Letter PAMHO:9813862 (606 lines) [W1] From: Internet: "demian martins" Date: 10-May-05 14:24 (07:24 -0700) To: "demian martins" Cc: Bhakti Vikasa Swami [83362] (received: 03-Jun-05 23:54) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami [42228] (received: 16-May-05 23:52) Cc: Basu Ghosh (das) ACBSP (Baroda - IN) [66944] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Bhaktarupa (das) ACBSP (Bhubaneswara - IN) [57577] (received: 04-Jun-05 00:20) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Bhima (das) ACBSP (TP Mumbai, Juhu - IN) [26906] (received: 03-Jun-05 23:35) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Bhurijana (das) ACBSP (Vrindavan - IN) [25991] (received: 11-May-05 02:51) Cc: Deena Bandhu (das) ACBSP (Vrindavan - IN) [10612] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Jasomatinandan (das) ACBSP (Gujarat - IN) [10383] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Nagaraja (das) ACBSP (BTG) (Alachua, FL - USA) [18199] (forwarded: 03-Jun-05 21:00) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Naikatma (das) ACBSP (Denver, CO - USA) [3031] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: "Praghosh (USA) ACBSP" (sent: 03-Jun-05 20:57) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Shyamasundara1967 (das) ACBSP (India) [16992] (received: 03-Jun-05 21:06) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Svavasa (das) ACBSP (NA-BBT) [15358] (forwarded: 03-Jun-05 21:00) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Adipurusa (das) GKG (IN) [40529] (received: 10-May-05 17:57) Cc: "Ajita Dasa" (sent: 03-Jun-05 20:57) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Aniruddha (das) BJD (Melbourne - AU) [24088] (received: 04-Jun-05 00:36) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Dayaram (das) JPS (Mayapur - IN) [37446] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Gurusevananda (das) JPS (VIHE, Vrindavana - IN) [49] (received: 30-May-05 00:04) Cc: (Bhakta) Jan Mares (NE-BBT Czech) [13013] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Janardana (das) GKG (Vrindavan - IN) [6475] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: "kasisvara (IDS)" (sent: 03-Jun-05 20:57) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Kavi Karnapura (das) SDHS (Nama-hatta Celje - SI) [7025] (received: 10-May-05 22:10) Cc: Lilasuka (das) BCS (GBC Secretariat) [57224] (received: 11-May-05 12:11) Cc: Madana-Gopal (das) MVG (India) [3198] (received: 10-May-05 22:33) Cc: Mathura Kishora (das) JPS (Estonia) [9715] (forwarded: 03-Jun-05 21:00) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Matsya Avatara (das) (Govardhana - IN) [1739] (received: 13-May-05 22:27) Cc: "prana" (sent: 03-Jun-05 20:57) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: "premavanya das" (sent: 03-Jun-05 20:57) (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Shyamananda (das) RNS (Chowpatty, Bombay - IN) [14027] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Tirthatma Nitai (das) JPS (Adi-Templo Sao Paulo - BR) [2781] (received: 10-May-05 17:41) Cc: Vanamali Gopal (das) JPS (Tamilnadu - IN) [358] (received: 18-May-05 12:08) Cc: Vidvan Gauranga (das) JPS (Mayapur - IN) [37903] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Visista (das) GKG (Vrindavan - IN) Cc: Visnu Murti (das) (BLS Bhaktivedanta College - BE) [71166] (received: 10-May-05 15:35) Cc: sudarshan@isp.b92.net Cc: niharself@yahoo.com Cc: lmradhe@hotmail.com Cc: kedarji@yahoo.com Cc: gaurasaktidas@yahoo.co.in Cc: gurusevananda@hotmail.com Cc: ymurti@yahoo.com Cc: swami.rasananda@aol.com Cc: brahma108in@yahoo.co.in Cc: swayambhudas@hotmail.com Cc: sukdevdas@yahoo.co.in Cc: rupanuga2000@yahoo.co.in Cc: suki_bgd@yahoo.com Cc: acyutamadhava@yahoo.co.uk Cc: cadas92@hotmail.com Cc: ISKCON India (news & discussion) [6133] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc: Tridandi Sannyasa [1301] (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Cc-For: Quotes (sender: Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami) Subject: stri-svabhava ------------------------------------------------------------ STRI-SVABHAVA Manu-samhita 2.113 Svabhava esa narinam naranam iha dusanam Ato rthan na pramadyanti pramadasu vipascitah To corrupt men is the nature of women, hence the wise do not indulge in their association. 