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Hardness 9, specific gravity 4.03, refractive index 1.64–1.76, dispersion 0.018

A ruby is a corundum, which is a crystalline form of an oxide of aluminum. It is infused with a small amount of chromium, which gives ruby its red color. A ruby is a beautiful red stone and is usually expensive. Rubies usually occur in crystals of six-sided prisms and are second in hardness only to diamonds. The mineral is chemically stable and has virtually no cleavage. Rubies are transparent to translucent. The crystal system is hexagonal, and the optic character is double refractive.

Perfect rubies are less common than perfect diamonds, and are usually much more expensive. Large rubies are unusual, so their value increases as the carat size increases more than with other precious gems. In Sanskrit, the ruby is known as ratnaraj, the “king of gems,” and as ratnanayaka, the “leader of gems.” Rubies with a vivid crimson color to a slightly purplish red (the color, they say, of pigeon blood) are the most valuable.The best rubies come from the Mogok district in Upper Myanmar (Burma). This is where the pigeon-blood-colored rubies come from. A large ruby from Myanmar can sell for millions of dollars. Rubies are also mined in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. India mines some rubies, but they are not usually of good quality. Siamese rubies are usually darker than Burmese ones. The ones from Sri Lanka are usually pale and partially colored. Most rubies are brought to Thailand for processing.

A perfect ruby is a rich, even red; its color is pure. It is cold to the touch, clear, lustrous, brilliant, radiant, smooth, and transparent. Because rubies have less brilliance and sparkle, and are more opaque, than diamonds, they are cut differently. They are not faceted, but cut in such a way as to accent their color.

To check whether what you are holding is a genuine ruby, hold it along with a known ruby of the same size. This tests the specific gravity (its weight). A ruby can also be scratch-tested with a known ruby. Only another corundum or a diamond can scratch a ruby.

Astrological Effects of Ruby
The Sun transmits red. Since ruby is ruled by the Sun, if the Sun is the lord of an auspicious house in the birth chart, wearing a ruby will be beneficial. Rubies are often prescribed to offset a weakly placed (afflicted) or badly placed Sun, or to increase the power of a well placed Sun. A ruby worn mistakenly can increase the Sun’s effect on mental and physical imbalance. Ruby is often recommended for one who has Virgo as their solar sign.

It is rare to find a flawless ruby. The qualities of a ruby that will have a good astrological effect: it is bright red, sparkles, has a fine shape, internal brilliance, is smooth, has lustrous rays, is heavy, it sprays out red rays in the early morning, and it glows in the dark. If a ruby is put in milk a hundred times, and afterwards the rays of the ruby can still be seen after it is taken out of the milk, it is considered to be high quality.

One who wears a defective ruby will have great trouble. A defective ruby can also cause trouble to the wearer’s relatives. The qualities that make a stone have a negative astrological effect: if it has many scratches or inclusions, breaks, internal cracks, is dull, is an off-color, has depressions, is brittle, cracks on the outside, is mixed with other minerals, is lusterless, feathery, dirty, unattractive, possesses no fire, has a rough surface, has a sandy look, is without brilliance, if the colors are not homogenous or are ambiguous, and if it has a bluish or coppery tint. The ruby may also have black or white spots, silky inclusions, a cloudy appearance, and be too dark around the edges. A ruby is considered flawed if it is honey-colored or has spots of honey color in it. Flawed rubies bring disease and bad luck.

If one wears an unflawed ruby the wearer will become wealthy, have good children, happiness, courage, a respected position in society, high honor, prestige and property. The wearer’s will-power and determination will also be strengthened. Rubies support the development of will power, courage, and vitality. They also help one have a proper spiritual view and to see truth, as well as helping to improve one’s status in life. The wearer will develop a royal life, and be protected from problems, fear, misfortune, and disaster. He or she will be fortunate, successful, optimistic, authoritative, intelligent, and will receive social status.

Wearing rubies is good for persons in authority, politicians, and for people trying to get a high position in the country. They protect the wearer from the jealousy of others, from deadly enemies, and from their competitors. They strengthen administrative skills, managerial abilities, and initiative. Astrologers, artists, judges, gem experts, sculptors, architects, lawyers, and engineers can use rubies to support their work. Rubies also help cure learning problems.

