References to number ‘five’ in Mbh: S.No Context Ref. to Mbh 1 Pandavas are five. 2 Upa-Pandavas (i.e. born to Draupadi from Panaavas) are five I.223,432. 3 Syamantapancaka (Kuruksetra): It is the land of five lakes of blood. III.117,251. 4 Total number of Vedas are five; with Mbh as the 5th Veda. I.2, 15; 63,128. 5 Students of Vyasa are five; with Suka (his own son as his 5th student) I.1,6;63,128 ; II.4,6 6 Suka is said to be incarnation of Pancabhutas (ie. five elements: water, fire, earth, ether and wind) XII.324,82. 7 Total number of persons referred to as Krsna are five in number: (i). Krsna (Vasudeva); (ii) Krsna (Dvaipayana Vyasa); (iii) Krsnaa (Draupadi); (iv) Krsna (Arjuna: one of the ten epithets used for Arjuna); and (v) duplicate Krsna (Paundraka Vasudeva)(?). IV.44,76. V.49,119; 52,176; 59.139. VIII.17,36, I.14,33. 8 Kunti’s sisters are five. 9 Kekaya brothers are five - this occurs many times in the Epic. V.19,32; 51.122 10 Susarman brothers (of Trigarta) are five. V.167,324. 11 Virata’s children are five (including Uttara). 12 Rukmini has five brothers. 13 Manuvu (s/o Bharata) has five sons. 14 King Yayati has five sons. I.75,165. 15 AAyus (s/o king Pururava) has five sons. 16 Sage Jamadagni has five sons, last of whom is Bhargava Rama. III.116,249. 17 King Vasu-Uparicara has five sons. I.63,125. 18 King Haryasva has five sons. 19 Pancalas are of five tribes. 20 Pancalas are said to have five great qualities. 21 Draupadi is referred as one of the (five) Pancakanyas. I.199,392; V.33,65. 22 Pandavas are said to be five Indras and there is a story of five Indras. I.199,392; V.33,65. 23 A story involving Arjuna and five apsarasas. I.218,422. 24 The same story also refers to five lakes. I.218,422. 25 Svayamvara is said to be the 5th form of choosing a bridegroom for marriage. I.102,219. 26 Arjuna spends five years in the abode of Indra. II.44,99; IV.2,3. 27 Arjuna gets celestial weapons from five gods: (Indra, Varuna, Kubera, Rudra and Yama). II.36,80; 170,330. 28 Arjuna is said to have spent five years, a life of brahmacarya, on Himavant. IV.49,85. 29 The region of Nisadhas is said to be the region of five rivers (Punjab?). III.34,76. 30 The conch of Krsna is Pancajanya. I.65,133; II.20,44. 31 The standard (chariot flag) of Bhisma bears five stars. IV.55,96; VI.17,39. 32 The number of villages asked by Yudhisthira as a compromise to avoid war is five. V.31,56; 55,130. 33 The number of arrows used at the svayamvara of Draupadi is five. I.188,372; 190,376. 34 Often a set of five arrows is used in fights or wars throughout Mbh -this occurs at least at a few hundred places. I.102,220;118, 245; VI.47,113. 35 Often we see five car-warriors as a set, fighting the opponents -this occurs at least a few tens of times. IV.32,58; I.47,113. 36 Reference to Pancajana. VII.11,23. 37 The discus of Krsna is said to occupy five cubits of space. V.68,149. 38 King Tamra has five daughters. I.66,138. 39 The camps are said to have been laid at a distance of five Yojanas from the scene of the battle. V.198,375. 40 The princes of Gandhara are five in number. I.188,372: V.6,15. 41 Five is the number of the wives of Krsna who are said to have committed ‘sati’ on the funeral pyre of Krsna. XVI.7,14. 42 Reference to the country of five rivers. -this occurs for about not less than ten times. II.31,67; 82,171: V.4,6; 19,32. etc. 43 The Kauravas fight the battle for five days under the leadership of Drona and for ten (5+5) days under Bhisma. I.2,16. 44 Reference to five Varsas of the middle region. VI.6,15. 45 Pandavas have another set of five sons through their second wives (plus one named Ghatotkaca from Hidimba by Bhima). I.95,205. 46 Reference to comparison of Pandavas to five Suns. IV.51,88. 47 The Raksasa Hiranyakasipu had five sons; the eldest among them is Prahlada. I.65,13. 48 ‘Lying’ is said to be excusable on five occasions. I.82,180. 49 King Ilina (grand father of Bharata) has five sons who are said to be equal in might unto the five elements. I.94,200; 95,203. 50 The king Kuru had five sons to his wife Vahini. I.94,201. 51 The rsi Kaksivat had five children to queen Sudesna (Anga, Vanga Kalinga, Pundra and Suhma). I.104,226. 52 Reference to Pandavas as an embodied period of five years. I.124,261. 53 Drona surrounded by five Pandavas is compared to Moon in conjunction with the five-starred constellation Hasta. I.137,287. 54 Reference to five regions. I.218,422; 219,424. 55 Reference to five great sacrifices by king Svetaki. I.225,435. 56 Reference to five large hills near Magadha. II.21.45. 57 Reference to five countries. II.26,57. 58 Reference to five tribes of Karnatas. II.31,66. 59 Reference to five elements - this occurs many times. II.37,78; 50,109. 60 Pandavas stay at Kamyaka forest for five years. II.50,109. 