Once upon a time, in a field, there used to live a bull and a pheasant. They were very good friends but pheasant was very old now. On the edge of the field, there was a big tree. Pheasant said to the bull, "When I was young I could fly to the topmost branch of the tree very easily. But now I can not even fly to the first branch of tree." Bull said, "That is not a problem, eat little bit of my dung every day and within a fortnight you will be able to fly to the topmost branch of the tree." Pheasant did not believe him but bull assured him that many men in the world are doing that. So the pheasant agreed and started eating dung. On the very first day, he could fly to the first branch of the tree. And after a fortnight, he could fly to the topmost branch of the tree. Pheasant was sitting on the topmost branch of the tree and enjoying the beautiful scenery. The farmer saw the big fat pheasant sitting on top of tree. He took out his shotgun and shot it. Moral of story is that bullshit can take someone to the top but it will not let the person remain there for long time.