Since red color waves are hot, red gemstones are useful for curing health problems caused by too much cold and moisture in the body. Ruby and the Sun effect fire, the eyes, and bones. Rubies therefore deal with blood circulation, including low blood pressure and heart problems. They help protect against colds and flu.
Wearing rubies will protect one from diseases caused by imbalances in the bodily functions. Rubies work with digestion, metabolism, rheumatism, fever, gout, headaches, bones, indigestion, and stomach ulcers. They can also help with eye problems, and have been known to help with cancer. Rubies can help develop general good health, and prevent unhealthiness.

Since rubies are so powerful, they can cause trouble when worn by the wrong person. If the sign of Capricorn, Virgo, or Pisces are on the ascendant (rising), it may be better to use the substitute gem for ruby; the ruby itself may be too powerful.

It is said that if a ruby fades in color, the wearer will be a victim of disaster. When the problem has passed, the wearer will notice the gem regain its color. It is said that a ruby’s color will fade if it is near a poisonous substance. If a ruby’s color becomes deeper, this indicates danger for the wearer.

If a ruby has many flaws, it may cause death. A smoky stone attracts lightning to the wearer; a dusty stone may cause childlessness and stomach disorders. If there are white, black, or honey-colored spots on a ruby, the wearer will be defamed and have his or her life span shortened, lose wealth, and will suffer in other ways. A ruby with four spots will create anxiety about attack by a weapon. If there is a depression in the stone, the wearer will suffer from bad health and be physically weak. A milky stone causes one’s cattle to be destroyed. It is not recommended that a married woman wear ruby because this may give her the power to dominate her husband. Working women, on the other hand, can use a ruby to good advantage.

A ruby should not have any inauspicious flaws and should be at least 1½ carats (some say two carats). The larger the ruby, the better—three to five carats is good. Rubies should be set in gold or gold mixed with copper, and should be worn on a Sunday, Monday, or Thursday on the ring finger of the right hand. The ring should be first worn just after sunrise (within one hour of sunrise) on a Sunday of the bright half of the lunar month (when the Sun is waxing). Ideally, the gem should be put on when the Sun is in Leo in the constellation of Pushya. It could also be put on during Sagittarius. It should be put on when the Sun is in its own sign or is exalted. It is also good if it is installed during a constellation ruled by the Sun, such as Uttara Phalguni, Karttika, or Uttarashadha.

Before wearing the gem, place it in unboiled milk or Ganges water. It should then be worshipped with incense and flowers.

The Sun’s mantra is: Om hring hamsa suryaya namaha, or, Om grinih suryaya namah. Some “name” mantras dedicated to the Sun are as follows: Om suryaya namaha; Om ravaye namaha; Om savitra namaha; and Om adityaya namaha. The Sun mantras should be chanted 108 times per week (best at sunrise, noon, and sunset on a Sunday).The stotra of invocation: Om japa kusuma samkasam, kasaya peyam maham dvitim, tamoran sarva papagnam, pranato smi divakaram.

If one cannot afford a ruby, there are substitutes that can be worn, such as Pyrope red garnet (Arizona or Cape ruby—should be at least three carats; over five carats is better), Star ruby, red spinel (Balas ruby), red tourmaline (Siberian ruby), pink topaz (Brazilian ruby), rubellite, a red zircon, or other naturally red or pink transparent crystals.

A ruby or its substitutes should not be worn with a diamond, blue sapphire, cat’s eye, or hessonite (gomedha) or their substitutes. This is because Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are not compatible with the Sun, and these are the gems in relation to those planets. Using these gems in a Navaratna (Nine Gems ring or pendant) is the exception to this rule.

Depending on a person’s occupation, different colors and tones of rubies should be prescribed. A priest, teacher, scientist, or intellectual should wear pink-red (women should also wear pink). A ruler, soldier, or administrator should wear blood red. A businessman, farmer, or banker should wear orange-red. A laborer, artisan, or servant should wear purple-red.

A good quality ruby should not be worn with a flawed gem or a gem with which it is not astrologically compatible.

Ruby deals with the fifth chakra, Manipura. The color to be enhanced for the Sun is red. The number relating to ruby is one.

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