Documentation for the Parasharas Light Individual Chart Export Files Importation Routine in Goravani Jyotish. This document was written by Das Goravani on 4/2/98 at 5:40 AM in Eugene OR Parasharas Light version 3 and 4 output small text files containing one chart each. This is done under the Research Pull Down Menu at the line that says Export birth chart. When you select that line then the birth data for the current chart is written out to a text file that is auto named Birthdat.txt in the Data directory within your main PL folder, which with 4.0 is usually "Lightwin". So, to export a number of charts from PL you will have to follow this process in a repeating loop until you have finished exporting all the charts you wish to export: In preparation, open Parasharas Light and Windows Explorer, or any program that will let you rename text files in your Lightwin directory and get that window ready by making it view into the PL Lightwin directory, and into the Data subdirectory. 1. In PL, open a chart, select "Export birth chart", click OK on the message that appears. 2. Switch to Windows Explorer 3. Find the file "Birthdat.txt" in the Data subdirectory of Lightwin, your PL directory. 4. Rename that file to something like C001.txt (where C stands for Chart, and the 001 means that this is the first of many files) 5. Switch back to PL, open the next chart and do this all over. By repeating the above steps, you will gradually accumulate a collection of charts named like this: C001.txt, C002.txt, C003.txt, C004.txt, C005.txt, C006.txt and so on........ Once you have got all your charts out into these many little files: 1. Create a folder inside your new or current Goravani Jyotish directory or folder. Name it PLSFILES which stands for "Parashara's Light Single Chart Files" 2. Go into Goravani Jyotish and select the "Import PL Single Chart Files" menu line under File then under Export/Import. 3. Follow the prompts. 4. Please Note: This feature only imports the data and attempts to find the city mentioned in each chart within the ACS Atlas, and if it does find an exact match, it can successfully set the longitude, latitude, time zone, and daylight savings/war time type settings all automatically. If it does not find an exactly matching city in the atlas, then it leaves the City, State and Country fields filled in as the PL file indicated, but the longitude, latitude, time zone and time changes data will all be non-specified. So, for these charts, you have to pull them up one by one and edit them, using the atlas manually to find the city for each, then Save. Which one's found the City exactly and which did not can be told in this way: After the importation, if you are not on window style A, then switch to it using the Prefs button that takes you to the prefs window which allows you to switch main chart window styles. Switch to A. Once on A, double click on each one of the newly imported charts in the charts list. You will see the little box of descriptive text fill in on the window right next to the list. Scroll it down just a bit. If you see Longitude and Latitude numbers- then it found the city, and for these charts, you can hilite them all as a group and click "Calc" to calculate them all at once, as a group or batch run. For those which do not show the longitude/latitude numbers, you have to handle them one at a time, by double clicking on them in the list, then clicking "Edit", then manually using the atlas to fill in the data, and then Save/Calculate them. What follows is a description of what is imported by the "Import PL Single Chart Files" routine in Goravani Jyotish. The following is a description of the contents of the file output by Parasharas Light. This next paragraph is exactly the entire contents of one file of output from PL. Apparently the program writes out a single line which becomes a paragraph when pasted into Word. It appears to be a comma-delimeted pure ascii text file where the data we are interested in, namely the birth data, appears first, followed by a series of numbers, judging from the count of which and the appearance of which I assume they are the planetary positions for the chart, and other import calculated fields. However, they do not concern me, only the birth data does. So, the GJ import routine in this case ignores the data in these files which follow the last field in our interest, namely the time field. See below for a continutation of this discussion. Bill Clinton,0,1,New Haven,CT,USA,1953:8:19,08:30:00,2432051.854166,6.000000000000,6.000000000000,0,93.60000000000,33.66666666666,260.9273765585,359.0183958170,292.5207275469,122.5720212861,5.422333812161,48.77854752512,212.7791594847,346.6427633829,327.2957791393,34.26070989187,325.7392901081,145.7392901081,214.2607098918,230.9273765518,124.9146264076,124.1007249406,56.20954175217,3.156615848680 Below is the first 8 comma delimited fields of information from the above actual file example, taken from the PL 4.0 Demo. First column is the data in the actual example, nd the second column is my labeling the field with a supposed correct name. Two cases are unknown but don't matter. Bill Clinton Name 0 Unknown (possibly gender where 0=Male,1=Fem) 1 Unknown (possibly chart number) New Haven City of birth CT State of Birth USA Country of Birth 1953:8:19 Year Month Day of Birth 08:30:00 Time of birth The name is not first/last differentiated and therefore an intelligent parser will attempt to assign what it finds correctly to the first/last fields in GJ. The date representation above needs to be rearranged by GJ before placing into the GJ birthdate field. GJ will expect this exactly shown date representation pattern ONLY in this routine- that pattern will be the only one it will correctly interpret. Any rearrangement of these fields and their expected values as depicted here will result in this routine not producing the expected results.