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Emerald (Panna)


Hardness 7.5 to 8, Specific gravity 2.69 to 2.8, Refractive index 1.57, Dispersion 0.014

An emerald is the green variety of beryl, a silicate of aluminum and beryllium. Emeralds have a low dispersion and a glassy look. Their crystal system is hexagonal.

Pale blue aquamarine, pale green beryl, golden helidor, and pink morganite are also beryls made of the same chemical composition, but each has a different color. If an emerald is too light green, it is not considered a true emeralds, but is called a green beryl. An emerald is a rich translucent green—like green grass glistening in the dew. A flawless emerald is transparent, brilliant, radiant, and has bright spraying rays. Emeralds have almost no fire. They retain their color in artificial light, whereas most green gems do not. Flawless gems are rare. A high quality emerald can cost $20,000 per carat, and is more valuable than a high quality ruby.

Emeralds are mainly mined in Colombia and Brazil, and are also found in Africa, Zambia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Russia, Egypt, India (near Ajmer and Udaipur), and Rhodesia. Colombian emeralds are considered the best, and those mined in Muzo are considered the best of those mined in Colombia. About ninety percent of the world’s natural emeralds come from Colombia. These emeralds are generally more translucent and possess better color than emeralds from other places. The emeralds from Ajmer are a paler green but still attractive. Emeralds from Udaipur tend to be darker, but they are brittle.

A rectangular step-cut (emerald cut) is generally used for emeralds, because it focuses on the depth of the emerald crystal and brings out the gem’s beautiful color. Emeralds are one of the hardest gems to cut. They tend to be brittle, and if handled improperly, will chip or break. They are extremely hard—harder than steel.Quite a variety of synthetic emeralds have been developed over time. Synthetic emeralds have been produced since 1934. They often command a high price.

The main site for emerald processing and sales is the Indian city of Jaipur. Emeralds from all over the world are sent to Jaipur for processing.
The best colored emeralds are the color of green grass, the green in a peacock feather, the color of a parrot’s neck, velvet green, the green on the back of a firefly, and the color of fresh moss. Wearing a flawless emerald of any these shades will greatly benefit the wearer. Light green emeralds have less value.

Most emeralds have tiny cracks or inclusions, reducing their value. Emeralds tend to have more inclusions than most gems. It is best to avoid gems with cracks close to the surface as the durability of the gem can be affected.

Almost all emeralds are placed in oil immediately upon coming from the mines. This helps rid them of inclusions at the surface. Emeralds are also sometimes oiled to conceal cracks or dyed to improve their color. Both of these are fraudulent practices if the seller does not disclose this treatment to the buyer. A good way to examine an emerald is to hold it with tweezers under water. By then looking at it through the glass, it is possible to see if the gem has been dyed or oiled. Emeralds that are dyed, oiled or treated do not have a good effect astrologically, and should not be used for astrological purposes.

Astrological Effects of Emerald
Emeralds are ruled by Mercury. Those who have Mercury as lord of an auspicious house in their birth chart may find emeralds beneficial. If Mercury is in an inauspicious house or is aspected by a malefic planet, it may also be advisable to wear emeralds, but its use in this case should be prescribed by a qualified astrologer. Emeralds can be useful for those under the influence of Gemini or Virgo.

Flaws in an emerald can interfere with the transmission of Mercury’s cosmic force, so flawed emeralds should not be used. Green is the cosmic color emeralds enhance, and the cosmic number is five.The best emeralds are smooth, brilliant, transparent, radiant, free of spots, have a rich even color, appear to glow, and have no bad internal or external flaws. They should also be well cut. An emerald should reflect a good light that shines like lightning.

An emerald that does not show glow, appears transparent in the center, or has a lighter tone, is not a first-class stone. An emerald is also considered inferior if it is too dark. An emerald’s weaknesses: cracks, rough surface, thick water marks, depressions, no luster, brittleness, more than one color tint, a blackish tinge and a dirty appearance. If the gem is bright like mica, do not purchase it. Do not wear a mixed-colored emerald.

A good emerald without defects will bring wealth, good health, property, and increase a person’s intelligence. Emeralds help increase memory, which has the effect of also improving the wearer’s education and psychic abilities. Emeralds protect against snakebite, envious people, evil spirits, and curses. They give good children, and pregnant women who wear emeralds are ensured a safe and painless delivery. Emeralds give energy and balance, calm the mind, give mental peace, and help meditation. Emeralds help their wearers practice chastity. They also help the wearers do well on exams, to not lose money in business, to be honest, and to have a good reputation. Wearers can formulate good ideas and will possess the strength to enact them.

Emeralds can be useful for businessmen, printers, publishers, scientists, and writers. They can be good for those working in the chemical business, in public relations, medical equipment, diplomats, mediators, and factory owners. They help with communication and verbal skills, and are therefore good for writers, actors, and public speakers. Businessmen who wear emeralds can learn to communicate better.

Emeralds transmit green, which is by nature a cold color. The color green influences the liver, intestines, kidneys, and the body’s flesh. Emeralds also affect the nose. They may help with heart conditions, concentration, insomnia, dysentery, diarrhea, stuttering, asthma, and ulcers. Emeralds can help with diseases caused by imbalances of vital bodily airs. Emeralds are good for purifying the blood, and are useful in treating nervous conditions. Therefore, they may help cure epilepsy, diseases caused by poisons, insanity, stammering, memory loss, hepatitis, stomach problems, depression, bronchitis, flatulence, and dyspepsia. They help strengthen the positive life force, and work with the lungs, tongue, and brain.Those who wear defective emeralds may find distress, loss of wealth, injury, unhappiness, and will not find happiness in relation to their parents.

Emeralds should be set in gold on a Wednesday. They can also be set on Fridays or Saturdays. The gemstone should not weigh less than one carat, but three carats is recommended. The best sizes are three, five, seven, or ten carats. The proper rituals should be performed, and the following mantra chanted 108 times: Om bum budhaya namah om. An installed emerald ring should be worn on the little finger of the right hand within one or two hours after sunrise on a Wednesday of the bright half of the lunar month. The ring should be made when Mercury is in Virgo.

Substitutes: green tourmaline, green jade, aquamarine, green zircon, peridot, chrome tourmaline, chrome diopside, and green agate.
As Mercury is not compatible with the Moon, emerald should not be used with pearl or moonstone. Some authorities say that emeralds should not be worn with yellow sapphires, red coral, or their substitutes.

Depending upon a person’s occupation, different color emeralds should be worn. A priest, teacher, scientist, or intellectual should wear light green emeralds. A ruler, soldier, or administrator should wear bluish green. A businessman, farmer, or banker should wear yellowish green. A laborer, artisan, or servant should wear dark green.Emerald affects the element earth and the sense of smell. It relates to the seventh chakra, Sahasrana (above the head).

Stotra of invocation: Om priyangu kalika syaman, rupena pratimam budham, somyam somya guno petam, tam budham pranamami aham

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