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In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful


The Qur'an's 113 surahs begin with the name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful. Believers are constantly aware of this name's manifestations, because it encompasses the universe and embraces each believer from birth to death, in sickness and health, weakness and strength, as well as permeates the matchless beauty of all animate and inanimate beings. The divine mercy, compassion, love, help, protection, grace and forgiveness of Allah toward all humans is one of the most beautiful manifestations of our Lord. The manifestations of this name deepens the way in which believers view the universe and all living things and adhere to the Qur'an's moral code. For this reason, when Muslims begin to read the Qur'an, practice the morality Qur'an tells and communicate it to others, advise other believers, and think about why the universe was created, they should breathe the most beautiful names of Allah in their spirits. To comprehend the beauty, contentment, well-being and blessing in these peerless names of our Creator, and to be aware of their sovereignty in Islam, is an important step toward deepening one's faith and coming to know Allah through His most beautiful names.


Islam And Buddhism


When we look at Buddhism in the light of the verses of the Qur’an, we see that this belief is built on twisted teachings, contains peculiar acts of worship incompatible with human reason and logic, and turns man towards idolatry. This book reveals all the deviant aspects of this superstitious religion.

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Islam and Far Eastern Religions


The superstitious Far Eastern religions are a mystery to most. When superstitious faiths like Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Shinto, Confucianism and Taoism are mentioned, people tend to think of religious communities who worship or pray to idols carved out of stone or wood, make offerings to and put on shows of seeming respect for  them and perform mysterious ceremonies in dimly lit temples. The superstitious Eastern religions with their 1.5 billion believers  worldwide, represent a gloomy life filled with pagan rituals, social injustices and miserable conditions, that is to say, a warped life. The most fundamental mistake of the believers in these superstitious faiths is that they deny the certainty of Allah’s existence (Allah is beyond that) and put their faith into hundreds of millions of idols, perversely worshipping them and ignorantly hoping for help and salvation from them. This book will reveal the flawed aspects, perversions, irrational and illogical practices, as well as the teachings that sanction the racism, violence and cruelty of these superstitious Eastern religions, as well as the teachings that, in their own minds, sanction racism, violence and cruelty. We hope that the practitioners of these religions will come to realize the perverted nature of their lifestyles and the losses that following blindly in the footsteps of their forefather’s causes them in this life, as well as in the Hereafter, so they can leave these pagan beliefs behind and surrender to Allah.


Islam And Karma


Many people today are looking for a way to establish a way of life that will bring them contentment, inner certainty and peace. Some of these seekers believe they will find the happiness and peace of mind they are looking for in religions such as Hinduism or Buddhism. Many people have been influenced by these eastern religions because of their aura of mystery and mysticism, and because they make use of techniques such as meditation, and because of the unusual attitudes, dress, manner of speech and religious practices of those who follow them. However, these religions espouse many beliefs and practices that conflict with reason and logic. The belief in karma is one such characteristic of these religions that are currently attracting interest in our countries. Although it encourages people to adopt certain positive moral qualities, the philosophy of karma also contains several erroneous and superstitious beliefs. It is not possible for these superstitions, which form the basis of the belief in karma, to become a way to freedom for humanity or to bring people genuine inner certainty and peace of mind. On the contrary, they cause even greater spiritual confusion. The way to ensuring real happiness and peace of mind in this world is the religion of Islam and its source, the Qur’an which our Lord, Allah, the One and Only Lord of the universe, chose for humanity in order to restore the truths previously revealed to Prophets and Messengers among all peoples on earth but forgotten and corrupted to some extent almost everywhere. This book deals both with those aspects of the belief in karma that concern good ethical practices that accord with the teachings of the Qur’an, and with those erroneous aspects that accord neither with the Qu’ran, nor with human reason and nor with human conscience.

