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Added by Carana Renu dasi, last edited by Carana Renu dasi on Apr 22, 2007  (view change)

Chapter 36 (The order of Maheshwara to Rama)

Rama cuts of his mother's head having been instructed so by his father but then asks for his mother to be revived...

Now you please Shankara, the lord of gods who is reddish blue. (16) Markandeya said : When it was said so, Renuka having an attractive smile became alive and similarly all the brothers of Rama also became free from the curse.(17) Rama with great lustre, who was thus told by his father, went to the best mountain the Himalayas with a wish to please Rudra.

(18) At that time the gods with Indra as their leader, who were terrified by the son of Simhika went to Shankara for shelter. (19) The gods said, "O Lord, O the lord of gods, O one who destroys the pains of these, who bow down before you, we are driven away from our place by the sons of Simhika.(20) Taking shelter of the sons of Simhika hundreds of thousands Demons live (here) please try to kill them. (21) Mahadeva said : For gods, Demons are like thorns I shall get them kill with the human intelligence, Rama (22) Markandeya said : "When the group of gods were gone the god of gods Shankara, holding the Pinaka bow having called Bhargava Rama told him these words. (23) Mahadeva said, O my dear son, You kill the sons of Simhika whose behaviour is bad, You are capable of killing them, no one is capable for that (24) Rama said O the killer of Bhaga, kindly give me all the multitudes or missiles weapons by which I shall kill those Demons who are very wicked in behaviour. (25) Mahadeva said, "O the best of Bhrgus what is the need of missiles weapons for you. You are Vishnu himself, not a man. Though you may not have missile weapons, they are not worth to fight by you. (26) Rama said "O Tripurari with great luck ordered by you, I shall kill all the sons of Simhika who are very difficult to be defeated. (27) Markandeya said : Rama having the strength like Shiva, having three eyes, took a sharp axe and went to the place where the chiefs of enemy were staying. (28)

Chapter 37 (Calamity)

Markandeya said : At that very time, at the house of the sons of Simhika the wood, water and the Sun shone terribly and there were great calamities. (1) The earth trembled with great sound along with the forest and woods and from the middle of the orb of the sun a huge meteor fell. (2) Untimely the darkness covered the moon and the sun and many crimson coloured clouds rained heavily. (3) Many times the weapons discharged smoke and the vehicles tear. The sun was surrounded with a rainbow. Both (the dawn and dusk) and the moon was (covered) hidden for the whole night. (4) Rahu with his friends and the great planet Ketu crossed the place of the birth (Janma-Nakshtra) of (the great souled) Salva, and terrible great winds blew and caused combustion in all the ten directions. (5-6) The sun was obscured by the wind, the animals cried aloud on the top of the flags the wicked Demons flock of the terrible carnivorous animals etc. hide themselves from the right to, the left side. The fire did not burn though there were plenty of dry fuels (7-8) O Yadava the bodies of the kings of the Demons did not shine and a change of cold and hot seasons was experienced, (seen) (9). The trees discharged blood, the ornaments dropped down. Donkeys were born of cows and rats to the cats. (10) Out of season the trees bloomed and flowers and fruits, the great rivers vigorously started to flow into the opposite direction without rain. (11) Kind Salva who was afraid on seeing the signs of terrible and dangerous calamities call the son of Bhrgu with Demons and started negotiations.(12)

Chapter 38 (38. The dialogue between Shukra and Salva)