2.114 Avidvamsam alam loke vidvamsam api va punah Pramada hyutpatham netum kamakrodhavasanugam Man, by nature, is subject to lust and anger; women are quite competent to lead even a wise man astray, not to speak of a fool. 5.147 Balaya va yuvatya va vrddhaya vapi yosita Na svatantryena kartavyam kincit karyam grhesv api A girl, a young woman or even an old woman must not do anything independently, even in her own house. 5.149 Pitra bharta sutair vapi necched viraham atmanah Esam hi virahena stri garhye kuryad ubhe kule She must not wish separation from her father, husband or sons; a woman separated from these becomes condemned in both families. 5.155 Nasti strinam prthag yajno na vratam napy uposanam Patim susrusate yena tena svarge mahiyate Women have no other sacrifice, vow or fasting to perform other than unflinching devotion to a husband, by which they become glorified in heaven. 8.371 Bhartaram langhayed ya tu stri jnatigunadarpita Tam svabhih khadayed raja samsthane bahusamsthite IF A WOMAN, BEING PROUD OF HER BEAUTY AND RELATIONS, MAKES TRANGRESSIONS (ADULTERY) AGAINST HER HUSBAND, THE KING MUST CAUSE HER TO BE DEVOURED BY DOGS IN A CROWDED PLACE. 8.416 Bharya putras ca dasas ca traya evadhanah smrtah Yat te samadhigacchanti yasya te tasya tad dhanam A wife, a son and a slave can never have any property or money. Whatever they earn goes to him to whom they belong. 9.2 Asvatantrah striyah karyah purusaih svair divanisam Visayesu ca sajjantyah samsthapya atmano vase Day and night, men should never give any freedom to women. By engaging them in proper activities they should keep them under their control. 9.3 Pita raksati kaumare bharta raksati yauvane Raksanti sthavire putra na stri svatantryam arhati The father protects her in infancy; the husband in youth; the sons in old age. A woman does not deserve independence. 9.5 Suksmebhyo pi prasangebhyah striyo raksya visesatah Dvayor hi kulayoh sokam avaheyur araksitah Women should be especially protected from the slightest corrupting influences since an unprotected woman aggrieves two families. 9.13 Panam durjanasamsargah patya ca viraho?tanam Svapno nyagehavasas ca narisandusanani sat Drinking, evil company, separation from the husband, idle rambling, sleep at improper time and residence at another s house-these are the six factors that spoil a woman. 9.14 Naita rupam pariksante nasam vayasi samsthitih Sarupam va virupam va puman ity eva bhunjate They do not care for beauty or youth. Women just long for sexual intercourse with men, whether they be beautiful or ugly. 9.15 Paumscalyac calacittac ca naisnehyac ca svabhavatah Raksita yatnato piha bhartrsveta vikurvate On account of the erotic fancies in their minds at the mere sight of men, their innate fickleness of heart and inborn absence of affection, women, even though well protected by their husbands, make transgressions against them. 9.16 Evamsvabhavam jnatvasam prajapatinisargajam Paramam yatnam atisthet puruso raksanam prati Thus having known their nature, as Prajapati created them, a man should try his best to protect his wife. 9.17 Sayyasam alankaram kamam krodham anarjavam Drohabhavam kucaryam ca stribhyo manur akalpayat Fondness for beds, cushions and ornaments, lusty desires, anger, crookedness and mischief - these are the qualities Manu gave to women. 9.18 Nasti strinam kriya mantrair iti dharma vyavasthitih Nirindriya hy amantras ca stryo?nrtam iti sthitih The purificatory rites of women are without vedic mantras; that is the decision of the law code. And for this disqualification of mantralessness women are like inorganic things. This is the conclusion. 9.19 tatha ca srutayo bahvyo nigita nigamesv api svalaksanyapariksartham tasam srnuta niskrtih The proneness of women to infidelity has been largely sung in the Vedas and Nigamas.. 9.19 Vyabhicarat tu bhartuh stri loke prapnoti nindyam Srgalayonim capnoti paparogais ca pidyate By committing transgressions against her husband, a woman becomes condemnable in this world, takes birth in the womb of a she-jackal in the next life and is afflicted by very bad diseases. 9.47 Sakrdamso nipatati sakrt kanya pradiyate Sakr aha dadaniti trinyetani satam sakrt Only once can the partition of inheritance be done; only once can a girl be given in marriage; and only once can a thing be gifted. 9.72 Vidhivat pratigrhyapi tyajet kanyam vigarhitam Vyadhitam vipradustam va chadmana copapaditam Even after having formally accepted a girl in marriage, if one finds out that she has inauspicious physical features, is diseased, is not a maiden anymore or was fraudulently given in marriage by hiding some defect, he must give her up. HITOPADESA Freedom, residence in the father s house after marriage, meeting people during festivities, living unrestrictedly in the vicinity of men, dwelling in a foreign country, association with women of loose character, constant violation of proper conduct, the old age of the husband, being jealous of him, his residence abroad- these are the causes that ruin a woman. 