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Islam Denounces Terrorism


As Muslims, we strongly condemn the terrorist attacks on two major cities of the United States of America on September 11, 2001, which caused the death and injury of thousands of innocent people. This book maintains that the source of the terror that we condemn is definitely not from a divine religion, and that there is no room for terrorism in Islam. This is made clear in the Qur'an, the main source of Islam, and in the practices of all true Muslim rulers, the Prophet Muhammad (saas) being the foremost of them. We need to keep in mind that, among those who were killed in New York and Washington, there were people who loved the Prophet Jesus  (as) (Christians), the Prophet Moses (as) (Jews) and the Prophet Muhammad (saas) (Muslims). Unless forgiven by Allah, murdering innocent people is a great sin that leads to torment in Hell. No one who is religious and fears Allah would do such a thing. Religion commands love, mercy and peace. Terror, on the other hand, is cruel, merciless and demands bloodshed and misery. This being the case, the origins of terrorist acts should be sought in disbelief rather than in religion. The name or the identity of the triggerman is not important. If he can kill innocent people without blinking an eye, then he is a nonbeliever, not a believer. For this reason, "Islamic terror," "Christian terror" or "Jewish terror" are all  erroneous concepts which contradict the message of divine religions. True religion can by no means countenance terrorism. On the contrary, terror (i.e. the murder of innocent people) in Islam is a great sin, and Muslims are responsible for preventing these acts and bringing peace and justice to the world. This book reveals, in the light of the verses of the Qur'an and with examples from history, that Islam forbids terrorism and aims to bring peace and security to the world.

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Islam: The Religion Of Ease


The religion Allah chose for people, which best suits their temperament, is the religion of Islam. Allah has made His religion very easy for people to live by. Religion lifts all the burdens, and things that are limiting and restricting and that cause people hardship. It informs people that they should always seek Allah's approval, lean towards Him, and resign themselves to the destiny that He has determined for them, for He is infinitely compassionate, kind and forgiving; He creates everything with a purpose for righteous people; He is the possessor of all power. Allah, in the Qur'an, declares that religion is easy and that He will make things easier for those who follow their religion: … He has selected you and not placed any constraint upon you in the observance of your religion—the religion of your forefather Abraham… (Surat al-Hajj: 78) Our Prophet (saas) has always ordered Muslims around him to make religion “easier.” As a result, righteous Muslims should obey this command and should not suffer the consequences of representing easy things as hard. One of our Prophet's (saas) sayings on this matter is as follows: "Make things easy for the people, and do not make it difficult for them, and make them calm (with glad tidings) and do not repulse (them)." In this book, in accordance with the advice of our Prophet (saas), we are reminded of how easy it is to live Allah's religion. Furthermore, it is explained that the religion of Islam encourages the lifestyle most suitable to a person's temperament, comfort, and happiness: a life lead by the morals of the Qur'an is the best possible life a person can live.

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Jannah: The Garden from the Qur'an and Hadith


Our Lord has created every human being to take delight in beauty and perfection, and has given us a spirit to yearn for these things. For this reason, from the first moment we start to understand life, we feel  a constant desire to attain this perfection. We are always searching for the blessings of beauty around us. But, no matter how much we may desire these things and no matter how great our effort to attain them, we will never attain this perfection in this life. This is because Allah has created human nature to be content only in the Garden, and the desires of the human heart can only be fulfilled there. Allah has created this worldly life to be wanting and deficient and, indeed, there are reasons for these deficiencies. One of the reasons for the creation is to allow human beings the opportunity to make a sincere effort to attain the absolute beauty of the Garden. Everyone would like a world without sickness, death, war, battle, need and anxiety, and everyone looks for ways to live a happy, problem-free life. However, in the Qu'ran Allah says that human beings will be able to live such a life only in the Garden. That is easy to attain: we must live lives that are pleasing to Allah. Then – Allah willing – we will attain a perfect and endlessly happy life, a life more wonderful than we could ever have desired or imagined.


Justice And Compassion In The Qur'an


When we talk about justice, everybody shares essentially the same basic concepts, and these are accepted by the majority of people right away. This justice will include people from all walks of life, with no discrimination between them. It will allocate resources fairly among people, without taking their race, religion and language into consideration and will aim to create a world in which the superior is the one who is right, not the powerful. What often distances people from justice is their rejection of it. They may concur in principle, but they reject it when it conflicts with their own interests. For due administration of justice over the world, a morality which will enable people to set aside their personal benefits for the sake of justice is needed. This morality is the values of the Qur'an which Allah commands and instructs us with in the Qur’an. That is because the values of the Qur'an command an absolute justice that makes no discrimination between people, that sides only with what is true and just. Justice that is carried out with the fear of Allah and with the sole intention of earning Allah's approval is true justice. This form of justice makes no discrimination between people. The purpose of this book is to describe the justice in the Qur'an.