Markandeya said : The Salva, the son of Simhika held the assembly which was very big and variegated with jewels said to Sukra. (1) Salva said : O Lord, these signs of calamities seem terrible. They foretell a great war and also a terrible destruction (2) We do not see the enemy with whom the war may be fought. You are omniscient, you know (everything) so kindly tell us, we are asking you. (3) Shukra said : Formerly Simhika worshipped Lord Brahma and with the help of penance she got a boon that her sons can not be killed by gods. (4) Encouraged by the boon and with the help of my knowledge you conquered all the gods. They went to the shelter of Shankara. (5) By him to fight with you, Rama, the son of Jamadagni is sent. He is Vishnu himself who has taken the form of a man. He is terrific in the battle. (6) He is always the god with great splendour O the best of Demons, you know that you have a terrible danger from the man. (7) Salva said : O Lord, Madhusudana Krsna is the lord of all the gods. We have not heard about any god who is greater than him. (8) O best of Bhrugus, why should he with great splendour be obedient to Lord Shankara, wish to kill the sons of Simhika ? (9) Shukra said : O Demon, whenever there is fall of religion and rise of non-religion, He creats himself sometimes in the Demons or gods, sometimes in men and sometimes in birds and beasts knowing the strength or weakness of the work.(10-l1) When he is born amongst gods he acts as a god, when he is amongst birds and beasts then he acts as the beasts. (12) When he becomes a man he is like a mortal human being Taking the human form O king, he worshipped the supreme Hara=Shankara with his body. But he having great penance comes to kill you. Rama has produced these signs. Therefore I wish that you make a treaty with Indra. (14-15) And O the best of Demons, let the heaven be of gods and you reside in the houses of Patala under-world without diseases. (16) I shall prevent Rama with (the help of) Shankara, otherwise you will be driven away and destroyed by the man (17) ... The Demons said : We have ruled united with the movable and immovable world. There is no fear from anyone who will fight with us. (19) How shall we be afraid of a man and give heaven to the enemy ? We shall conquer Shankar (himself) who has sent that Brahmana (21). Shukra said : Lord Vishnu has bound together this movable and Immovable world. He surpasses the entire world. He can not be conquered similarly; god Maheshwara is also unconquerable. Therefore you all great Demons give up your unrefined intelligence. You make a treaty with gods and Indra who kill the enemy. (22) Janardana, Vishnu the God of gods is always ready for the works of Indra. By him the Demons were killed in the ancient time and before that also. (23)

(Long list of names of Demons)-these and other sons of Diti (Demons) who were very rash in battle, who were all having a boon and brave as all whose anger was gone, all who mere nasty due to strength ruling the kingdom of gods-were killed by the god due to the desire to do a good turn on Vasava (Indra) (24-36) Some were killed by him with great luster in the form of man, and some in the form of birds and beasts. (37) Salva said : I know the greatness of that god of gods holding the Sharanga (bow). O Bhargava I shall fight with him thinking that I shall be dead. In the battle-field death caused by a distinguished person is better, than to get victory by the ordinary person. Killed by the hand of Vishnu again will get a kingdom. (38-39) Markandeya said : Thus addressed by the king of the Demons Lord Shukra the Chief of Bhrgus knowing that all the Demons will be killed, went to the other desired region. (40)

Chapter 39 (Dream)

Markandeya said : When Shukra was saying so Gavista said these sentences : O King without thinking kindly do according to the words of shukra (1)0 Lord at the end of the night very many terrible dreams are seen continuously which indicate your destruction (2) In the dream I saw you wearing red garland and paste for smearing, riding on a camel, Shishumard-Gangetic propoise (dolphin) and boar. (3) Other Demons, smeared with oil were resting on donkeys and O King mountains were seen falling, these will cause danger to you. (4) some of them were wearing black garments, some were eating, Krsara (a mixture of rice and pease with a few spices), some were fallen in the mud and some were gone to ashes. (5) Some women were without clothes, were dragged towards southern direction and some women wearing red garments were taken towards the western direction. (6) Some kings were dancing and the other were laughing. I saw some having shaven heads and some wearing saffron garments, (of Sadhus) (7) Some were carried on the shoulders of Chandalas and some were on some Kimshuka (tree) you were joined with elephants horses and all the (divisions of) army. (8) Having gone to a very dirty well with a stair-case you were seen drowned in a pond of cow-dung and the kingly prosperity was ready to embrace Indra. (9) Therefore O King, I wish that you make a treaty with (Shakra) Indra, O King you save your life. Only the living can enjoy auspicious things. (10) Salva said : O one without sin when I heard that the enemy was Lord Vishnu himself, these and then only I had given up the Kingdom. (11) I have made sacrifices, have performed penance, have reigned without any trouble, have stayed above the heads of enemies, have maintained friends and have supported all the servants. Thus we have performed all the duties in the life. Therefore getting death by Govinda I shall again get the kingdom. (13)

