From: "Vrin Parker" Mailing-List: list Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2004 19:13:07 -0000 Subject: [world-vedic] A web trove of India's glorious past A `web trove' of India's glorious past We are aware of the great Indian tradition and culture. But did you know, blue jeans, the hallmark of American fashion, originated in India? To learn more such interesting facts log on to N S SOUNDARA RAJAN Atribute to Hinduism is a treasure trove of facts and figures which can enhance our awareness, multifold, about the great Indian traditions we have inherited from time immemorial. Among the numerous nuggets of bewildering and fascinating details arduously compiled here, the following stand out. Did you know blue jeans, the hallmark of American fashion, originated in India? Yes! Blue Jeans, one of India's lasting contributions to western life, was the export of a thick cotton cloth known as `Dungaree' which, in the sixteenth century was sold near the Dongarii Fort in Bombay. Portuguese and Genoan sailors used this durable blue broad cloth, dyed with indigo, for their bellbottom sailing pants. We read, day in and day out, about the hue and cry over outsourcing to India. This is nothing new, two thousand years ago the Senate in Rome passed an ordinance forbidding senators from wearing togas made from Indian cloth - a legal effort to slow the flow of gold coins pouring out of Roman coffers into India. The finest Damascus steel, the world's first high-carbon steel, was a product of India and was known as wootz, the English word for ukku in Kannada and Telugu, meaning steel. Indian steel was used for making swords and armour in Persia and Arabia in ancient times. Ktesias at the court of Persia (5th century BC) mentions two swords made of Indian steel which the Persian king presented him. The pre-Islamic Arab word for sword is `muhannad' meaning from Hind. The Iron Pillar near the Qutb Minar was dug out in 1961 for chemical treatment and preservation. The chemical analyses carried out revealed that the pillar, despite exposure for 15 centuries, was astonishingly pure or low in carbon compared with modern commercial iron. Likewise, a slender iron pillar near the Mookambika temple located in Kollur in Kodachadri Hills in Karnataka, a region which is subjected to heavy monsoon rains, stands free of rust. Those interested to know about the antiquity of Dwaraka could browse a report and images on the latest excavations done by Dr S R Rao of the Marine Archaeology Unit of the National Institute of Oceanography of India. In his report Dr Rao observes: "The discovery of the legendary city of Dwaraka which is said to have been founded by Sri Krishna, is an important landmark in the history of India. It has set to rest the doubts expressed by historians about the historicity of Mahabharata and the very existence of Dwaraka city. It has greatly narrowed the gap in Indian history by establishing the continuity of the Indian civilization from the Vedic Age to the present day." Ancient India's sea-faring capabilities have been much underestimated by many Western scholars. Chinese literary texts refer to hectic maritime and trade activity between India and China as far back as the 7th century BC. Indian traders would set sail from the port of Mahabalipuram, carrying with them cinnamon, pepper and their civilization to the shores of Java, Cambodia and Bali. Recent excavations in Philippines, Malay Peninsula, and Indonesia confirm of early and extensive trade which continued down to the historical period. In the Hellenic world, the processions of Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-246 BC) included these from India - women, hunting dogs, cows and Indian spices carried on camels. And, many may be unaware that India became the first power to defeat a European power in a naval battle when Marthanda Varma, the ruler of Travancore, routed an invading Dutch fleet in the `Battle of Colachel'. At one can go on meandering through a plethora of factual and fascinating details about Beginning of Indian Scientific Thought, Concept of Time, Physics, Mathematics, Grammar, Science, Education, Chemistry and metallurgy, Shipbuilding and Navigation, Medical Science, Astronomy, Fables, Music and Games, Martial Arts, Philosophy, Government and Constitution, Law, Democracy, Logic in ancient India, Religion, Art and Architecture, Literature, Textiles and much more. The website site has also cataloged thoughts of world-renowned intellectuals regarding Hinduism, recommends books for further reading, and provides useful links for further research. This website has been recognized as a resource by many eminent organizations and institutions, among them, The Yale Vedanta Society, Princeton University, Cornell University, Glasgow University and Encyclopedia Britannica. If you wish to educate yourself or your children about the richness, depth and sheer diversity of Indian spiritual and scientific traditions is a great place to make a beginning. A stupendous personal endeavour by Ms Sushama Londhe, this website could go a long way to help remove some of the common misconceptions and misinterpretations about our great legacy. The author wishes to acknowledge the co-operation received from Ms Sushama Londhe ( to write this article.