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There was some discussion about Bhrigu or Nadi readings on the Jyotish List two years ago and various reactions of different people who names are not being disclosed are given here for those who are interested in knowing various reactions. Some notable points have been highlighted by me.


11. From: knrao

Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 5:26 pm
Past life/ Nadi or Bhrigu reading

I agree with you hundred percent. It is so with ordinary, non-Bhrigu astrologers also these
days. And there are people who fall prey to their tricks because they want quick or instant solutions. The Bhrigu reader I have referred to has given some remarkable readings about future which is why I respect him. I will write about him later.

Yet, I have seen some of his readings go wrong totally also.


12. From: knrao

Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 7:00 pm
Subject: Bhrigu--the good and bad of it: A honest reader

The Bhrigu reader I am referring to is absolutely honest. I have never seen him prescribing any costly remedies and demanding money. He does, when it comes in the reading, speak of doing some shanti which again is not costly. He leaves it to you to do or not and wherever you want to do it.

I have written so often on this list and created enemies here also because I know some of the popular fraudulent methods. An addition made recently is that one astrologer even went to the extent of speaking of Kal Sarpa Yoga in Jaimini astrology .

This Bhrigu reader has no fixed fees. I have seen people giving him from fifty to one thousand rupees. He accepts both with the same grace.

But some of his readings of the future are sensational. I will give one instance later.But I also know that he worships nearly for eight to ten hours a day and does yagnas almost every day. He does Bhrigu prashna also where he casts a horoscope as we do, but interprets in his own way.

I have yet to meet an astrologer or a Bhrigu reader with so much moral excellence as this man. It is because of this that I like him and encourage others to go to him.

But the problem is that he does chain reading. Not covering the entire reading of a life in one sitting. It is staggered. At the end of the reading, it is stated that you will or can come after four months or one year etc.not before.

I have said many times that an astrologer who speaks of CURSES AND SHANTI is a suspect in my view.

Yours sincerely,

13. From: knrao

Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 8:00 pm

Bhrigu--the good and bad of it

His name is Pandit Nathulal. He lives in Karovi Village in Bhilwara District of Rajasthan. I do not have his phone number though he has one. He speaks mostly about the efficacy of Gayatri Mantra. He and the Chaya Shastri of Ahmadabad have been the only honest Bhrigu readers I have met. Others frightened and fleeced people and their predictions went wrong mostly. I am personally witness to some very spectacular readings about the future of some people done by Nathulalji and have also seen some terrible failures. As in any field, failures are part of the story of anyone’s life.

What will he do with any software when he does not have even a computer and when none in his family (his nephew who is learning astrology and assists him) is computer literate?

For those who live in big cities, visiting him is to go back two centuries in history where feudal rivalries and modern villanies get fused into a chaotic enigma which is modern life mostly now in India.

Now that Dhirubai Ambani is dead, let me reveal that often many people from that famous commercial house of India went to him for readings, like many Gujarati billionaires.

He is always hard pressed for time. He has been kind to me.When I send a word to him through friends, he reserves half a day for me and my friends exclusively. Between me and him is a mutual bond of respect, some unconscious sharing of an indefinable ideal.


14. From: knrao

Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 8:22 pm
Subject: An instance/ Nathulalji

Here is one instance of a reading of Nathulalji.

A woman student of ours, very gifted as far as predictive astrological ability is concerned,
goes to him often, almost five times a year. She is from Rajasthan and her grandfather was very friendly with Nathulalji. So there is a family bond in this case.

Step by step the reading , done in a staggered way was:

1) Sometime in late 2002 perhaps when she had gone there, in her reading came a warning. ‘SAVE YOUR BROTHER FROM GETTING TRAPPED IN A BAD MARRIAGE”.

2) She did not know that by then her lawyer brother had already promised another lawyer friend of his that he would marry his sister.

3) Back to Delhi, when this woman came to know of the decision of her brother she was shocked and tried to dissuade her brother not to marry that girl.

4) But her brother refused to listen to her and married that girl.

5) It took no time for the family to discover that the girl was half mad.

6) They went to Nathulalji this time with the brother of this woman astrologer who had disbelieved this reading and was suffering now.

7) The reading was keep “quiet for one year otherwise it would be disastrous.”

8) After one year Nathulalji advised them to proceed legally.

9) After six months of efforts in July 2004, the divorce was obtained after a payment of some huge sum.

The precise reading done by Nathulalji was that her brother would get trapped into marrying a mad girl and face some difficult time for two years.

Yours sincerely,

15 From: knrao

Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 8:53 pm
Subject: Caution

I have written about Nathulalji earlier also. Reading it, someone from USA visiting India, went to him got some hundrum reading and was thoroughly disappointed.

I must caution you that in a chain reading, it is sometimes only that something spectacular comes out. When life is hundrum why are you expecting something spectacular to happenwhich does not happen in our lives ?

Then there is the limitation of language, the limitation of modernising some words. For instance, he said as early as 1995 that I would produce a panchanga (almanac). It was the Journal of Astrology from 1997. Often in the reading something comes out which he translates as running a hotel. But I have seen those people selling food products.

Yours sincerely,

16. From: knrao

Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 8:55 pm
Subject: Again caution

Often, the timing given by Nathulalji goes wrong, but the event comes out correct. I cannot explain why it happens.

Yours sincerely,

17. From: knrao

Date: Thu Dec 9, 2004 9:30 pm
Subject: Caution again 2

The wife of a friend of mine along with him went to Nathulalji once. The reading was “your reading will be done once and you need not come again ever.” In such cases, do not even attempt to go there again.

In one case, a friend was told not to go to him for any reading at all for three years. Everytime he tried to go there, he met with accidents on his way.

Let me stop here today as some people have dropped in.

Yours sincerely,

 adityauc Posts: n/a Default Nadi Astrology/ Bhrigu Samhita Can anyone suggest name of a genuine nadi-reader/ someone possessing Bhrigu Samhita ? I repeat GENUINE Gauranga Das Posts: n/a Default Re: Nadi Astrology/ Bhrigu Samhita JAYA JAGANNATHA! Dear Aditya, Namaste. I have visited one in April this year. His name is Pandit Nathulal and he lives in Kaoli village in Bilwara district of Rajasthan. His phone no. is 01482284605. He made predictions for me and my friends form Bhrigu Samhita. I take him to be genuine. By the way Nadi Grantahs are different from Bhrigu Samhita and Agastya Nadi etc. are more practiced in South-India. Yours, Gauranga Das -- Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer & Ayurvedic Consultant Tel: +36309140839 Skype: gauranga_das