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Knowing The Truth


This book deals with a great reality which everyone experiences whether they will it or not: “Everything that constitutes our life is a totality of perceptions received by our soul. Matter that Allah has created exists outside, yet we only face the image of the matter in our brain. We have no direct experience with the original of the matter that is outside.  Our world and the people in it, the places and events are just like a dream perceived only in our brain. But we never have any connection to the original of the external world…” Everyone who rids himself of the preconceptions and prejudices that he has acquired since his childhood and approaches this subject reasonably will understand this great reality. The subject is treated in this book by means of conversations conducted among four people. In this way, the prejudices that prevent understanding are removed and the errors that people fall into are explained. While you read the book, you will think along with these four people and, with them you will concentrate on this great reality that you experience. So, in contrast to those who ignore this extraordinary reality in which they find themselves at every moment, and live their lives in self-deception and heedlessness, you will know this great secret. Don't forget that this reality is a great knowledge that will be the means to understanding the existence of Allah (God), His eternal power and the closeness of the hereafter.

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Learning From The Quran


The Qur’an is not a book that consists solely of lawful and unlawful deeds; it covers a wide range of subjects, including descriptions pertaining to moral perfection, various characteristics of human beings, all situations and circumstances that are likely to occur in this life, information related to the life of this world and the hereafter, fear of God, love for Him, the ways to attain the good pleasure of God, etc. In brief, the Qur’an is a book that consists of all the information that man may need throughout his life. It is the Book the Creator has sent to the created and it will remain as the sole guide for humanity until the Day of Judgement. A believer who becomes aware of the importance and indispensability of the Qur’an to his life must have a good knowledge of the Qur’an so that he can conduct his entire life in line with the principles of the Qur’an and thus serve God as is due. This book is prepared to strengthen the knowledge of the Qur’an for those who wish to get to know Allah, who are willing to meticulously perform their duties as servants of Allah, reorient their lives in line with the values of the Qur’an and make attaining the good pleasure, mercy and Paradise of Allah their main objective.

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Let’s Learn Our Islam


Dear Children! This book tells about the power of Allah Who created your mother, father, friends, all other people, animals, plants, and in short all living things, the earth, the sun, the moon and the entire universe. It talks about the might and infinite knowledge of our Lord and what He wants us to do and not to do. Do not forget, these are very important matters, which will benefit you greatly!

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Love Of Allah


Love is one of the greatest blessings that Allah gives to people. Allah has created people in such a way that they enjoy being loved and loving others. The true source of love in the believers’ hearts is their profound love of Allah. Believers love Allah greatly and, at every moment, strive to gain His love and good pleasure. Whoever loves Allah also loves His creations, feels compassion and mercy for them. This book seeks to remind people of the importance of feeling love toward our Lord, and the importance of Allah’s love toward His creations and the believers, as well as to demonstrate that the lack of love, which is a sign of those who deny His existence, is a great catastrophe and punishment.

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Loyalty Described In The Qur'an


The notion of “loyalty,” which is addressed in this book, is one that those distanced from the moral teaching of the Qur’an completely fail to understand; or worse still, will never understand. The loyalty of those who adopt ignorance as a way of life has emptied it of its real meaning, misrepresenting it to disguise the true nature of their actions. On the contrary, believers employ the intelligence that Allah has given them to duly appreciate His power and infinite knowledge. They know that He alone is worthy of praise, and live their lives without compromise in their adherence to the moral teachings He has revealed in the Qur’an. They follow faithfully and without doubt the way shown by the messengers. Even in times of extreme duress, they are never unfaithful to Him. On the contrary, their closeness to Allah only becomes greater. Our mighty Lord has promised the believers forgiveness and a great reward in His presence for their deeds.

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Magnificence Everywhere


Someone who examines any corner of the universe, from the giant galaxies in space to the living things in nature, and from his own body to invisible cells, sees a flawless plan incorporating both order and design. Everywhere in the universe overflows with an amazing magnificence. This magnificence is the superior and matchless artistry of Allah, the Originator of everything, the Source of all beauty, and the Lord of all living things. He Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any flaw in the creation of theAll-Merciful. Look again—do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Qur’an, 67: 3-4)

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Maryam: An Exemplary Muslim Woman


