The alt.paranormal.reincarnation FAQ List (#11) ----------------------------------------------- Posted 1st March 1999 by Matthew Brant Any proposed amendments or additions to this list - please send to the above address. (All new info is highlighted with a ¦ at the start of the line.) THE GROUP: 1.1 Why was a.p.r set up, and why in the alt.paranormal hierarchy? 1.2 Is the group moderated? 1.3 What sort of articles are welcomed on a.p.r? RESOURCES: 2.1 What books are available on reincarnation? 2.2 What other publications are available? 2.3 What films and TV shows exist on reincarnation? 2.4 Which other newsgroups discuss reincarnation? 2.5 Which web sites also discuss reincarnation? ------------- 1 - THE GROUP ------------- 1.1 WHY WAS A.P.R SET UP, AND WHY IN THE ALT.PARANORMAL HIERARCHY? alt.paranormal.reincarnation was created on 16th June 1997. Up until the creation of a.p.r, there seemed to be no other newsgroup dealing specifically with the subject of reincarnation. There were other groups such as alt.paranormal itself in which posts on reincarnation often appeared. It was proposed, and a lot of people in alt.config agreed, that it would be a good idea to have a newsgroup that could concentrate specifically on this important subject. The alt hierarchy seemed a good place to put the group, since there are very few, if any spiritually related hierarchies, and sub hierarchies in the "big-8" mainstream newsgroups. Within alt, alt.paranormal seemed a good choice since it is one of the major centres of paranormal newsgroups across Usenet. 1.2 IS THE GROUP MODERATED? No. In moderated groups, all posted articles are checked before being allowed into the group. In a.p.r, there is no such process. 1.3 WHAT SORT OF ARTICLES ARE WELCOMED ON A.P.R? Even though there is no moderation of articles, you may find that if you post something that is off the topic of reincarnation, other members of the group will add a reply complaining about it. We appreciate the posting of any article related to reincarnation, including: * Questions on reincarnation. * Opinions on reincarnation. * Personal past life and regressional experiences. * Other people's past life and regressional experiences. * Reincarnation informational resources. * Replies to any of the above. Articles that are unwelcome are: * Promotional postings for any commercial product, service or site that is not reincarnation related. * Off topic subjects, that are not evidently related to reincarnation. ------------- 2 - RESOURCES ------------- Please note that the resources listed in each of the categories below are not meant to be the full extent of the resources for each group. If anyone has any additional information which they would like me to add to the next FAQ, please e-mail . 2.1 WHAT BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE ON REINCARNATION? (Many thanks to Margaret Andreas for writing and supplying this excellent list for the FAQ.) ¦ _Ripples_ by Jenny Smedley; Third Floor Productions; ISBN:0953308308; ¦ 1998. (Jenny Smedley, an ordinary housewife, has a new maxim: ¦ "You never know when your life will change in a minute." ¦ Hers certainly did. In one second of unconscious ¦ recognition she rediscovered a soul mate from a previous ¦ incarnation - a soul mate that her subconscious memories ¦ told her now dwelled inside the person known as Garth ¦ Brooks. Garth is the biggest selling recording artist in the ¦ world.) ¦ _You Cannot Die_ by Ian Currie; Element; ISBN:1852306157; 1995. ¦ ("The incredible findings of a century of research on Death". ¦ This well documented book builds an excellent case for, and ¦ explanations of, the after-life experience. Not only why we ¦ reincarnate, but what happens after we no longer need to. ¦ Excellent.) _Here and Hereafter_ by Ruth Montgomery; Fawcett Books; ISBN: 044208303; Reissued September 1993. (Much about how families, soul mates and friends reincarnated together in life after life.) _Companions Along the Way_ by Ruth Montgomery; Coward, McCann & Geoghegan; 1976, preprinted 1991; (Channeled writings from her Guide as well as her reactions and investigations concerning her past lives in the time of Jesus and other lives, focusing on 'group karma.') _Who Were You?