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Cat’s Eye


Hardness 8.5, Specific gravity 3.75, Refractive index 1.75

Cat’s eye belongs to the Chrysoberyl family. Chrysoberyl is an aluminate of beryllium. Gems that are a cloudy yellow to brownish greeEn color, which shine with varying colors and luster, are known as cat’s eye. Cat’s eye resembles the eye of a cat caught in headlights at night. It can appear in two colors—translucent honey brown or apple green. It is cut into a rounded cabochon and has moderate dispersion.

A cat’s eye’s value is judged by its luster and the richness of its color, the sharpness of the eye and its clarity and shape. A cat’s eye with a yellow radiance and white band is considered a high quality gem. The gem is considered superior if the inside band is brilliant and straight. Cat’s eye is worth about one-third the cost of a blue sapphire.

Some stones show an effect called “milk-and-honey.” If a flashlight is shined at the stone’s side, half the stone appears milky white while the other half remains a honey color. The honey-yellow gemstones are the most valuable, the green ones next best. A cat’s eye with a band is called alexandarite; without the band it is known as chrysolite.

Cat’s eyes are found in Myanmar (Burma), Brazil, China, Sri Lanka, and Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) in India.

Those found in the Mogok mines in Myanmar (Burma) and in Sri Lanka are considered the best.A kind of cat’s eye also appears in the quartz family, but it is inferior to the one that appears in the chrysoberyl family. The quartz cat’s eye is soft and a lower quality. The quartz cat’s eye is a less expensive substitute for the chrysoberyl cat’s eye. Quartz cat’s eyes are found in India and Sri Lanka.Tiger’s eyes are similar to cat’s eyes. They are a yellowish black color (golden yellow to bluish) with a band of green. They actually resemble a tiger’s eye. This is another less expensive substitute for the chrysoberyl cat’s eye.

Imitation cat’s eye can be made by cutting synthetic or natural star sapphires in a way that reveals only one ray of the star. Tourmaline and apatite may appear to be chrysoberyl cat’s eyes, but they are softer stones. Quartz and glass can also seem like cat’s eyes, but they can be distinguished by their lower specific gravity and lightness.

Astrological Effect of Cat’s Eye
One is recommended to wear a cat’s eye in reference to Ketu. A badly placed Ketu can give one a bad reputation, rivalries, and bring scandal. Cat’s eye can also be used if the Sun is badly placed in the birth chart, but a competent astrologer should make the recommendation for its use. Cat’s eye has a good result if Ketu is in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth houses from

Venus in the chart. Cat’s eye acts quickly and should be worn only after a trial. The cosmic number for cat’s eye is seven.Wearing a good cat’s eye makes one wealthy, healthy, strongly determined, knowledgeable, and gives good children, happiness in relation to chil dren, and protection from enemies. It will help one gain insight, psychic powers, and can help one have better perception. It gives gains from speculations, the stock market, and gambling. It is said to help one practice witchcraft, if one is so inclined. It protects one from hidden enemies, and keeps one from jail, intoxication, and drowning.

Cat’s eye transmits the cosmic color, infra-red, the hottest cosmic ray. It can therefore help with terminal diseases such as paralysis and cancer. It is good for digestive complications, skin problems, and allergies. It can also help with heart problems.Politicians can use cat’s eye to good benefit, and it can help those in business from losing money.

Some flaws of a cat’s eye are if it is dull, has a web, is spotted, or it has depressions. Wearing a stone with webs can send a person to jail. It is especially important not to use a gem that has dark or black imperfections, as these will bring misfortune. A cracked gem can cause injury. If it is spotted, it can cause problems with enemies. A dull or opaque stone causes bad health. If it has black spots, it can cause death. If it is lusterless, it can cause bad fortune to one’s children. A depression can cause digestion problems.

A cat’s eye should be set in steel or gold, or even platinum, on the small finger of the left hand, at midnight on Thursday (some say Saturday), when the Moon is waxing. Some authorities say that the ring should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand. The stone should weigh more than three carats, but five carats or more is better.When the ring is made, Ketu should be in a positive sign, such as when Ketu is in Sagittarius, Pisces, or Aries, or in the constellations of Mula, Ashvini, or Magha.

The mantra to be chanted for cat’s eye: Om kem ketave namaha.Substitute stones are tiger’s eye, quartz family cat’s eye, tourmaline, and beryl.

Ketu is not compatible with the Sun and Moon, so cat’s eye or its substitutes should not be worn with rubies or pearls or their substitutes. Some authorities say that cat’s eye or its substitutes should also not be worn with yellow sapphires or red coral. The Navaratna setting is an exception.

Depending on a person’s occupation, different shades of cat’s eye should be worn. A priest, teacher, scientist, or intellectual should wear a honey yellow stone. A ruler, soldier, or administrator should wear a honey brown stone. A businessman, farmer, or banker should wear a honey green stone. A laborer, artisan, or servant should wear a dark green stone.

Stotra of invocation: “Om palamsa puspa samkasam, taraka grham astakam, raudram raudrat makam ghoram, tam ketum pranamami aham.”

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