Changes and Balances By: Christina Collins Hill When the world we inhabit goes through changes and balances. . . How do you pick an auspicious time to take action? I mean, life can?t just stop while we wait months for the planetary alignment to improve! Nature balances every winter. Plants die back and become dormant, it is as this time that people sit back and take stock of their lives, where they have been and where they want to go. The planning stage for spring planting begins and the seeds of the future germinate towards new beginnings. Winter season grants us the opportunity to reflect and relax. A time for meditation, study, ?woolgathering,? and divine inspiration. So, in this learning and education time period, lets learn a little more about the planets, and some things that we can make use of ourselves to remedy this season?s difficult planetary combinations that occur from time to time. Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) Planets ? are referred to as the ?Grahas? Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) Planets ? are referred to as the ?Grahas? Graha means ?to grab? and defines a planet as it ?grabs? or attracts mass to it?s self. The planets ?grab? an energetic, magnetic identity.This magnetic energy ?imprints? on individuals or individual action(s) at their inception, conception or birth.Vedic astrology classically uses the seven visible planets and the Rising Sign or ascendant point on the zodiac (ecliptic belt) which intersects the local horizon at the place of birth. These planets and some of their natures follow: Sun: Self - Soul - Atman Moon: Mind ? Desire Nature Mars: Strength ? Passion, Power Mercury: Speech ? Intellect, (communication) Jupiter: Knowledge Wisdom & Happiness Venus: Love - Semen ? (reproduction) pleasures Saturn: Focus - Grief & Sorrow (lessons, the ?tester?) Rahu & Ketu(Lunar Nodes):Karma (luck) & Past Individual Tendencies Many of us need a little color and excitement in January. The holidays are behind us, and we don?t get another holiday until next month ? so choosing bright color to wear to surround ourselves and to drink from will not only cheer us up, but can align us with the planets. Planets have basic qualities influencing our different life events. Each planet, among many other diverse things, is represented by a color, a gemstone, a metal, a taste and a direction, especially connected and in tune with its own unique nature. The Planets, their color, metal, gem, body part, direction and taste We can wear a planet?s color or travel in its direction on its day. We can enjoy wearing pearls to sooth our mind on a Monday or a red shirt on Sunday. Have some spicy food on a Tuesday, or communicate on a Wednesday (Mercury rules communication). Get a haircut on a Friday (Venus?s day ? the planet of love and beauty) and clean the house on Saturday (Saturn, the planet of hard work and effort). And every day you can do something for your own planets. Aries is ruled by Mars Taurus is ruled by Venus Gemini is ruled by Mercury Cancer is ruled by the Moon Leo is ruled by the Sun Virgo is ruled by Mercury Libra is ruled by Venus Scorpio is ruled by Mars Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter Capricorn is ruled by Saturn Aquarius is ruled by Saturn Pisces is ruled by Jupiter Timing Coach Tips ? January 2005 This year New Years Day is on a Sunday and the Moon is in the Sun?s constellation (Nakshatra). Virgo will be rising with healing Jupiter in the first house. This will be an important day to connect with older family members, even if just an email or a perhaps a phone call. Venus, Moon, and Saturn will all be connecting ? so connect with your mother or other older ladies in your community. Avoid buying computer equipment and negotiating with women on the 4th, 5th and 6th.Sunday the 8th (Moon with Mars on the 8th ? watch out for temper and ?pitta? people), and Monday the 9th is good for beginning a new regime to improve your health. (Plan the health program prior to this day, as Mercury exactly squaring Rahu and Ketu doesn?t give a lot of clarity of mind). Have some nerve relaxing tea this day.January 12th gives a beautiful full moon and an opportunity to honor all of your teachers with this nice Jupiter ruled Sagittarius sun. The 13th the Sun begins to change signs to Capricorn in the Sidereal system, so take caution traveling on the 13th and 14th as the sun enters into the next sign. The 14th and 15th also has the Moon (mind) and Venus (love) at odds ? so wait till Sunday the 22nd or Monday the 23rd, when Jupiter and the Moon are in Libra for romantic adventures. Friday, the 27th with Moon and Venus in Sagittarius would be nice for meeting new friends, but Mercury is too close to the Sun, so postpone getting together with your Father or authority figures. Overall the planetary positions begin to improve as we move towards February when passionate Mars moves into the Love sign of Venus ruled Taurus, and out of its planetary war with Saturn. (More on this next month in the Love issue!) Christina Collins Hill, Jyotish Kovid, Jyotish Vachaspati is a 3rd generation astrologer specializing in the Vedic system. She received her honorary titles from the late Dr. B.V. Raman, former President of the ICAS (Indian Council for Astrological Sciences) in New Delhi and Bangalore, India. She is the first and sole American woman to be honored by this highly held title of Jyotish Vachaspati (Jyotish ? the light bearer and Vachaspati ? the one who speaks the truth and whose predictions come true.) She serves as faculty and on the board of ACVA (American College for Vedic Astrology) and is President of Celestial Resources where she serves corporate and private clients from students to celebrities. You can reach her at or by visiting