_ by J. Maya Pilkington and the Diagram Group; Ballantine; 1988, Library of Congress number: 87- 91364; ASIN: 0345352635; out-of-print. (Beginner's book-- appropriate for teenagers--approaching the subject of reincarnation from many directions. Documented examples, like that of the Dalai Lama. Fully illustrated with charts, diagrams, drawings. Quizzes and Questionnaires. Lots of fun, with the goal of 'knowing oneself.') _Discovering Your Past Lives: The Best Book on Reincarnation You'll Ever Read in This Lifetime_ by Gloria Chadwick; NTC/Contemporary Publishing; ISBN: 0809245469; (The value of Deja Vu, Imagery, Imagination, and 'Looking in the present to find the past.' Many exercises you can do to increase your past-life awareness, including questionaires. Excellent.) _The Phoenix Cards: Reading and Interpreting Past-Life Influences With the Phoenix Deck/Book and Cards_ by Susan Sheppard and Debbie Kempton-Smith, Illustrated by Toni Taylor; United States Games Systems; ISBN: 0892813105; November 1990. (35 cards, with descriptions of "spreads" based on Jungian symbolism and spiritual cultural icons. The cards give intuitive visual clues to our inner workings and unconscious motivations carried over from our past lives. Fun and interesting.) _Past Lives, Present Dreams: How to Use Reincarnation for Personal Growth_ by Denise Linn; Ballantine Books; ISBN: 034540002X; March 1997. ("It is an exciting time to be alive. There has never been a more powerful time to step beyond our personal limitations, to step off the karmic treadmill into our full potential." Ms. Linn then goes about showing us how, including some timeless wisdom from her Native American teacher.) _Returning from the Light: Using Past Lives to Understand the Present and Shape the Future_ by Brad Steiger; Signet; ISBN: 0451186230; April 1996. (Contains 45 case studies of men and women who have found help through dreams, visions, and hypnotic regression, including a successful film animator who broke free of his phobias by witnessing his own past-life deaths.) _Discover Your Own Past Lives_ by Francis Steiger & Brad Steiger; Dell; ISBN: 0440138647; out-of-print (A guide to help you learn from your own past lives with the goal of 'becoming a spiritual alchemist.' Some chapters: 'Freedom from your Phobias,' 'Conquering your Compulsions,' 'Saying Goodbye to your Guilt.') _Life Before Life_ by Dr. Helen Wambach; out of print; ASIN; 0553254944; Bantam Books, 1979; reinssued 1984. (An EXCELLENT study of the birth-regressions 750 people and their answers to whether they were being born voluntarily, who had helped them make the choice, why they were female/male in this life, why they were choosing this time period to be born, what purpose did they have for this lifetime, had they known their mothers before, were they being born to reconnect with others they had known before. The answers are fascinating.) _How to Uncover Your Past Lives_ by Ted Andrews; Llewellyn Publications (Llewellyn~s How-To series); ISBN: 0875420222; May 1992. (Great Bibloiography; Dowsing your Past Lives, Self-Hypnosis and Meditation; Using the Tree of Life Therapy; Karmic Connections; Keeping a Past Life Journal) _You Were Born Again to be Together_ by Dick Sutphen; Pocket Books; ISBN: 0671648462; 1976, re-issued in 1987. (A wonderful book of past life regression sessions and case studies focusing on why lovers come together throughout their incarnational histories. Beautiful book!) _Earthly Purpose_ by Dick Sutphen; Pocket Books, 1990; ISBN: 0671692194; (An unusual study of 25,000 souls who have chosen to reincarnate together to share a powerful mission from 581 AD in Teotihuacan, Mexico.) _We Immortals: the Dick Sutphen Past Life Hypnotic