HOME > Eastern Gemology > Garnet


Hardness 7.5, Specific gravity 3.7–3.8, Refractive index 1.75

Garnets are good substitutes for rubies. A nice garnet has a good color, and is lively and durable. Superior garnets are often faceted, and the lower quality ones are made into beads. Garnets come in a wide variety of colors, but never in blue.

Pyrope garnet is the most popular of the garnets. It is composed of magnesium and aluminum and has a deep blackish-red, brownish-red, or ruby red color. Such garnets are also called Bohemian garnets, Cape rubies, or Arizona rubies. They are not usually flawed.

Garnets are mined in South Africa, Russia, Australia, Brazil, Myanmar (Burma), and the USA. It is usually best to wear garnet around the neck.

A friendship can be cemented by the gift of a pyrope garnet. It is said that this stone will change color if the wearer is due to suffer in some way. Wearing garnets can help one have a successful career and gain wealth, and can help the wearer’s descendants. It can also help women improve their bad health and relieve nightmares. Wearing garnets can make one feel more relaxed.

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