Notes on Saddarsan prayojananudrsya na mandopi pravartate Metaphysics, natural philosophy, psychology, eschatology (after-life) pramana, sambandha, abhidheya, prayojana Ch. Up. 3.14 world is atman - led to pantheism. Brhad Up. 2.4.5 atman is the only reality (result - maya theory) 3.8.11 knowable subject within us 3.4.2 knowing subject, itself unknowable So Upanisads have the illussory theory about world - to reconcile this idealism with practical reality of existence of the world some speculated pantheism, brahman entered the world as soul, was introduced. Svetasvatara theism - cit acit isvara pantheism resulted in materialism. Different aspects of Absolute Truth are scattered in the Upanisads here and there unchronologically. It is ubsurd to say that what Sankara taught was the only doctrine of Upanisads. His is simply a double edged sword to defeat non vedic atheism (one edge Vedic, other© atheism). Buddhism and Jainism are philosophical atheisms. But they raise Buddha and Jina respectively SUTRAS Gautama - Nyaya sutras - Prasastapada bhasya Kanada - Vaisesika sutras - Vatsayana bhasya Kapila - Samkhya sutras - Patanjali - Yoga sutras - Jaimini - Purva mimamsa - Sabara Swamin Vyasa - Brahma sutras - Vyasa (SB), Sankara, Nimbarka, Visnuswami, Ramanuja, Madhva and Baladeva Sri Madhva (not our acarya!) in Sarva darsana samgraha gives method for determining the purport of statements in the Vedic literature: upakramopasamharavabhyaso'purvata phalam arthavadopapathi ca lingam tatparya nirnaye upakrama: beginning upasamhara: end avabhyasa: repetition apurvata: novelty phalam: object arthavada: interpretation upapathi: argument lingam: method, sign nirnaye: for determination