iti siva-sastriyatvac ca natra vaisnava-siddhanta- viruddhasya tasyopayogah. Yata uktam skanda eva sanmukham prati sri - sivena siva sastre 'pi tad graahyana bhagavat Sastra yogi yat iti Statements in the Saivite Puranas should not be accepted unless they are corroborated by the Vaisnava Puranas. This is confirmed in the Saivite Puranas (Skanda Purana) where Lord Siva says to Karttikeya: "Statements in the Saivite Puranas should be accepted only if they are confirmed in the Vaisnava Puranas." The followers of Lord Siva may try to present a different conclusion, but they are simply contradicting the words of their own master, recorded in their own scripture. From this statement of Lord Siva we may understand that the Saivite Puranas are not a very reliable source of spiritual information. They are not actually able to purify the conditioned souls, and their position is described in the following statement of Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.8.52): "It is not possible to filter muddy water through mud or purify a wine-stained pot with wine." On should not therefore rely on the impure statements of the Saivite Puranas. (Krishna sandarbha, Anuccheda 28.69) padmottara-khande ca siva-pratipadakanam purananam api tamasatvam eva darsitam. matsye 'pi tamasa-kalpa-kathamayatvam iti. The inferiority of the Saivite Puranas is confirmed in the Uttara Khanda of the Padma Purana, which explains that the Saivite Puranas are intended for those in the mode of ignorance. The Matsya Purana also confirms that the Saivite Puranas are full of faulty and ignorant conclusions. (Krishna sandarbha, Anuccheda 28.70)