Subject: [world-vedic] Some Vastu Tips (Vedic Feng Shui) Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 07:45:31 -0000 Reply-To: To: 'Vaastu' - The science of building homes in harmony with nature. The world once thought to be unfathomable, has now reduced to a Global village. With the increasing awareness about subjects like Astrology, Palmistry, Ayurveda, Yagnas and Gem therapy people have now started rediscovering these forgotten science and their significance in everyday life. It is history repeating itself for the modern man. After all the struggles and experiments with the nature, he has fallen back on these good old concepts. These occult sciences are not mere superstitions, but have scientific proofs to its credibility. And, Vaastu is one such science that helps you in building your living place that can bring permanent peace and harmony. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE FOR VAASTU Man is always been a tiny part in the universe gripped by the laws of the nature, any attempt by him to subdue the cosmos has always lead to wide degree destruction. Vaastu brings about synchronisation between you and your living place, and helps you to blend perfectly with the nature. How does earth's magnetic field effect bird's flight The earth is divided into two poles, the North Pole and the South Pole, which are considered to be the magnetic ends of the planet. It is scientifically proven that the magnetic waves or currents flow between these poles. Pigeons and many other birds are tuned to the alignment of these magnetic waves, and use it to find their way home. But, it was recently found that when tiny magnet is planted on the head of the pigeons and other birds they tend to go astray. This simply proves that the magnetic field of our planet does surely effect living organism on earth. Sunlight and you For the first half of the day, the sunlight enters our houses from the East and during the second part it enters through the west. There is scientific evidence that the morning sunlight can provide vitamin D and other energies to keep you fit all through the day. Hence, in Vaastu Shastra it is advised that a house should have windows and doors placed in such a way that maximum sunlight enters inside. Position of your pillow and your sleep You may have noticed that if you change the direction of the pillow, your sleep gets disturbed and, once the pillow is brought back to the old position you tend to have a sound sleep. The brain responds positively or negatively to direction or angle or height, even if you are unaware of the changes. Your HOMEWORK Points to remember before buying your own plot The Vaastu rules The shape of your plot should either be square or rectangular. It should always have a regular shape, and should not be of irregular shape with jagged edges. The natural rainwater always flows towards the North and the East, hence the ground level of the North and the East should be lower than levels at the South and the West. An underground water tank or a well should be situated at the North- Eastern corner of the plot. In such cases, the inhabitants will be able to fulfill all their desires, maintain good health and become gradually wealthy. The height of the building in the South and West should be more than that in the North and East for the rainwater to flow. The terrace of the first floor should preferably be in the North and East. More open space should be left in the North and East than in South and West. The kitchen should preferably be in the South-East. North-West is considered to be the 2nd best. Toilet should be avoided in the South-West and North-Eastern corners of the house. Entrance should preferably be from the North or the East with more door and window openings in the North and East directions. Bedrooms should be in the South-West corner of the house. This gives all round prosperity. Never have a bedroom in the North-East corner. Beds and cots should be placed touching West wall or South wall, and the head should be placed in such a way that one sees East or North while the person is on the bed. Almirah/wardrobes and wardrobes also should be placed in South or West directions so that they will face the North or East respectively. No almirah/wardrobes should be kept in North-East corner. In case there is no other alternative, then the almirah/wardrobes should be made of light material. If these rules are not followed, there will be great financial troubles. Cash box should be kept in the North. However, heavy box and almirah/wardrobes used for keeping cash and jewelry may be kept in the South, West or South-West to give financial stability. The best place for the puja room (room for worship) is North-East corner. But don't forget to have a window to let the sunlight come in. Never have a staircase in the North-East corner of the building. In case this is unavoidable, make sure that the room in the South-West corner is higher than the highest point of the staircase. Balconies should be towards the East or North. The compound walls of South and West should be thicker than the walls of North and East.