Allah made it possible for people to understand how to live the Qur’an’s morality by giving examples from the Prophets’ and other Muslims’ lives. One of these sincere Muslims is Mary, one of the two women noted for their exemplary characters: “Allah has made an example for those who believe: the wife of Pharaoh, when she said: ‘My Lord, build a house in the Garden for me in Your Presence, rescue me from Pharaoh and his deeds, and rescue me from this wrongdoing people.’ And Mary, the daughter of ‘Imran, who guarded her chastity—We breathed Our Spirit into her. She confirmed the Words of her Lord and His Book, and was one of the obedient” (Surat at-Tahrim: 11-12). Allah introduces Mary as having “the ideal Muslim woman’s character.” This character is completely different than the common character of women in today’s unbelieving societies, where they usually share a common socially acceptable character handed down from their ancestors. According to the Qur’an, however, men and women have the same responsibilities and characters, for Allah refers to “an ideal Muslim character.” In this book, we deal with the common woman’s character as seen in unbelieving societies and analyze how this erroneous character became established. In addition, we explore Mary’s character, whom Allah raised above all other women, and thereby define the “ideal Muslim woman’s character.” Another aim of the book is to reveal the inconsistencies in the common woman’s character in unbelieving societies and to inform people who are looking for the truth about a way of life and morality that will lead them toward honor, respectability, and superiority on Earth as well as in the Hereafter.

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Matter: The Other Name For Illusion


What is explained in this book is an important truth, which has surprised many and changed their perspectives on life. This truth can be summarized as follows: "We cannot have direct experience of any of the events and objects that we encounter in real life-buildings, people, cities, cars, places-in fact, any of the things we see, hold, touch, smell, taste and hear. We only confront visions and feelings formed in our brains".   There is matter outside, yet we may never know the actual of the matter. We assume with the inculcation we have been given that these are invariable in a world outside our brains and hence that we see and feel the actual of them. However, in reality we never see real existing materials and we never touch real materials. In brief while assuming all through our lives that we deal with the matter outside, in reality we know the copy and image of everything.   This is not a philosophical speculation. It is an empirical fact that has been proven by modern science. Today, any scientist who is a specialist in medicine, biology, neurology or any other field related to brain research would say, when asked how and where we see the world, that we see the whole world in the vision center located in our brains.   This fact has been scientifically proven in the twentieth century, and although it may seem surprising, it necessarily implies answers to two questions; "Since throughout our lives we confront the images formed in our brains, then who is it that creates these visions? And who is it that sees these visions in our brains without having eyes and enjoys them, gets excited and happy?" You will find the answers to these two important questions in this book.

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Miracle In The Eye


Before you finish reading this sentence, approximately one hundred billion (100,000,000,000) operations will have been completed inside your eyes. However fantastic it may seem, you possess an example (two, in fact) of the Universe's ultimate technology. No scientist has ever come close to fully grasping it, let alone inventing anything remotely similar. Whatever you have in your life is meaningful through your senses—vision and others. Without eyes, you could never imagine colors, forms, scenes, human faces, or what the word beauty means. But you do have eyes, and thanks to them, you can now read these printed words before you. Nor does the act of vision cost you very much effort. To see an object, all you have to do is to turn your gaze at it. Nor did you have to struggle to develop a pair of those wonderful instruments. At birth, your eyes came as standard equipment, with free installation and, unless you had a particular defect, in perfect working order. Since then, you’re not likely to have felt any urge to ask the kind of questions you might upon receiving an expensive, anonymous gift, such as “Why did I get this?” or, “Who sent this to me?” or, “Exactly what do they want from me in return?.” Be assured that the Creator, Who lent you this blessing, will call you to account when the contract ends—which is sooner than you imagine.

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Miracles In Our Bodies


Each one of the trillions of cells in our bodies fulfils its tasks perfectly as a result of Allah's perfect plan, so that we may lead our lives without any difficulty. Waking up every morning to go to school, tasting the sweet flavour of honey, breathing without any difficulty, running in your school garden and playing with your friends, writing, reading and lots of other things you do are thanks to Allah's compassion and mercy. Like all other things on earth, Allah has created you perfectly and given you everything you need. What you should do in return is to give thanks to our Lord, Who has given you all these blessings that are much more valuable than any other present you may be given in this world. This book will lead you to reflect upon your bodies. It will show you how perfectly and elaborately the human body has been created by Allah. Once you read the book, you will love Allah even more and thank Him. You will be surprised at the neglectfulness of the people around you, who do not reflect, and you will be eager to tell them what you know, so that they will be heedful too.


Miracles Of The Qur’an


The unprecedented style and the superior wisdom inherent in the Qur’an is conclusive evidence confirming that it is the Word of God. Apart from this, there are a number of miracles verifying its Divine nature, one of them being that, 1,400 years ago, it declared a number of scientific facts that have only been established thanks to the technological breakthroughs of the 20th century. In this book, in addition to the scientific miracles of the Qur’an, you will also find messages regarding history and mathematics.