1.114 Having seeing a handsome man, whether her brother or even her son, a woman.. (the publisher cut the last line..) 1.116 There is no suitable place, no proper time or no one to propose-ON ACCOUNT OF THIS WOMEN REMAIN CHASTE. 1.117 It is well known even to the demigods that women are always inconstant. Happy are those men by whom they are protected, in spite of their nature. 1.118 There is no one to whom women do not like, nor there is anyone to whom they love. They just seek a fresh man after another, as the cows look for grass in a forest. 1.119 It is not due to shame, nor to modesty, rectitude or timidity that a woman is chaste, but only due to the absence of a proposal. 1.121 The science that Sukracarya knows and that which Brhaspati knows is by nature well established in the talent of a woman. 1.123 So long only a man follows the path of virtue, controls his senses, feels shame and clings to modesty, as long as the arrow-like glances cast by sportive ladies, which rob one s steadiness do not fall on his heart. 1.195 Infidelity, rashness, deceit, envy, over greediness, absence of good qualities and uncleanliness-these are the natural defects of women. 1.196 Neither by gifts nor by honor, simplicity, service, punishment nor shastric advise can women be controlled. They are hard to satisfy by any means. 2.114 Having given up a husband who is the abode of merits, endowed with fame, amiable, versed in the erotic art, wealthy and youthful, women quickly resort to another man, although devoid of character, good qualities, etc. 2.215 A woman does not derive so much pleasure, although lying down on a beautiful bed entirely to her satisfaction, as she does in the company of a paramour, although lying on the grass. 2.116 In comparison to men, women are twice hungrier, four times smarter, six times more perseverant and eight times lustier. 2,117 PANCATANTRA They talk to one man, look at another very lovingly and think of a third one within the heart. Who possibly is beloved by women? 1.136 A fool who, out of illusion, thinks-my beloved is so attached to me-becomes eternally controlled by her, just like a toy-bird. 1.140 As red lac is squeezed and then thrown down on the feet by women, so is a man attached to them forcibly deprived of his wealth and made to fall at their feet. 1.146 Cleanliness in a crow, truthfulness in a gambler, tolerance in a serpent, satiated sexual appetite in a woman, bravery in a coward, discernment in a drunkard or friendship with a king-who has ever seen or heard of these? 1.148 A libidinous woman feels great delight when the day is cloudy, when it is dark, when the streets are crowded ( and she cannot be easily noticed) and when her husband goes abroad. 1.174 A lusty woman longing for secret sexual affairs considers a charming couch spread on a bed and a loving husband worth a straw 1.175 The amorous sports of her husband burns the marrow of an unchaste woman, his love burns her bones, and his sweet words are unpleasant to her. There can be no happiness if both are not attached to one another. 1.176 The family s degradation, people s censure, confinement and even the risk of life ? all this a woman attached to another man will accept ( rather than be chaste). 1.177 If by chance a loose woman enjoys with a man in a secret place, it does not matter how ugly he may be, she cannot even with difficult feel attachment for her husband, though handsome. 1.182 The deceitful tricks known by Sambara, Namuci, Bali and Kumbhinasi are completely known by women. 1.184 As the occasion arises, they smile to one who smiles and cry along with one who is crying, and thus they conquer one whom they do not really love. 1.185 They speak an untruth as truth and truth as untruth, How possibly can they be kept by sober men? 1.187 One should not be over attached to women nor let their power increase. They play with men attached to them just as with crows whose wings are clipped. 1.188 They talk very charmingly with a sweet tongue, but strike with a cold heart. Honey flows in their speech; deadly poison lurks in their hearts. 