Chapter 40 (The existence of Laksmi

Markandeya said : At that time famous Rahu whose only head was left out and the (Younger brother) of elder brother great souled Salva appeared, the king worshipped him and when he who was worshipped by the King in a befitting manner (as he deserved), took his seat and said these words. (1-2) Rahu said : I do not like enmity with all powerful Vishnu, due to his anger the army of the enemies was tormented and I became limbless. And by whose grace I got the position of a planet. O the son of Demon what is the need of praising his other acts to you ? (3-4) Salva said : O Lord, I want to hear how that great souled made you limbless and how he made you the lord of planets. ? (5) Rahu said : Formerly all the gods along with Indra desirous of having immortality.....went for the protection from Keshava. (6) Gods said : O Lord, the god of gods destroys the miseries of the worlds, we are all mortal without any exception, so you kindly save us in that matter. (7) The Lord said : You are fit to churn the milky ocean along with the Demons. Thereby you will get auspicious things. (8) Rahu said : All the gods who were thus told by the god of gods Vishnu (holding the Sharang bow) met with the Demons and churned the ocean (the residence of Varuna) and O King, he helped them in that work without the help of Vishnu. The gods and Demons were not able to do it. (10) Then he became Ananta-Shesa who was the incarnation of Samakarsana. He (tore) dislocated the (Mandarachala) with two hands and threw it i. the ocean. (11) Then Janardana Vishnu took the form of a tortoise in the sea and held upright the Mandarachala (Mountain), which was in the Kshira-abdhi-ocean of milk. (12) He gave his own lustre of Vasuki-naga, and O Demon made him the rope of the churner in that work (of churning) (13) Then the gods and the demons suddenly churned the ocean, the demous were there at the mouth, and the gods were at the tail of Vasuki, but Janardan the Lord god himself held the mouth of the king of serpent, making it towards the sky. Otherwise, 0 King the group of the demons would have destroyed by breathing out his (serpent's) poison. When the ocean was being churned by the powerful gods and Demons the waves of the ocean like Himachala mountain touching the sky. (14-18) The beautiful summits of Mandara mountain, variegated by the jewels began to fall in the great ocean in hundred and thousand ways. (19) Hundreds of trees fell, and thousands of animals fell and the ocean roared filling all the three worlds with great sounds. (20) The Mandara mountain, clad with the garment of the waves of Kshira (milky) sea, and the garment made of white cloud, and adorned with various metals looked beautiful. (21) The sea having the upper garment of the cloud moving to and fro was as if bowed down by the mountain whose mouths of caves were filled with the violent wind. (22) The great mountain, with tears in the form of streams, having the huge hands in the form of the raised peaks and having great sound was crying continuously as his position was lost. (23) When all great, divine musical instruments, which were fit to be enjoyed by gods were being played, the Mandarachala was as if dancing. (24) In this way when the Kshira Sagara, (milky ocean), was being churned by the great soul, terrible poison came out of the ocean having the lustre like kalagni. When poison came out, gods and demons became sad, Lord Shambhu drank it with the desire to do a good turn to three worlds. (26) When the poison reached the throat it turned the throat bluish (Lord Shambhu) though forbidden by gods held it at the throat as the mark of beauty. (27) Then the crescent moon, (Chandrakala), the female divinity in the three worlds came out, Maheshwara the god of gods held her (on head) in the matted locks of hair. (28) Vaidurya Kaustubha gem luminating three worlds with the collection of flames of rays came out. Hari Vishnu wore it on the chest. (29) (The horse) Ucchaisrava having the speed of wind and a huge body and having the image like the moon came out. He took refuge with gods. (30) Then spirituous liquor came out. It was drunk by great Demons. After that Apsaras came out, they became the beautiful ladies of the gods. (31) Then auspicious goddess Lakshmi with extra ordinary beauty was born. Her two lotus like feet and having lustre of Tamarasa (a day-lotus) and fingers touching the ground were auspicious. Her two shanks were auspicious and without bristles (Roma) and her pair of knees with the hidden bones were very beautiful. (32) Her two (Urus) thighs were like the golden rods and her buttocks were solid and charming for enjoying. Her waist was praiseworthy and having the lustre like the middle part of the thunder bolt (Indra) which had three auspicious and beautiful folds. (33) Two lofty breasts were raised up to the complete circumference and having the complexion like pure gold, her two rounded arms were very tender, and hands were having the lustre of the tips of petals of lotus. (34) The neck was very beautiful and like the end of the conch shell and the back was smooth attractive and without artery. (35) Both the ears were auspicious, beautiful and proportionate. The face was like full-moon. (36)