Regression Seminars_ by Alan Weisman; Pocket Books, 1979; out-of-print; ISBN: 0671822063. (An entertaining, informative report by a somewhat skeptic reporter who is gradually won over by the many exciting, deep, and touching case studies.) _Eye of the Centaur_ by Barbara Hand Clow; Illustrations by Angela C. Werneke; Bear & Co.; ISBN: 0939680602; Reprinted February 1990. (First of a trilogy that includes _Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades_, and _Signet of Atlantis: War in Heaven Bypass_) (This book is a breakthrough in the area of pastlife studies. It shows the whole depth and breadth of the subject through one woman's spiritual vision. An absolutely astounding achievement!) _Inanna Returns_ by V.S. Ferguson; Thel Dar Pub Co; ISBN: 0964727617; December 1995. (What do extra-terrestrials have to do with reincarnation? The surprising answer in this ground- breaking novel based on the research of Zecharia Sitchin, yet flavored with spice! You go, girl!) _Positive Magic: Occult Self-Help_ by Marion Weinstein; Earth Magic Publications; ISBN: 0960412875; Reprinted May 1994. (A manual about all kinds of positive occult practices, including Wicca, Tarot, Astrology, Words of Power, and Reincarnational Wisdom. Highly recommended to anyone who is interested in all of these subjects and how they relate to each other. Marion Weinstein is a wonderful writer, sprinkling her book with delightful humor and much wisdom.) _Mother Wit, A Guide to Healing & Psychic Development_ by Diane Mariechild; Crossing Press; ISBN: 0895943581; 1981, Revised edition April 1989. (Exercises for healing, growth and spiritual awareness, including past life meditations.) _Stroking the Python: Women's Psychic Lives_ by Diane Stein, Llewellyn, 1993; out-of-print. (A book full of personal accounts of women who are exploring their own psychic lives. The chakra system is used, with reincarnation being assigned to the first chakra. The chapter on reincarnation is extraordinarily clear and succinct.) _Hypersentience: Exploring Your Past Lifetime as a Guide to Your Character and Destiny_ by Marcia Moore; 1976; out-of-print; ASIN: 0517525364; (Excellent book with many transcripts of past life regressions. One of the first 'how-to' books on the subject. Includes lots of frequently-asked-questions and answers about reincarnation.) _Adventures in Consciousness_ by Jane Roberts; SethNet; ISBN: 1889828009; re-printed in 1997; (A 'whole new theory' of human personality which takes into account all the 'aspects' of the Self, including reincarnational aspects. People act out reincarnational dramas, have reincarnational dreams, and learn about 'the focus personality' and 'The Source Self.' One of the best!!) _The Oversoul Seven Trilogy: The Education of Oversoul Seven, the Further Education of Oversoul Seven, Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time_ by Jane Roberts and Robert F. Butts; Amber-Allen Pub, ISBN: 1878424173; Reprinted June 1995. (Novel trilogy about the Oversoul's relationships with its many Aspects throughout Time. Very entertaining and full of thought-provoking ideas.) _Yoga, Youth and Reincarnation_ by Jess Stearn, republished 1997; ISBN: 0876044038 (Jess Stearn learns about yoga and how it relates to reincarnation). _The Search for the Girl with the Blue Eyes_ by Jess Stearn; Doubleday & Co., 1968; out-of-print; Library of Congress catalog number: 67-20920. (Account of the case of Joanne MacIver and her past life as Susan Ganier in 19th century Ontario.) _Soul Mates_ by Jess Stearn; Bantam Books, 1984; ISBN: 0553050753. (Stories about how people discovered their soul mates and the different kinds of soul mates that we can meet, with a focus on reincarnation.) _Many Mansions_ by Gina Cerminara, Ph.D., reissued 1990; ISBN: 0451168179 (A study of Edgar Cayce's files focusing on his Past Life Readings--very good!) _The World Within_ by Gina Cerminara, Ph.D., Wm. Sloane Associates, 1957 (out-of-print). (Well-written