1.189 A whirlpool of risks, the abode of immodesty, a city of audacity, a reservoir of faults, the home of hundreds of deceits, the field of mistrust, difficult to be understood even by exalted men, a repository of all tricks ? who created this machine in the form of a woman, this poison mixed with nectar meant for the destruction of virtue? 1.191 They have harshness in their breasts, fickleness in their eyes, falsity in their faces, crookedness in their tresses, dullness in their speech, stupidity in their hips, cowardice in their hearts and always use deceitful tricks with their beloveds. These doe-eyed women are endowed with a multitude of faults, so why should they be loved by men? 1.192 Women laugh and cry to attain their objectives; they get others confidence but themselves trust no one. Therefore a noble man with good character should always avoid women as one rejects earthen pots in a cemetery. 1.193 At first, as long as they do not know that the man is attached, they act agreeably; but having known that he is entrapped in the snares of Cupid, they drag him just like a fish that swallowed a bait. 1.195 Outside pleasing to the mind, inside filled with poison, just like the gunja fruit. By whom were women created? 1.197 They bewitch, exhilarate, mock, abuse, delight, torment. Having entered the innocent heart of men, what these ladies with charming eyes cannot do? 1.198 When a daughter is born, she afflicts the heart of the mother. As she grows up, she brings pain to loving hearts; when given in marriage, she is likely to commit a sinful deed. Daughters mean unavoidable disasters. 1.206 The depths of the rivers, the wisdom of sages, the origins of the dynasties, the virtue of the great souls, the misbehavior of women-all these are difficult to fathom. 4.49 If fire ever become cold, the moon hot or a wicked man becomes a good man, then women can possibly become chaste. 4.51 Not gold, nor jewels, nor royal comforts are so desired by women as the man they choose. (at least for the time being) 4.72 Therefore, because women s nature is such, a man desirous of his own happiness should BY ALL EFFORTS AVOID EVEN THEIR NAME. 4.81 What is in their hearts is not in their tongue; what is in their tongue is not expressed externally; what they express is not actually executed-strange is the behavior of women! 4.84 Not even upon being beaten with a stick or mutilated by weapons, nor by gifts and flattering words can women be possibly brought under control. 4.85 No need to speak further about women s wickedness for this one is enough-they can kill even their own son in the womb. 4.86 Only a fool who does not know the actual nature of women can see affection in a girl that is devoid of it, softness in her who is hardhearted and sentiment in her who has none. 4.87 A wise man should give to his wife nice food and clothes, ornaments , etc, and approach her in the proper season, BUT NEVER ASK HER FOR ADVICE. 5.60 That house where a woman, a rogue or a boy is the ruler will be ruined, so is he opinion of Bhargava. 5.61 Only so long as a man pays no heed to women s words he has a cheerful countenance and is attached to his elders. 5.62 Women are completely self-centered and are concerned only with their own gratification. No one is dear to them, not even their own son, except if he contributes to their happiness. BRAHMA-VAIVARTA PURANA 2.16.44-63 Tulasi to Sankhacuda- The shastras say that only a degraded man desires a woman. At first a woman is sweet to a man, but later proves fatal. Though her mouth rains honey, her heart is like a jar of poison. She uses sweet words but her heart is sharp like a razor. To achieve her own selfish ends she is submissive to her husband; otherwise, she is unsubmissive. While her face looks cheerful, her heart is dirty. Even the Vedas and the Puranas cannot fathom her character. A wise man never trusts a base woman. She has no friend or enemy; for all she wants are new lovers. When a woman sees a well-dressed man, she inwardly desires him, but outwardly she appears chaste and shy. She is naturally passionate, attracts men's minds, and eagerly engages in sex. Though outwardly she hides her lust and appears shy, when she meets her lover in secret, she is ready to swallow him up. Only out of fear she does not indulge in sex with many men, but when she does not get enough sex, she fells dejected. When she does not have sex with him, she feels offended, her body burns with anger, and she begins to quarrel. When her passions are fully satisfied, she becomes cheerful; when unsatisfied, morose. "A woman likes a good lover expert in sex more than sweet foods or refreshing