61 Comparision of arm to five headed snake - this occurs a few times. II.57,121; IV.22,42. 62 Five persons alike in appearance at the svayamvara of Damayanti. II.57,121. 63 Reference to Puranas as the 5th Veda. II.58,123. 64 The width of a river is said to be five Yojanas. II.58,172. 65 Sage Vandin says, “five is the number of fires, five are the feet of the metre called Pankti, five are the sacrifices; five locks, it is said in the Vedas, are on the heads of the apsaras, and five sacred rivers are known in the world”. III.134,277. 66 Reference to five tufts on the heads of Jayadratha. III.257,529. 67 Sage Pulastya through his three wives had five children. III.258,534. 68 Five epithets for goddess Laksmi: Bhuti, Hri, Sri, Kirti and Kanti (feminine embodiments of prosperity, modesty, beauty, fame and loveliness). IV.14,24. 69 Five fires. V.33,62. 70 Five senses - this occurs at quite a few places. V.34.66; VI.39,89. 71 Five inner foes of mental origin. V.34,67. 72 Men are said to have five different kinds of strength. V.37,80. 73 The five Pandavas are said to be the five elements of the universe in their subtle form upholding all mobile and immobile things. V.65,146. 74 The height of a region is said to be five Yojanas. XIV.58,105. 75 Truth is said to be possessed of five indications. XIV.35,60. 76 Reference to five sacrificing priests and five Pranas (or life breaths). XIV.20,17. 77 Sage Sukra (Usanas) has five children. I.65,134. 78 Reference to five in Sankhya yoga. XII.306,20. 79 Reference to five organs of knowledge, and five organs of action. XII.303,11. 80 The space is said to have five properties. XII.302,1. 81 Slaying of a set of five warriors at a time. VIII.48,119. Reference to the number ‘five’ in the Vedas: Context Reference 1 Pancajanah, Panca manavah, Panca manusah, Panca krstayah, Panca ksitih, Panca carsanayah, Panca jatah - These terms occur in the Vedas for not less than about 50 times. The meaning of Pancajana° is given as: (i). five people; (ii) gods, men, Gandharvas and apsarasas, snakes and the fathers; (iii) four varnas + Nisadhas as the fifth; (iv) five Aryan tribes: Anus, Druhyus, Yadus, Turvasass and Purus; (iv) five births of men, five worlds of creatures. RV.VII.72.5; 73.5; 74.4. etc. 2 Pancajatah: five tribes on the river Sarasvati. RV.VI.61.12; X.53.4. 3 Indra is ‘Pancajanyah’ RV.V.32.11. 4 Panca indriyas — occurs once in AV. RV.V.32.11, IV.34.11. 5 Five Adhvaryus. RV.III.7.7; V.42.1. 6 Five footed sire (five seasons?) - occurs once in AV. RV.I.164.12. 7 Five fold beings (all living beings) -occurs twice in YV. RV.VII.69.2. 8 Five spoked wheel (five seasons?) - twice in AV and once in YV. RV.I.164.12. 9 Five regions of the world - once in AV. RV.IX.86.29. 10 Five lands. RV.X.181.3. 11 Five paces or five stages or five elements of sacrifice: grain, soma, the kine, one Purodasa cake + clarified butter RV.X.13.3. 12 Five kindred companies. RV.IX.14.2. 13 Five fold gift: offering of grain, gruel, curdled milk, rice cake and curds. RV.I.40.3. 14 Five arrows. AV.VII.7.28. 15 Five healing herbs - indirectly once in AV. 16 Pankt.: (i) consisting of five padas or divisions; (ii) man: composed of five parts hair, skin, flesh, bones and marrow — occurs three times in AV and nine times in YV. AV.XII.3.10. 17 Five horsed car of the Sun - once in AV. AV.X.8.8 18 Pancaudana: offering with five fold mess or messes - 18 times in the same hymn in AV. AV.IX.5.8-37. 19 Pancacodas: five-crested bricks - once in YV. 20 Five fold life - once in YV. 21 Five fold man, rice - once each in AV and YV. 22 Five fingers. YV.I.9. 23 Five sheaths or kosas: the soul is encased in the body composed of five frames or sheaths - four times in SV. 24 Five elements and arts - four times in SV. SV.Ayendra kanda.IV.4; Aranyak kanda.II.2. 25 Five sons of man AV.III.21.5. Kingdoms involved in the battle of Mbh [VI.19, 31]† Allies of Pandavas: Pancalas, Srnjayas, Matsyas, Cedis, Satyaki and Krsna (with their armies on the side of Kauravas). Allies of Kauravas: (i). Kurus, Balhikas (offshoot of Purus); (ii). Haihayas, Vrsni, Andhakas, Avantis, Kukuras (offshoot of Yadus); (iii). Angas, Kalingas, Madras, Sauviras, Kambojas, Sindhus, Gandharas (offshoot of Anus); (iv). Bhojas (offshoot of Druhyus?); (v). Yavanas [VI.20, 45], (offshoot of Turvasas?); (vi). Mlecchas (offshoot of Anu?); (vii). The Vaikarnas [VI.51, 128]; †According to Mbh [I.85, 186], the sons or the descendants of Yadu are known by the name of the Yadavas; while those of Turvasas have come to be called the Yavanas; the decendants of Druhyu are Bhojas while those of Anu are the Mlecchas and the Poru are the Pauravas. The Questionable Historicity of the Mahabharata S.S.N. Murthy, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, INDIA. E-mail: