspirition for hearing and chanting). Therefore we need both systems.