The concept of GURU The word Guru is derived from two sounds, Gu means darkness or ignorance whereas Ru is that which removes darkness or ignorance. The word and its meaning are very simple and we were taught this from the time immemorial. Still we never recognize our Gurus. When we hear this word we will think of a man with long beards and hair in white or saffron clothes. All others are not Gurus for us and we never think to respect them. Shri Shri Ravi Shankar once said: 'Think of a situation when you are in a new place and you need to get help to locate an address. You may ask the route to a farmer in dirty clothes seen on the road since you feel that he is local and hence he may know the address. The farmer narrated you clearly and correctly so that without a second help you could reach there. Here the farmer is your Guru who removed the ignorance in you. So you must respect him and you must be grateful to him. Try to keep a smile on your face, an attitude of gratefulness on your eyes and say a Thanks to him. Never think of his dirty clothes and humiliate him even mentally. Even if the other person do not know, the bad feelings raised in your mind will spoil your self and hence it is a SIN." In Srimad Bhagavat, a narration of 24 Gurus is given. We might have read Bhagavat many times or heard the stories many times. Still we will not recognize the vastness and inifinite forms of Gurus around us to support us. We are neglecting them and preaching in loud voices the principles taught by ancient Gurus or masters. Sadguru Swami Chinmayananda was asked by a disciple that if truth is only one and all the Gurus are teaching the same truth, what is the need of all the Gurus including himself. Why cant only one Guru is enough for the whole world. Swamiji answered: Mathematics is the name of a subject which one may learn from class one. But the mathematics one learn in class one is not the same which he learns in class V or VIII or when he goes to college or research. Everywhere he is learning mathematics but different versions or applications or implications. A guide for research may not be good to teach mathematics for th eclass one student and vice versa. So all the masters are necessary for the followers who are in different levels or seeking the various implications of the same truth. One can not deny the help and support of his/ her class one mathematics teacher even after the completion of a research in mathematics. Similarly, in the journey of seeking truth we may be meeting many masters and each master would be a necessity of nature to lift up us to the next level. But never neglect them or humiliate them after we have crossed that level or met another master. So, you may be a follower of a famous and great Guru. Surrender to Him fully and follow his words without fail. You will be definitely benefitted. But there are many others who may be in class oen still or doing their PhD and you may not understand what they are talking about. So they may be getting guidance from other masters of their need. Accept them also and respect their masters equivally. Respecting equivally do not mean to follow them. Follow your master but do not deny the presence or need of other masters