The teeth were (white) like Jasmine flower and moon, and two lips had become the rivals of sprout i.e. red in colour (pravala). The nose was sharp (clear cut) the chin was charming and both the cheeks had the lustre like the moon. (37) Two eyes were like full blown blue lotuses and having three shades of colours (white, blue and reddish). The hair were curly, black and long. And the speech was sweet, auspicious and like the tune of Vina. (38) She was wearing very fine and clean garments, which were like the rays of the moon, and pleasing to the mind. On the two ears there were ear-rings (Kundala), and on the head, there was the garland of Samtanaka* (flowers). (39) She was wearing the neck-lace which was white like the current of the Ganga. (40) Similarly she was wearing two armlets variegated by thousand of gems, and two anklets marking the sound like the swans. (41) She had in her hands the lotus with humming bumble-bee and having the stalk like vaidurya gem. That beautiful and charming lady had a glance on the gods and Demons who were completely perplexed by her beauty. (42) Having seen the group of gods and demons, she saw the gods who were the chief in the worlds. Having seen (Vishnu) who had the beauty surpassing gods and demons, and the splendour like thousand of suns, who was invincible, who had the lustre like full blown blue lotus and charming complexion and who had garments like heated gold. (Lakshmi), the daughter of Kshirasagara (milky sea) had horripilation and she became unsteady for a while as she was under a control of the arrow of Cupid (Madana) (42-43)

*One of the five trees of Indra's heaven, the Kalpatree or its flower.

Chapter 41 (Amrta-Manthana)