drinks; she likes him even more than her own son; he is dearer to her than her life. But if the lover becomes impotent or aged, she regards him as an enemy. Quarrels and anger ensue. Then she devours him as a snake eats a rat. She is rashness personified and a mine of vices. A woman is hypocritical, obstinate and unfaithful. Even Lord Brahma and other gods are deluded by her. She is a hindrance on the path of austerity, an obstacle to liberation, an impediment to developing faith in Lord Hari, a refuge of all delusion and a living chain that binds men to the world. She is like a magician and is as false as dreams. She appears to be very beautiful, but is she is a bucket of stool, urine, gas and blood. When God created her, he arranged that she should become the spirit of delusion to the deluded and poison to those who desire liberation. Thus, on no account should a woman be desired, and by all means she should be avoided." Sankhacuda to Tulasi Women in the mode of passion are fond of sense pleasures, indulge in them, and always want to fulfill their selfish goals. Such women are usually insincere, deluded and irreligious. GENERALLY, THEY ARE UNCHASTE. SIVA PURANA , Uma-samhita, chap.24 Narada Muni asks the apsara Pancacuda to speak about women s nature. She says- 15.O Narada, this is the defect in women. Even women of noble families, women with husbands and women endowed with beauty do not stand within the limits of decency. 16.The is none more sinning and more sinful than women. Women are at the root of all sins. This you know already. 17.They might have husbands of good knowledge, of ample wealth, of great comeliness and pleasing to them. But when they get opportunities for erring, they do not wait. 18.O holy lord, this is the evil practice of all of us, women, that we resort to sinful men casting off all shame and shyness. 19.Women love only those persons who solicit their company, who approach them intimately and who render them a little bit o service. 20.Women usually do not observe the limitations of conventional decency. If at all they stand by their husbands it is because no man makes advances to them or because they are afraid of their husbands. 21.There is no man not worthy of honor to women. They do not care about the age of the man. They carry on their affairs with any man, ugly or beautiful. 22.It is not due to fear, taunts of affection for their husbands or regard for their lineage that women remain loyal to their husbands. 23.Even women of noble families aspire for the life of lascivious women who in their prime of youth adorned with lovable ornaments and beautiful wearing garments move about frivolously. 24.Even the women who are honored well, loved intimately and looked after with care become attached to hunchbacks, blind men, imbeciles and dwarfs. 25. O celestial sage, they become attached to lame and even despicable persons. O great sage, there is none in the world who cannot be approached by women with solicitations of lust. 26.O brahmana, if women do not get men for their dalliance they begin to indulge in abnormal sexual activity with another women. They do not stand by their husbands. 27. Women become desperate when they do not get men, when they are afraid of servants, when they are frightened of being killed or imprisoned. 28. Because they indulge in sexual intercourse as they please, they are flickleminded, of evil deeds and emotionally incomprehensible even to an intelligent man. 29.Fire is not satiated with the logs of wood it consumes; the ocean is not satiated with the rivers that flow into it; the god of death is not satiated with the living being he kills and women are not satiated with whatever number of men they have sex with. 30. O excellent sage, there is another secret of all women that immediately on seeing a man their genital begins to exude slimy secretions. 