intelligent study of the quest for proof of reincarnation in the modern world, as well as explanations of aspects of the human body (beauty, sex, race, balance, etc.) and their relation to the process of incarnation.) _The Cathars and Reincarnation_ by Arthur Guirdham; A Quest Book, ISBN: 085207224; 1970, reprinted in 1978 and 1992. (Compelling true story of a psychiatrist who is surprised and intrigued by his patient's past life remembrances as a Cathar in 13th century France.) _Dancing in the Light_ by Shirley Maclaine; Bantam; ISBN: 0553256971. (The quest of an actress/dancer/performer to understand her own personal relationships as well as the meaning of life through past life exploration. Includes an account of exploring past lives through the use of acupuncture. Very good!) _Past Lives, Future Lives_ by Dr. Bruce Goldberg; Ballantine Books; 1982, re-printed in 1993; ISBN: 034535575-X. (A doctor who used hypnotic regression explains how karmic cycles work using case studies of past and future regression subjects.) _Reincarnation, Channeling and Possession: A Parapsychologist's Handbook_ by Loyd Auerbach; Warner Books; 1993; ISBN:0446363332. (An account of interesting research and conclusions into each of these subjects and how they relate to each other. Much new knowledge here.) _Akashic Records: Past Lives & New Directions_ by Robert Chaney; Astara, Inc.; 1996; ISBN: 0918936314. (A computer metaphor is used to teach the reader how to access the record of all past lives.) _A Practical Guide to Past Life Regression_ by Florence Wagner McClain; Lewellyn; 1987; ISBN: 0875425100. (Very practical guide to doing past life regressions, "how-to" including beginnings and endings to the regressions. Excellent.) _Past Lives, Future Lives_ by Jenny Cockell; Fireside, 1996, ISBN: 068483216X. (Jenny Cockell grew up knowing she had lives before. In her book _Across Time and Death_, she uncovers the facts and details which eventually confirmed her past as Mary Sutton--and she met Sutton's children! In this book she 'remembers' a life in the future in Nepal, and a planet much lower in population, but also safer and more pleasant than the world of today.) _Reincarnation in Christianity: A New Vision of the Role of Rebirth in Christian Thought~ by Geddes MacGregor; Theosophical Publishing House; ISBN 0835605019,April 1996. _Reincarnation and the Dark Goddess; Lives and Teachings of a Priestess_ by Rae Beth; Robert Hale Pub.; ISBN: 0709058403; April 1996. _Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery: An East-West Dialogue on Death and Rebirth from the Worlds of Religion, Science, Psychology, Philosophy_ by Joseph Head and Sylvia Cranston; Theosophical University Press; ISBN 1557000263; July 1994. _Past Lives of Famous People: Journeys of the Soul_ by David R. Bengtson; Bluestar Communication Corp.; ISBN: 1885394225; September 1997. _Beyond the Ashes: Cases of Reincarnation from the Holocaust_ by Yonassan, Rabbi Gershom, and Jon Robertson; Are Pr; ISBN: 0876042930; November 1992. (The author says that this book is "helping to educate the general public about Jewish teachings on reincarnation, the afterlife, levels of the soul, 'karmic healing,' etc.") _Discovering Your Past Lives & Other Dimensions_ by Bettye B. Binder; Reincarnation Books/Tapes; ISBN: 1879005123; August 1994. _Discovering Your Past Lives: Spiritual Growth Through a Knowledge of Past Lifetimes_ by Glenn Williston and Judith Johnstone; Aquarian press; ISBN: 0850307295; November 1995. _Your Past Lives: A Reincarnation Handbook_ by Michael Talbot; Fawcett Books; ISBN: 0449216799; Reprinted June 1990. (Author has also written books about Quantum Physics-- _The Holographic Universe_) _Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation_ by Ian Stevenson;University Press of Virginia; ISBN: 0813808728; October 1980. _Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect_ by Ian Stevenson; Praeger Pub Text; ISBN: 0275951898; May 1997. _Other Lives, Other Selves: A Jungian Psychotherapist Discovers Past Lives_ by Roger J. Woolger; Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Trd Pap); ISBN: 0553345958; October 1988. (From a review: ~The author makes a fascinating case for Christian reincarnation, discusses the role of Reichian body-armor in past and current lives, reveals his own experiences as a mercenary in the Albigensian crusades and wraps it all up by reviewing the insights of the Tibetan Book of the Dead and synthesizing these with his own research.