Subject: [world-vedic] Predictions of a Disastrous Period From: Vrndavan Parker Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 03:47:57 +0200 (CEST) To: THE DREADFUL PERIOD 2007 – 2008 It appears that the period from mid-2007 to mid-2008 will prove to be both dreadful and full of potentialities according to two reputed astrologers. These are condensed by a friend in Chennai removing most of the astrological jargon. Although these forecasts are for nations, even individuals should be cautious in this period In astrological parlance there are periods called dashas in the life of individuals and nations, which are ruled by their planets. The periods of dasha changes are usually full of tensions and strife. During 2007-08 there are changes in the dasha periods for three major countries, India, USA and Russia. Hindu astrologers also consider the position of the planets at the commencement of the lunar (Shaka) new year (in this case 19 March 2007) for predicting the events during the year Sri K. N. Rao, Editor: Indian Journal of Astrology, ( Without sounding to be a prophet of doom, let me answer a question put to me by friends who have read my astrological articles in Hindi for the last two years warning about the years 2007-2008 as dreadful. It is necessary to look at the danger indicated astrologically, the damage resulting both from man made and natural calamities in the coming years, particularly in 2007-2008. Is the nation safe, particularly the capital of India, Delhi is a question that must worry us. USA That may be in 2007 when USA may decide to use some "ultimate" weapons to threaten West Asian countries to force them to come down on their knees. In turn, it may lead to domestic disasters. There can be many such inferences. It is a terrible frustration in USA coupled with a mood of desperation that is visible now. American officials had expected the violence to drop after Iraqis regained control of their government in the belief that Iraqi security forces would be better at gathering intelligence and support for militants would erode. But continuing attacks suggest that it will take time, possibly years, to crush the insurgency. How will Iraqi insurgency ever end with Muslims identifying it as an attack on Islam? Will USA have to resort to the use of very dangerous nuclear weapons in utter desperation, with Russia facing a similar problem, agreeing implicitly and China only protesting but doing nothing? India In the case of India, it appears much worse. The New Year horoscope of 2007 shows affliction by both Saturn and Mars and the best planet Jupiter in the eighth house. It is a war like situation. India has always to remind itself that Pakistan has made it clear through actions and statements that the threat of war between these two countries will remain until the Kashmir issue is resolved. The word "resolved" has two meanings as it has been since the days of Jawaharlal Nehru. India cannot part with this piece of territory and Pakistan must claim it as its own or see it as an independent country. Though Al Quaeda may have been partly annihilated as an organization, it is well recognized that, the Al Quaeda spirit remains unsubdued and will keep creating waves after waves of jehadis which is a world problem for whole of USA, Europe and a major non-Muslim country like India. In the middle of 2007, particularly in the month of August, Saturn Ketu conjunction in Simha with Mars in Vrisha and Mithuna are most dangerous portents for the safety of India and particularly the capital, Delhi. The year in which Mars retrogrades and stays long in two rashis are notable for violent incidents is what we must also remember. Also Saturn in Simha has given enough problems to India and its governments in the past. In 2007, it will be more dangerous, because it will be with Ketu and there will be mutual aspect with retrograde Mars. Though there has been no replicable astrological research on earthquakes, all indications in 2007 are of earthquakes in India and elsewhere. The city of Delhi falls now under a dangerous seismic belt, with a prominent fault, as seismologists have pointed out, running from east Delhi towards Meerut. Delhi will in any case suffer some destruction, whether it is earthquake or war. Can it be an indication of a terrible earthquake affecting Delhi, destroying it partly or fully? Russia In the case of Russia, the beginning of Rahu dasha will be creative no doubt and economically very beneficial. But the beginning of Rahu dasha is always uncomfortable. Rahu also represents in this case Russia's unsolvable Chechnya problem and its possible repercussions in the former Muslim republics, which are gradually swinging towards fundamentalism. Summing up the year 2007, a year of disaster is also the beginning of a painful change all over the world. Sri Kurumathur Parameshwaran Nambudiripad (a well-informed and spiritually-oriented astrologer) Taking the time of Indian Independence as a reference point, it has to be noted that it was a period of Kaala-sarpa yoga, an inauspicious combination of planets, which indicated the sufferings and difficulties that followed. Subsequently whenever this combination recurred some untoward happenings had occurred. Also at the time of Independence, Saturn was in an unfavourable position. >From 1987 onwards Shukra-dasha started. This dasha, which continues now, is to some extent a period of material progress, but also a time marked by the decline of spiritual values and materialistic dominance and this state will continue till the Aadithya-dasha beginning in June 2007. Saturn is also now in a very inauspicious position and it will move to a more favourable position by July 2007. Therefore, till then the country has to face serious difficulties. As Aadithya (Sun) is Aathmakaaraka, his dasha will mark the dawn of a spiritual renaissance. The circumstances for better social harmony and progress will begin and other nations also will be benefited by the Indian example. Even subsequent Kaala-sarpa-yoga, contrary to its inauspicious character would take a reverse stance that will be beneficial. Although the planetary positions are getting favourable from the second half of 2007, the second half will still be an unfavourable period because the six months before the meeting point of Sukra-dasha and Aadithya-dasha and six months after this will be inauspicious. Moreover, combined with this the 4-month's swaapahaara period of Aadithya-dasha will also be unfavourable, Therefore, what Sri K. N. Rao said is relevant. However, the subsequent emergence of a spiritually-oriented age will take India to a renaissance, which will be recognised and accepted by the world. Although the Aadithya-dasha is only for 6 years, the new energy created during this period will be powerful enough to eclipse the negative effects of the inauspicious combinations of planets at the time of Independence. The following Chandra-dasha of 10 years will reinforce the country with considerable mental strength. It should be remembered that the phases of difficulties are not merely because of the physical effects of the particular combinations of the planets since the combinations of planets are only the indications of the particular character of the impact of an individual's or a group of people's karma, as astrology is a science mainly based on the theory of karma. But spiritual reinforcement through the chanting Rama Nama, mass prayers and appropriate rituals like homas, yagas, etc., will greatly help to modify the kaarmic impacts and to alleviate the ill effects of the period up to 2008. According to him spirituality should not be seen isolated from political and social well-being and the decline of Hinduism can be greatly attributed to the decline of spirituality too. Spirituality does not mean (as is often misunderstood) as withdrawal from life. It is, in fact, reinforcement of every aspect of life and expanding to greater dimensions of strength and freedom. And whenever India was mighty spiritually, the Hindu culture was strong in every respect and it spread over a major part of the world with ease giving people solace and a greater vision of life. He feels that such a cultural conquest by India will take place in the future.