31. On seeing a man fresh and clean from his bath, with his body perfumed with sweet scents, the women s genital begins to exude like water dripping from a leather bag. 32.Women do not brook their husbands who may give all that they love, who may honor and console them and who may look after them well. 33. Women do not remain satisfied and contented so much with simple loves and pleasures and with ornaments and money as with illicit sex pursued by them with other men. 34. Women can be kept equally balanced against all these put together-Yama, Antaka, Patala, the submarine fire, the sharp edge of a razor, poison, a serpent and fire. 35. Ever since the five elements, the world, the men and the women were created by Brahma, O Narada, the defect lies in women always. SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM Mohini-murti said- SB 8.9.10: O demons, as monkeys, jackals and dogs are unsteady in their sexual relationships and want newer and newer friends every day, women who live independently seek new friends daily. Friendship with such a woman is never permanent. This is the opinion of learned scholars. Kasyapa muni to Diti - SB 6.18.41: A woman's face is as attractive and beautiful as a blossoming lotus flower during autumn. Her words are very sweet, and they give pleasure to the ear, but if we study a woman's heart, we can understand it to be extremely sharp, like the blade of a razor. In these circumstances, who could understand the dealings of a woman? SB 6.18.42: To satisfy their own interests, women deal with men as if the men were most dear to them, but no one is actually dear to them. Women are supposed to be very saintly, but for their own interests they can kill even their husbands, sons or brothers, or cause them to be killed by others. SB 9.14.36: Urvasī said: My dear King, you are a man, a hero. Don't be impatient and give up your life. Be sober and don't allow the senses to overcome you like foxes. Don't let the foxes eat you. In other words, you should not be controlled by your senses. Rather, you should know that the heart of a woman is like that of a fox. There is no use making friendship with women. SB 9.14.37: Women as a class are merciless and cunning. They cannot tolerate even a slight offense. For their own pleasure they can do anything irreligious, and therefore they do not fear killing even a faithful husband or brother. SB 9.14.38: Women are very easily seduced by men. Therefore, polluted women give up the friendship of a man who is their well-wisher and establish false friendship among fools. Indeed, they seek newer and newer friends, one after another. Sukadeva Gosvami said- SB 10.20.17: Though the clouds are the well-wishing friends of all living beings, the lightning, fickle in its affinities, moved from one group of clouds to another, like lusty women unfaithful even to virtuous men. Krishna to Uddhava- SB 11.14.30: Of all kinds of suffering and bondage arising from various attachments, none is greater than the suffering and bondage arising from attachment to women and intimate contact with those attached to women. ________________________________________________ Don't E-Mail, ZipMail! http://www.zipmail.com/ (Text PAMHO:9813862) --------------------------------------- The Laws of Manu 7.2 Honour of women No father who knows (the law) must take even the smallest gratuity for his daughter; for a man who, through avarice, takes a gratuity, is a seller of his offspring. [v.3.51.] But those (male) relations who, in their folly, live on the separate property of women, (e.g. appropriate) the beasts of burden, carriages, and clothes of women, commit sin and will sink into hell. [v.3.52.] Some call the cow and the bull (given) at an Arsha wedding 'a gratuity;' (but) that is wrong, since (the acceptance of) a fee, be it small or great, is a sale (of the daughter). [v.3.53.] When the relatives do not appropriate (for their use) the gratuity (given), it is not a sale; (in that case) the (gift) is only a token of respect and of kindness towards the maidens. [v.3.54.] Women must be honoured and adorned by their fathers, brothers, husbands, and brothers-in-law, who desire (their own) welfare. [v.3.55.] Where women are honoured, there the gods are pleased; but where they are not honoured, no sacred rite yields rewards. [v.3.56.] Where the female relations live in grief, the family soon wholly perishes; but that family where they are not unhappy ever prospers. [v.3.57.] The houses on which female relations, not being duly honoured, pronounce a curse, perish completely, as if destroyed by magic. [v.3.58.] Hence men who seek (their own) welfare, should always honour women on holidays and festivals with (gifts of) ornaments, clothes, and (dainty) food. [v.3.59.] In that family, where the husband is pleased with his wife and the wife with her husband, happiness will assuredly be lasting. [v.3.60.] For if the wife is not radiant with beauty, she will not attract her husband; but if she has no attractions for him, no children will be born. [v.3.61.] If the wife is radiant with beauty, the whole house is bright; but if she is destitute of beauty, all will appear dismal. [v.3.62.]