~) _Living Your Past Lives: The Psychology of Past Life Regression_ by CarlSchlotterbeck and Karl R. Schlotterbeck; Ballantine Books; ISBN: 0345340280; August 1991. (Author is a therapist.) _You Have Been Here Before: A Psychologist Looks at Past Lives_ by Dr. Edith Fiore; Ballantine Books; ISBN: 0345338227; April 1991. _Children's Past Lives: How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child_ by Carol Bowman; Bantam Books; ISBN: 055357485X, Feb. 1998. (This books sounds GREAT!! Real quotes from real children put together by a therapist.) _AcrossTime and Death:A Mother's Search for Her Past Life Children_ by Jenny Cockell; Fireside; ISBN: 0671889869; June 1994. (A woman actually meets her own children from a past life!) _Soular Reunion: Journey to the Beloved--Re-Membering the Love of Self, Soulmates & Twin Souls_ by John A. Price and Diadra Price; Wings of Spirit Foundation; ISBN: 188788405X; July 1997. _Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives_ by Michael Newton; Llewellyn Publications; ISBN: 1567184855; July 1994. Most of these books and more can be ordered from or Simply use the search keyword "reincarnation" to bring up a list. 2.2 WHAT OTHER PUBLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE? * Reincarnation International Magazine "The only publication in the world dedicated to an in-depth study of the soul's journey over many lifetimes and the implication of rebirth." £12 per year in UK, £15 Europe & £18 elsewhere. Make cheque payable to: Reincarnation International Ltd. PO Box 10839 London SW13 0ZG United Kingdom Tel/Fax: (UK) 0181 241 2184 E-mail: Website: 2.3 WHAT FILMS AND TV SHOWS EXIST ON REINCARNATION? (Taken from the Internet Movie Database) * Belle histoire, La (1992) * Bunker Bean (1936) * Buried Treasure (1921) * Kaos (1984) * Little Buddha (1993) * Love of Sunya, The (1927) * No te mueras sin decirme adónde vas (1995) * Return (1985) * She (1965) Descriptions of these films can be found at the Internet Movie Database: Use "reincarnation" in the word search box, and choose "Plots" from the pull down menu below it. 2.4 WHICH OTHER NEWSGROUPS DISCUSS REINCARNATION? * alt.consciousness * alt.paranet.metaphysics * alt.paranormal * alt.paranormal.channeling * soc.religion.shamanism * talk.religion.newage * 2.5 WHICH WEB SITES ALSO DISCUSS REINCARNATION? ¦ * A Story of Garth Brookes in the 17th Century ¦ ¦ - Jenny Smedley's site detailing her book "Ripples". * Children's Past Lives - Carol Bowman's site, based on her book of the same name. * Human Understood Reincarnation or Resurrecting the Dead * Life after Death and Rebirth gopher:// - on death, how to cope with it, plan for it etc. * Raindrop - A simple explanation of death for children of all ages. * Reincarnation 101 * Reincarnation International Magazine * Reincarnation, Karma and Past Lives - article by Benjamin Creme and links to other resources. * Reincarnation, The Way Of Soul Evolution * The alt.paranormal.reincarnation Info Page * Yahoo Reincarnation Links alt.paranormal.reincarnation FAQ - © Matthew Brant 1999. ----------------------------------------------------------------- (This FAQ may be reproduced anywhere as long as it is kept in its full entirety. If copied in part, there must be included a reference to the source, including the web address stated below.) A permanent copy of this document can be found at: Build Your Free Home PageVisit other great pages on:EntertainmentEntertainment