Text 329779 (173 lines) From: Harikesa Swami Date: 20-Apr-96 15:59 SST Refernce: Text 329319 by Malati Manjari (dd) BCS (Wiesbaden - D) To: Malati Manjari (dd) BCS (Wiesbaden - D) [779] (received: 21-Apr-96 11:23), Questions and Answers (Harikesa Swami) [754] Subject: questions about the spiritual master ------------------------------------------------------------ You have asked me a million questions. Wasn't there anyone else who could answer these questions close by so this could have been done verbally? Writing is much more difficult. But because you have asked I will give brief answers. >1. Is the relationsship and all the dealing between guru and disciple > subject to the law of karma or is it completely spiritual? So far the guru is speaking about Krsna according to the instructions of his guru and engaging his disciples in devotional service, then it is a spiritual relationship. If he is doing anything else, then it might be tainted with material qualities. >2. Is it already presdestined who one's guru is? Absolutely not. But Krsna pushes one in a particuar direction according to what He knows is best for the devotee, especially if he is making a wrong choice. >3. What can be the reason that a devotee searches for years for a guru? Perhaps because of not surrendering enough to Krsna, perhaps because one is not humble and thinks oneself very advanced, perhaps because one is foolish, perhaps because one is envious of the devotees, perhaps because one has not actually found the proper spiritual master. >4. Which qualities have to be developed when one seriously looks for > initiation? Following the principles, chanting 16 rounds, attending the temple progra- ms, reading the books of Srila Prabhupada and serving as best one can under the direction of the temple authorities. Also required is submission to the lotus feet of the spiritual master, proper submissive questioning and hearing, and full surrender with the heart and soul. >5. If one cannot find his guru in one's own zone, how can one get an > overview about the gurus in other zones? How should one deal with this > uncertainty about the vast choice of gurus? One should serve Krsna and Krsna will either send you to the proper guru or will send the proper guru to you. We do not go to other places shopping for a guru. One can hear tapes of different gurus if one wants. One can also see many gurus in Mayapur at the festival or at other festivals. There is always ample opportunity to see many spiritual masters. >6. How much should we rely on the tips from older devotees (authorities) > about the choice of guru? Older authorities can help you to a certain extent if you are not mature enough to understand who can help you in spiritual life. But the real help comes from within from Krsna and from your own heart. But when that is lacking due to whatever reason then the older Vaisnavas are certainly helpful in leading you to proper spiritual masters. But one should not accept a spiritual master simply because someone else said to do it. One should be convinced in one's own heart. >7. Should we identify with the mood of the guru? It is very good to identify with the mood of Srila Prabhupada and follow that mood. That mood is preaching and distributing love of God throughout the world. The following gurus should have the same mood and thus one can follow it. >8. Should an aspiring disciple have a special attraction to the older > disciples of one guru and share their mood? Not necessarily. One has to be attracted to the guru himself and not necessarily his followers. After all, you are choosing a guru and not his followers. But it is nicer still when you can have a close relationship with Godbrothers and Godsisters. >9. Which criterions should one apply if one has to choose between two > gurus? One has to pray to Krsna that one can make the right choice. One can also ask the gurus themselves which one to pick. One has to feel that the choice is right in the heart. One has to be satisfied with his own choice of spiritual master, otherwise one will regret later and make aparadhas. >10. If one feels attracted to a Prabhupada-disciple who has no approval of > the GBC to be guru, is it allowed to take guidance from him? Does the > GBC make a guru? The GBC does not make or approve of gurus, there is a council which does that of 10 leading men and the local GBC in the zone where the prospective guru serves. Then after they approve then the GBC Body can object to the candidate if they like. If they don't object then he can become a guru. If someone is not approved as a guru and still acts as if he is a guru then he can get himself and the followers in trouble. If someone is rejected as a guru then there must be serious reasons for that and he should not be accepted. You can take guidance from anyone since all Vaisnavas can help one become Krsna conscious, but if one is thinking to follow some non-guru as if he really were the guru, then one will get into trouble if he is not qualified to become a guru. If he is qualified then he will become a guru through the official process. >11. Can you tell us who the eleven by Prabhupada appointed gurus are and > who of them are still initiating? Still Initiating: Tamal Krsna Gosvami, Satsvarupa das Gosvami, Hrdayananda das Gosvami, Jayapataka Swami, and Harikesa Swami Not initiating: Bhavananda das, Bhagavan das, Ramesvara das, Hansadutta das, Jayatirtha das, and Kirtanananda Swami >12. How can one avoid offenses to the spiritual master? Learn the philosophy properly from the spiritual master and don't disobey his orders. Then you are safe. >13. How can one increase the desire to find a guru and still not become > impatient? Pray to Krsna. Krsna will help you find the proper person. >14. If a devotee becomes mental because he cannot his guru, how can others > help him/her? The question is incomplete, perhaps you mean 'choose his guru'? If so then the answer is that one should try to speak about the problem with others, but then according to whoever one speaks to one will get pushed in the direction of their spiritual master, unless they are very liberal and able to see your heart then you can be pushed in the direction of the proper choice. Really, the choice of guru is up to you. If you cannot choose then there is something wrong with you. Please correct that mistake and become someone's slave. It is great bliss to be the servant of the spiritual master. >15. How does the guru reveal himself in the heart of the disciple? When the disciple allows the guru to enter his heart, then he is situated there. It is up to the disciple since the guru is always ready to guide the disciple. The Supersoul is the guru within and there is no difference between the spiritual master and the Supersoul in their ability to guide the disciple. One simply has to be able to hear them. >16. Is it possible that one chooses the wrong guru? If one is not intelligent and does not really discriminate between the higher and lower classes of devotees and simply accepts a guru on the basis of sentimentality and other material features, such as jnana or whatever, then one can make a mistake and regret it. >17. There is a group of people, who claim that our system of > stressing diksa so much is not bonafide, because the Gaudiya tradition > is mainly one of siksa. What will be our response? > Diksa is important in ISKCON because the diksa guru is also the siksa guru. Diksa is not important in the family traditions of India where a child receives diksa at the age of 12 by a kula guru or family guru. That kind of diksa is not important. But in ISKCON, the siksa guru who has in- structed one in Krsna consciousness generally becomes the diksa guru later on. It is a fact that diksa is not as important as siksa, but if one disregards the diksa guru because of that then he is making an offense. One has to find a proper siksa guru in ISKCON and then accept diksa from him and that is perfect. By the way, we do not stress diksa in ISKCON as the main thing. Whoever said that we do that is speculating and inventing some artificial problem. >18. And one last question: In your zone it has become common that older > devotees give teenager-devotees spiritual names. Would Prabhupada > approve of it and is it bonafide? We should not give spiritual names to anyone except young children when they are born. Giving to teenagers is not proper. It is a type of pseudo- initiation. > > We hope that we did not overburden you with so many questions. > It was many questions. I hope this is helpful. 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