Rahu said : She (Lakshmi) was struck by the arrow of Cupid (Kamadeva the god of Love) on seeing Madhusudana-Vishnu She by herself selected the invincible Lord as her husband. She is said to be Prakrti and the best amongst men (Purushottama) Vishnu is Purusa He, who is the killer of the enemies is never separated from her. (2) Shankara is said to be Purusa and Parvati is said to be Prakrti. Indra is said to be Purusa and similarly Sachi is Prakrti. (3) And Hutashana fire-god is Purusa and Svaha is said to be Prakrti, Yama is said to be Purusa and Dhumrorana is said to be Prakrti. (4) Virupaksha is Purusa and Nirti is said to be Prakrti Varuna is said to be Purusa and similarly Gauri is Prakrti. (5) Vayu, the Wind-God should be known as Purusa and similarly Shiva is Prakrti. Dharma is Purusa and trees of Vishva (all containing) is called Prakrti. (6) Similarly Chandra, the Moon is called Purusua and moonlight (Jyotsna) is prakrti. Dharma is called Purusa and Karisini is Prakriti. (7) Similarly, Yagna (Sacrifice) is called Purusa and Daksina is Prakrti. Similarly the day is Purusa and night is Prakrti. (8) Similarly the sky is Purusa and the Earth is Prakrti. Omkara is said to be Purusa and Savitri is called Prakrti. (9) That auspicious Laksmi is Prakrti and Visnu is called Purusa. She is with or without body. She is with (saguna) with or without qualities. (10) By her all the three worlds with movable and immovable things are covered, She is the lustre. She is the joy. She is the Patience. She is the wealth and beauty. She is the eternal light. (11) She is the sleep. She is auspicious speech and she is goddess Sarasvati-the goddess of learning. She is Rati and Priti, love and affection, earth and sky. She is Ganga and she is sarasvati (Rivers) (12) She is the satisfaction, Nutrition, Body, knowledge, inherent power, Intelligence and Saraswati-goddess of learning She is all the auspicious rivers and she is the goddess Vanaspati-Vegetation. (13) She is the Vastudevata, Deity presiding over a house. Diksha (Initiation) and she is called the strength of Vishnu (Vaishnavi). She is intelligence, sky, patience, Peace, Nectar, beauty, Victory and Goddess of speech. (14) Similarly she is sinivali (goddess of fertility) the night with crescent moon, new moon night, auspicious fifteenth day of moon. And similarly she is goddess Katyayani Bhadrakali, Suprabha and Vijya. (15) She is Aditi, Diti, Danu, kala, Snayu, Simhika and Muni, Kadru, Krodha,protector, Vinata, Surabhi and Khaga. (16) Similarly she is Fame, Wealth, Patience, Intelligence, Forgiveness, Faith, action and Love, She is Sati Anasuya, Bhuti (Prosperity), Vibhuti, and Varuni. (17) Similarly she is Arundhati, Vasuja, Lobha Jami, Bhanu, samkalpa, Muhurta, Sandhya, and Vishva. (18) She is Mrga, Mrgamanda Haribhadra, Yuva and Ida similarly she is Bhuta, kapila, Damastri, Sarama and Surama She is the Royal Splendour of the Kings and the auspicious Brahma-Shree-splendour of Brahma of those, who know her^ she is Puspa-shree-the flower beauty of forests and Jayashri (the beauty of the Victory) of those who become victorious on the battlefield. (20) She is Svarga-Shri(the beauty of heaven) of those who have gone to Svarga, and she is Diksha-the initiation of the person performing the sacrifice. She is the goddess intelligence of the intelligent and goddess Forgive-ness of those who forgive. (21) She is called the flame in the fire, light in the sun, she is called the moon-light in the moon, the splendour of the multitude of stars and Siddhi-achievement of all the actions. (22) She is the sight of the thousand eyes of Indra having a thousand eyes. She is the Upatyaka-Low land of the mountains, and the splendour of the fruits of the trees. (23) She is the tide of the ocean and the Krittika of the constellations. She is the Dhanurlata and the Mantras of the missile weapons and the Asi-lata of the warriors having weapons. (24) In all the learning She is Gandhari and the Rain on the surface of the world. She is Sita the sharp end of the plough of the farmers tilling the land and the beauty of the corn on the surface of the earth. (25) She is the line of the rut of the elephants and the hood of the serpants. She is the series of gems of Shesa-naga and the Dhrti bearing capacity of the earth. (26) She stays always in the moon, Bilva, Blue-lotus and the bull, the elephant, horse, lion and stainless auspicious sword. On chamara (a chawrie), fan, Umbrella, Bhrngara, Golden vase, Gomaya-cow dung and Forest, in the sun with a thousand rays, in Indra, Vaishravana and Yama. (27-28) She is in a lotus, silve -, golden, conch-shell and on a Bhadrasana, in Gomutra-urine of the cow, clarified butter milk, curd and the products of the milk. (29) She lives in Varuna the head of water, in the water of the ocean in white flowers and white palaces, in the burning fire, and nice looking earthly things, in variegated gems and similarly in Amalaka. (29-31)

As this whole universe is pervaded by Lord Vishnu who holds the Sarang bow similarly this universe is pervaded by Lakshmi, the daughter of kshira (milky) ocean. (32) It is said that after self-existent the goddess became the daughter of Bhrugu. Similarly the goddess was born of Svarochisa and from Hutashana, the fire. (33) Best elevated that auspicious one was born from pure water. After Tamasa, O King, she arose from the surface of the earth. (34) After Raivata that goddess was born from Bilva, (fruit or tree) similarly after Chaksus she arose from the blossomed lotus. (35) Similarly after Vaivasvata she was born from the Amrut-Manthan Churning for the nectar. Lord Janardana got her who was born from the Kshira-ocean; and held the goddess who is difficult to be held by any body except the lord in this world She brought pure Nectar in the auspicious Kamandalu vessel of the sun (37)

Similarly after that the physician Dhanvantari was born. As soon as the Nectar came out the multitudes of Demons were confused. (38) Having churned and obtaining Dhanavatari, the demons defeated the gods and gone to their residence taking the Nectar (39) The god who hid the world having consoled the group of Gods whose nectar was taken away, and who had no drink, placed the chief of the mountain went to the residence of the Demons. (40)

Chapter 42 (The Distribution of nectar)

Rahu said : That Lord Madhusudan became a benevolent woman whose age and beauty could not be described and who was worshipped for all good characteristics. (1)

description of mohini murti's beauty....