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Miracles Of The Qur'an - volume 3


The Noble Qur’an is the only Divine scripture to have come down unchanged, as a revelation from Allah, to the present day. One of the proofs confirming that the Qur’an is the word of Allah is the scientific and mathematical miracles it contains. Scientific facts that could not have been known at the time when the Qur’an was sent down, reports concerning earlier times, events referring to the future and the mathematical arrangements within it are just a few of the miraculous aspects of the Qur’an. As the word of Allah, the Almighty and Omniscient, the Noble Qur’an also contains a great many facts that people are unable to understand or lack the information with which to comprehend them. By means of advances in science and technology, this information is emerging into the light of day – at a time and in a manner of our Lord’s choosing – and is further revealing the miraculous nature of the Qur’an. There is certainly no need to see these miraculous features or examples that confirm that the Qur’an is in complete agreement with science in order to believe that the Qur’an is the revelation of Allah. The Qur’an is a book that distinguished between truth and falsehood and reflected Allah’s infinite wisdom and knowledge even long before these scientific discoveries were made. However, the examples in this book will be instrumental in many people not living by the religious morality coming to have faith and in increasing Muslims’ fervor and depth of faith. As our Lord reveals in one verse in the Qur’an: We will show them Our signs on the horizon and within themselves until it is clear to them that it is the truth. … (Surah Fussilat, 53)


Miracles Within The Molecule


When you hold this book in your hand, you are actually holding molecules. As you sip a cup of coffee, you are actually drinking molecules, and the coffee aroma that reaches your nose actually consists of scent molecules that you are breathing in. Your tongue that tastes the coffee and your eyes that read these lines are also nothing more than assortments of organic molecules. When you breathe, you are actually inhaling molecules from the outside atmosphere. It is thanks to these very molecules that you can see, smell and taste. And just like everything around you, your body itself is also made up of molecules.   But exactly what are these molecules that comprise you, your skin, the chair you sit in, a cat’s fur—and indeed, the entire universe? In fact, those molecules are nothing more than the mutual electron bonds shared among atoms far too small to be seen with the naked eye. By sharing electrons with each other, atoms link up in long-lasting partnerships, forming molecules. The results, invisible to the naked eye, are an astonishing and infinite variety of objects animate and inanimate, from planets to human beings, from rivers to green forests, from antelopes to railways, and from daisies to apples.   In a words accessible to everyone, this book examines how Allah (God) has created molecules and their extraordinary features by the seemingly simple means of bonds between atoms. Learning how invisible molecules make up all the matter in the universe, using your reason and conscience, we can begin to see our Lord’s infinite power, intellect and incomparable creations, will understand just how helpless we are before Him, and bow to Allah’s great might.


Names Of Allah


So, how well do you know our Creator, Who planned you and the entire universe with a delicate equilibrium? Many people have mistaken ideas concerning Allah due to the effects of different cultures and information of dubious origins. However, Allah introduces Himself to humanity through the Qur’an He sent down 1,400 years ago and informs us of His beautiful names. This book, written to introduce you Allah, seeks to replace the vague, flawed, and insignificant information that you may have acquired over the years with the genuine faith described in the Qur’an so that you may come to know Allah, the All-Mighty, better and draw nearer to Him.

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Never Forget


The purpose of this book is to remind you of the reason of your existence in this world. We feel the need to remind of this because man is forgetful. Engrossed in everyday routines, unless he wills otherwise, he may easily become distracted from the real issues to which he actually needs to pay attention. He may easily forget that Allah encompasses him all around, that He watches him at every moment, that He listens to him, and that he will one day have to give an account of his actions to Allah. He may well forget about the certainty of death, the grave, Paradise and Hell, that nothing happens other than that which is Allah's Will, and that there is ultimately a reason for everything. Never forget that, forgetting those things of which you will be reminded in this book will cost you immeasurably more than forgetting what you attempt to remember throughout the day, no matter how valuable that issue may seem.

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Never Plead Ignorance



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New Research Demolishes Evolution


Some of the people who have heard of "the theory of evolution" or "Darwinism", may think that these concepts only concern the field of biology and that they have no significance in their everyday lives. This is a big misconception because far more than a biological concept, the theory of evolution constitutes the underpinnings of a dishonest philosophy that has held sway over a great number of people. That philosophy is "materialism", which holds a number of bogus views about why and how we came into being. Materialism maintains that there is nothing but the matter and that matter is the essence of everything, be it organic or inorganic. Starting out from this premise, it denies the existence of a divine Creator, that is, Allah. Reducing everything to the level of matter, this notion transforms man into a creature that heeds only matter and turns away from moral values of whatever kind. This is the beginning of big disasters that will befall a man's life.