Wherever she having golden colour stayed in the country,
she turned the sky golden (16-17.) Seeing her with all the beautiful limbs the minds of all the Demons, except Prahlada (or without joy) were filled with amorous passion. Her two feet are earth, and shanks are her patience and similarly the two knees of the goddess was Kshanti endurance and on both the auspicious Urus (thighs) are lusterous. (18-19). Similarly her actions were natural, and on her hips and loins there were beauty and leisure. In the middle there was invocation and chastity on the back and sides and nectar on the mouth and on both the breasts there were love and affection similarly on the throat there was speech-Sarasvati. (19-20) On both the hands and arms there are Jaya and Vijaya the goddess of victory. On her chest there were Shobha and Prabha - the beauty and lustre, she was the goddess of Wealth and pleasing to the mind. (21) On the chin there was Arundhati and on the tonuge goddess Saraswati, and similarly on the two cheeks there was moonlight and in both the eyes there was goddess of sleep. (22) On the braid of hair there was Night and on both the ears there were Direction, goddess Bhadrakali was on the forehead and on the nose is Shachi, the wife of Indra. (23) On all the joints of her limbs were rivers and on the hair on the body was vegetation. On the. sides were maintaining the king of the Demons and all the gods saw the form (body) of a woman, but Prahlada the killer of the families of the enemy saw her and knew that she was only Vishnu in the Vishva-Rupa-Universal form and recognized that one with large eyes was Vishnu desiring to get the nectar. Prahlada, the best of Demon with the consent of the love-stricken Demons bowed down, pleased him, and handed over the nectar to the lord. At that time when the god took the form of the woman, all the three worlds with movable and immovable things behaved like women. That woman (Mohini) said to Prahlada, O gentle one, o the son of Diti without nectar you will not be free from life for one day of Brahma, for the sake of the sons of Diti the demons have become ready to fight with the gods. (24-29) O Demon (Prahlada) those who are tormenting the people are having Tamoguna or quality of darkness, so they can not be enlightened by you. O my dear son, you are always my devotee and always have controlled senses, therefore o gentle one, I have shown my supreme nature to you. Having said thus to Prahlada, She (Mohini) quickly left the love-stricken Demons with Soma (the nectar) to the residence of gods and give up the form of the woman and took the form of the god. (30-32) He distributed whole of it to gods who had gathered there. I also drank it taking the form of the sun in the midst of gods. The moon and sun recognized me and told the god (Vishnu) that this is a demon in the form of the sun, and he who acted quickly, O son, cut off my head along with the hands, by his disc. (33-34) As I had drank nectar, O Danava I was not separated from my Pranas, the breath of life. (35) O Great King, the nectar had not gone down the lower part of the throat, then the Vishnu the holder of the Disc cut down my head, therefore the breath stayed there (in the head) (36.) Madhusudana saw me helpless due to the cutting down my head, having pity on me the lord Vishnu said. (37) The Demon who drank nectar will never die and those who are killed by my hands get a good position. (38) Having obtained immortality, you choose the desired boon. Then having bowed down I told Madhusudana. (39) O God, the two intoxicated Sun and Moon be defeated. O Janaradana, I beg you that I may be a planet and I may be worshipped by the people. (40) The lords Hari-Vishnu who was thus told by me, said to me. O Demon you will be a planet and will be worshipped. (41) At time of Periodic change of the moon, you will cover the moon and the sun. You will be the Idol of Darkness and invisible and move in the opposite direction. O demon, the moon will be covered by the shadow of the earth and the Sun will be covered with the moon. When you will rise, O best of Demon, you will always get a share in the good deeds of bathing, chanting and in performing sacrifice, donation, Shraddha ceremony, and the worship of gods at the time of eclipse. Having said so the lord disappeared. (42-45) Taking the nectar (soma) which was left out after drinking the lord of the group of gods put it in the heaven and Indra the killer of Vrtra raised the strength (army). (46) All the groups of Demons enraged by cutting off my head, and by taking away nectar and whose illusion was gone away, preferred armies and then went away. (47)

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