Once Upon A Time There Was Darwinism


In the past, scientists have been caught up in various errors either because of the unsophisticated research equipment of their time or because of their own prejudices. Among such scientific errors, the greatest—and most enduring—    historic example is one theory put forward concerning the origins of life. This theory's illogical claims have exerted a much greater influence than any of the other examples. This error, called Darwinism, unites a materialist worldview with a    belief in evolution. The mask of Darwinism, which gained wide acceptance due to the inadequate level of scientific knowledge at the time, has finally been lifted in the 21st century, and it has emerged as an outdated and invalid theory. After seeing this clear truth, it is right to cease resisting it and to embrace it. Up to now, some may have believed in the lie of evolution because it was instilled in their minds by others. But if they are sincere, instead of running after a deception and being humiliated in this world and the next, they will seek to find the truth and live according to it. Those attached to Darwinism must give up believing blindly in this theory, study the conclusions of science, and evaluate them without prejudice. If sincere in their search, even Darwinism's most avid supporters will see that this theory is a great deception, as proven by scientific facts. Sincerity and honesty, it must not be forgotten, will be rewarded both in this life and the next.


Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism


This book maintains that only love, tolerance and peace can eradicate terrorism and reveals, with quotations from the Qur’an, the New Testament and the Torah, that terrorism is a form of savagery condemned by all divine religions. With examples from history, the book demonstrates that the only way to fight terrorism is to embrace the sentiments fostered by the values of religion, such as love, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance and justice.

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Our Messengers Say


In this book, the ways in which some messengers have communicated the message of Allah to their people are related. The purpose is to make the reader aware of the unique sincerity and commitment displayed by these honourable messengers of Allah in their efforts to spread the religion of Allah and thus to inspire respect and love for them. Another purpose is to draw the reader’s attention to the significance of the messages they communicated. This book is a summons to believers to behold the wisdom in the stories of messengers, to ponder them, and to make them a part of his own life.

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During the time while this book was being written, the Middle East was once again the scene of conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The Israeli army have been ruthlessly bombing civilian settlements, shooting children, and trying to make the already tormented Occupied Territories more uninhabitable. Some Palestinian radicals, on the other hand, are attacking Israeli civilian targets and spreading violence with their terrible suicide bombings aimed at innocent women and children. As Muslims, our heartfelt wish is for the anger and hatred on both sides to die down, for the bloodshed to stop, and for peace to come to both lands. We oppose both the Israeli killing of innocent Palestinians and the radical Palestinians bombing of innocent Israelis. In our view, the most important condition for this ongoing conflict to end and for real peace to be established is for both sides to acquire and then implement a genuine and honest understanding of their respective beliefs. The conflict between these two peoples has assumed the form of a "religious war" between Jews and Muslims, though, in fact there is absolutely no reason for there to be such a war. Both Jews and Muslims believe in Allah, love and respect many of the same prophets, and possess the same moral principles. They are not enemies; rather, they are allies in a world in which atheism and the hatred of religion are widespread. Based on this fundamental principle, we call on the Israelis (and all Jews) to realize the following facts: Muslims and Jews believe in one Allah, the Creator of the universe and all things therein. We are all Allah's servants, and to Him shall we all return. So why hate each other? The holy books we believe in are superficially different but in essence the same, for they come from the same Allah. Therefore we all abide by them. So why should we fight one another? Muslims and Jews love and respect many of the same prophets. The Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishaq (Isaac), Yusuf (Joseph), Musa (Moses), or Dawud (David), peace be upon them all, are at least as important for Muslims as they are for Jews. The lands where these holy figures lived and served Allah are at least as holy for Muslims as they are for Jews. So why drown these lands in blood and tears? That is where the solution to the Palestinian tragedy and other conflicts in the world lies. The deaths and suffering of so many innocent people remind us every day what an urgent task this is.

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Paradise The Believers' Real Home


Most people conceive of Paradise as a surreal and abstract notion. The most important reason for this misconception is an insufficient knowledge of the Qur’an and a lack of understanding. This book provides a realistic description of Paradise as related in the Qur’an and summons man to think about this eternal abode.

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